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Most Disappointing / Satisfying Aspect of the Sequel Trilogy? — Page 13


FreezingTNT2 said:

Hal 9000 said:

My biggest overall disappointment with the sequel trilogy is probably that it chose, perhaps not all at once, to pattern itself after the originals to the point that it retells the Empire vs Rebels story almost to a tee. It ends in essentially the same place as does ROTJ, feeling like it recapitulate the story rather than truly continuing it.

The most satisfying part for me has been Luke’s journey from traumatized recluse to revivified Jedi Master ready to nonviolently kick ass. It was a gift horse I looked in the mouth, but has been worth being patient for myself to appreciate. This is the diamond in the rough, woven into the soil of the retread that TFA set in motion.

And that’s why bringing back Darth Sidious destroys Anakin’s sacrifice and redemption in Return of the Jedi.

What ‘sacrifice’ are you talking about? Last time i checked ROTJ Darth Vader lifted up the Emperor and throwed him down a shaft. It would have been a ‘sacrifice’ if Vader jumped WITH the Emperor down the shaft.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Most Disappointing:

Phasma. A very unused/wasted character that could’ve been much more.

Most Satisfying:

I really digged TLJ’s cinematography like what pittrek said.


And also TLJ’s use of mystery.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Haarspalter said:

FreezingTNT2 said:

Hal 9000 said:

My biggest overall disappointment with the sequel trilogy is probably that it chose, perhaps not all at once, to pattern itself after the originals to the point that it retells the Empire vs Rebels story almost to a tee. It ends in essentially the same place as does ROTJ, feeling like it recapitulate the story rather than truly continuing it.

The most satisfying part for me has been Luke’s journey from traumatized recluse to revivified Jedi Master ready to nonviolently kick ass. It was a gift horse I looked in the mouth, but has been worth being patient for myself to appreciate. This is the diamond in the rough, woven into the soil of the retread that TFA set in motion.

And that’s why bringing back Darth Sidious destroys Anakin’s sacrifice and redemption in Return of the Jedi.

What ‘sacrifice’ are you talking about? Last time i checked ROTJ Darth Vader lifted up the Emperor and throwed him down a shaft. It would have been a ‘sacrifice’ if Vader jumped WITH the Emperor down the shaft.

Vader died in the process. The electrocution fried his body and suit.


Broom Kid said:

Leia being around was a key part of Kylo’s redemption, and they specifically tied her dying to his redemption. It seems pretty apparent to me they only wrote Kylo’s arc (which essentially superseded Rey’s arc in terms of importance) the way they did because they worked backwards from what would redeem him, and they decided his mother’s choice to kill herself by reaching out to him during that fight would be the catalyst.

So they kept her active in the plot by recycling footage and writing dialog to mad-lib their way to the end of the 2nd act, specifically because they needed that presence to register just enough for Kylo’s redemption to pay off as intended.

If anything, Terrio’s answer when he was trying to explain why Rose Tico got so minimized seemed to hint that their initial “We’re not going to CG her” was an out and out lie, (it kind of was already, considering that training scene) and I wouldn’t be surprised if Han’s appearance was similar to how Superman’s mother is who showed up in Superman II once Marlon Brando was cut out. “Well, we can’t CG Carrie for this scene, let’s see if Harrison will do it instead.”

So even setting aside the fact her scenes aren’t particularly good (and it’s fairly obvious she’s not really acting with anyone in the scene, and nobody in the scene is really acting with her) the initial decision to make her self-sacrifice key to Kylo’s redemption, to justify repurposing a bunch of deleted scenes, is what hemmed them in.

It’s why the movie is so plot-focused at the expense of any real feeling or thematic coherence. They approached it like a puzzle first and foremost instead of really exploring what they had to work with at the end of The Last Jedi and building from there. If your primary story question (and they kept saying keeping Carrie is where they actually started) isn’t “Where do I want my characters to go from here” but “How do I repurpose deleted scenes so they’re so vital to our endgame that you can’t remove them,” you’re starting from a pretty mercenary spot, even if you’re doing so with the best, most honorable intentions.

That training scene of Leia was recycled from ROTJ. That was Carrie’s face and probably Mark’s as well. And the use of Han for that scene was crucial to his redemption. He had killed his father and that was the only way to redeem himself of that act. I hope you noticed that that scene mirrored the one from TFA, but ended how it should have the first time.

And I think they did work forward from TLJ. They picked up the story where TLJ left off, where the characters were, how they’d grown, and they continued on from there. I felt the story was very organic and did not feel forced or cobbled together at all. I thought some of their choices with the Leia scenes could have been done better. They missed a chance for Leia deliver some typical Leia expressions at the right times, but overall it was well done for what they had to work with. It was a fitting end to her character, much better than writing her out off screen. It was both important to the fans and the story for Leia to be there. It wasn’t forced, just very limited. It is one of the things I would edit if I think the film needs a fan edit. But the Kylo/Ben part I wouldn’t touch. I think that worked very well and it didn’t detract from the main character arcs or take much story time.


I disagree that it was a fitting end for her character. I don’t think it was that at all. I don’t think it could have been with what was left over, and the decision to go forward with this idea was a bad one, made for well-intentioned-but-ultimately-bad reasons. It was absolutely forced because Abrams had already decided he was going to put her in there before he had ANY story in place.

Carrie Fisher’s death was a tragedy. It was too soon, it was unfair, and I, like millions of others, wish it hadn’t happened. But whatever this was in Rise of Skywalker, it wasn’t a tribute. It was childish. It was refusal to accept that she was gone, and they used her image and her presence as maybe the ultimate act of “fan-service” in a movie packed full of it. “There’s no way we could make this movie without Carrie” is a noble sentiment. It’s also an untrue statement. They could have, and looking at the results, they should have.

They did her and her memory no real favors with this, and they certainly didn’t help their story out any, either.


I think someone suggested this some time ago; I would had loved it if they had an ending funeral where Leia’s casket is sent into space of where Alderaan once was. All the Resistance ships present, similar to the shot of Empire’s ending shot. Rey is seen burying Luke’s saber on Tatooine prior, then regroups with the others to send off Leia with her saber. Cue the somber John Williams score accompanied with fireworks set off in space.

If it played out like that, that would made me a bucket full of tears. I suppose I get what Broom Kid is saying. It wasn’t quite an honorable salute to Leia and her legacy.

The Rise of Failures


Most disappointing thing: the entire ST (TLJ included) is just a rehash of the OT which doesn’t add anything of value and which also ruins the closure of the Original Hexalogy.

Most satisfying: John Williams got on board for one more ride (even if the scores for the ST are the weakest he wrote for the Saga).


Haarspalter said:

What ‘sacrifice’ are you talking about? Last time i checked ROTJ Darth Vader lifted up the Emperor and throwed him down a shaft. It would have been a ‘sacrifice’ if Vader jumped WITH the Emperor down the shaft.

Lol that’s incredible. I now have read everything on this forum 😄


MalàStrana said:

Lol that’s incredible. I now have read everything on this forum 😄

MalàStrana said:

Anyway guys. I’m fed up with you. You can erase my account. I’m done with this shitty saga. It died long ago. Enjoy your shitty movies and dumb blockbusters.

Malà’s death was reversed faster than Chewbacca.


His account was erased but then R2 came and ran the backup process.

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

His account was erased but then R2 came and ran the backup process.

Quick! Someone tell Mala they liked all of Star Wars before new account 😃



Man, I miss TV’s Frinks jokes when I read yours…


MalàStrana said:

Anyway guys. I’m fed up with you. You can erase my account. I’m done with this shitty saga. It died long ago. Enjoy your shitty movies and dumb blockbusters.

Why do you keep posting anyway?

MalàStrana said:

[…] I enjoyed too much annoying people […] with your dumb blockbusters and else 😄

Oh, there is a reason why…

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Yep. You got it pal. You’re the smart one around for sure.


Why is this troll still allowed here?


MalàStrana said:

Anyway guys. I’m fed up with you. You can erase my account. I’m done with this shitty saga. It died long ago. Enjoy your shitty movies and dumb blockbusters.

As you wish.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


oojason said:

MalàStrana said:

Anyway guys. I’m fed up with you. You can erase my account. I’m done with this shitty saga. It died long ago. Enjoy your shitty movies and dumb blockbusters.

As you wish.

F for respects

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


Back to the topic: there’s so much aspects of the movie that I found disappointing, so I don’t know what the most is, but what I would have liked to see at the beginning of the movie is Rey building her own lightsaber (the one we see at the end of the movie), using parts (the Kyber crystal!) salvaged from Anakin’s lightsaber (which got torn apart in the previous movie). She has the ancient texts, she would have known how to build one, and it should have been part of her training. It would have been ultimately cool to see her fight with an orange blade. (Seeing her ignite her new lightsaber for no reason at the end of the movie is just fan service)


I can agree with that. Since the crystal was broken in half, it would’ve been interesting if the lightsaber at least had a unique effect, like Kylo’s saber, or even a different color but the same hilt. I think someone said the Visual Dictionary mentions that Rey “healed” the crystal, and I can understand how having Ben using the lightsaber after he is redeemed hold some thematic weight, but I think it the blade having a noticeable difference would’ve been more interesting for the audience visually.


Z6PO said:

Back to the topic: there’s so much aspects of the movie that I found disappointing, so I don’t know what the most is, but what I would have liked to see at the beginning of the movie is Rey building her own lightsaber (the one we see at the end of the movie), using parts (the Kyber crystal!) salvaged from Anakin’s lightsaber (which got torn apart in the previous movie). She has the ancient texts, she would have known how to build one, and it should have been part of her training. It would have been ultimately cool to see her fight with an orange blade. (Seeing her ignite her new lightsaber for no reason at the end of the movie is just fan service)

Possibly a deleted scene. With more “leaks” coming out, regardless of whether or not they’re true, I have great interest in seeing the deleted scenes for TROS.

Rey fighting Palpatine with her own lightsaber would be great. Honestly, I started to get annoyed with seeing Anakin’s lightsaber all over the place. But besides, do you think they would let any opportunity for low-bearing fan service to go untaken?

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


Can we get a much lower budget episodes 10 to 12 set 100 years in the future directed by Rian Johnson, with story ideas about the Force being front and center? The goal would be to explore the meat of the concepts we’ve been shown and about building the Jedi back up without there being a ‘holy crap bad guy uberthreat.’ Small scale, spiritual stakes on a personal level. Could be made soonish, with the ST characters all having died by that point, but could be referenced or perhaps shown in flashbacks. Luke and other Jedi could always pop in as ghosts, but this would have to be done soonish for much of that.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Can we get a much lower budget episodes 10 to 12 set 100 years in the future directed by Rian Johnson, with story ideas about the Force being front and center? The goal would be to explore the meat of the concepts we’ve been shown and about building the Jedi back up without there being a ‘holy crap bad guy uberthreat.’ Small scale, spiritual stakes on a personal level. Could be made soonish, with the ST characters all having died by that point, but could be referenced or perhaps shown in flashbacks. Luke and other Jedi could always pop in as ghosts, but this would have to be done soonish for much of that.

100% agree.


Honestly, Johnson could probably adapt some of the ideas he might have had for the Looper universe at that point: Widespread acknowledgement/acceptance of telekinetic powers was a key aspect of that movie’s worldbuilding. Repurposing some of that but making it The Force could be interesting. Imagine a Star Wars universe where “everyone can tap into the Force to some degree or another” isn’t just an idealized notion, but a reality within the fiction that simultaneously complicates and normalizes the energy force and makes it a little less mystic, but no less mysterious.