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Going to Mos Eisely music used in 2011 Blu ray/1997 Special Edition onwards?


If anyone reading this could please tell me the name of the different music track used in A New Hope’s 2011 Blu ray/1997 Special Edition release onwards in the scene where they are travelling to/through Mos Eisely in Luke’s Landspeeder, it would be truly gratefully appreciated 😃


I think the track is called ‘Mos Eisley Spaceport’ - https://www.discogs.com/composition/3712ea6b-8c56-4545-9272-2881ac5533cc-Mos-Eisley-Spaceport

(the track also forms part of the earlier scenes where Luke goes home to find his aunt & uncle, then comes back to Obi-Wan burning/burying the killed jawas)

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oojason said:

I think the track is called ‘Mos Eisley Spaceport’ - https://www.discogs.com/composition/3712ea6b-8c56-4545-9272-2881ac5533cc-Mos-Eisley-Spaceport

(the track also forms part of the earlier scenes where Luke goes home to find his aunt & uncle, then comes back to Obi-Wan burning/burying the killed jawas)

Thank you! If you and or anyone reading this could also please identify all of the Empire Strikes Back tracks used in the following video in the order that they appear (not all of them are listed under Show More), it would be truly gratefully appreciated 😃