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4K restoration on Star Wars — Page 198


^ exactly this mate.

Or if you had worked on the film, been part of a team that helped make it so groundbreaking and well-loved - to the point where you won an award for it from your fellow peers - and yet that very work is no longer part of the film - you may feel a little disappointed.

It was there for all to see one moment, and then for the past 20 years it wasn’t…

(not counting the awful quality dvd extra/bonus release 10-15 years ago)

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Possessed said:

imperialscum said:

I find the whole Academy Award thing completely useless. Who cares about something irrelevant as Academy Awards. The only important thing is the current and future audience, for which these films should be preserved.

If you had won one and then had the reason you won it for erased you might feel differently.

First, in general I think Academy Awards are irrelevant crap.

Second, I feel that the audience is far more important than the creators. If someone winning some worthless award was the main reason to release the originals, I would not care one bit. But since it comes to preserving the art for current and future generations, it is a completely different story.



They know the audience wants the originals. I think the fact that when Fox released one movie from each of their first 75 years in a box set had a movie with 2004 CG in their 1977 spot is appalling. The distributors should care, the owners should care, the creators should care, historians should care. We need to convince them to preserve the original for history, not just for our childhoods.

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One wonders why Fox simply didn’t put the GOUT version in there. That 75th anniversary set was so horrifyingly expensive, I doubt it sold very well. To make matters worse, the 1933 Fox musical Cavalcade (which won best picture) was only available in that set at the time. Many an old movie buff was ticked off at that decision.

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Where were you in '77?


Without trying to offer up any sympathy for Lucusfilm or Fox and obviously The aim and the ongoing petition is to get the original films released.

Is there perhaps a sense that even if they had to use multiple sources to actually restore the film and combine them it still would be almost like a slightly different version than a Original Master Negative.

I think what I am trying to say is, should there be a thought of consideration for what is being asked and perhaps an admission that if it is a very difficult task that at least an attempt at a restoration is better than nothing. even if it is not 100% accurate.

I know that might sound a bit weird but is anyone totally sure that they have all the original negatives and materials and so on?


I doubt that they would even consider that fans would care what sources they used.


There could be genuine fear of a screw up that is all I am saying and it’s better to leave alone that is the vibe I get when in reality it would be better to try than to do nothing.

and you also need Mr.Lucus consent also.

In fact nothing will happen without his consent.

Although the term restoration is chucked about is it also a reconstruction?

I have a feeling a restoration was going ahead and it was pulled for some reason… What might the reason be?


Ronster said:

There could be genuine fear of a screw up that is all I am saying and it’s better to leave alone that is the vibe I get when in reality it would be better to try than to do nothing.

and you also need Mr.Lucus consent also.

It is possible to restore the film to its 100% unaltered form. There’s really no reason we should have to settle for “close enough,” and it would kinda defy the whole point anyway if it’s not the true original version. LFL surely realizes this well enough to not pull that kind of crap. Might that mean forgoing the Original Master Negative since it would risk the accidental inclusion of alterations from 97? Maybe, but there might be a foolproof way of using as much of the master negative as possible without that happening.


Fang Zei said:

It is possible to restore the film to its 100% unaltered form.

It is impossible. The colours were altered, not by Lucas but by decay. There is not way to know 100% exactly how they were as they were captured.



What about the separation masters, or the technicolor prints ?


Z6PO said:

What about the separation masters, or the technicolor prints ?

Well better than regular film but his expectation of “100% unaltered” is still impossible.



Possessed said:

imperialscum said:

I find the whole Academy Award thing completely useless. Who cares about something irrelevant as Academy Awards. The only important thing is the current and future audience, for which these films should be preserved.

If you had won one and then had the reason you won it for erased you might feel differently.

Disney / Fox won’t care though. A lot of what I have read here is based off of emotion and nostalgia, not reason and fact. The distributor does not care about how you feel AT ALL. How do I know this? I am a home video distributor, albeit a small cult one. When I restore a film, I do it out of personal love, not because fan encouragement, though it can be a factor.

On a corporate level, you will seldom find this. They restore films because there is a market. While there IS a market for the ORIGINAL Original Trilogy, it’s not a big one. This may not seem to be the case, but I firmly believe it’s true. The Blu-rays still sold heaps, and they were some of the worst transfers to ever hit the medium (namely TPM and ESB). They are certainly not losing money by releasing the Special Editions, are they?

They could potentially lose money by releasing the originals though (unless paired with the SEs), and that’s probably what has kept them from doing so lately – not because of Lucas. They hear the fans, but it’s not their priority as it’s not a big money-maker right now. Additionally, it’s a lot of time and money to be put towards “unfinished” films. I hate to say it, but it seems to be the case.

My two cents.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


JawsTDS said:

Possessed said:

imperialscum said:

I find the whole Academy Award thing completely useless. Who cares about something irrelevant as Academy Awards. The only important thing is the current and future audience, for which these films should be preserved.

If you had won one and then had the reason you won it for erased you might feel differently.

Disney / Fox won’t care though. A lot of what I have read here is based off of emotion and nostalgia, not reason and fact. The distributor does not care about how you feel AT ALL. How do I know this? I am a home video distributor, albeit a small cult one. When I restore a film, I do it out of personal love, not because fan encouragement, though it can be a factor.

On a corporate level, you will seldom find this. They restore films because there is a market. While there IS a market for the ORIGINAL Original Trilogy, it’s not a big one. This may not seem to be the case, but I firmly believe it’s true. The Blu-rays still sold heaps, and they were some of the worst transfers to ever hit the medium (namely TPM and ESB). They are certainly not losing money by releasing the Special Editions, are they?

They could potentially lose money by releasing the originals though (unless paired with the SEs), and that’s probably what has kept them from doing so lately – not because of Lucas. They hear the fans, but it’s not their priority as it’s not a big money-maker right now. Additionally, it’s a lot of time and money to be put towards “unfinished” films. I hate to say it, but it seems to be the case.

My two cents.

Exactly. People here tend to be unrealistic when they estimate OOT market. Like you said, why would they put any effort when they can just re-release SE and get the same (or even better) effect. Even people around here are still buying every SE they release.

And like I said many times, when you are making billions with something, you do not care about something that might make a few millions.



It’s has been previously stated by Robert Harris that any work needed to be done would be peanuts. Disney puts out obscure titles via their movie club, and other studios put out similar titles via Made On Demand. OOT sales would eclipse sales figures of any of those films by a mile.
Something like Manos got nearly $50k put up by fans. Can you imagine what an OOT kickstarter would do?

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Something like Manos got nearly $50k put up by fans. Can you imagine what an OOT kickstarter would do?

Synapse and Disney are two different companies with two different objectives. It’s comparing apples to oranges.

SilverWook said:

Disney puts out obscure titles via their movie club, and other studios put out similar titles via Made On Demand.

The Trilogy would require a lot, lot more work than a catalog Disney title.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


SilverWook said:

any work needed to be done would be peanuts.

Another re-release of SE requires basically no work. It would probably sell the same or even better than OOT.



Third revision:

Dear Disney and Lucasfilm,

Today is the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, the film that started it all. Yet, where is that film? No, not the special editon, the original 1977 film. The one we grew up with. The one we saw more times than any other film before or since. The film that changed our lives forever.

Whether young or old, whether we saw it in a theater or on home video, it prompted a desire in some of us to make movies or tell stories of our own. George Lucas lit a spark that remains within us today.

One thing we all share are the memories of where and with whom we saw Star Wars, and even of shooting down imaginary TIE fighters out the back window of the car on the way home. For others, it was a brightly shining light in the middle of a turbulent childhood. If Luke and his friends could triumph over their trials, maybe we could too.

All these years later, we would love to revisit the Original Trilogy that we remember, to recapture those memories of a long time ago, in a movie theater or living room far far away. Those of us with families want to be able to show our kids exactly what we saw when we were their age and relive it with them. It should be such a simple thing to do.

Only it isn’t.

We’re limited in our choices to outdated video formats that are increasingly difficult to obtain and inch closer to extinction each year. And the now out of print bonus DVDs from 2006, which utilize ancient video transfers from 1993, are hardly better, if one can find them at all.

None of us ever imagined as kids that these historic versions might fade from memory, ultimately, disappearing from the collective consciousness altogether. To the point where CGI scenes created in 1997 are now mistaken for the innovative groundbreaking FX technology of the 1970’s. Film history is being obscured, if not rewritten. We live in an era in which even “bad” movies are respected enough to be meticulously restored and made publically available. Shouldn’t a movie as loved and as culturally significant as Star Wars deserve the same treatment in it’s original form?

We don’t bemoan the Special Edition’s existence. It simply isn’t the version of the trilogy we fell in love with. The Original Original Trilogy, or OOT, deserves to be seen in the absolute best quality afforded by modern cinema and 21st-century home video formats so that it can be loved again by all.

There is room for all versions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of The Jedi to coexist. And we want to give you our money for them; we really do! Please give us that opportunity. At least give us hope that we will be able to do so soon. Some of us aren’t getting any younger! That is all we ask.

Sincerely yours,
The Staff and Members of Originaltrilogy.com

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

We don’t bemoan the Special Edition’s existence. It simply isn’t the version of the trilogy we fell in love with.

Emotional appeal is never wise, it comes off in a negative manner. I would highly recommend not using this sentence.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


I’m also considering a Terry Gilliam version. Short and to the point.

Dear Disney and Lucasfilm,

Will you ever release the original Star Wars trilogy in their original theatrical versions on Blu Ray? Yes or no? Please don’t leave us hanging. Thanks!

The staff and members of Originaltrilogy.com

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


JawsTDS said:

SilverWook said:

We don’t bemoan the Special Edition’s existence. It simply isn’t the version of the trilogy we fell in love with.

Emotional appeal is never wise, it comes off in a negative manner. I would highly recommend not using this sentence.

History is the important thing. LFL themselves are waving the whole anniversary banner. Awards don’t mean anything, but they are a cultural thing, and so are a part of the history. Would George have been able to spend so much money on this crap without all those statues? Who can say. But coming off like a small group of middle aged nostalgia fans is the wrong approach.


Here’s something a lot don’t factor out. It’s been pointed out on numerous occasions that it appears that the general public does not care one way or another about the changes. This may be true but I honestly don’t understand how this affects the chances of a future OUT release. If they don’t care they were changed why would they care if they the originals are eventually restored?? They’ll react to it the same way they reacted to the SEs on BD. To them it’s Star Wars. Plus the generations are growing. Just because many fans own SW now doesn’t mean there won’t be a market to another generation in the future. Also I can’t see them selling the same 2K BD versions til the end of time, OUT or not.


crissrudd4554 said:

It’s been pointed out on numerous occasions that it appears that the general public does not care one way or another about the changes. This may be true but I honestly don’t understand how this affects the chances of a future OUT release.

If they don’t care about the changes, then what’s the point of even reverting them? That costs money.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


JawsTDS said:

crissrudd4554 said:

It’s been pointed out on numerous occasions that it appears that the general public does not care one way or another about the changes. This may be true but I honestly don’t understand how this affects the chances of a future OUT release.

If they don’t care about the changes, then what’s the point of even reverting them? That costs money.

An OUT restoration is gonna sell better than a mere restored version of the same print of the SEs. It’s already a general consensus that people are fine with the BDs as is. If Disney/Lucasfilm intends to keep the market open to those films they’re gonna have to do more than simply restore the same SE.


The cynicism in here blows my mind. Just because you’ve given up doesn’t mean the rest of the world has.

Every single time I see the Original Trilogy brought up in public circles I’ll see at least one person proudly mention how they’ve gone out and ripped their old VHS tapes to DVD.

The demand is there and has always been there.

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