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Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - controversy thoughts? — Page 5


Now today I have to pay to get content in the new Zelda game.

Are you seriously comparing Nintendo to EA? Nintendo is one of the few companies who do DLC right. You can play through all of Breath of the Wild without paying extra. You’re not being handicapped either. All you’re missing is a bit of side content, and content that, IMO, isn’t even remotely interesting, though it remains to be seen if the last DLC pack will have something worthwhile.


Jeez… Egyptian was such a pain to unlock back in the day


Ronster said:

oojason said:



you have a golden eye oojason!

Indeed I do…

(hums the N64 007 theme in the background…)


I wish I did have a Golden cart! I still make do with the regular grey cartridge from time to time, just to keep my eye in.


Mocata said:

Jeez… Egyptian was such a pain to unlock back in the day

I found a good start re the yellow guards down the 1st tunnel was key - and a lot of patience with the guards in the next room with the closing door. Then it was those pesky automated machine guns, getting up close with Jaws so he couldn’t shoot his M16s at you, and finally a little luck (half of everything is luck…) getting up the ladder at the end without being shot.

Happy days 😃

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chyron8472 said:

Wazzles said:

chyron8472 said:

HerekittykittyX said:

J0E said:

bromeo said:

I just hope Disney pulls the plug on EA’s Star Wars license in the future. I’d love to see a new KOTOR from BioWare (or a new RPG from CD Projekt Red).

I’ve lost what little hope I had for a KotOR 3. Even with EA owning Bioware, having exclusive rights to the Star Wars license, KotOR being made available on Xbone and KotOR 2 having a massive update a year or two ago on steam. Setting aside that the game series is over a decade old and it’s no longer considered “canon”, what really made me lose hope was EA shutting down Visceral because of the “linear single player” Star Wars game they were developing. I still had hope. After seeing Deus Ex get a sequel after over a decade I had hope for KotOR, but no longer. It’s a shame because it is one of the finest role-playing experiences out there along with Ultima Underground, The Elder Scrolls chapter 2: Daggerfall and Baldur’s Gate.

OMG I need CD project red Bethesda to work on a Star Wars game that would be amazing

That would basically just be Fallout 4.

But Star Wars. Which would be amazing.

Bethesda is seriously overrated when it comes to making RPGs. Now, if they got the team that worked on New Vegas, I’d be all for it. Pagliarulo is just not a good writer, and I’d rather he not attempt a Star Wars game.


Mocata said:

Do the people that made KOTOR even work for Bioware anymore?

I know they recently hired either one of the original producers or one of the original project directors for KotOR. I don’t remember which and I’m too lazy to look it up.

Luke astro-projects himself to Salt Lake Planet, gets shot at by gorilla walkers, has a non-lightsaber duel with Darth Millennial, then dies of a broken heart, inspiring broom boys throughout the galaxy to get creative with their sweeping. - DuracellEnergizer


ChainsawAsh said:

Eh, I’d rather Obsidian, CDPR, or Guerilla Games than Bethesda at this point.

And Neverar gets it - just give us Elder Scrolls VI and stop dicking us around with ESO and ninety different remasters of Skyrim…

Agree 100%

Luke astro-projects himself to Salt Lake Planet, gets shot at by gorilla walkers, has a non-lightsaber duel with Darth Millennial, then dies of a broken heart, inspiring broom boys throughout the galaxy to get creative with their sweeping. - DuracellEnergizer


So I got a 20% off coupon for Target so I figured it might be worth it to pick this up with that. Then I got there and I saw the game was on sale for $20 off. So I basically got the game for almost half price. We’ll see if it was worth that.


I know not many will agree, but the Lego Star Wars games are the best Star Wars video games right now.


rodneyfaile said:

I know not many will agree, but the Lego Star Wars games are the best Star Wars video games right now.

I do agree. Needs to be a LEGO Star Wars game based upon Rebels. I’d get it, would be quite nice.

Yeh bruvs, I’d play it.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Bereadeus said:

Yeh bruvs, I’d play it.

You just know Bor Gullet would be one of the bosses.

Any excuse to post this cool ‘8-bit Rogue One gameplay snippet’:-


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rodneyfaile said:

I know not many will agree, but the Lego Star Wars games are the best Star Wars video games right now.

I agree - I think they are fun, addictive, playable and enjoyable games you can pick and play for 5 minutes, or a couple of hours. A fair few things that made gaming fun in the first place 😃

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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So I have Battlefront II, and I’m trying to find if there’s a two player splitscreen starfighter battle. Is that hidden somewhere in the game, or am I possibly stupid?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Unfortunately there’s no starfighter battles (yet?) in Arcade (solo & splitscreen)


canofhumdingers said:

Wait, you can only play star fighter battles in multiplayer?

There is quite a lot you can only do or see in multiplayer unfortunately 😕



So just like the first one. 😕

I think I’ve lost interest in this game franchise. Which sucks because it has SO MUCH potential. Stupid EA.


Thanks for clearing that up, Z6P0.

I know the first one had two player starfighter combat. But maybe that wasn’t available at launch.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Star Wars Battlefront 2 will be your free game on the Epic Games Store next week’:-


'Next week on the Epic Games Store, you will be able to claim Star Wars Battlefront 2: Celebration Edition as your own to keep forever. Free of charge, obviously.

This edition of the game contains the complete collection of customization content acquirable through in-game purchases from launch up to – and including – items inspired by The Rise of Skywalker. In other words, you will get more than two years’ worth of free content updates along with the complete collection of customization content.’

Free stuff? Cool 👍



Over 19 million people got Star Wars Battlefront 2 during Epic Games Store promo’:-


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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I figured this was as good as any thread to ask as I’m thinking about getting Battlefront 2 and it may have already been addressed. I apologise if so. Does anyone know whether or not the updates downloaded on PSN for Battlefront 2 include everything? Like will I have access to all era content with planets and characters or will I have to grind it out to unlock them? I mainly ask because I don’t have online gameplay access at this time but would still like to play with certain characters and explore different worlds when playing offline modes.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


The offline maps aren’t the same as the online ones, unfortunately. They’re significantly smaller, and they are fewer maps in offline than in online. Same for the game modes, fewer and lamer than online. Offline is meh. (But IIRC, every character is unlocked for offline play?)


Z6PO said:

The offline maps aren’t the same as the online ones, unfortunately. They’re significantly smaller, and they are fewer maps in offline than in online. Same for the game modes, fewer and lamer than online. Offline is meh. (But IIRC, every character is unlocked for offline play?)

Thank you for letting me know. That’s such a bummer honestly as it’s on sale for eighteen bucks at the moment. It might be better just waiting for Lego Star Wars and put it towards getting the Deluxe Edition as having the blue milk Luke minifigure and Rogue One characters DLC would be a lot more fun for roaming the galaxy since the game itself appears as though it will be the full game without any updates for new content. It’s a shame though that things are all DLC these days.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas