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Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within — Page 12


Hi all

Brand new here

what a great site!!!

love to you all

Jonny from Liverpool



TheUnshakenVA here. I am a fan of all things Star Wars and am enamored with the idea of creating my own fan edit of one of the trilogies.


Hello. I am just a guy who loves fan edits. Thanks for all of your hard work in making them.


Hi! I came here to see if I can have some original audios for my loved films. Also I’m willing to help on film audio work.


Hello everyone my name is Max I am 25 years old I am a naturalist photographer, I love to watch birds and play games.I hope to find friends here.


Hello all! I’m a fan of fan edits, and even did a simple clean up of the horror film SHOCK WAVES in 2020 that I thought gave it more tension and also realigned some audio and cleaned up the score a bit, getting rid of opening narration in the process. It was very fun to do, and now I’m looking into what others have done!

I’m also really enjoying the HD upscales of films that don’t have a proper release yet, and as such hope to discover some gems here. Thanks for having me!


Hi there, interested in seeing some fan edits or rare versions of SW and other movies too (like the original Superman movies) and this seems to be a good place to help get the chance to see them, and get to thank some of the creative people here for all their hard work 😃


Hi, guys! I’m Leander and I’m interested in fan projects to preserve and improve upon the movies we loved as kids. I actually got directed here because I’ve been looking for a copy of the old Disney dub of Kiki’s Delivery Service and it’s been kind of harrowing to find it. This movie was really important to me as a kid and I’d like to be able to watch the version that I remember and love.


Hello. I am jpb19. The original unaltered trilogy is my favorite version of the original trilogy. I am in the process of creating a fan fiction and text adventure video game called Star Wars Episode 0 Genesis that will just take place in the movie universe.


jpb19 said:

Hello. I am jpb19. The original unaltered trilogy is my favorite version of the original trilogy. I am in the process of creating a fan fiction and text adventure video game called Star Wars Episode 0 Genesis that will just take place in the movie universe.

I love that!

I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.

Star Wars has 3 eras: The eras are 1977-1983(pre Expanded Universe), (1983-2014) expanded universe, or (2014- now) Disney-bought version. Each are valid.

Important voice tool:


Hello everyone! I’m very happy to be here, been a big Star Wars fan since my aunt introduced me to the Original Trilogy on VHS when I was 5. Love the OT, love the prequels, love 2/3 sequels. Big Clone Wars fan too, but I haven’t dug much into Rebels yet. If I’m being honest, the animation style really puts me off, it’s why I only became a Clone Wars fan relatively recently.

I’m very happy to be here, excited to participate in the discussion. I’ve been fascinated with the idea of fan edits since I first encountered the phantom edit years and years ago. Now, I’m finally psychologically prepared to take my first step into a larger world, and explore the rest that this vibrant community has to offer


^ Welcome all 👍

Really good to see so many new members joining up on here 😃

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I just bumped into this site by accident after kind of extending May 4th to a couple of weeks…well 10 days now…I saw the original film (the one now dubbed Episode IV) well over 120 times in the theaters as a 14 year old geeky kid. My mom used to say “At least I know where she is.”

I had dug out my VHS copy of Star Wars, package date on it says 1984, and talks about the oscars it won on the back cover. I was always good at taking care of my tapes, so it was rewound and played nicely without any tracking difficulties or distortions. I obtained hardware to digitize it for preservation and did so. It’s a bit grainy, of course, but very watchable. It was REFRESHING to watch it without all of the annoying additions.

I really enjoyed the page on this site about the contradictions to the story line. I used to have a 3rd draft of the script, and it cited “Journey of the Wihls” (or Whils or was it Journal?) and wish I had kept a copy. I was in search of a VHS with the starting crawler sans the Episode IV stuff but realized that home video of Star Wars didn’t come out before 1982 (in my findings). Too bad!

I have an 8’ section of 70mm print and several frames as I made friends with the projectionists. I still remember every single line, shot, mistake, etc. and even know the registration number of the film with the Motion Picture Association…I am so happy to have found this site. I might be an old fart, but I know my Star Wars.

I didn’t really get into the prequels; quite frankly, they were rather sucky. The only one I was really interested in was seeing how Darth Vader became Darth Vader. I still prefer the original storyline - that Anikin and Darth Vader were TWO DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS and it makes more sense. If you put blinders on and remain oblivious to the other films, the first one (um, the fourth one - HATE that) makes sense and is self contained. Once you know “family is all involved” it quite frankly becomes creepy. Even when it was known in Empire Strikes Back - Leia kisses her brother full on the lips? Where’s my bucket?

Anyhow, this Star Wars geek is still alive and well (hope to stay that way) and hope to entertain some discussion. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this stuff in depth! On a side note, Seth McFarland’s parody is brilliant. He didn’t miss anything and I think he knows that film as well as I do!!!

And the references to TK521, THS1138…


Hello. I love fan edits of all sorts. Please keep up the great work everyone!


Hi everybody! I’m an old fan of Star Wars and I’ve just jump in this amazing forum. I like all the fan edits, they are awesome


Hello, been a SW fan since I saw the “A New Hope” in first grade.
I’m currently part of a Star Wars RPG group that uses the original trilogy as canon for the story lines.
This is a great effort to keep the unaltered versions available.


Hi all - over the last week, I found my 10 foot hunk of 70mm print from the first (A New Hope) film. I also have several single frames from the movie; I went every week without fail and knew the projectionists. I need to find a good way to preserve it, and don’t know what I should do. I have one of the frames that has the title right in the middle of the frame!

Anyone have any ideas? I always hoped that if I ever were going to lose my house, my 10 foot hunk would save it. I was wrong. Lost it anyway. But I still have the 10 foot hunk!


Hi, looking forward to exploring and finding the best versions of the OT and other movies!


Hey all. Whenever I fall in love with a film, series, or TV show, I often find myself hunting for alternate or original versions, especially definitive versions. Here’s hoping this will be a good resource!


Hi everyone! I love alternate versions of shows and movies I watch, I also love to learn more about restoration processes and love to see deleted scenes reinstated in their works. I’d also love to do my own projects someday!


Hello there OT.com! As a film enthusiast, aspiring writer and (very) amateur film editor, this site is a veritable gold mine of wonderful people, projects and info! Looking forward to digging into the archives 😃

“I don’t believe it.”

“That is why you Yoda.”
Master Fail


Hi ,

Im new to the site. Some great discussions and insites.