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Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - controversy thoughts?


what are your thoughts on the star wars battlefront 2 controversy?


Hi at348, a little more information may be of use for this thread - as in what is the controversy about Battlefront 2 you are referring to about?

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Is this about people being pissed off and demanding refunds because they need to unlock Vader instead of just getting him immediately? I think it’s dumb as hell. Every game in the world used to be like that.


You can unlock Vader immediately if you pay real money. It’s what pisses gamers, considering a game that cost 60$


Most things that “piss gamers” make me laugh.


So don’t buy him if you don’t want to? I seriously don’t understand the fuss. The game gives you points that you can redeem for Vader or the other locked characters for doing literally everything. Just play the damn game that you ostensibly like and bank the credits if you don’t want to spend the money.


I thought this place had a ton of complainers until I joined the SW Galaxy of Heroes forum. Now that’s a place that has a ton of complainers. There are people complaining about every single part of the game. It’s too hard. It’s too easy. It takes too long. There’s not enough to do. You have to pay for things. Other people don’t have to pay for things.

It’s amazing.


joefavs said:

So don’t buy him if you don’t want to? I seriously don’t understand the fuss. The game gives you points that you can redeem for Vader or the other locked characters for doing literally everything. Just play the damn game that you ostensibly like and bank the credits if you don’t want to spend the money.

Requirements have now been reduced, but someone with early access of the game calculated that you needed to play 40 hours just to unlock Vader! That is saving all your in-game earned credits just for one hero, without progression and improvements in other parts of the game, like for the weapons. That’s quite the grind.


i heard developers got death threats smh




A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

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… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Without even reading that, my response would be “if you insist on unlocking everything and don’t have the time or money, this is probably not the game for you.”


If everyone had that mentality, we’d quickly see full priced games charging you 50 cents just to start a new game. A quarter for every respawn! 10 cents to reload! This kind of business model has NO BUSINESS outside of F2P titles.

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I usually laugh at whiny gamer shit, but this is pretty annoying. I was planning on getting this game but I’m not sure. I don’t mind having to play to unlock stuff, but the amount of time it takes is ridiculous. I have a life, so I can’t really afford to spend all my time just to gain features that are an integral part of the game. And I certainly can’t afford to use actual money to buy the unlocks. I don’t play video games to recreate the real world where rich people have all the advantages to fuck you over, but that’s exactly what it seems like they made this game to be.


Don’t buy this game. It will only encourage this kind of behavior. “Pay 2 Win” is a complete and utter slap in the face to the consumer. Especially for a AAA priced title.

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

If everyone had that mentality, we’d quickly see full priced games charging you 50 cents just to start a new game. A quarter for every respawn! 10 cents to reload! This kind of business model has NO BUSINESS outside of F2P titles.

It’s a market-driven business. If that happened, and no one played, it would quickly die. Or people would pay and it would survive.

The answer is always if you don’t like it, don’t pay and don’t play. Find another business model to support.


And just what do you think is the purpose of this thread and others like it? TO RAISE AWARENESS so that others can be better informed before making a decision on whether they should buy or not.

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It’s just frustrating when literally every other aspect of the game is pretty great. I can’t remember the last time I bought a video game, but this actually excited me. I love the original Battlefronts, so this hard to resist when they did so much right.


It won’t be very fun when the people who are paying for the advantages wipe the floor with you every match.

I agree, it sucks. I had been looking forward to the campaign for this game but there’s no way I’m going to support EA’s money grab.

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TV’s Frink said:

Tobar said:

If everyone had that mentality, we’d quickly see full priced games charging you 50 cents just to start a new game. A quarter for every respawn! 10 cents to reload! This kind of business model has NO BUSINESS outside of F2P titles.

It’s a market-driven business. If that happened, and no one played, it would quickly die. Or people would pay and it would survive.

The answer is always if you don’t like it, don’t pay and don’t play. Find another business model to support.

That sounds crass, but it is true. Don’t buy the game.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


Meh. I bought it for the campaign and to fool around with my friends. It really doesn’t bother me at all if there’s some stuff I can’t access. The hero stuff was my least favorite aspect of the first one anyway.


If people want a good Battlefront game, they should get the original Battlefront II from GOG. My understanding is that the online userbase is pretty solid, considering many people apparently think it was the best iteration of the series.

10 bucks. Full game. Solid multiplayer. No DRM.

TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


To be clear, I only logged on yesterday after the hero unlock prices had been reduced. I had no idea they originally cost 4x as much until now, but since they’ve ultimately been reduced I maintain that it isn’t a big deal.


Tobar said:

And just what do you think is the purpose of this thread and others like it? TO RAISE AWARENESS so that others can be better informed before making a decision on whether they should buy or not.

You don’t have to yell at me.


Would it be better if I had just emboldened it? =P

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