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Taking a stand against toxic fandom (and other ) — Page 12


Warbler said:

Ronster said:

take bladerunner for instance there is’nt any stupidness about the what 4 different versions and no huge whining over the san diego sneak preview thats never been released.

Blade runner has been released on blu-ray and dvd in I don’t know how many versions. Where as the ot is only released in the version that Lucas wants to shove down our throats. Also I think there is a big difference between a preview version of a film and a version of a film that is the official and basically only version for the first 20 years of its existence.

that is ok but the san diego version had a few unique things about it.

Basically my point is about " Band waggoning" Blade runner does not get band waggoned Star wars does.

Blade Runner is a bit more mature in terms of it’s content.

Star Wars from return of the Jedi turned for appealing to the kids or childrrn more so but try to leave enough to still keep an adult interest.

But what star wars is now is try to please everyone but that unhortunately invites everyone also. But when people also monetize hating there is far more incentive to spread the hate.

It’s pretty bad but that is unsociable media for you…


One might wonder if GDPR is actually to root out the fanatics or limit it even if it claims to be about privacy and tracking. either way there is a big bubble in the internet data collection and money chain an awful lot is way over valued and a lot of information is totally worthless. But that bubble will burst one day.


Warbler said:

Collipso said:

Warbler said:

DrDre said:

Warbler said:

DrDre said:

Warbler said:

screams in the void said:

George was quoted as saying in 2012 , " Why should I make more when everyone yells at you and says what a terrible person you are ?"…granted , he came back after the Disney merger ,had a meltdown , then came to acceptance and then came back to support all the subsequent productions .I watched Mark Hamill’s ceremony for his star on the walk of fame earlier this year and George Lucas and Harrison Ford attended , an interviewer asked Lucas about Star Wars and he said he had nothing to say . I think he is still going through the stages of grief. He did say it was like a divorce after all . Also . on the subject of Jar Jar , Ahmed best has started doing some field notes on the backlash of his character , seems he feels George could have stuck up for him a bit more …https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoRD_SfIbwE

Maybe Lucas should have taken a deeper look at why the fans were yelling at him and saying what a terrible person he was? Maybe he should have more open to the idea that (gasp!) he could have made mistakes that led to the fan hate. The thing is, he could made a lot of the fan hate go away by doing one simple thing: give the oot the release it deserves.

Ah, so the abused should ask himself or herself, why he or she deserves to be abused, rather than expect respectful discourse?

Lucas is not a battered wife.

Kelly-Mary Tran, and Ahmed Best are not battered wifes… I don’t see how that has anything to do with toxic behaviour towards creators of a work for not getting what you want.

You referred to to Lucas like he was an a victim of abuse. He isn’t.

jesus warb. he literally said he didn’t want to make anymore movies due to the amount of attacks towards him. there’s no excuse for that.

and then he went back to counting his zillions(zillions that can’t came from the fans). Can’t say I feel too sorry for him. He was never to my knowledge physically attacked. Did some of it go too far? Yes. But much was justified complaining. In my opinion, Lucas acted like a self centered, arrogant, jerk. Sorry, but that is how I feel.

Zillions of dollars does not make one happy. You might assume it does, but it does not. I’m pretty sure GL, as a human, does actually have feelings, and that feeling constantly personally attacked about his filmmaking choices is pretty emotionally taxing.

The money he made has nothing to do with it. Someone making money off a product or service people consume does not give said consumers license to cause them significant emotional distress over it.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Warbler said:

In order to insure things don’t get any worse, I shall leave the thread and cease commenting here for a while and things to get peaceful again and the subject to change. I apologize for getting heated.


I mean, if you’re going to leave a thread, just leave it. Quoting your “I’m leaving” post whenever someone replies just shows you aren’t actually letting it go, even if you aren’t technically saying anything.


Okay, I have calmed down a bit. What specific things do you think the fans that were anti Lucas did, that went too far and went into the area of being toxic? (note I agree somethings were toxic, very toxic and went way too far, I am just trying to get sense of what everyone else feels was toxic and what wasn’t).

Is merely being angry at Lucas and criticizing him on this very forum, toxic? What kind of criticizing goes too far? Where is the line. I am just trying to find out what everyone thinks.


Well, it is slightly different. I am just trying to understand the others’ perspectives in the thread. I am not trying to continue or start another argument, and I am not trying to cause trouble. But I suppose I did change my mind a little. But I think I am allowed.


The leadership over at Disney says the reason why the franchise is taking a nosedive is because:

  1. half the fans are racist and sexist.
  2. the other half is just sick of the franchise.

These are clearly brilliant statements with the full weight of truth behind it.


World Class Bullshitters is like the Alex Jones of the Star Wars community, but I don’t know if he’s profiting.


screams in the void said:

luckydube56 said:

The leadership over at Disney says the reason why the franchise is taking a nosedive is because:

  1. half the fans are racist and sexist.
  2. the other half is just sick of the franchise.

These are clearly brilliant statements with the full weight of truth behind it.

see OP and kindly knock it off please .

After having phrased it as you did, I don’t believe you can ask for that. That’s like saying “Ok everyone, I’ll be the good guy and you be the villain”. No. What if I don’t think I’m the villain. Toxicity? The franchise itself was poisoned and you, like RJ and Kennedy, are “taking a stand”?

This franchise belongs to us. We all said so in unison when Lucas proclaimed he would destroy the original version of the OTs in favor of the remastered editions. Rian Johnson says it’s his film so if you don’t like then tough t!ts.

Truth be told, I don’t have that much of a dog in the fight and in some way I can see RJs perspective. I can drop this film from my own head canon. None of this sequel trilogy ever happened as far as I’m concerned. But I tend to feel more sympathetic towards those that feel abandoned.

If you are taking a stand, then it’s against somebody so this idea that you were gonna have this one sided stand-taking thread is silly.

Have at it.


luckydube56 said:

screams in the void said:

luckydube56 said:

The leadership over at Disney says the reason why the franchise is taking a nosedive is because:

  1. half the fans are racist and sexist.
  2. the other half is just sick of the franchise.

These are clearly brilliant statements with the full weight of truth behind it.

see OP and kindly knock it off please .

After having phrased it as you did, I don’t believe you can ask for that. That’s like saying “Ok everyone, I’ll be the good guy and you be the villain”. No. What if I don’t think I’m the villain. Toxicity? The franchise itself was poisoned and you, like RJ and Kennedy, are “taking a stand”?

This franchise belongs to us. We all said so in unison when Lucas proclaimed he would destroy the original version of the OTs in favor of the remastered editions. Rian Johnson says it’s his film so if you don’t like then tough t!ts.

Truth be told, I don’t have that much of a dog in the fight and in some way I can see RJs perspective. I can drop this film from my own head canon. None of this sequel trilogy ever happened as far as I’m concerned. But I tend to feel more sympathetic towards those that feel abandoned.

If you are taking a stand, then it’s against somebody so this idea that you were gonna have this one sided stand-taking thread is silly.

Have at it.

I don’t really see what disliking the current batch of Star Wars movies has to do with the topic of this thread, unless you’re arguing not liking a movie gives you the right to behave like an *******? I also don’t remember anyone claiming the franchise belongs solely to the fans, or that fans should be allowed to dictate its future, woe to those that dare to ignore the fans’ wishes. In either case the OP determines the thread topic. Those are the rules. If you don’t like it, take it up with the mods/admin…


DrDre said:

luckydube56 said:

screams in the void said:

luckydube56 said:

The leadership over at Disney says the reason why the franchise is taking a nosedive is because:

  1. half the fans are racist and sexist.
  2. the other half is just sick of the franchise.

These are clearly brilliant statements with the full weight of truth behind it.

see OP and kindly knock it off please .

After having phrased it as you did, I don’t believe you can ask for that. That’s like saying “Ok everyone, I’ll be the good guy and you be the villain”. No. What if I don’t think I’m the villain. Toxicity? The franchise itself was poisoned and you, like RJ and Kennedy, are “taking a stand”?

This franchise belongs to us. We all said so in unison when Lucas proclaimed he would destroy the original version of the OTs in favor of the remastered editions. Rian Johnson says it’s his film so if you don’t like then tough t!ts.

Truth be told, I don’t have that much of a dog in the fight and in some way I can see RJs perspective. I can drop this film from my own head canon. None of this sequel trilogy ever happened as far as I’m concerned. But I tend to feel more sympathetic towards those that feel abandoned.

If you are taking a stand, then it’s against somebody so this idea that you were gonna have this one sided stand-taking thread is silly.

Have at it.

I don’t really see what disliking the current batch of Star Wars movies has to do with the topic of this thread, unless you’re arguing not liking a movie gives you the right to behave like an *******? I also don’t remember anyone claiming the franchise belongs solely to the fans, or that fans should be allowed to dictate its future, woe to those that dare to ignore the fans’ wishes. In either case the OP determines the thread topic. Those are the rules. If you don’t like it, take it up with the mods/admin…

You are correct. I have indeed stumbled upon the wrong thread.

Apologies to screams in the void. I will leave my posts up as a testament to my careless stupidity. Feel free to facepalm my posts. I would also be remiss if I failed to extend my admiration to Dre for his heroism. I would move my posts to the thread about culture but I must now resume my slumber.


luckydube56 said:
You are correct. I have indeed stumbled upon the wrong thread.

Apologies to screams in the void. I will leave my posts up as a testament to my careless stupidity.

I’ll leave them up as a reminder of what we don’t want in this discussion. Looks like cooler heads have already prevailed. Perhaps we can keep it that way.

Forum Moderator

Well said Dre and Anchorhead.



‘Kelly Marie Tran: I Won’t Be Marginalized by Online Harassment’… (in her own words)



A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


screams in the void said:

Ahmed Best , field notes pt 2 …https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CORTqcuZM_4

Part 3 of ‘Field Notes’ is up now too mate, where he discusses fans, respect, Darth JarJar, The Phantom Edit, and more - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CORTqcuZM_4

For others interested, Ahmed Best’s ‘Field Notes’ youtube channel can be found here:-



A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Z6PO said:

oojason said:

‘Kelly Marie Tran: I Won’t Be Marginalized by Online Harassment’… (in her own words)


This is so powerful. (And goes far beyond online harassment)

I just logged on to post the link. Hats off to her pushing back. We’ll be a better world because of it. The people who have harassed her and tried to silence her will eventually be gone. With a little luck, she may very well be part of the solution.

Really looking forward to following her career, Star Wars or other wise.

Forum Moderator