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The "ADigitalMan Special Editions" DVD Info and Feedback Thread (Released) — Page 5

Interesting information. Very promising. The info is not ISO but VIDEO_TS, so I don't know if it would work or not. It would it require everybody to create the ISO in the same manner. However, if a similar technology could be applied to any type of file(s) then it would work beautifully.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Aren't isos just compressed files, in theory similar in structure to rars or zips? If so isn't it near impossible to have two PCs with different specs, using different software create the same iso?
"Give us all your money and a tank of gas. We're taking this bird to Cuba" ~Stimpy
ISO's arent' compressed. They are in essence packaged data, but there is no file compression that takes place because of the ISO process.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Then it should be a simple matter, surely?
"Give us all your money and a tank of gas. We're taking this bird to Cuba" ~Stimpy
Alas, after some extensive testing, it's not going to be easy at all. The change takes place in the first vob in the titleset. I took the first vob in the new version and overwrote the first vob in the old titleset and played. It's almost perfect, but you can see a frame jump where the first vob transitions to the second, so this would be robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Two solutions (both of which could be used):
Re-upload the entire torrent and send fresh copies into the pyramid.
Send the AC3, chapter stops, subtitle file, and DVD-Lab Pro files to rebuilt it yourself.

I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Hmmm not eveyone's going to be able to reassemble that DVD I fear. Just out of curiosity, how big's the AC3 file?
"Give us all your money and a tank of gas. We're taking this bird to Cuba" ~Stimpy
about 415 MB
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
What scene is the audio dropout in ? - have watched through 18mins onwards (inc 19.37) but can't find anything...

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.

Right after Nute Gunray gets off his ship and says "Ahhh ... Victory!" where the shot wipes to the Gungan sub just prior to its surfacing.

The dropout is due to my cutting the audio too short when the transition is made to the Waterfall sequence.

On a tangent, I originally thought this scene had little merit and considered not restoring it. But then I realized it's about as plot-integral as the giant rolling ball at the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark. i.e. It's just an added bit of danger, tension and action to an otherwise dull part of the movie. Clip out Jar Jar's nonsense (given the fact he could swim against a waterfall current effortlessly, what was all the panicking for?) and it plays out pretty well.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I found it - though have to say (IMHO) it was hardly noticeable - I wish you or Hardcore were on the QC for the 2004 dvd release

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.

It's really not that big of a deal.

But has anyone else noticed the lip sync is a little off in Episode II? No problem for me, I'm mainly just using scene transitions from his version for my edit.

My stance on revising fan edits.

Really? Throughout or just in a particular spot?

*hangs head in shame*
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Well I know it starts at least with Padme's bedroom scene, and continues at least until after the picnic scene. (I've been using DVD Shrink to rip the movie little-by-little at a time, b/c the computer can only read it for a short time before it thinks there's no disc. weird)

My stance on revising fan edits.

Hal9k: 2 things you might want to try. I have a crappy Maddog DVD drive at the moment that has questionable compatibility so here are some trick that might help.

After first putting the disc in the drive, run Nero InfoTool and let it look at the disc. For some reason even if windows couldn't identify the disc, Nero will and until you remove the disc (or reboot), it'll run fine.

Another thing that can help during playback problems is DVDIdle: http://www.dvd-idle.com/dvd-idle.htm
It makes your drive read ahead and cache the data.

Hope that helps

Dr. M

I finally fixed my ratio on another site and was getting ready to grab Vergence, but now I'm thinking I should hold off to see what ED does with the sound drop out.

Btw, any time frame for an Ep 2 release to MySpleen?

Dr. M

Anybody else who has this set noticing the same sync problem? I had a problem with the sync being out here that I thought was fixed for the final mux. I just whipped the copy out and didn't notice anything. Of course, players can drift in-and-out of sync in my experience.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: Doctor M

Btw, any time frame for an Ep 2 release to MySpleen?

- As soon as I can - I seem to have 10 million things going one now but I will get this up as soon as I can!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Rikter: I am not rushing you. You does us all a great favor with your releases.

Dr. M

ADM, did you have to do any resyncing (by eye/ear) during your edit? Or did you just make sure you took out the same amount of audio as video when you made a cut?

ADigitalMan, I apologize. There are no sync errors in your edit, it was MPEG-VCR screwing it up. I looked at the DVD, and it's fine.
It also messed up my normal AOTC.

MPEG-VCR is frustrating. Sorry again, there are NO sync errors!

My stance on revising fan edits.

Maybe it's been said but what is the name of the Ep 2 edit?

Dr. M

Originally posted by: Darth Editous
ADM, did you have to do any resyncing (by eye/ear) during your edit? Or did you just make sure you took out the same amount of audio as video when you made a cut?

A little of both. What I did first was make straight cuts in the audio where the video was made. Then, I would slide the audio cut point to something a little more palettable. Weird thing about Womble, it treats everything as 29.97, even if it's 23.976, repeating the 6th frame for you when you work with it. The end export would lose frames occasionally that I don't think were dropped frames, but were simply where cuts were made on a "repeated" frame. That's my guess anyway.

So, I generated a reference copy of the mix and noted how many frames it was off from the final video. I loaded this reference copy into vegas and squeezed it the appropriate amount of frames to match where it should have fallen with the video.

I then went back to the source AC3 files and used Hypercube Transcoder to rip the streams to individual mono wavs, then loaded those wav's into vegas, grouped them by source, and set up the surround panning to match where it should be.

I then started the painstaking process in Vegas (I only use the Audio part of it) of listening to the squeezed stereo reference mix and the original WAV files at the same time. Whenever a cut was detected in the reference copy, I rebuilt the cut in the surround mix, crossfading the audio so it would sound seamless. Often, I'd try different envelope shapes to find just the right fade shape for the particular cut. On Ep I and II this was a total nightmare because there were so many little cuts here and there.

Eventually I got through it all. I then removed the stereo reference WAV and generated the resulting 5.1 AC3. I muxed it, watched it, and every time something was noticed (in video, audio, or subtitles), I would return to the source, tweak, re-export, re-mux, burn, re-watch. I probably did a dozen rounds of fine-tuning in this manner on each movie.

Sometimes the sync appeared a little off so I'd tweak something there visually. "There it is R4, our missing planet, Kamino" sticks out in my mind as a line that was out of sync. It's actually a bad ADR job, as it's still out of sync, even thought part of the line now matches Ewan's lips.

Anyway, the goal was to eventually get through the movie without finding anything. Every time I thought I was there, I'd find another little something misbehaving. Clearly I even missed one that's prompted this "recall" I'm doing on Ep I.

I once had a boss that called this kind of meticulous, anal-retentive attention to detail "the endless pursuit of needless perfection."

My wife calls it "spending too much time on the damn computer doing Star Wars bulls#!t."

I don't sleep much. B-{
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: Doctor M
Maybe it's been said but what is the name of the Ep 2 edit?

"Path To The Dark Side."

Details on each edit are in the first post in the thread, by the way. Thought I'd remind all y'all of that.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan

My wife calls it "spending too much time on the damn computer doing Star Wars bulls#!t."


You too huh?
"Give us all your money and a tank of gas. We're taking this bird to Cuba" ~Stimpy
hi guys i get that very same quote from my wife as well,i get done with 1 (Star Wars)project then start another,she wants to know when it will end?