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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 292

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In that case, the post-edit above explains a bit that “queer” was an attempt at such a word that failed.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


chyron8472 said:

CatBus said:

I’m just saying–I get it that the acronym is unusual and a mouthful and ever-changing and even overused

But that’s what I’m saying. That’s all that I’m saying.

Well… I’ll also add that I don’t agree with the concept of gender fluidity, but that’s another topic.

I’ll bet the people who those acronyms apply to sure wish having to “deal” with an acronym was the biggest problem they had to deal with. Seriously, get over it.

Also, lol at the idea that you don’t agree with gender fluidity as a concept. I don’t agree with you as a concept but presumably you’re a real person anyway.


He wrote that the legislation was “an undeveloped remedy to an undefined problem” — and that it didn’t get proper scrutiny before it was passed in a short time frame.

Given the way the GOP hid the house health bill and is now hiding the senate house bill, that’s quite a statement from a GOP governor.


Garfunkel confirmed.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I’m sorry, I refuse to believe it’s anything but a Kodachrome egg cup.


Have it your way, but that doesn’t explain where Garfunkel disappeared to, does it? All aboard Paul Simon’s traveling roadshow of horrors, that’s where.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Adding to the pile of letters to Santa, we now have a letter from ten major health insurance providers begging the Senate to not screw up the health insurance market as they seem hell-bent on doing. This of course follows several letters begging the Trump administration to end the federal negligence that led to the upheaval taking place in the market right now.

Oddly, I do not see any reports that anyone in the Nevada state legislature received one of these letters. Surely some mistake.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I wonder if there are any good Republicans or good Republican ideas.


It’s actually a good result for the Democrats but by them talking it up as if they were going to win, they made a tactical error. A quick check on Wikipedia shows the split between left and right in Georgia’s 6th has consistently been around the 65%-35% area. This time it was 52%-48%, reducing an 80k Republican majority to 10K.

The “Trump effect” just caused Republican support in a super-safe district to drop off a cliff and if (a big if) the same swing is replicated across the US… the GOP are f**ked. It’s a Pyrrhic victory.

Same sort of thing just happened in the UK General Election, where the left made huge gains on the right (but still lost). The difference being that the left were expected to lose badly, so their huge gain in power was seen as the victory it was.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


TV’s Frink said:

I’ll bet the people who those acronyms apply to sure wish having to “deal” with an acronym was the biggest problem they had to deal with. Seriously, get over it.

Or you could try not being a jerk just because I voiced an opinion, whether it’s a trivial issue or not.

Also, lol at the idea that you don’t agree with gender fluidity as a concept. I don’t agree with you as a concept but presumably you’re a real person anyway.

You know… I’m a moderate Democrat, but I’m beginning to understand how some people on the right might say they feel that people on the left have an elitist attitude when they encounter opposing views. Go pull the stick out, please.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


‘Donald Trump’s State Visit To UK Shelved In Queen’s Speech 2017’…


Sadly, my US friends, it seems he’ll be staying in the US rather than coming to the UK for a state visit (though he’ll likely just go to the golf course a bit more 😉)


‘Queen’s Speech - live updates: Grenfell Tower ‘Day of Rage’ protests demand Theresa May quit as government plans unveiled’…


A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


I don’t have time to read the article right now I’m curious if a reason was given for why Donald Trump’s visit was shelved.


‘DUP says deal with Tories 95% complete’…


^ It’s going to be interesting to hear what’s in the deal if/when completed… and if it breaches the Good Friday Agreement - as well as raising tensions in Northern Ireland, and if it actually gets the Tories enough votes to pass most of it’s legislation…

(we’ve already seen many manifesto promises being scrapped by the Tories - as they do not likely have the votes to get them through even with a DUP deal - and many manifesto pledges have also been deeply unpopular with the public - at a time when they they need all the good PR they can get)

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


dahmage said:

I don’t have time to read the article right now I’m curious if a reason was given for why Donald Trump’s visit was shelved.

Basically mate, Theresa May may not be PM by the time he arrives - and Trump is also likely a bit worried about the reception he’d get from the British public - a good PR visit for Trump (in a golden carriage ride) it would not be - mass street protests, moonings etc - and general embarrassment to the Royals 😃

And that was before Trump attacking the Mayor Of London and embarrassing Theresa May with disclosing his latest Muslim-Ban hours after May left the US on her visit.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


chyron8472 said:

TV’s Frink said:

I’ll bet the people who those acronyms apply to sure wish having to “deal” with an acronym was the biggest problem they had to deal with. Seriously, get over it.

Or you could try not being a jerk just because I voiced an opinion, whether it’s a trivial issue or not.

I like how I’m the jerk even though you’re the one trivializing people who have actual real problems, as opposed to being annoyed by an acronym.

Also, lol at the idea that you don’t agree with gender fluidity as a concept. I don’t agree with you as a concept but presumably you’re a real person anyway.

You know… I’m a moderate Democrat, but I’m beginning to understand how some people on the right might say they feel that people on the left have an elitist attitude when they encounter opposing views. Go pull the stick out, please.

Hahaha, I didn’t realize showing compassion for people who have difficulties is considered an elitist attitude. I’ll try harder to be more mean going forward.


Ryan McAvoy said:

It’s actually a good result for the Democrats but by them talking it up as if they were going to win, they made a tactical error. A quick check on Wikipedia shows the split between left and right in Georgia’s 6th has consistently been around the 65%-35% area. This time it was 52%-48%, reducing an 80k Republican majority to 10K.

The “Trump effect” just caused Republican support in a super-safe district to drop off a cliff and if (a big if) the same swing is replicated across the US… the GOP are f**ked. It’s a Pyrrhic victory.

Same sort of thing just happened in the UK General Election, where the left made huge gains on the right (but still lost). The difference being that the left were expected to lose badly, so their huge gain in power was seen as the victory it was.

And the result in South Carolina on the same night was actually quite encouraging, despite also being a loss.