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Rogue One: The Battle of Scarif fan edit (Released) — Page 4


MalàStrana said:

It seems some of you don’t get the point of this edit… Have you read the first post ? If you love the theatrical cut I don’t understand why you would want to watch an edit of it. The Cassian character is a catastrophe, glad he’s been radically cut down here. All his lines and especially his speech are so boring and embarrassing…

I found the point of the Edit just fine, thanks - and thought it to be an intriguing concept.

I’m looking forward to watching the Adywan Edit of Empire - it doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the theatrical version of Empire, does it?

Or if one day we get a fan edit of Rogue One with some deleted/cut/pre-reshoot scenes in it - it doesn’t necessarily detract from the theatrical version - it’d just different. Maybe better, maybe worse, maybe similar - though that’s up to the viewer, no?

Your ‘Cassian character is a catastrophe’ opinion is just that - your opinion, not fact, and we all have our own opinions - some of us are without the need to endlessly repeat them though…


I look forward to watching some future Edits from eldusto84, and thanks to his post and previous Edits got to see the really enjoyable version of The Hobbit. Nice one eldusto84 - keep up the great work 😃

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Thanks for all the comments so far…it’s nice to get this feedback and even see a little debate over the changes made 😃

I didn’t intend for this edit to “replace” Rogue One, unlike the intention for my Hobbit edit. The Battle of Scarif is for people who A) just want to get to the action, and/or B) want to see a few classic Star Wars elements inserted into the film (the crawl, John Williams, etc).

For what it’s worth, I did not find myself drawn to any of the characters in Rogue One. K2SO is fun and interesting, but even he just felt like a watered-down version of HK47 from Knights of the Old Republic. So while I do agree that this edit stunts the arcs of all the characters, from a plot perspective we don’t miss that much at all.

Stay tuned for a (more likely than not) 2.0 version of this edit!

JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit



eldusto84 said:

Stay tuned for a (more likely than not) 2.0 version of this edit!

Just a quick message to know if your project for a V2 is still alive, as I’m still highly interested in your edit which is the only watchable version of Rogue One.
Thanks a lot for any update ! 😉


I think with the right audio mixing, this could work. Rebels Vader has a much more similar tone to the Rogue One Vader (vs. the OT) so using some of his dialogue could potentially fit seamlessly into this scene. With proper audio mixing, I’d love to see something like this in V2



I think the audio change for Vader should only be applied for the Erso section (and thinking about it, there might be a way of removing the reference to Galen without using other Vader audio sources). The pun isn’t great but is what it is (as a Prequel film, it doesn’t really destract with the “No!!!” of his previous appearance).

Original: “I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor that Galen Erso has not compromised this weapon in any way.”

Edit version: “I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor this weapon has not been compromised in any way.”

Don’t know if that would be possible though.


MalàStrana said:

I think the audio change for Vader should only be applied for the Erso section (and thinking about it, there might be a way of removing the reference to Galen without using other Vader audio sources). The pun isn’t great but is what it is (as a Prequel film, it doesn’t really destract with the “No!!!” of his previous appearance).

Original: “I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor that Galen Erso has not compromised this weapon in any way.”

Edit version: “I expect you not to rest until you can assure the Emperor this weapon has not been compromised in any way.”

Don’t know if that would be possible though.

This is definitely possible - I’ve tried that too. Again, just needs some skill and fine-tuning, but i did this test to see if it could work…



I concur, but it’s feasible to smooth his change of voice (maybe the pitch of the theatrical version could also be altered to make Vader sound less old). I’ll give it a try (but only when the v2.0 of this edit is released in order 😃)

The “Rebels” sources come from which episodes (and what time ?). I like the idea of Vader’s voice in Rebels, who sounds better than in R1.


MalàStrana said:

I concur, but it’s feasible to smooth his change of voice (maybe the pitch of the theatrical version could also be altered to make Vader sound less old). I’ll give it a try (but only when the v2.0 of this edit is released in order 😃)

The “Rebels” sources come from which episodes (and what time ?). I like the idea of Vader’s voice in Rebels, who sounds better than in R1.

Here is the clip I referenced - the dialogue is quite appropriate (with tweeking, of course) as Vader is reprimanding the character is this scene. “you lack imagination when it comes to producing results”… another great line. Check it out:


Great line indeed ! But it would be tricky to remove the underscore, wouldn’t it ?


MalàStrana said:

Great line indeed ! But it would to tricky to remove the underscore, wouldn’t it ?

To remove it completely probably isn’t likely, but camouflaging it may work once other music is placed over it. However, there may be audio editing tech I’m not aware of to make this possible… some of the other guys may know better than me.


I wasn’t aware of that (so I assume I may not be the only one) but eldusto84 released the bluray version of his fanedit this summer ! Very curious to check it out.

Just too bad about that :

The only bad news is that I was unable to create a 5.1 Surround version of this edit. Adobe Premiere Pro lost the Dolby Digital license, along with any easy or reasonable way to export a surround file that I am aware of. I tried rolling back my version of Premiere but it corrupted my project file, so unfortunately I am stuck. If something develops and I am able to export a 5.1 version of the edit, I will certainly let you all know.

Thanks eldusto84 for taking the time to finish your fanedit 😉


That’s exactly what I was thinking ! I posted a message on his site about that.

Watched the edit and it’s an improvement over v1. Vader’s lines work perfectly fine, every single Galen Erso reference is seamlessly erased, the wipes are nice, and the musical choices are strong. Only bottom line being the 2.0 (but I’m pretty sure it can be fixed), the video quality in dark areas that is very noisy, and the end credits that could have played a little bit longer to give the music more time to breath.

Anyway, highly recommended for anyone like myself who doesn’t really like the theatrical cut (it’s still a very silly movie but now only action packed, so it’s better and it bears less inconsistencies with ANH). It really does get the job done to bridge the gap between ROTS and ANH with Vader “framing” this side story.


(@eldusto84 : just in case you don’t get PM notifications, check you PM box 😃 )


If he does get his project file back to working, exporting the audio as saparate wavs is what needs to be done. Then he can use this program:

I use AudioMuxer all the time and it works great. It’s intended for surround sound music, but can be used for movies too. Just used the tools section and all of the converters and muxers are there. There is even a normalizing tool as well that is helpful

“You can’t polish a turd. But you can shape it to look like candy.”


You could always run the invert plug in in audacity and create pseudo surround tracks while you’re waiting to see if eldusto84 will create the wav files. I’ve done it to create surround tracks for movies that only have stereo mixes and it does a decent job.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


You mean you take the Front Right and copy it as a Rear Right channel ? (same with Front Left / Rear Left I guess)

Yep I get you end up creating a 4.0 (even 4.1 if your patient enough to adjust the subwoofer channel to the edit - since it’s the only channel which does not contain music alteration). Why not (not sure I must admit)… but I’ll just wait to be sure eldusto84 doesn’t have his pre-export project files anymore.

If I remember correctly DigMod you also experienced some tech issue with the bluray version of Rise of the Rebellion ?


My version of Dvd Architect wouldn’t export in 5.1 so it down mixed it to stereo. That’s why I went MP4 in the end.

As for the audio, it’s a bit different than what you posted. I’ll try to just create a makeshift 5.1 mix that can be muxed.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Too bad 😕 Maybe the OP will at some point try to figure out how to proceed with his former files (if he had kept them).

By the way, I gave a few weeks ago Dustin the subtitles I sync to his edit, but I’m not sure he found time to share them himself on his website, so I take the opportunity to give the link here for anyone interested.


Including french subtitles that are for the most part a complete retranslation of the bluray ones… and of course 100% compliant with the choices made with Hal9000’s edits subtitles (I-III, V, VII-VIII).


Is it still possible to get a dl link for this from someone? I see the OP hasn’t posted here in 5 years or so…