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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released) — Page 5


Hello everyone, I am pleased to say that workprint 2 is available now!

If you asked me previously for a link, I should have already sent you the new workprint. Otherwise, please PM me for a link. (if someone knows a better way to distribute this, please let me know!)
I am also happy to provide links for individual scenes/edits in full quality.

The first post is updated with the full list of total changes, and here’s a list of the changes unique to the second workprint:

  • Hal’s color correction from The Last Jedi: Legendary has been applied to the whole film.

  • Tweaked Music during Luke’s saber toss so it’s not a joke. Extended the existing score so it doesn’t have that hard sting to silence before Luke tosses it.

  • I slightly tweaked the end of the “Luke Has a Moment” scene musically, because it felt like there was an extra note in there during the transition from Luke to Leia.

  • Slightly tweaked exterior FX shot after the Raddus bridge explosion (with Leia).

  • Rotoscoped BB-8 into two shots of Finn and Rose running towards shuttle, fixing the continuity issue created by cutting BB-8 commandeering the imperial walker.

  • Rose now gets shot down just before Finn’s suicide run, adding motivation for Finn, and fixes continuity issue of Rose disappearing for the rest of the film.
    (using ideas from several OT.com users including RogueLeader and big_gareth, and a VFX shot from big_gareth)

  • New lighting FX in cockpit when Finn gets shot down.

  • Removed second skimmer (in what was originally Rose crashing into Finn) from two crash shots.

  • Showed battering ram canon firing by rotoscoping Finn and Rose out of shot.

  • Added reaction shot to explosion of Kylo-Ren. Also added lighting FX on the wide explosion shot after so it’s not jarring.

  • Restored shot of Finn dragging Rose back to base (this had been removed for first workprint because Rose was not involved in any crash in WP1).

  • Added very small font identifying this edit as “The Last Jedi: Rekindled” after the credits.


Hey man, thank you for sending me the work print. Here is my overall response to it: WOW!

Below are spoilers of his edits. So if you have not watched it and want to watch it yourself … do not read!

First of all, we gotta give Hal props for his “base” edit since many of his decisions and edits already improved on the original film greatly.

Your FX works, as I have commented before, are fantastic. You greatly improved on the Crait scene with Finn, Rose, etc. I could not imagine doing anything better.

Also … I am happy you have “turned to the light side” by removing the Leia Walk scene. THANK YOU! Again, I have stated on this thread, and as well as others, I don’t mind Leia having strong Force moments … the scene was just goofy looking to me.

Also, as an “overall” comment on the whole movie, I greatly appreciate your overall trimming of scenes. You kept the essence of the movie, along with using Hal’s edit as a base, to keep the movie’s feel strong … but removed the “fat.”

As a PERSONAL preference. (again, I stress personal) I do prefer Hal’s edit of the “Poe and Hux SNL skit” being bit more trimmed. You did trim it, which is MUCH better then the original movie edit … I think I just like it a bit more trimmed in Hal’s.

Lastly, I also prefer removing Snoke berating Hux. Once again, I appreciate you trimmed it a bit, which again improved on the original movie’s scene. But I PERSONALLY prefer Hal’s removal of it. Mostly since I don’t see Snoke cubically berating his generals in front of their “underlings,” especially since in TFA he did not care that Starkiller base was destroyed …

Anyway, again, overall: wow. I like this a whole lot and you made some GREAT decisions that I like. It is a great blend between Hal’s and your own ideas. Again, there are only two scenes I would PERSONALLY change, but again, they were not “bad decisions.”

I look forward to your blu ray edition. Granted, I may revert those two scenes with Hal’s as I mentioned. 😉

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Just a small update: I uploaded a second version of Workprint 2 with Dolby Digital AC-3 audio instead of the AAC. This should have better surround compatibility.

Thanks so much for everyone’s feedback and interest (got a lot of PMs!). I’ve already begun prepping for a Blu-ray release, with subtitles, chapter markers, 5.1 DTS and AC-3 audio. Feedback still welcome!


Very exciting! I will be waiting patiently!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


This project is in the homestretch, with subtitles, chapters, and the edit all complete!

I just have a technical question that I hope someone here can help me with:

I’ve noticed duration discrepancies between Premiere Pro and media players like VLC, and I think it has to do with timecode. For example, my Blu-ray copy of the Last Jedi (completely raw rip from disc, no re-encoding) has a total duration of 2:31:42 in Premiere and After Effects. In VLC, Blu-ray player app, and iMediaHUD, the duration is 2:31:51. So the non-editing apps say the film is 9 seconds longer than in Premiere. The frame-rate reads as 23.976 in all of these applications, and those have been my settings through the entire project workflow.

This is an issue because the Chapters XML from the disc conforms to the longer duration timecode (the one seen in VLC). So when I edited the Chapters XML to conform to my edit using the timecodes out of Premiere, the timing was off (the End Credits chapter mark was about 9 seconds before the actual end credits hit).

And here’s the kicker: if I switch the timebase in Premiere from 23.976 to 24 even, the total duration of my Premiere sequence matches the longer durations in VLC and iMediaHUD (2:31:51 for the raw unedited Blu-ray).

So, is VLC and the Blu-ray app simply displaying a 24 timebase instead of 23.976? If so, why would the chapters XML conform to that timebase instead of the frame-rate of the video (which always reads 23.976)?

I see this discrepancy on every single version of the film I have: original Bluray disc, Hal’s TLJ:Legendary, and my latest export of workprint 2. I’ve not had any audio sync issues, either. It’s only really an issue with making the Chapters XML. I can easily work around this, but I don’t like seeing discrepancies and a lack of continuity between apps. So any guidance would greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much in advance!


stretch009 said:

I’m curious, are you submitting your edit to the site fanedit.org?

I’ve thought about it, but I’m not as familiar with the site. OT.com is my fanedit home, having gotten hooked many years ago by Harmy’s Despecialized Editions. It’s where I’m most comfortable, and where I prioritize sharing work.

However, I do wonder about fanedit.org. If I may flip it around on you, do you think I should submit it? Since my edit is so heavily based on Hal 9000’s Legendary edit, would it even make sense?


Agreed, just make sure you read up on the rules over there before you do anything - they’re not too different than the rules here, but there are some differences, and they’re very strictly enforced. But the moderation staff there is very friendly and helpful, and will answer any questions you might have about said rules via private messages with them.


Thank you all for the encouragement! I will look into the rules and steps needed for FE.org submission.


ChainsawAsh said:

Agreed, just make sure you read up on the rules over there before you do anything - they’re not too different than the rules here, but there are some differences, and they’re very strictly enforced. But the moderation staff there is very friendly and helpful, and will answer any questions you might have about said rules via private messages with them.

Well that all depends on who you are 😉 Just kidding 😃

The nice thing about submitting is that you’ll get some technical feedback and then the information is housed in the database. Helps with awareness of edits.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


I went to the First Time Faneditor Submission page at FE.org, which told me to contact DominicCobb, so I sent him a PM over there. I also read the rules, and they all make sense. So, hopefully, I’m on the right track towards a submission!

Thanks again to everyone for the help, feedback, and advice. It’s been a very fun and enlightening process!


If I could give you guidance I would! I am not that technical. I really hope someone has the answer or is willing to help!

I am very curious and excited to see the final product! Cheers!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

If I could give you guidance I would! I am not that technical. I really hope someone has the answer or is willing to help!

I am very curious and excited to see the final product! Cheers!

Thanks, jarbear! I actually woke up this morning and mkvtoolnix had just finished a 32gb mkv! The 5.1 DTS, 5.1 AC-3, subtitles and chapters all worked perfectly. The H.264 out of compressor looks great to me, but I’m doing testing with ffmpeg to see if that makes any difference.

I’m also waiting to hear back from FE.org about making a submission, but does anyone know if I must wait for FE.org approval before releasing it here? Would it somehow disqualify me if I announce it’s release on OT.com? I didn’t see anything in the rules about that.


Nah, you’re good to release it here if you want. FE submission is about getting it (and yourself!) listed in the IFDb, not about exclusivity or anything like that.


ChainsawAsh said:

Nah, you’re good to release it here if you want. FE submission is about getting it (and yourself!) listed in the IFDb, not about exclusivity or anything like that.

Thank you, that’s good to know! Now, I just need to watch it down a couple of times, check encoding quality, and QC as best I can.

HyperDown said:

Can’t wait to check this one out!

Should be soon! I appreciate the enthusiasm!



I finally got to sit down and watch a final render for QC! I caught a couple of black frames, and 1-2 small adjustments to the mix I would like to make. Otherwise, I am pretty happy with the film.

My wife had two small suggestions that I would like to bounce off of the people here to see what you think!

One is to remove Luke drinking the milk, as the creepy face is very off-putting coming from Luke Skywalker. I agree that’s part of the point (to show Luke has become a recluse), but surely the rest of his behavior is sufficient and doesn’t need this particular shot. Here is the attempt:
pw: fanedit

The other suggestion was to remove Maz Kamata’s reference to her sexual relationship with the codebreaker. It was distracting (and odd considering she was in some kind of battle), so I gave that an effort too. It doesn’t completely work with 3PO’s head movement, but it may be worth it to remove the line? Take a look:
pw: fanedit

I’m not 100% attached to either of these changes, but I’d be interested to see what others think.

Thank you and I hope to post within a week or so!

Also, regarding FE.org submission, I have not heard back from DominicCobb, and my first PM to him was 2 weeks ago. I sent a follow-up three or so days ago. Could there be something I am doing wrong, or should I keep waiting? Any advice would be appreciated! I’m not in any rush, just thought it was a long time without reply.


They’re both pretty damn seamless to me, and I particularly like the Luke trim - I was in favor of cutting the milking entirely, but that simple trim surprisingly makes me pretty much fine with it!


Can only echo ChainsawAsh - both seamless and well done. Personally, I’m a fan of the milk drinking scene - for me it’s part of Luke demonstrating the Force (the nature of it; in the cycle of life and nurture - along with the fishing) to a somewhat uncomfortable Rey. Though this is your Edit mate - go with what you feel is right for what you’re striving towards with it.

Looking forward to seeing the finished Edit 😃

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Oh, and:

poppasketti said:

Also, regarding FE.org submission, I have not heard back from DominicCobb, and my first PM to him was 2 weeks ago. I sent a follow-up three or so days ago. Could there be something I am doing wrong, or should I keep waiting? Any advice would be appreciated! I’m not in any rush, just thought it was a long time without reply.

They can get pretty busy over there, so it indeed might take a while, but have you started a thread like this one in their Fanedits In-The-Works section? That would get you a little bit more visibility and allow your edit submission to stand out among the dozens sitting in the queue waiting to be reviewed by the Academy.


oojason said:

Personally, I’m a fan of the milk drinking scene - for me it’s part of Luke demonstrating the Force (the nature of it; in the cycle of life and nurture - along with the fishing)

I agree with this, which I why I didn’t want to cut the whole scene. Luke’s milking the alien for me is enough to suggest his connection with nature and the force. The shot of Luke actually drinking it with the scornful look on his face (as if he was deliberately trying making Rey uncomfortable) felt a little too strong to me. Rey was already uncomfortable, so, for me, the purpose of the scene is already achieved without having Luke rub it in her face.

ChainsawAsh said:

…but have you started a thread like this one in their Fanedits In-The-Works section? That would get you a little bit more visibility and allow your edit submission to stand out among the dozens sitting in the queue waiting to be reviewed by the Academy…

That’s a good suggestion! I was hoping to keep just this thread here to keep everything consolidated, but I may have to expand into FE.org to get that moving. I think in the next week after I have a full release here, I will setup a page and focus harder on getting that submision. Thank you for your help!


poppasketti said:

Luke’s milking the alien for me is enough to suggest his connection with nature and the force. The shot of Luke actually drinking it with the scornful look on his face (as if he was deliberately trying making Rey uncomfortable) felt a little too strong to me. Rey was already uncomfortable, so, for me, the purpose of the scene is already achieved without having Luke rub it in her face.

Yes, all of this! Honestly, before, my only real issues with your edit were keeping the “cowl” line and the milking scene. I think your fix for the milking scene solved my issues enough to say that this is almost certainly going to be my go-to TLJ edit - I can deal with one line that makes me groan. 😉

Super looking forward to this! I’ll have some actual free time over the holiday weekend, so if you want another set of eyes on your edit for QC before you officially release it, shoot me a PM, I should be able to watch it and give you notes on any issues that jump out to me by Sunday.

Also, if you’re working with lossless audio and want a DTS encode (though sadly not DTS-HD), I can do that for you once your audio is finalized, provided you can give me each individual audio channel as a mono AIFF or WAV file.


poppasketti said:

oojason said:

Personally, I’m a fan of the milk drinking scene - for me it’s part of Luke demonstrating the Force (the nature of it; in the cycle of life and nurture - along with the fishing)

I agree with this, which I why I didn’t want to cut the whole scene. Luke’s milking the alien for me is enough to suggest his connection with nature and the force. The shot of Luke actually drinking it with the scornful look on his face (as if he was deliberately trying making Rey uncomfortable) felt a little too strong to me. Rey was already uncomfortable, so, for me, the purpose of the scene is already achieved without having Luke rub it in her face.

I took Luke’s scowl itself ss a ‘much to learn you have’ / ‘unlearn what you have learned’ type message - the realisation that he is now giving those lessons to someone young, naive yet willing… as once Yoda gave him - though you’re right, it is quite a strong look from him to that already uncomfortable Rey.

A difficult choice to decide / cut - though you’ve given yourself some quality possibilities…

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.