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Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within — Page 23


Howdy! I’m Sarah. I learned about fanediting sometime around 2010, and I’ve had a lot of fun watching alternate cuts. I’m looking forward to exploring open matte transfers and seeing all the little details that get cut in home releases.


I’m a little nervous, but here goes.

Hi! I’m Dee. I had heard about fan efforts to preserve the Original Trilogy before but hadn’t taken time to search for anything until now, and not only am I looking forward to getting to see the movies as they should’ve remained for the first time in forever, but also to seeing the fanedits!!


Hi all - posting as well for introductions and hoping to establish some reputation to connect with others here. Thanks!


new here and on the hunt for the highest quality lotr fotr movie with original color grading. if you have some idea of what you think is the best version of that please let me know!


Hi, new member here. Saying a big hello to all fellow OT fans!!



A new member from Spain here.

Thanks a lot.



My name is Phil. I have only just joined, but would like to thank you all for creating and contributing to this wonderful resource.


I have been a member since the mid 2000’s. I haven’t been to my spleen in a while. Now I can’t get access to it.



i have been interested in the many releases of the OT and in alternate versions of media that comes with different home media releases over the years, also i would really like hanging out with other SW fans


Hello everyone!

I’ve been a Star Wars fan since forever and I’ve always loved the original trilogy. I found this site after reading about Harmy’s Despecialized Editions and seeing the passionate discussions about preserving the OT. I haven’t seen many fan edits outside of anime (with fan subs and splicing pieces of shows together from various blu-rays for best quality), so I think it’s really cool that Star Wars gets one.

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and say I’m excited to join the community. Looking forward to learning more and sharing thoughts with all of you!



I just wanted to pitch in and say that this whole community is mazing, what dedication and love for these movies! I was introduced to Star Wars when I was 6 years old in the 90s on VHS and just recently found out about these amazing fan projects. Watched the 4K77-version last weekend and it really felt like going back in time. Really glad to see so many people coming together to appreciate and contribute to the love for movies.

In form of introduction I am a photographer professionally based in the Nordic countries, it also gives joy to see all expertise at play in the community with all the love and craftmanship into grading, editing and working on these projects that I from personal experience know is extremely time consuming. Thank you all who make this possible!


Hello from Poland!
I’ve been a SW fan since the 90s. I’m glad I can join this wonderful community 😃


Hello thanks for invite to place. Looking foward to these great work of arts to their best quality, and original cuts.


Hello, thanks for all the work you passionate folk do, it is appreciated more than can be stated! You are preserving something of immeasurable value, and as someone who is a bit obsessed with original versions of all media you have my admiration and gratitude.


Hello there!

I stumbled on this forum while researching the Different Editions and Color Grades of the LotR Trilogy and was very amazed with the preservation efforts made here!

I am film fan, film photographer, filmmaker and professionally a vfx artist. Gamer. Nerd. CRT-Enthusiast.

I have access to a BM Cinetel, that can scan 35 negatives in 4k and HDR, so if I can do my part in preserving movie history, I would gladly help! Just send me a PM if something comes up!

Happy New Year everyone!


Hey, just learned about this site today and I have to say, it’s really incredible to me that people are willing to put so much effort into making something they love even better and then sharing that with others. Hope you folks are blessed for this hard work. Cheers!


Hi there,

my name ist Peter and I´m a child of the 70ies and therefore had the pleasure to see the original trilogy in cinema at that time. Of yourse I fell in love with Leia and grew a huge fan of these movies.
I still clearly remember the endless cue of people in front of my hometown cinema when “The Empire Strikes Back” came to the big screen - unthinkable nowadays …
Now I´m in 3D collecting and I read rumours that the original trilogy was fan converted and on my search I stumbled about this wonderful community.

I hope someone can help answering the question if a (good!) 3D conversion might be available somewhere in this galaxy 😉


Hello fans, Shaman here. I came across this site while looking for solutions after my LOTR Extended Edition DVD started freezing halfway through the second disc.

I have been interested in fan restorations for years after discovering the “Despecialized Edition.” I lost my copies though when the hard drive they were on failed. Since then I fall back to the Fox video VHS releases when I want my Star Wars fix since they are more enjoyable than the higher quality “Special Edition” box set (despite the awful picture/sound quality).

I’m looking forward to learning more about what this community is up to and finding high quality preservations of my favorite trilogies!


Bonjour les fans

Ici sebastien1138 ! oui 1138 comme fan du thx mais fan aussi de l 'OT , que je peux voir pour le moment qu’avec les bonus de l’Edition de 2006

Je me lance enfin dans ce forum , afin d’y trouver des surprises
J’ai pas mal de lecture à faire … il y a de sacré pavés à lire !!

Au plaisir de prochaines discussions


Hello there!

I’m from italy and very interested to preserve masterpieces in their maximum quality, looking forward to try the great projects hosted by this community


Hi everyone!

Looking forward to participating. Found this community after stumbling onto some YouTube videos discussing the despecialized editions. Inspiring to see people so passionate about something.


Hello everyone! New member, looking forward to diving deep into all sorts of discussions about the OT.




❕ An Index & Help Thread for Original Trilogy Discussion is a useful starting point for looking up certain topics of discussion.


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Hello everyone,
I have some great memories from watching the edited versions growing up. I’m from one of the younger generations, so they’re the only versions I’ve ever seen. I really want to find out what the unedited original versions were like in the highest possible quality. I started reading about some of the fan projects and wanted to be a part of supporting the fans who put their hard work into making them possible.


Hello there!

I have been a huge Star Wars fan my whole life. I’ve played nearly all the video games, watched all the TV shows and movies, and spent countless hours on YouTube watching Star Wars-related content. That is how I found out about the 4K77/4K80/4K83 project. I grew up with the special editions, and I’ve always wondered what the unaltered movies originally looked like. Just from what I’ve seen on YouTube and on this website, I am seriously impressed with the passion and hard work that has gone into restoring the movies to their original glory. I got a 4K TV for Christmas, and I figured that now would be as good a time as any to look into this project!

Of course, I want to approach this respectfully and correctly, so if anybody can give me some pointers, I would appreciate it! I’ve purchased the 2006 DVDs and the 2011 Blu-Rays, and I’ve been subscribed to Disney+ for years now, so I believe that more than fulfills the requirement of already owning a copy. My current understanding is that I need an invitation code to register for the forum, and from there I can ask a forum member for a download. Is there anything I’m missing? Additionally, I am curious to know if this will work downloading from a 2020 MacBook Pro (using ethernet to download to an external USB drive) and playing on a PlayStation 5 hooked up to a 4K TV. Any insights on this would be appreciated!

I’m pretty new to joining and participating in forums in general, so if I’m doing anything wrong, please let me know. I look forward to participating in this community of Star Wars fans!