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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 11


I know you finshed but you should add the line from season 6 of the clone wars.

Replace my powers have doubled since we last fought. With for once you did you’re own dirty work count


HerekittykittyX said:

I know you finshed but you should add the line from season 6 of the clone wars.

Replace my powers have doubled since we last fought. With for once you did you’re own dirty work count

Again, the different voice actors makes it too jarring. If you want this to happen so badly do it in your own edit instead of constantly telling others to do it even after they’ve said they won’t be using the idea.


I finally got around to watching the whole thing. Really liked. I haven’t watched the clone wars, so I can’t comment on how accuracte your portrayal of Anakin is to that, but at the very least, he’s likable and believable enough in this edit. Good job!


ChainsawAsh said:

HerekittykittyX said:

I know you finshed but you should add the line from season 6 of the clone wars.

Replace my powers have doubled since we last fought. With for once you did you’re own dirty work count

Again, the different voice actors makes it too jarring. If you want this to happen so badly do it in your own edit instead of constantly telling others to do it even after they’ve said they won’t be using the idea.

I am just its like revisited


HerekittykittyX said:

ChainsawAsh said:

HerekittykittyX said:

I know you finshed but you should add the line from season 6 of the clone wars.

Replace my powers have doubled since we last fought. With for once you did you’re own dirty work count

Again, the different voice actors makes it too jarring. If you want this to happen so badly do it in your own edit instead of constantly telling others to do it even after they’ve said they won’t be using the idea.

its like revisited

how so?


Collipso said:

HerekittykittyX said:

ChainsawAsh said:

HerekittykittyX said:

I know you finshed but you should add the line from season 6 of the clone wars.

Replace my powers have doubled since we last fought. With for once you did you’re own dirty work count

Again, the different voice actors makes it too jarring. If you want this to happen so badly do it in your own edit instead of constantly telling others to do it even after they’ve said they won’t be using the idea.

its like revisited

how so?

Using 3D animation to make new entire sequences heres the link http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/The-Star-Wars-the-clone-wars-the-prequel-trilogy/id/57546/page/4


I just watched the edit, and I loved it! This is a much more realistic movie, from a character standpoint, than the original. It leaves many things unspoken, which makes it much more of a mature movie and with much less “show and tell” like I think the original suffers from.

Big Props to NFBisms for the work!

Small question, though: why is the audio track only 32 kHz?


There’s a higher quality, better edited version sitting un rendered for right now, I just don’t have time for anything anymore man…

The few tweaks include audio level fixes for two or three of the added audio bits, timing fix with “There’s no time…” earlier on in the film, and just three more different cuts in the beginning, middle, and end:

  • Faster R2 vs Buzz Droid
  • “Anakin I am on your side” replacing “We are at war, Anakin.”
  • “You’re too late” audio left out at the end

Then I think I can finally put this project to bed. I just need to find time to finalize it. I’ve been jumping a little too eagerly to do that the past 7 times and people have been left with less than perfect versions. This time, I won’t put it out unless I’m sure this is it, even if the changes this time are minimal.

That’s probably when I’ll even bother with FE.org, reddit, cover art, and blu ray stuff. By then, I want to have a “New Canon Cut” Trilogy done. I haven’t made a thread for it yet, but I’ve been working my way through AotC whenever I can. It’ll be in the same spirit as this edit.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


That is a wise decision! I hope you find the time to finish and are proud of the product that you put out!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


ForceGhostRecon said:

NFBisms said:

This is a big one, thanks to ImperialFighter for the suggestion in a private topic, but I think I’m doing away with the Darth Vader scream of anguish, improved LoE version or not. The Vader awakens sequence is very different now, and I used an idea I got from a re-edit of the scene on Vimeo that I saw a few months ago but can’t seem to find anymore. But basically, it goes:

P: Anakin. Can you hear me?

DV: … Anakin Skywalker was weak… I destroyed him.

Using Star Wars Rebels audio. I just think it goes by too fast and is abrupt, so I’d really like to hear if people want it in, or suggestions and ideas on how to improve it.

I’m actually the editor of that scene on vimeo 😃 - nice to see someone taking it and running with it! I’d love to see your edit when you’re done! sounds good

Here’s a link to the clip on Vimeo for reference: https://vimeo.com/183048045

Omg i had the exact same idea for my edit could i use this footage and put it in my sources of where i got it from


Alright, I have finally gotten the chance to watch this and here are my thoughts.

0:01:26 I feel the text crawl is just a little too long towards the end. The sentence “on a daring mission straight into the heart of the fleeing separatist army, in an effort to rescue the captive Chancellor…” could be shortened to a more concise “on a daring mission to rescue the captive Chancellor…”.

0:07:43 BRILLIANT IDEA TO USE THE VIDEO GAME AUDIO!!! I just wanted to say that first. But the part where Obi-Wan says “Never an elevator when you need one” is a little hard to hear over the blaster fire. Perhaps have him say it when the destroyer droids are rolling up and deploying their arms?

1:29:58 - 1:30:02 The audio for Anakin’s line sounds a little off IDK if that is something you can help or not but I felt I should point it out.

1:30:17 - 1:30:28 I love the dialog changes here but I would remove the “If your not with me” and have it be.

Anakins back turned

Obi-Wan “Anakin please face up to what you have done!”

Anakin looks over his shoulder and then turns his back again

shot still on his turned back

Anakin “It’s to late for that”.

I think it’s more powerful this way.

1:46:21 I am a tad sad to see the scene where Vader reacts to Padmes death removed but if you feel it is necessary.

1:49:21 - 1:49:53 I have never liked this Yoda scene but I can see how other people would like it.

That’s Basically it. Overall I feel this is the version we should have gotten in theaters and will be my definitive version of this movie!

P.S. I noticed lines towards the top and bottom of the screen that seem a tad distorted throughout the movie? Perhaps it’s just the version I have.


Nfbisms is this project year’s away from being released?


One what do you mean by pretty much done? what’s left episode 3 etc.


It was, but I took it down after I decided to update the edit. I don’t think the quality the new version is rendered in is worth putting up on MySpleen right now. I’ll put it out in full HD when I have the time.

I also actually haven’t touched the movie in a month, while I was every day before, even after having some version out. So I’m confident that the one I’ve been sending out since Feb 20th is the final version.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


cinephile20 said:

NFBisms said:

It’s pretty much done. PM me for a link.

Why isn’t it on myspleen you have an account if you don’t mind me asking?

Dude, stop making sock accounts. At this point you have to be 100% banned for life from this site. This is getting ridiculous.


Please don’t feed the trolls NFBisms - it only encourages them to return - when they should be getting on with their lives elsewhere.

Thank you.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


(After seeing The Edit)

It Was Quite Good.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


I finally got a chance to sit down and watch this, and I enjoyed it a lot!

Pros – a lot of clever tweaks improved multiple scenes, good use of the deleted scenes, and GREAT use of additional dialogue from Clone Wars and the ROTS video game. Above all, you succeeded in making Anakin a more assertive and respected character.

I had a few nitpicks and personal preferences for other things I’d have liked to see changed from the official movie, but nothing huge. Impressive work overall, and the philosophy behind it absolutely paid off.



NFBisms sorry to bother you if you’re busy but how’s the project coming along?


^i’ve absolutely given up*

*i mean. it’s done pretty much. i can and have been able to send it to people for the past year, it’s just not in HD or usable for editing in other edits. I don’t have the time to spend on finalizing it a neat, high quality package. it’ll forever be some MP4 on a google drive link.

i will also admit, I don’t even necessarily stand by all of my decisions any more, and I think a big part of my halted progress is that I just can’t sit through ROTS anymore without falling asleep. maybe the passion will come back when TCW does.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing