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Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020 — Page 3


Broom Kid said:

Here’s a HD picture where you can definitely make out what the discs are, and even what the letter from Mark Hamill says. (You guessed 100% correctly as to what they were)


So, that’s one mystery down: It’s absolutely one bonus disc per movie, like many expected.

Since I highly doubt the unaltered Originals are anywhere on those discs, and I already own Solo and TLJ on UHD, I’m going to skip this boxed set and just buy TRoS and the Originals on UHD separately. I might add R1 and TFA on UHD later.

Also, am I the only person who hates the idea of sliding my discs in and out of cardboard? I hate sets like that.


I would be happy if they finally included all the theatrical trailers in HD. The international ROTJ trailere is only available as a mediocre copy with StarWarsTrilogy.com watermark popping up periodically.


Seems a few people have already left on reviews / comments for this release on amazon, along the lines of…

‘No unaltered theatrical versions? - No thanks!’



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Broom Kid said:

it’s appearing as if the only upside to getting the box-set is cosmetic, as none of the on-disc content will be exclusive to it, so if you don’t care about the box, the letter, and the special book/artwork, you’re probably okay simply buying the movies you want individually. I believe this is the first time in quite awhile that Lucasfilm is allowing you to essentially part out a brand new set at retail. In 2004 you couldn’t just buy individual DVD titles in the OT, you had to get the full set or nothing. Same with the 2011 BD set (although I believe shortly afterwards they let you buy either trilogy in a separate set, sans bonus discs). But for 4K, it looks like they’re saying “you don’t HAVE to buy a box to get all the goodies. Just pick the movies you want.”

What if in a year or so they release another boxed set that DOES contain the unaltered versions, and they aren’t available any other way?


Rodney-2187 said:

Since I highly doubt the unaltered Originals are anywhere on those discs, and I already own Solo and TLJ on UHD, I’m going to skip this boxed set and just buy TRoS and the Originals on UHD separately. I might add R1 and TFA on UHD later.

Also, am I the only person who hates the idea of sliding my discs in and out of cardboard? I hate sets like that.

It depends on how well constructed the set is. I normally would prefer a regular case, but my Alien Anthology and Criterion Godzilla cases are very good. It’s pretty hard to scratch a blu-ray, so I’m not really worried about the discs coming into contact with the waxed/treated surface of the case. But the Bond 50 box-set is sort of annoying because it’s just hard to get the discs in and out.

I also doubt the originals are on those bonus discs, but I’m also wondering about how big those bonus BDs are - if they’re BD-25s or BD-50s. And either way - the bonus discs aren’t exclusive to this set, apparently. So if the originals ARE on those bonus discs, they’d be on the individual releases as well, albeit locked to 1080p.

But then again, you could probably fit a really nice-sized 1080p encode of the originals on a BD-50 with space leftover for a lot of bonus features per-movie. I guess the best-case scenario is that some of these bonus discs haves an alternate 1080p cut of the movie on it. Originals for the OT, Theatrical for TPM, IMAX for AOTC, etc etc. Again, best-case scenario isn’t the same as an at-all LIKELY scenario, but it could still be done.

What if in a year or so they release another boxed set that DOES contain the unaltered versions, and they aren’t available any other way?

Then I guess it’d be back to business as usual in that case? Although come to think of it, the last time Lucasfilm released unaltered versions, they didn’t do that. They stuck them on a bonus disc and made each individual title available without having to buy them all in a set.


Lets Hope That The Skywalker Saga Include Original Theatrical Versions Of Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, & 6, Because National Film Registry of The Library of Congress Might Have Star Wars 35mm Prints, Academy Film Archive Might Have Star Wars 35mm Prints Too, Since Original Camera Negative pieces removed for the CG-enhanced shots are no doubt in storage. Does it make any sense if Disney could restore 35mm Interpositive Of Star Wars In 4k Resolution?


BrightestDayFan2814 said:

Lets Hope That The Skywalker Saga Include Original Theatrical Versions Of Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, & 6, Because National Film Registry of The Library of Congress Might Have Star Wars 35mm Prints, Academy Film Archive Might Have Star Wars 35mm Prints Too, Since Original Camera Negative pieces removed for the CG-enhanced shots are no doubt in storage. Does it make any sense that they could restore 35mm Interpositive Of Star Wars In 4k Resolution?

It’s not a question of whether they can. It’s a question of whether they care.

But yes, I’m sure an interpositive—or even separation master—transfer could look very good, and it would take minimal effort from LF… The existence of all the prints you mention probably has no bearing on the possibility of releasing the OUT.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


I’m sure Disney cares, it’s a matter with George Lucas that’s keeping that from happening. Personally I would love to see the theatrical versions of the prequels included too.

Incidentally George is back at Lucasfilm.


ThiefCobbler4ever said:

I’m sure Disney cares

Song of the South, Fantasia, the technical revisionism present on every classic animated film they’ve brought to Blu-Ray. Hiding classic live-action titles behind the Disney Movie Club firewall.

Need I go on?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


ThiefCobbler4ever said:

Incidentally George is back at Lucasfilm.

Pretty sure this isn’t true outside of angry YouTube grifters wanting it to be that way. Where are you hearing this?


Yeah, nevermind. Found out this was fake rumor. Sorry about that.

Anyway, the Scandinavian releases are up for pre-order on Cdon.no and they reveal the bonus extras all but IX. I say this because this is what can be expected on the US/Skywalker Saga release(s):

Episode I:
-Audio Commentary by George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Dennis Muren and Scott Squires
-Archival Commentary by the Cast & Crew
-Conversations: Doug Chiang Looks Back
-Discoveries From Inside: Models & Miniatures
-George Lucas On The Digital Revolution

Episode II:
-Audio Commentary By George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Pablo Helman, John Knoll And Ben Snow
-Archival Audio Commentary By The Cast And Crew
-Conversations: Sounds In Space
-Discoveries From Inside: Costumes Revealed
-The Art Of Attack Of The Clones

Episode III:
-Audio Commentary by George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Rob Coleman, John Knoll and Roger Guyett
-Archival Audio Commentary by the Cast and Crew
-Conversations: The Star Wars That Almost Was
-Discoveries from Inside: Holograms & Bloopers

Episode IV:
-Audio Commentary by George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
-Archival Audio Commentary by the Cast and Crew
-Conversations: Creating A Universe
-Discoveries From Inside: Weapons & The First Lightsaber
-Anatomy Of A Dewback

Episode V:
-Audio Commentary by George Lucas, Irvin Kerschner, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt, and Dennis Muren
-Archival Audio Commentary by The Cast and Crew
-Conversations: The Lost Interviews
-Discoveries From Inside: Matte Paintings Unveiled

Episode VI:
-Audio Commentary By George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt, and Dennis Muren
-Archival Audio Commentary by The Cast and Crew
-Conversations: The Effects
-From Inside: The Sounds of Ben Burtt
-Classic Creatures: Return Of The Jedi

Episode VII:
-Audio Commentary by director J.J. Abrams
-Secrets Of The Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey
-The Story Awakens: The Table Read
-Building BB-8
-Crafting Creatures
-Blueprint of a Battle: The Snow Fight
-The Visual Magic Of The Force
-John Williams: The Seventh Symphony
-Deleted Scenes
-Force For Change
-Dressing The Galaxy
-Foley: A Sonic Tale
-Inside The Armory
-and much more!

Episode VIII:
-Audio Commentary by Rian Johnson
-Score-Only Version of the movie
-The Director And The Jedi
-Balance Of The Force
-Scene Breakdowns - Lighting The Spark: Creating The Space Battle
-Scene Breakdowns - Snoke And Mirrors
-Scene Breakdowns - Showdown On Crait
-Andy Serkis Live!
-Meet The Porgs
-Deleted Scenes

Now the overview; there’s no telling if Episode I will have a Making-of Collection too, but if it’s telling us anything, we SHOULD expect all previous material related to each film ported over. One thing’s for sure; Episode VII’s material will be the same as the Collector’s Edition release and VIII will port over the Meet the Porgs extra which was only available exclusively at Target via a DVD bonus disc PLUS, you’re gaining a music-only track (which is something awesome!).


This seems like a guess, to me? Why would the commentaries be on the bonus disc, for one. I don’t know. My first instinct is to say this is placeholder info/guessing based on old product.


Encouraged that Disney is willing to acknowledge 20th Century Fox in the billing, especially considering the recent renaming of the studio. Glad that marque won’t be erased from film history.

Though I assume these are now wholly in the “possession” of LF? As in, did Disney move OT distribution rights over to LF division (or solely Buena Vista) after the acquisition, or is Fox still involved in some way?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Encouraged that Disney is willing to acknowledge 20th Century Fox in the billing, especially considering the recent renaming of the studio. Glad that marque won’t be erased from film history.

Though I assume these are now wholly in the “possession” of LF? As in, did Disney move OT distribution rights over to LF division (or solely Buena Vista) after the acquisition, or is Fox still involved in some way?

Being is how Fox is under Disney now, I think it was a matter of Fox allowing them to distribute IV under their behalf.

I will say this, change it to 20th Century Studios (it did start as 20th Century Pictures after all), but remove “Fox” from any pre-2020 films, there will be a problem.


I don’t think they’ll remove the “Fox” name from legacy credits of movies they now own (they haven’t here). It’s only for future projects that they’re changing the name. For example, the poster for The French Dispatch already says Searchlight Pictures on it.

This is similar to how Ted Turner bought out MGM’s entire back catalogue in the mid-80’s and, even after his assets were in turn acquired by Time Warner in the 90’s, the legacy credits on the back of the Warner Bros dvd releases of those films still said Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer just as they always had (2001: A Space Odyssey is a good example). Also worth noting is that while the opening logos of those films remained unaltered, the turner logo was added to the packaging since the copyright technically belonged to that company now and not MGM.


JawsTDS said:

For a small moment in time, I thought we might just get the OOT. Guess not. Oh well.

I made sure not to get my hopes up, because if those bonus discs were ever going to end up being the unaltered versions we would’ve known about it the moment this set was announced.

Maybe on some distant day, when I have the gear to easily acquire the fan preservations of my choosing, I’ll pick up this set just to abide by the rules. Although I must admit I’ve never fully agreed with this idea that we need to give LFL money for work they didn’t do. Does having a D+ subscription count?


Z6PO said:

back cover of Nordic release

Oh dear, Anatomy of a Dewback is … back 😦 But what is a Making of Collection?

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Nobody knows. And it seems like the list of bonus features is incomplete on top of that?

The main assumption that people seem to be going with on home video forums is that “making-of-collection” = “everything that was a bonus feature on the 2011 blu-rays and the 04 DVDs is being ported over”