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The Last Jedi: The De-Feminized Fanedit — Page 4

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Let it rot.


Collipso said:

I suppose you’d have to invert both, because they have a romantic relationship. Or simply have them being gay - that way it totally works.

Exactly my point, it could have worked no matter what.

Although I’ll grant having Leia and Han the same gender and in a relationship wouldn’t have worked in 1980. Luckily most of us here aren’t stuck in 1980.


Man, this thread used to be fun. Can we go back to talking about the fanedit?

Not enough people read the EU.


How exactly was it fun before?


Here’s the description pulled straight out of the pirate bay:

Basically The Last Jedi minus Girlz Powah and other silly stuff.

It would probably be easier to make a list of things that were kept instead of things that were changed. Hardly any scene got away without cuts.

The resulting movie is (wait for it …) 46 minutes long.

Yeah I know, it’s not ideal. It’s made from a CAM source (the most recent HDTC one with the Asian hard subs, which is pretty watchable). It has issues. But it had to be done.

You will probably enjoy it most when you view it less as a blockbuster movie and more as some kind of episode from some non-existent mediocre Star Wars series.

Here’s a short rundown of changes (spoilers! full list in description.txt):

  • No whiny/reluctant/murderous psycho Luke.
  • NO HALDO! She simply doesn’t exist. Her whole subplot doesn’t exist. The Kamikaze is carried out by Poe. ( = Poe dies.)
  • Leia never scolds, questions nor demotes Poe.
  • Lea dies. Kylo kills her.
  • Kylo is more badass and much less conflicted and volatile.
  • Kylo takes on more of Snoke’s guards, Rey struggles with a single one.
  • No bomber heroism by china girl in the beginning.
  • No Canto Bight.
  • No superpowered Rey.
  • Luke is not a semi-force-ghost and is smashed by the first laser cannon shot. (sorry, I just had to!)
  • Phasma is finished after the first blow by Finn. (Women are naturally weaker than men, she isn’t force-sensitive, and we know nothing about any exo-skeleton in her suit)
  • Asian chick speaks less, doesn’t bully Finn, Finn doesn’t try to escape, she is never formally introduced. She is just there and occasionally smiles at Finn or screams “Finn!”. She has no sister. Serves her right for all the heinous stuff she did.
  • Lots of little cuts reducing the number of female facial shots. Too many to count. (Pun intended.)
  • Quite a few scenes rearranged so that the flow of the shortened movie is still somewhat coherent.

Obviously it’s far from perfect. The source is not even on DVD-level. Some of the technical edits were slacked because why not, it’s a CAM source (e.g. some masks and Snoke disappearing). Sometimes there’s an extreme zoom despite the mediocre quality. There are plotholes and continuity errors and some cuts are not as smooth as they should be, especially audio transition-wise. But for what it’s worth, it can now at least be viewed without feeling nauseaus about most of the terrible big and small decisions they made in this film. Also, at least the intro sequence is now very watchable and actually much cooler without all of Leia’s nitpicking. Now it’s all one united Resistance fighting without inner conflict and that’s much more satisfying to watch. Due to the extreme shortening, the whole movie is much more fast-paced now, at times unfortuantely also rushed due to a lack of usable filler footage


I feel more stupid for having read that.


I realize this might be an unpopular opinion here, but aside from the portrayal of Luke (which some people feel is just a matter of interpretation,) the non-Rey female characters were easily the worst parts of the film.
They have the most cringe-inducing dialogue: “I want to put my fist through this whole lousy beautiful town,” “if you need to see the sun shining to know it’s there, you’ll never last through the night,” and the clincher, “This is how we win. Not destroying what we hate. Saving what we love.” They also make accompanying nonsensical decisions, which I do not need to elaborate upon.

Holdo is a much more potent Mary Sue than Rey ever was. She has all the traits: comes out of nowhere, secretly Leia’s best friend all along, good at everything, unfairly disliked, outlandish hair color, gets an amazing self-sacrificial death scene performing an anime maneuver that heretofore did not exist.

So while this guy making a “no women” edit is a useful punching bag/lightning rod for almost literally everyone, that doesn’t make TLJ a feminist masterwork and it certainly doesn’t make the criticisms of the women in the movie invalid. Honestly I would end up making a lot of the same cuts/edits that he does.
It’s the same issue with 2016 Ghostbusters. “Checkmate, sexists! We put women in YOUR franchise!” Great! Were they funny? No. Actually, the black woman was a borderline offensive caricature. Was the movie good? Again, no. If anything, it sets the cause of women back by putting them in a terrible movie.


Yes, holding sexist views is unpopular here.


Vladius said:

I realize this might be an unpopular opinion here, but aside from the portrayal of Luke (which some people feel is just a matter of interpretation,) the non-Rey female characters were easily the worst parts of the film.
They have the most cringe-inducing dialogue:…“if you need to see the sun shining to know it’s there, you’ll never last through the night,” …

A line not even spoken in the film. If you are going to use quotes to prove a point about bad dialogue, at least get the quote right. That’s not even close.




“Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it you’ll never make it through the night.”


I don’t take this edit seriously i think its the funny way to troll political correct culture.


To me it is nuts to be upset about diversity in the Star Wars universe. How many aliens and space weirdos have graced the silver screen in a Star Wars movie? Creatures of every size and shape and color imaginable and yet people are still hung up on women and minorities playing any sort of prominent role. I don’t get it; ‘what a boring, dull place would this world be if everyone looked just like me’.


TV’s Frink said:

dahmage said:

Yes, holding sexist views is unpopular here.

But sadly not as infrequent here as they should be.

In fairness to some here, I assume they are young children who might not know better.


one69chev said:

To me it is nuts to be upset about diversity in the Star Wars universe. How many aliens and space weirdos have graced the silver screen in a Star Wars movie? Creatures of every size and shape and color imaginable and yet people are still hung up on women and minorities playing any sort of prominent role. I don’t get it; ‘what a boring, dull place would this world be if everyone looked just like me’.

Quoted for truth my friend.

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DominicCobb said:

TV’s Frink said:

dahmage said:

Yes, holding sexist views is unpopular here.

But sadly not as infrequent here as they should be.

In fairness to some here, I assume they are young children who might not know better.

Like the guy I quoted in the post directly above this one?

I’m not accusing, I’m just wondering.

Because that post he made was quite childish.


TV’s Frink said:

DominicCobb said:

TV’s Frink said:

dahmage said:

Yes, holding sexist views is unpopular here.

But sadly not as infrequent here as they should be.

In fairness to some here, I assume they are young children who might not know better.

Like the guy I quoted in the post directly above this one?

I’m not accusing, I’m just wondering.

Because that post he made was quite childish.



SparkySywer said:

liamnotneeson said:

DominicCobb said:

MalàStrana said:

GylesReynek said:
People that do stuff like make a de-feminized version of Star Wars are the exact type of people the Rebels are fighting against. This dude is Hux IRL.

Ridiculous statement.

But sadly true

I don’t remember the Resistance fighting against muh misogynists last time I watched any of the Star Wars movies, and I don’t remember Hux saying anything about women. Correct me if I’m wrong

The Empire and the First Order are both pretty conservative. They’re divine right monarchies that require allegiance to a societal hierarchy, founded to restore the glory days that may or may not have even existed.

Sorry for being late, but did you and I watch the same movies? When does the Empire ever harken back to some glory days? The First Order only acts in a way that it could be interpreted like that because they believe themselves to a literal continuation of that same government

And when, in any Star Wars movie, is there any belief in some kind of Divine Right? There’s a huge difference between wanting to rule the galaxy and using the Force to do so, and believing that you have a right from GOD to exist as a government

There is hierarchy in the Empire/FO because they’re a militaristic organization- the Empire is based on Vietnam-era USA. The Empire/FO doesn’t have a social hierarchy because of any belief or society philosophy, it’s just military structure

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


HerekittykittyX said:

i think its the funny way to troll feminists and political correct culture.

I don’t like talking politics where isn’t not warranted, and I probably agree with you on PC culture, but it’s not "troll"ing anyone. No one is actually getting ‘debunked’

dahmage said:

Yes, holding sexist views is unpopular here.

Except he didn’t express any sexist views

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


Well thank god you don’t like talking politics where “isn’t not warranted” then.


People trying to assign the First Order some sort of divine right or conservative philosophy are really looking into it too much. First Order are evil dudes who want to rule galaxy. It’s Star Wars people. Movies best suited around ideas of heroism and adventure, not politics. Partly why I don’t like the animal cruelty stuff in TLJ. It feels out of place even if I am against animal cruelty.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


The First Order was equally diverse as the Resistance, if not more so.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Yeah, I don’t even recognize my space Nazis anymore