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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 8


I think it’s off the table primarily because if they ever actually wanted it to be on the table they’d have made an exception to it’s being de-canonized like they did for Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir.

They’re going to part it out (Rukh’s already dead in Rebels, isn’t he?) and use pieces of it as needed to augment whatever original stories they’re pursuing in the canon, but I don’t think Thrawn Trilogy is ever going to see an animated adaption.

Maybe when they reboot the entire series in 20 years, they’ll re-think it.


DominicCobb said:

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

Considering they seem to have been careful not to retell any stories from the EU (besides when it’s something mentioned in the films, like RO and Solo, where things are done completely differently from the EU), it’s hard to imagine them doing an adaptation of an EU story. But never say never I guess.

Give it time. Think about it; you have a very popular story arc and character - so you have a built in audience for it. You have many fans, including myself, who want to see our OT heroes in their prime again. There are many scenes from those books that I would love to see in live-action (Luke’s fight with the Noghri for instance).

As I said years ago in an earlier thread, a mini-series of a dozen episodes or so would better suit The Thrawn Trilogy then trying to compress it all into 3 films.

We’ll see. I don’t think it’s an impossibility. Certainly something like the Thrawn trilogy must seem tempting, considering the character is now canon. But do they adapt it as close as they can, considering current canon circumstances? Or do they just do a very vague ‘OT heroes vs Thrown’ sort of thing?

For me, I’m kinda with Broom Kid. Not that big a fan of Zahn’s take on the franchise, so I’d hope if they did tackle it, they’d change some things.

What aspects of Zahn’s take do you dislike? What aspects, if any, do you like?

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Broom Kid said:

I think it’s off the table primarily because if they ever actually wanted it to be on the table they’d have made an exception to it’s being de-canonized like they did for Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir.

Not sure I understand what you mean, I didn’t think Son of Dathomir was ever not canon.

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

Considering they seem to have been careful not to retell any stories from the EU (besides when it’s something mentioned in the films, like RO and Solo, where things are done completely differently from the EU), it’s hard to imagine them doing an adaptation of an EU story. But never say never I guess.

Give it time. Think about it; you have a very popular story arc and character - so you have a built in audience for it. You have many fans, including myself, who want to see our OT heroes in their prime again. There are many scenes from those books that I would love to see in live-action (Luke’s fight with the Noghri for instance).

As I said years ago in an earlier thread, a mini-series of a dozen episodes or so would better suit The Thrawn Trilogy then trying to compress it all into 3 films.

We’ll see. I don’t think it’s an impossibility. Certainly something like the Thrawn trilogy must seem tempting, considering the character is now canon. But do they adapt it as close as they can, considering current canon circumstances? Or do they just do a very vague ‘OT heroes vs Thrown’ sort of thing?

For me, I’m kinda with Broom Kid. Not that big a fan of Zahn’s take on the franchise, so I’d hope if they did tackle it, they’d change some things.

What aspects of Zahn’s take do you dislike? What aspects, if any, do you like?

Well, I should clarify I’ve only read HTTE. It was more a matter of perspective/genre than of specific aspects, Zahn treated the series like military sci-fi, which just felt very wrong to me and made it hard to get into the story. I’m not a big fan of Thrawn as a character, but what can you do, he’s in the canon now either way. The ysalamiri were pretty dumb too, just as bad as midichlorians honestly.


DominicCobb said:

Broom Kid said:

I think it’s off the table primarily because if they ever actually wanted it to be on the table they’d have made an exception to it’s being de-canonized like they did for Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir.

Not sure I understand what you mean, I didn’t think Son of Dathomir was ever not canon.

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

Considering they seem to have been careful not to retell any stories from the EU (besides when it’s something mentioned in the films, like RO and Solo, where things are done completely differently from the EU), it’s hard to imagine them doing an adaptation of an EU story. But never say never I guess.

Give it time. Think about it; you have a very popular story arc and character - so you have a built in audience for it. You have many fans, including myself, who want to see our OT heroes in their prime again. There are many scenes from those books that I would love to see in live-action (Luke’s fight with the Noghri for instance).

As I said years ago in an earlier thread, a mini-series of a dozen episodes or so would better suit The Thrawn Trilogy then trying to compress it all into 3 films.

We’ll see. I don’t think it’s an impossibility. Certainly something like the Thrawn trilogy must seem tempting, considering the character is now canon. But do they adapt it as close as they can, considering current canon circumstances? Or do they just do a very vague ‘OT heroes vs Thrown’ sort of thing?

For me, I’m kinda with Broom Kid. Not that big a fan of Zahn’s take on the franchise, so I’d hope if they did tackle it, they’d change some things.

What aspects of Zahn’s take do you dislike? What aspects, if any, do you like?

Well, I should clarify I’ve only read HTTE. It was more a matter of perspective/genre than of specific aspects, Zahn treated the series like military sci-fi, which just felt very wrong to me and made it hard to get into the story. I’m not a big fan of Thrawn as a character, but what can you do, he’s in the canon now either way. The ysalamiri were pretty dumb too, just as bad as midichlorians honestly.

What about Thrawn bothered you? I understand your reservations about the ysalamiri; an idea a little to “sciency” for SW (felt like something out of Star Trek instead). However; the payoff was great.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


When I said adapt the Thrawn trilogy, I don’t mean I think they’ll try to adapt it verbatim. At the very least, I could see Filoni wanting to set up a similar situation where the OT heroes interact with Thrawn in some kind of conflict.

We saw Thrawn and Ezra disappear with the 7th Fleet at the end of Rebels, so maybe they end up returning to the known galaxy and cause some trouble that Luke, Han, Leia and Ben have to deal with. If you think about it, introducing Thrawn in Rebels and then sending him off into the Unknown Regions alive seems to hint that they might want to use his character in the future. The Thrawn trilogy is probably the most important EU story in Star Wars, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Filoni wanted to very very loosely adapt that story in the new canon in some way. And when I say story, I mean having Thrawn be a post-Endor threat to the OT heroes.


DominicCobb said:

Broom Kid said:

I think it’s off the table primarily because if they ever actually wanted it to be on the table they’d have made an exception to it’s being de-canonized like they did for Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir.

Not sure I understand what you mean, I didn’t think Son of Dathomir was ever not canon.

They made an exception for it while it was being made, before de-canonizing everything. When the great de-canonizing occurred, that was the one title that was spared, due to it’s being adapted from a Clone Wars script. But it was still a Dark Horse comic, and everything else from Dark Horse’s run got turned into Legends. Son of Dathomir was basically singled out for sparing.

If they were willing to single that title out, they would have been willing to single out Zahn’s trilogy. But they weren’t. Probably because they’d already decided at the time there was not future in adapting it directly. And I think there isn’t for the reasons you laid out: Zahn wrote a Star Wars trilogy that is really more like a 6 or 9 film series in terms of how much story is packed in there, and the tone of it is definitely more like a crime procedural and a military fantasy than the space opera Star Wars is.

It was Zahn writing a great sci-fi military adventure using Star Wars characters. But I don’t know that it would work as an animated Star Wars story. It’s why they’re plucking out the star character and reinterpreting him instead of bringing the whole thing to bear.

I think it just wouldn’t fit with what the sequel trilogy is working with.


Broom Kid said:
Zahn wrote a Star Wars trilogy that is really more like a 6 or 9 film series in terms of how much story is packed in there, and the tone of it is definitely more like a crime procedural and a military fantasy than the space opera Star Wars is.

It was Zahn writing a great sci-fi military adventure using Star Wars characters. But I don’t know that it would work as an animated Star Wars story. It’s why they’re plucking out the star character and reinterpreting him instead of bringing the whole thing to bear.

I think it just wouldn’t fit with what the sequel trilogy is working with.

It is a different take to be sure…but he handled the OT characters so well. They spoke with the right “voice”. And more Wedge content!

I liked the idea of Leia redeeming her father in her own way too. The notion too, of a strategic and tactical military savant as a counter to force users is interesting as well. Thrawn is almost too perfect…but he isn’t. For all his genius his commitment to lies and deception and his ignorance of the force undoes him in the end.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Ha! Those are my two favorite bits of the trilogy upon a re-read a few years ago, and I do think there are ways to transplant THOSE aspects of the tale into the new canon, and I really hope they do that at some point. It’ll probably have to be animation, but I don’t mind, I think animation is one of the best possible mediums for Star Wars. Maybe even better than live-action in a lot of ways.

They’re already starting to give us a little more Wedge, so who knows…


theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

Broom Kid said:

I think it’s off the table primarily because if they ever actually wanted it to be on the table they’d have made an exception to it’s being de-canonized like they did for Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir.

Not sure I understand what you mean, I didn’t think Son of Dathomir was ever not canon.

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

theprequelsrule said:

DominicCobb said:

Considering they seem to have been careful not to retell any stories from the EU (besides when it’s something mentioned in the films, like RO and Solo, where things are done completely differently from the EU), it’s hard to imagine them doing an adaptation of an EU story. But never say never I guess.

Give it time. Think about it; you have a very popular story arc and character - so you have a built in audience for it. You have many fans, including myself, who want to see our OT heroes in their prime again. There are many scenes from those books that I would love to see in live-action (Luke’s fight with the Noghri for instance).

As I said years ago in an earlier thread, a mini-series of a dozen episodes or so would better suit The Thrawn Trilogy then trying to compress it all into 3 films.

We’ll see. I don’t think it’s an impossibility. Certainly something like the Thrawn trilogy must seem tempting, considering the character is now canon. But do they adapt it as close as they can, considering current canon circumstances? Or do they just do a very vague ‘OT heroes vs Thrown’ sort of thing?

For me, I’m kinda with Broom Kid. Not that big a fan of Zahn’s take on the franchise, so I’d hope if they did tackle it, they’d change some things.

What aspects of Zahn’s take do you dislike? What aspects, if any, do you like?

Well, I should clarify I’ve only read HTTE. It was more a matter of perspective/genre than of specific aspects, Zahn treated the series like military sci-fi, which just felt very wrong to me and made it hard to get into the story. I’m not a big fan of Thrawn as a character, but what can you do, he’s in the canon now either way. The ysalamiri were pretty dumb too, just as bad as midichlorians honestly.

What about Thrawn bothered you? I understand your reservations about the ysalamiri; an idea a little to “sciency” for SW (felt like something out of Star Trek instead). However; the payoff was great.

Thrawn’s "genius’ is just a little obnoxious, that’s all. Don’t hate the character.

Broom Kid said:

DominicCobb said:

Broom Kid said:

I think it’s off the table primarily because if they ever actually wanted it to be on the table they’d have made an exception to it’s being de-canonized like they did for Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir.

Not sure I understand what you mean, I didn’t think Son of Dathomir was ever not canon.

They made an exception for it while it was being made, before de-canonizing everything. When the great de-canonizing occurred, that was the one title that was spared, due to it’s being adapted from a Clone Wars script. But it was still a Dark Horse comic, and everything else from Dark Horse’s run got turned into Legends. Son of Dathomir was basically singled out for sparing.

But didn’t it come out after the reboot which would have meant granting it an exception unnecessary?


Broom Kid said:

I think animation is one of the best possible mediums for Star Wars. Maybe even better than live-action in a lot of ways.

The medium you choose certainly does affect what feels “right” or believable doesn’t it? Many scenes that I feel are effective and that I enjoy in the Clone Wars TV series I would scoff at and come across as silly in live action. The PT certainly felt like it wanted to be a cartoon, yes?

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


DominicCobb said:

Thrawn’s "genius’ is just a little obnoxious, that’s all. Don’t hate the character.

I understand where you are coming from, but I think that was the point. Thrawn’s Empire is not going to be defeated militarily just like Palpatine’s Empire is not going to be defeated through sheer power in the Force. They both fail because of moral corruption.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


DominicCobb said:

But didn’t it come out after the reboot which would have meant granting it an exception unnecessary?

It got released a month after the de-canonizing, but comics scheduling means the whole run was already written and the first two issues (if not three by that point) had finished art. They had to decide to save it or not way before that date.


Broom Kid said:

I don’t think they’re going to do that. Adapt OR Eviscerate it. It worked as a book but I can’t imagine an adaptation working at all.

Well you can judge for yourself. Someone is currently working on a rough adaptation of HTTE as we speak.

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The Mandalorian ‘Yoda Baby’ merchandise released…


Quite pleasing to know they held off on the release of merchandise for the character… to maintain the surprise of it being in the show… nice one 😃

Intriguing that the article refers to Yoda Baby as ‘The Child’ - and nothing else is given away on him/her…



Wait — Why Can’t I Buy a Baby Yoda Toy from ‘The Mandalorian’?’:-


Jon Favreau: "I have to thank Disney and Lucasfilm, because the way the cat usually gets out of the bag with that stuff is merchandising and toy catalogs and things like that. So they really back us up. We really wanted to have it be that you had to watch it yourself, so that every time you watch the show, there are new twists and secrets that come out. That requires a lot of restraint from the people who are footing the bill, saying they’re gonna hold back on certain things so that the public doesn’t know ahead of time. Part of that was holding back on some of the merchandise and holding back on some of the characters.”

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Dang I was hoping for a plush doll. My girlfriend expressed interest in one… Totally just her and not me… 😉

The Rise of Failures


I wonder if this will finally cause studios to stop being so freaked out by the possibility of “spoilers” when it turns out this weird, hugely overstated fear of spoilers is costing them a lot of holiday money now.


oojason said:

The Mandalorian ‘Yoda Baby’ merchandise released…


LOL, I was waiting all kinds of toys and merchandise and it’s just one image pasted onto everything. They look like something you could get from an ebay seller from China for less than 5 bucks delivered.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Broom Kid said:

I wonder if this will finally cause studios to stop being so freaked out by the possibility of “spoilers” when it turns out this weird, hugely overstated fear of spoilers is costing them a lot of holiday money now.

I sure hope not. The surprise reveal for ‘The Child’ was great television.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Broom Kid said:

I wonder if this will finally cause studios to stop being so freaked out by the possibility of “spoilers” when it turns out this weird, hugely overstated fear of spoilers is costing them a lot of holiday money now.

I sure hope not. The surprise reveal for ‘The Child’ was great television.

I agree. It was surprising and fun. Also a reminder of what Star Wars was like in the 70s when everyone was discovering it and talking about it at school and work. There have been all sorts of hallway discussions about the baby this past week. It’s been a fun time to be a fan.

For some reason 😉 a few people have looped me in as I pass by; ”Hey, you’ll know - who is that baby? Is it Yoda? You better send that link to your review to Jennifer. She thinks it’s Yoda. Sam’s right, it can’t be Yoda. they just found another one.”

Regarding the merchandise: they’ll get more options going soon enough. I do like that coffee mug though. I’m about to spring for it as my work cup.

Forum Moderator

Arggghhh… I can’t take it! Only a few more hours for the next episode… this has seriously become the highlight of my week. I don’t know if that speaks for the quality of my life, but… still…


Just saw episode 4.

Loved this episode! Bryce Dallas Howard did a great job directing. This show really is the best thing since ESB, and is truly the future of starwars. Finally, the franchise seems to be moving in a new direction that feels more “natural.”

As others have said, the way they positioned the ATST in such a big and frightening way felt so ingenious, as did the water hole trap.

Also, minor side note; were the two villagers who first approached Mando meant to be a homage to the Kurosawa “Hidden Fortress” characters that inspired R2 and 3PO? That was my first thought, at least.

Overall, the show is getting better and better with each new episode! Here’s hoping it continues to be that way.



The best strengths of this show are a) they are not over-explaining things and b) there’s some world building going on.
The weakness is that they are not letting it breathe enough. My opinion is they feel they have to do perceived damage control from the last two movies (not a criticism, I love 'em both) however this would have been improved if they had taken a long hard look at Twin Peaks The Return - give it space and time. Everything I’ve seen so far has been really good, but it has been rushed. Slow it the hell down a bit please.


Yeah, I’m loving it too, but I agree they could slow it down a bit. Any of the episodes so far could be easily stretched into two parters, especially this most recent episode.

rocknroll41 said:

Also, minor side note; were the two villagers who first approached Mando meant to be a homage to the Kurosawa “Hidden Fortress” characters that inspired R2 and 3PO? That was my first thought, at least.

Perhaps, but this one was so obviously an homage to (or even blatant copy of) Seven Samurai that I imagine they more likely were inspired by the peasants sent to hire the samurai in that film.

But that makes me want to mention that I’m loving the very clear inspiration classic samurai and western films (which in my mind are often one in the same genre in so many ways) have had on the show. It’s only fitting since those same films were a major inspiration for the creation of Star Wars in the first place, but it’s nice to see the creators going back to the source, so to speak, when looking for inspiration with which to creat new and original Star Wars content.


I agree with all three of the above posts (Joe, Humdinger, and Rock). This continues to be a breathe of non-Saga fresh air. The world building I posited in my first episode review is proving to be a strength. Loving it so far. My favorite thing since 1977.

I also agree on the critique of the rushed pace. This could have easily been spread across two episodes. Another cool thing, I thought, was that Cara doesn’t automatically join some sort of team/partnership with him. She helped, he thanked her, they wish each other well as they travel their separate journeys.

Loving the High Plains Drifter vibe. Another strong effort and well done Ms Howard.

Forum Moderator

I just watched episode 4 . A few thoughts…the Seven Samurai trope has been used in Star Wars spinoff material a few times , most recently in The Clone Wars animated series . No surprise as Filoni had a hand in that . Also , the very first original Marvel comics tale after the first film was a seven samurai/magnifecent seven homage . I was also very much reminded of the Marauders from battle for Endor at the start of the episode . I enjoyed this episode .
