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Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within — Page 7


Hello! Glad to meet you all. I look forward to spending time here on the forums. Thanks 😃


Hey all. I’m a video editor, and my primary project lately has been using Topaz software to to AI upscaling of old standard def material that deserves the HD treatment. I’m in the process of upscaling the entirety of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to HD, and I have completed a 4K upscale of The Abyss Special Edition. Searching for info about HD versions of The Abyss led me to this site. I’m also a longtime fan of Adywan and Harmy. Glad to be here!


Hi all,

I have been a fan of the OT since I was a kid. Recently I wanted to show the originals to my kids and was horrified.

I am here to support efforts at preserving original theatrical releases of movies I love including Amadeus and the OT and any other movies that have been destroyed by their directors after the fact.

Happy to be here.


Hi Everyone… Same as Vicdtx above - want to get my children to watch the originals and someone should macklunkey me if I tried to pass off that nonsense. This, as they say, is the way.

Thank you for your service.


Hi, there! I grew up with the OT and the prequels, and spent a large part of my childhood reading Star Wars books and Wookieepedia articles. Over the past ten years, I grew worn out with Star Wars, but thanks to the amazing work of preservationists such as Harmy, I’ve rediscovered my love for the series and its universe.

I’m always glad to find a place to have civil discussion about the series with people who have different opinions and perspectives, which I think are important to keep yourself open to. It also seems to be a great place to keep track of the latest updates on fan projects and to get advice and information on those projects. So, I’m happy to be here, and I want to express my appreciation for all the users on here who’s work has made these fan restorations possible.


Hi folks,

Ive been on the site for a while but not introduced myself, I run the website www.starwarshomevideo.com

I have a collection of v2000 titles I would like to add to the preservation project but have no MySpleen account, any assistance with that would be a great help!

Thanks again



Welcome, projectcclarke! Big fan of your website. It’s a valuable resource around here. 😃

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Hi everyone, new member here (although I have been reading some of the posts for a while). I am a long time fan who remembers seeing each of the OT films in a theater when they were originally released. I am glad there are other fans who are dedicated to preserving them in projects such as 4K77 and Harmy’s Despecialized. I also appreciate other Sci-Fi shows and movies as well.


Hi all. I grew up in the 80s watching empire and jedi on vhs and was so relieved when I discovered people were doing restoration projects. Hopefully I will be able to contribute in some way in future. I recently saw Star Wars at the Albert Hall with the LSO playing the score live. To hear the score played right in front of me by the LSO was incredible, however George’s meddling ruined the flow (the orchestra had to keep repeating sections of the music to fill in the extended scenes etc.) and the emotional connection between the music and visuals was mostly lost for me. Han and Jabba?! Oh please no! Anyway, this was supposed to be just a hello!

I mostly edit and mix sound, mostly.


Hi all, I’m Julia and I’ve loved Star Wars for as long as I can remember…quite literally, as my earliest memory as a kid was seeing Attack of the Clones in a movie theater when it first came out. I was only three at the time, but I absolutely loved it. Early in my childhood I used to attend cons and play with Star Wars toys, and was even fortunate enough to meet Peter Mayhew when I was around nine. I’ll admit, I never saw the original trilogy theatrical films growing up, and for me, the special editions were the only editions. That changed with Harmy’s Despecialized. It was like falling in love with Star Wars all over again. I think the reason I’m joining this forum is for the brilliant preservations of the films I love that a great many of you are a part of. I’m definitely someone who believes that something as special as Star Wars (whether that’s George Lucas’s spectacular films, the horrendous holiday special, or anything inbetween) should be preserved and treated with care. I have a massive amount of admiration for anyone putting in the time and effort to preserve Star Wars media in all its many forms and feel like joining this forum will help me discover more projects. I’m especially hoping I’ll have an easier time finding my way to 4K77 and 4K83 here, because for whatever reason I had a much easier time finding the files for Harmy’s Despecialized.


I’m Rose Nessa! You can call me Rosie or Rose or Nessa! I’ve been a Star Wars fan for a long time since I was seven or something like that. I love the Original Trilogy and the Sequel Trilogy. I’ve never watched the prequel trilogy. I wanted to join a forum about Star Wars so here I am!
My favorite SW Original character are Luke Skywalker and Leia. I have A LOT of SW books.

Can’t wait to hear from other SW Orignal Trilogy fans!

Rose Nessa

Lets rule the galaxy as father and daughter. -Rose Nessa to her dad


Welcome to the site - some quality usernames signing up of late 👍

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Hey all

Don’t really use forums anymore, but I just found out on twitter that various people/groups are/have been working on restoring The Holy Trilogy to its original glory. In particular it was the 4K77 project I heard about and from reading their blog realised that various people have been restoring it to its proper theatrical glory.

Grew up watching SW as a kid. In fact I literally burned through several VHS copies of A New Hope over the years, as I would pop it into the player just about every day, as soon as I got home from school, which meant that each Xmas I had to record a new one off of the TV as the tape was just about dead by the time it screened again that year.

Still got my VHS copies of the OT from the last release before they were massacred by Lucas, although I no longer have a player to watch them on.


Hi. I am here to request some of your fantastic work. I have been following fan edits for a number of years. Faneditors have been fixing and extending some of my favourite films, for which I am extremely grateful. Keep up the good hard work 👍


Hello, everybody!

I discovered this site several months ago and decided to join because this place made me (fortunately) a purist.

I think it’s a pity that many Blu-ray releases don’t keep the original look, aspect ratios (and soundtrack, something that is often forgotten) of the movies we like so much (Star Wars and many more) and I’ve realized the importance of all this thanks to originaltrilogy.com


Hi all

I’m brand new here, a big fan of the OT since seing the first movie with my dad in '77. Hoping to become a part of the community.


Hello everyone, new member checking in. Been doing some reading here for a while now I can participate in the discussions.


I’ve been a long time lurker of the website and then i decided one day to finally become A member so that projects involving recreation of theatrical edits get my attention. I am what you would call a purist. I prefer to watch movies they way they were released and heard. But i’m also into different versions of a movie (dubs, audio mixes, formats, ratios, bootlegs etc.)


New member here, but I’ve lurked on-and-off for a while. Glad to be here!


Hey are you wonderful Star wars fans new here I just watched an interest in video talking about the despecialized version versus 4K77. I forsake grew up with the earliest version I can remember is being the VHS collection with the wings on the sides. I remember owning the special edition VHS with the gold and black and of course the first DVD release sadly I no longer have these has been years since I’ve watched Star wars and it’s true form. I wish I could have enjoyed the LaserDisc versions but I’ve never had the opportunity. I’m really looking forward to watching this and seen how it compares. And the amount of work put into this is simply epic.


Greetings all; Andy here. I’ve been a fan since I saw what the original theatrical version way back in '77. I’d been doing some quick research on the film and came across the discussions on the “Despecialized” version and “4K77”. I’m amazed I hadn’t heard of these efforts at all before but better late than never. I, of course, had to jump on checking them out and joining the forum. Thanks!


An obligatory…

& welcome to everyone joining up of late 👍

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Hello. Fan edits, recreations and preservation projects are something I have always had a casual interest in. I have mostly been following the Century 21 Thunderbirds recreation and other Supermarionation projects. I was recently reminded of the Star Wars fan edits so I thought I’d check this place out.


Hi All, Matt speaking here, from Italy with love for the 4k77 project.
Well Done Guys, keep On Going on this great projects of restoration.

See Ya


Hi folks,

Let me first say in all my years of using the internet I’ve never joined a forum or any community (other than my own personal facebook/social media accounts etc). I’m somewhat of an introvert so maybe this will encourage me to get involved in other forums and online conversations from now on - rather than hiding in the shadows!

OK so the main reason I’m here - and from what i’ve already read the reason a lot of people are citing: I have 2 young kids, they’re both aware of Star Wars, they know who Darth Vader is etc. but they’ve never seen the films so I’m looking forward to sitting them down soon and introducing them to the film world of Star Wars. We have the Blu-rays with all the slickness polished grading and cgi added but being a Dad I just have a memory of what I felt when I first watched the films when I was young that I’d love to pass on, if anything so they can see for themselves how the films have evolved over time and have a wider understanding of what the original films really were back in the day. Even tho I probably like how the films have changed and visually they probably do look better these days, the original trilogy had a certain charm that I’d love for my kids to experience and I’d love to feel again! Who knows - it’s been that long - maybe we’ll like the original original’s better!

I’m a professional film-maker (i work in post mostly corporate stuff) so interested in watching from a technical angle as well as an emotional one.

Thanks a bunch!