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1997 SE officially bootleg fodder?

Now that all the changes have been confirmed for the 2004 DVD set, doesthat mean we're free to bootleg the 1997 SE for the archives? I'll be happy to pitch in to get copies of the LD boxset if anyone here has the tools to capture them. I would do it myself, but my LD player is really old and nasty, and has no Digital audio out. SE box sets are dirt cheap on eBay right now, so it would be a great opportunity to pick one up before everyone sees that the new set is canged further and starts fighting over "old versions".
What do you mean there's no ice? I gotta drink this coffee hot?!
I agree they should classify for 'bootleg fodder' (would that be 'booteg poodoo' in Huttese? ), since they're as obselete as the original cuts (or at least will be on 21 September), but Jay hasn't come out and said anything yet. Hopefully he will soon, or perhaps he's just waiting for the DVDs to come out before condoning them, since they still are technically the 'official' versions of the trilogy.
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I will always prefer the originals, but since I tend to be a completist about such things, I also own the 1997 SEs and will buy the 2004 versions (eventually previously viewed so the big GL won't see my money for them).

Currently, the unofficial Five Star Edition DVDs of the 1997 SE are adequate enough for me. They're not perfect, but they are factory pressed and dual-layered. When the time comes that the kinks in home-burned DVD9s get worked out, I would be interested in another laserdisc to DVD transfer if the quality could be improved over the Five Star version. Whoever did the Five Star version still did an excellent job, though. Far superior to earlier asian bootleg versions of the OT and still much better than the most recent Definitive Collection dual-layered release.
The bigger question may well be... Will Jay change the 'Theatrical Cuts vs Special Edition' Forum Title to include the '2004 DVD Editions' as well?

especially as the Sept 21 dvds now make the 3rd major differing version out there...

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I don't think so. They're different movies, so I don't think they would.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!

They're being marketed as the 'Star Wars Trilogy.' Special Edition hasn't been attached to them at all, I don't think, so that would lead me to believe the SEs are dead also.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
I'm fairly certain they won't be labelled anything, but most fans will know them as the Extended Editions.

On the covers for the 2004 editions, there isn't any 'new' title that signifies exactly what these versions are, pretty misleading for the average consumer huh?
Definitely. I hope a lawsuit ensues this fall, but I doubt any widespread cries of shenanigans* is going to ensue. We can always keep our fingers crossed.

*The shenanigans reference is from an episode of South Park. It seemed to fit.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
Unrepentent Nader Voter
each on of us should sue Lucas individually..
wonder if that would get his attention?
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I call shenanigans on this whole affair!!!!

Originally posted by: Galahad_Skywalker
They're being marketed as the 'Star Wars Trilogy.' Special Edition hasn't been attached to them at all, I don't think, so that would lead me to believe the SEs are dead also.

The Special Editions are dead and anyone who really thinks that they will actually see the light of day...

Sorry - Just like the original Trilogy - Gone are they...

Otherwise they would have been released by now - BUT as we all know GL has been spending the last few YEARS re-editing and remastering these new DVD versions inbetween filming Episode III

I would say they're gone forever also

(I could be wrong as I know that I could almost be duped into buying them if he did release em' )

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Anyone know if Jay has given the OK to discuss bootlegs of the 97SE's yet?

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.

If I changed the name of the other forum, it would be the "Theatrical Cuts vs Crap Editions vs Even More Lame CG Crap Editions".

No bootleg talk on the SEs. They're too close to the 2004 versions. I mean hell, if you actually like the SEs, just buy the 2004 editions. That's all you should need. The more awkwardly-inserted garbage the better, right?
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or you could just buy the SE LD...
they're moderatly cheap right now..
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."