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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 90


It’s a fan film: the story is pointless and filled with various elements that make no sense (a walker within the city ? Is it the best weapon for this kind of environnement ?) just because they want to put a “SW skin” on it. But on the other hand it’s technically well made; it costed quite a lot so this is the minimum we can expect. It’s a well made fan film if you want. The actors… let’s say they try their best, which is not enough since the screenwriter didn’t do his job to develop correctly the characters.


darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

Well, the worst aspects of fan films are usually bad cinematography, editing, vfx, acting, and writing. Rogue One has all of those. What makes it like a fan film is the subject matter, to which I would say who cares.

It has some of the best CGI (not including Tarkin and Leia) EVER.

Even that is commendable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen better rendered CGI humans before. It’s just not perfect, which is what it needed to be to not draw criticism.


MalàStrana said:

It’s a fan film:

It’s not. You can say you think it’s as bad as a fan film, but it’s by definition not a fan film.


Fan film this, fan film that. I’m pretentious this, I’m pretentious that.


MalàStrana said:

It’s a fan film: the story is pointless and filled with various elements that make no sense (a walker within the city ? Is it the best weapon for this kind of environnement ?) just because they want to put a “SW skin” on it. But on the other hand it’s technically well made; it costed quite a lot so this is the minimum we can expect. It’s a well made fan film if you want. The actors… let’s say they try their best, which is not enough since the screenwriter didn’t do his job to develop correctly the characters.

To be fair mate, was a walker in a forest a great idea in ROTJ? All that uneven ground, slopes and trees in the way?

A walker is handy mobile decently-armoured tool for heavy-fire troop support - makes sense to have them wherever the Empire thinks they’ll be of use - especially in occupied cities where there is heavy resistance and air-support is limited in it’s effect (narrow streets / poor line of sight etc).

I’m not too sure it’s a case of putting a ‘SW skin’ on it - if it weren’t there people would likely be saying where at the Scout Walkers, or AT-ATs etc. It exists in a timeline where we are familiar with certain props - it’d be weird not to use them - it should be in as it is a Star Wars film - as well as new tropes like the Imperial Droid (K2S0), the U-Wing, transport craft, those slim Tie Fighter type ships, Death Troopers etc).


On a separate note, the film - for me, was how a Prequel should be done. Yes, we knew the outcome and that it’d had end on a certain path - but unlike some other prequels it’d didn’t re-write or contradict the stories and events for the Original Trilogy, had a well-structured plot, it was well executed overall, had interesting characters in the main (some of which it’d been great to see more of), had some decent acting performances, had the feel or a real film (pacing, tone, emotion and lack of poor CGI sets), some good humour, and above all it felt like one of the better Star Wars films. It felt like a Star Wars film.

It may not be ‘perfect’, but it certainly hit the spot a lot more than it missed.

Upon leaving the cinema I had a big smile on my face, felt like a kid again, and wanted to see the film again right away (damn the cinema staff and their want for sleep after a midnight showing 😉) and also has me yearning for December next year for VIII.

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Alderaan said:

What you are talking about is called dramatic irony. It occurs when there is so much meaning and revelation in the story, that you can enjoy and take pleasure in watching it over and over again throughout the years even though you already know what will happen in the plot.

Just for your own edification, this is not what dramatic irony means. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience is privy to information that a character is not, which in turn creates suspense or humour depending on the genre of the story in question.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


corellian77 said:

Alderaan said:

What you are talking about is called dramatic irony. It occurs when there is so much meaning and revelation in the story, that you can enjoy and take pleasure in watching it over and over again throughout the years even though you already know what will happen in the plot.

Just for your own edification, this is not what dramatic irony means. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience is privy to information that a character is not, which in turn creates suspense or humour depending on the genre of the story in question.

Haha yes exactly, can’t believe I forgot to call that out.


corellian77 said:
Just for your own edification, this is not what dramatic irony means. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience is privy to information that a character is not, which in turn creates suspense or humour depending on the genre of the story in question.

Which is what happens when you, the viewer, have already seen the movie before and already know what will happen next, but the character in the story does not.


Writer Gary Whittah just said he had a role as an x-wing pilot but it was cut from the film. I hope we get to find out about all those cut pilots do you remember seeing the Bigg’s and Porkins look a likes?

Also it’s been explained that Chirrutt can not see the Kyber Crystals but he can hear them. Which I think is quite interesting as I was wondering how he knew Jyn was wearing one. We now know that he senses them through his enhanced hearing as the emit a harmoic resonance.

So it’s nice to know still want their back story mind I thought Baze and Chirrut were great.

Here is a fun spot too.



When tarkin said, “you may fire when ready,” was that the motion capture, or a recycled clip from SW?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


Just saw it for a second time and liked it better. There are a couple of things that still bother me (c3po/r2d2 cameo and that first appearence of Darth Vader in his castle) but it really is solid especially that final battle.

This time I went with my wife (not a Star Wars fan but loved TFA) and my step father (a lover of the original unaltered trilogy). They both liked it - my step father more than my wife who was mad that everyone died. In her words: “I was wanting them to screw at the end!”

Surprisingly, he didn’t realize that Peter Cushing was CGI. I was thinking, “Well how do you think they did it??”

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


I agree with you! But wifey likes the happy endings.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


MalàStrana said:

It’s a fan film: the story is pointless and filled with various elements that make no sense (a walker within the city ? Is it the best weapon for this kind of environnement ?) just because they want to put a “SW skin” on it. But on the other hand it’s technically well made; it costed quite a lot so this is the minimum we can expect. It’s a well made fan film if you want. The actors… let’s say they try their best, which is not enough since the screenwriter didn’t do his job to develop correctly the characters.

A walker doesn’t make sense in any context. If you are going to criticize what is actually logical and congruent with other movies taking place in the same era, you might as well be fair. Walkers are slow and unstable, and when you have hover technology and speedy engines, why would you rely on quadrupedal machines? Heck, the ancient wheel is a more logical means of mobility for large machines. What advantage do walkers have? They are visually interesting for movie-goers. We are watching a fictional movie, and a little fan-service that also happens to make perfect military sense (the artillery was called in from an external area when the destruction of the facility on Scarif outweighed preserving the schematics for all those secret projects). If you’re going to be a party-pooper, might as well take it to its logical conclusions and point out how dumb walkers are in the first place.


When TFA came out, people complained about all sorts of things that were just as big a problem in the OT but they had no problem with. It’s fair to not like TFA or RO, but as _ender said, at least be consistent in your criticisms.


I agree with pointing out the lack of consistency in criticizing elements of the movies. I’ve been a vocal critic of the silliness of Imperial Walkers for decades. However, I appreciate the visual. It makes for an imposing presence and it’s cool for the audience. I thought they were interesting visually in 1980 and I think they’re interesting visually now.

To be clear, if you can do this;

You wouldn’t be bothering with this;

Forum Moderator

Anchorhead said:

I agree with pointing out the lack of consistency in criticizing elements of the movies. I’ve been a vocal critic of the silliness of Imperial Walkers for decades. However, I appreciate the visual. It makes for an imposing presence and it’s cool for the audience. I thought they were interesting visually in 1980 and I think they’re interesting visually now.

To be clear, if you can do this;

You wouldn’t be bothering with this;

I’ve not been following this thread too closely (so tired of all the bickering, first with TFA, and now Rogue One). So apologies if I’m missing the point. But in ESB, the walkers were sent to take out the shield generator. We saw in R1 what happens when a ship flies into a planetary shield… And (I can’t believe I’m saying this) we saw in The Phantom Menace that walking slowly through an energy shield works. So maybe the imperial navy had every intention of sending a star destroyer down into the atmosphere on Hoth…?

As for the logicalness of walkers, they actually make a lot of sense in forrests or really steep and jagged/loose terrain. The original AT-ATs were inspired by an actual military research project.

I’ve yet to post my opinion on the film itself so I guess now’s as good a time as any. I really enjoyed it. I think it’s biggest flaw is weak and bland main characters (Jyn and Cassian), but I wasn’t too surprised as weak/uninteresting main characters is a common issue with Gareth Edwards’ movies. But I really loved most everything else. The locations were awesome. Loved the additional mysticism they gave back to the force (a trend started with TFA). Loved the final battle. Loved everything about Darth Vader (the castle! Finally!). He’s not a perfect replica of himself in the OT, but he was close enough. And I think his snarky remark and his final fight were totally in character and jived perfectly with what we knew of him from the OT. Loved how this movie ties into the opening of ANH. I actually feel like it gives those opening scenes even more weight, no small feat! So far disney’s batting a thousand with Star Wars in my book. Now if they’d freaking do the right thing with the OOT, all would be right in the world again.


canofhumdingers said:

Anchorhead said:

I agree with pointing out the lack of consistency in criticizing elements of the movies. I’ve been a vocal critic of the silliness of Imperial Walkers for decades. However, I appreciate the visual. It makes for an imposing presence and it’s cool for the audience. I thought they were interesting visually in 1980 and I think they’re interesting visually now.

To be clear, if you can do this;

You wouldn’t be bothering with this;

I’ve not been following this thread too closely (so tired of all the bickering, first with TFA, and now Rogue One). So apologies if I’m missing the point. But in ESB, the walkers were sent to take out the shield generator. We saw in R1 what happens when a ship flies into a planetary shield… And (I can’t believe I’m saying this) we saw in The Phantom Menace that walking slowly through an energy shield works. So maybe the imperial navy had every intention of sending a star destroyer down into the atmosphere on Hoth…?

As for the logicalness of walkers, they actually make a lot of sense in forrests or really steep and jagged/loose terrain. The original AT-ATs were inspired by an actual military research project.

Yeah, the initial Imperial plan was to sneak up on the system, drop out of hyperspace right on top of the planet, and orbitally-bombard the Rebels into spacedust.

The whole reason the Empire sent the AT-ATs was because Ozzel dropped out of lightspeed too close to the planet. This alerted the Rebels to the presence of the Imperial fleet, giving them time to raise their shield (“strong enough to deflect any bombardment”). It’s all right there in the movie!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


So you guys are saying that if I’d watch the film more than once every 15 years I’d remember more of it? 😉

To be clear for any latecomers, I loved Rogue One. My walkers post was in response to some complaints about the practicality of a cumbersome walking vehicle in a battle when you have hover capabilities. It wasn’t a slam on the writing of Empire (which I’ve obviously forgotten some of the details).

Forum Moderator

Anchorhead said:

So you guys are saying that if I’d watch the film more than once every 15 years I’d remember more of it? 😉

To be clear for any latecomers, I loved Rogue One. My walkers post was in response to some complaints about the practicality of a cumbersome walking vehicle in a battle when you have hover capabilities. It wasn’t a slam on the writing of Empire (which I’ve obviously forgotten some of the details).

Haha yes!

And yeah, I don’t mean to come off as rabidly correcting anybody, just giving props to Brackett and Kasdan for actually explaining why the Empire would use a ground assault when they should just be able to nuke the Rebs from orbit.

For what it’s worth, I always felt like half the power of the AT-AT was intimidation factor. A hover tank is scary and all, but like you said, it’s the visual. And that works for both filmmaking and the Empire.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Mavimao said:

Bobo Jameson said:

Alderaan said:

When did Lord Haseo jump the shark? I mean his views on the movies were always bad, but I remember him at least being pleasant about it. Now every post is **** this and you’re an ass that. Try being more civil and don’t take it so personal when people have different taste than you.

Edit: well, I guess the post about wanting to see Vader kill Jedi shines a light on things. The dark side is strong in this one.

The reason that Lord Haseo called malastrana an ass is because malastrana keeps talking out of his ass! Why is it that people that rates Rogue One a 0 out of 10 is pampered on this lousy ass forum?!

It’s not called being pampered, it’s called being civil. We are allowed to agree/disagree, preferably explaining why we feel what we feel.

Being uncivil is resorting to childish acts like namecalling. We refrain from that here.

Calling someone an ass when they clearly were one isn’t childish, it’s warranted. Don’t bitch and whine when someone calls you out and have your mother change your diaper it’s beginning to stink around here.


Bobo Jameson said:

Mavimao said:

Bobo Jameson said:

Alderaan said:

When did Lord Haseo jump the shark? I mean his views on the movies were always bad, but I remember him at least being pleasant about it. Now every post is **** this and you’re an ass that. Try being more civil and don’t take it so personal when people have different taste than you.

Edit: well, I guess the post about wanting to see Vader kill Jedi shines a light on things. The dark side is strong in this one.

The reason that Lord Haseo called malastrana an ass is because malastrana keeps talking out of his ass! Why is it that people that rates Rogue One a 0 out of 10 is pampered on this lousy ass forum?!

It’s not called being pampered, it’s called being civil. We are allowed to agree/disagree, preferably explaining why we feel what we feel.

Being uncivil is resorting to childish acts like namecalling. We refrain from that here.

Calling someone an ass when they clearly were one isn’t childish, it’s warranted. Don’t bitch and whine when someone calls you out and have your mother change your diaper it’s beginning to stink around here.

And here I was thinking you finally got the message. Take a breather.

Forum Moderator