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Doctor Who — Page 58


Tobar said:

So in case you didn’t know:

Are you ready for a monumental Doctor Who experience? For the first time in the show’s 54-year span, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi are meeting up to break bread, fish fingers and custard… with YOU. Trust us. You and a companion will join these seven brilliant Doctors for this history-making meal in the private dining room of the iconic Wolseley Restaurant in London. We can only imagine what the conversation will be like. This is truly a legendary opportunity and will likely go down as the most epic breakfast in television history. So don’t blink! Flights provided by British Airways and hotel accommodations at The Ned, Soho House’s newest hotel, also included.

Check it out!

What about Tom Baker and Christopher Eccleston?


Warbler said:

Tobar said:

So in case you didn’t know:

Are you ready for a monumental Doctor Who experience? For the first time in the show’s 54-year span, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi are meeting up to break bread, fish fingers and custard… with YOU. Trust us. You and a companion will join these seven brilliant Doctors for this history-making meal in the private dining room of the iconic Wolseley Restaurant in London. We can only imagine what the conversation will be like. This is truly a legendary opportunity and will likely go down as the most epic breakfast in television history. So don’t blink! Flights provided by British Airways and hotel accommodations at The Ned, Soho House’s newest hotel, also included.

Check it out!

What about Tom Baker and Christopher Eccleston?

See The Five Doctors and Day of the Doctor for clues 😄


Really enjoying this season so far - and doesn’t feel like we’re already half way through it…

Thought Pearl Mackie has been really good as the companion - an interesting vibe and chemistry she has with Capaldi, helped by some decent stories and better writing this season.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


SilverWook said:

The telesnap recon suffers from a shockingly low bitrate. (Probably the only way to cram it in on the same disc.) Nearly every fade out/fade in, or dissolve pixilates very badly.

I know this is a really old post, but I think the telesnap recon is simply low bitrate because it came from an MP3 CD recon from a bunch of years back. It was the equivalent of a quicktime/realmedia thing in the early 2000s.

I’m a bit confused as to which release you got? On the NTSC version, the color copy is on disc 1. The Blu-ray is actually region free as far as I can tell (the included DVDs are not). Plays fine on my US PS4 (and probably any machine that will do 25P?). Even on that case, where there’s plenty of room on the BD50 for the SD recon on disc 2, and it’s still pixelated, as it was back on the audio CD.

The initial PAL DVD came out before the color animation was completed, and R2 territory never got a second 2-disc DVD release.

Then, the US and Australian DVDs came out. These had the black and white version crammed in with all of the extras on disc 2. The jaggies are insanely bad and almost unwatchable. The color version is a bit messed up. The credit fades are based on earlier renders. Sometimes the text jumps around, or the fade is actually missing. In one episode, there are early Dalek renders shown, which are left-handed (mirrored).

Then the Blu-ray came out. It has 2x BD50s + 2x DVDs. BD disc 1 has B&W plus most extras. BD disc 2 has Color and the recon. This is the only way to get the R2 color DVD. However, only the main B&W and Color features are on these discs, not any extras. It’s worth picking up. At 1080p, you can see a pretty nice fake grain effect on the B&W version, which gives it a bit of a vintage look, and all the line work is much smoother.


I have the NTSC two disc release. Seems cheap or lazy to use a heavily compressed version as an uncompressed master for the recon must be somewhere?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

I have the NTSC two disc release. Seems cheap or lazy to use a heavily compressed version as an uncompressed master for the recon must be somewhere?

Hard to say.

More importantly, Derek Handley offered to allow them to use his new Power of the Daleks telesnap recon in the set and it was either too late to do so, or they did not want to. I think inclusion of the BBC recon was just a simple bonus and not a main attraction. There’s nothing fancy about it, and even if they didn’t use Derek’s, it would have only taken a day or two to simply build another one out of the higher quality, cleaned up telesnaps they now have.

btw: In case you’re not aware, Derek is the guy from Loose Cannon. They’ve used his recons on for Marco Polo and Galaxy 4 in the DVD range before, as well as in the Out of the Unknown DVDs.


I may have mentioned already that I never got past the rewrite of The Impossible Girl. They took my favorite companion of all time and rewrote her into an entirely different character. I struggled with Capaldi’s first season, liked only Last Christmas, and so far I’m only vaguely interested in this season.

I was so looking forward to Pearl and Capaldi as a sort of fresh start but they brought in Nardole as some sort of comic relief. ? I’m not at all a fan of those kind of goof characters. After all the mess with Danny, the last thing I wanted to see was yet another year of a third wheel.

He’s taking valuable story and interaction away from Bill. I’m bailing on this season. I’ll watch the episodes with my finger on the FF button to watch the Bill scenes. Truth be told, I never got past the Clara rewrite and Capaldi is collateral damage from that (for me).

Fingers crossed Pearl stays on for the reboot. I’m really digging her.

And for the love of God, BBC, get Phoebe Waller Bridge as the next Doctor.

If not, well then “**** me up the ***”. 😉

I’ll explain the reference if no one gets it. It’s humorous, not mean.

Forum Moderator

I get the reference. Her show was fantastic.

I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised with Nardole. He has a functional (still somewhat mysterious) role in trying to keep him on track and earthbound, like the Timelords did to him in 1970. Not terribly successful, but not the simple and useless comic relief he was in the Mysterio Christmas Special.


I keep forgetting to watch the new episodes. I watched the series opener, and liked it alright, but haven’t kept up since.



Thin Ice and Oxygen were highlights, IMO. I liked last week as well, but we’re moving from standalones into a Moffat arc of some sort, akin to series 6. So I’ll probably need to reserve complete judgement until the finale.


At last the full body horror of Cybermen. You could practically smell the disinfectant.


I saw a little bit of an episode this season. I can see the series is not for me anymore. The Master switching to a good guy/gal? It is ok that he/she murdered people because people eat meat??? Sorry no thanks.


Warbler said:

I saw a little bit of an episode this season. I can see the series is not for me anymore. The Master switching to a good guy/gal? It is ok that he/she murdered people because people eat meat??? Sorry no thanks.

It’s possible that seeing a scene out of context isn’t sufficient to understand the series. It’s not clear what is going on with Missy just yet, but you are certainly not supposed to be trusting her with open arms. This Doctor certainly is darker and rougher around the edges, and doesn’t always harp on his appreciation for the importance of each life, etc, as the last few Doctors did.

The show goes through phases, and the Doctor varies in personality. December 26th, a new guy will be in charge and a new actor will play the lead. Maybe it’ll be more to your tastes, or maybe not.


Maybe. I know I am not a fan of the 12th/13th Doctor*, maybe I will like the 13th/14th Doctor more . I thought the regeneration was going to happen in the Christmas Special and I thought the Christmas Special was going to air on 12/25, not 12/26.

* Please do not mistake my dislike for the 12th/13th Doctor be mistaken as dislike for Peter Capaldi as an actor. Also don’t mistake my dislike for the 12th/13th Doctor to mean that I don’t think Capaldi could make a good Doctor.


Capaldi for me is by far the best Doctor of the revival series. In spite of the terrible writing and being stuck with the worst companion since the show was brought back.

This season has been such a breath of fresh air after the last few. I so desperately wish Capaldi was staying for at least another year.

Forum Moderator

Which of Capaldi’s companions do you refer to?


Warbler said:

Maybe. I know I am not a fan of the 12th/13th Doctor*, maybe I will like the 13th/14th Doctor more . I thought the regeneration was going to happen in the Christmas Special and I thought the Christmas Special was going to air on 12/25, not 12/26.

Sure. I just meant that the series will be out of Moffat’s hands once the Christmas Special is done.

As for the regeneration, they seem to be doing something tricky with it as

***Spoilers for last week’s episode ***

they may have shown the beginning of the regeneration already. And they may show more of it this week. People have speculated that they might try to get away with an ‘on air reveal’ of the next Doctor by showing them early. It’s never been done before, but part of the reason for that is that by Christmas time, they would have already started filming series 11, and the news would get out. Given that they filmed that short clip of Capaldi (possibly) regenerating only two weeks ago, it sounds like they’re up to something.


Warbler said:

Which of Capaldi’s companions do you refer to?

The one that stayed on the show two seasons too long.

Forum Moderator

My biggest complaint about the Capaldi shows, is that many of the stories try too hard to be hugely over-arching, and overly emotional. I prefer clever sci-fi stories, rather than so much attempt at “deep” drama.

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My biggest complaint about Capaldi’s shows, is that even when there is one or two good stories, there are always three or four completely incoherent messes to bury them. I’m with Tobar. Can’t wait for Moffat to leave.


Warbler said:

I saw a little bit of an episode this season. I can see the series is not for me anymore. The Master switching to a good guy/gal? It is ok that he/she murdered people because people eat meat??? Sorry no thanks.

I’m a vegetarian so it’s preaching to the converted in my case.
But it’s really a metaphor for ethical perspective and innate nature. As moral beings we see killing our own kind, most of the time, as an act of evil but as products of nature making that connection to what we may deem as lesser creatures isn’t as obvious. There is a similar problem for some when they respond to the eating of pigs and dogs or killing of creatures considered pests when a more humane option is available. The Master is an alien. He/she sees us as barely alive shapes that can be popped for amusement but her friend from the same species sees us as kindred. The Mistress seems to having an epithany (though she could be lying). She seems to be seeing us as more than finger paint. As a Christian Warb you believe in redemption for all, even Satan could be redeemed if he genuinely acted on regret and confession. Missy has been Conditioned to be Satanic. She claims to be breaking that conditioning… Very reluctantly at the moment and possibly as a deception. The Doctor wants redemption for all. He has done terrible things and feels if he can save these arch characters he can save himself. It’s a surprisingly Christian theme. I’m confused why you wouldn’t embrace it.


Handman said:

My biggest complaint about Capaldi’s shows, is that even when there is one or two good stories, there are always three or four completely incoherent messes to bury them. I’m with Tobar. Can’t wait for Moffat to leave.

The character has been around since 1963 in television, audio, cinema, comic book and novel form and in every iteration over those many decades when it is bad it’s dull. When it’s good it’s astounding. It’s nothing to do with any particular show runner, though a fresh injection of creativity tends to spark the greater stories. For every Robots of Death there is a Horns of Nimon. For every Midnight there is a Fear Her. For every Heaven Sent there is a Sleep No More. Roll with it.


Bingowings said:

Handman said:

My biggest complaint about Capaldi’s shows, is that even when there is one or two good stories, there are always three or four completely incoherent messes to bury them. I’m with Tobar. Can’t wait for Moffat to leave.

The character has been around since 1963 in television, audio, cinema, comic book and novel form and in every iteration over those many decades when it is bad it’s dull. When it’s good it’s astounding. It’s nothing to do with any particular show runner, though a fresh injection of creativity tends to spark the greater stories. For every Robots of Death there is a Horns of Nimon. For every Midnight there is a Fear Her. For every Heaven Sent there is a Sleep No More. Roll with it.

Indeed. There are (for some people, I don’t know what Handman thinks) rose-colored glasses for older series of the show. Series 3 has some absolute classics. Utopia, Blink, and the Human Nature 2 parter. It also has, IMO, 6 or 7 very weak episodes. Season 12-14 of the old series is considered the best by many fans. But even Season 12 mostly only has Robot and the Ark in Space going for it. Robot and Revenge of the Cybermen are weak, and the Sontaran serial is just having fun running around on location for two hours to fill the time.

I’ll take Series 8 and 9 over 6 and 7. Been a while since I’ve seen 5, but that probably hasn’t been topped.