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'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

theprequelsrule said:

Superweapon VII said:

theprequelsrule said:

Honestly…why do I keep coming back to Star Wars (and this site! LoL)? It seems like more of an unhealthy addiction than a real interest of mine at this point!

Same. I’m only following Andor, and it took me a tremendous lot of convincing from the folks who aren’t mindless fanboys easily suckered by lightsabers and fanservice for me to take that leap of faith; my interest in everything else Disney’s put out is in the negative numbers.

And I will say what others are afraid to say: one of the reasons I like the OT is because the protagonist is a man. I like the hero’s journey idea. It is inspiring and more men need stuff like that in their lives. It is okay for something to be about and for (primarily) men and their experiences. The opposite is, of course, also true.

And yes…I do think the current zeitgeist in Disney is somewhat anti-male. I know this puts me in a place where I rub shoulders with unpleasant youtube grifters - but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I’m glad everyone is keeping things cordial but lets try to keep the discussion focused on the film itself, plot and casting speculation, etc. Thank you.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Lexa C said:

Thank you and I agree, it is more pleasant and cordial in here.

Although is there a specific thread in “Off Topic” that already discusses these issues, to look at and learn from, and explains why racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism or other such similar ignorance and hate falls into the bracket of being “politics” on here?

I don’t believe anyone has claimed racism, homophobia, transphobia, or sexism are political. That’s just simple hatred and bigotry.

What is political are topics like racial justice, representation and diversity. None of which belong in this section of the forum. But are welcome topics to be discussed in the Off Topic section.

Feel free to start a thread about any and all of them in the appropriate section of the forum. Unfortunately I did give fair warning about derailing this thread further so that will have to wait until at least a week from today.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Lexa C said:

Tobar said:

Tobar said:

Rule 4: No politics; only light discussion of current events is permitted, and only in the Off Topic section.

Let’s keep the discussion focused on the series itself. If not the thread can/will be locked and offenders will be issued temp bans.

I’m a little confused.

Hatred for the colour of a person’s skin is not politics. It is racism and hatred. That is not political.

The same applies to homophobia, transphobia, sexism or other such similar ignorance. It is hatred.

None of it is political. Politicised, for sure. Incorrectly labelled as “political agendas” to give the ignorance some sort of “legitimacy”, “acceptance” or a platform, also for sure. But it is not political.

It is simply and purely hate and ignorance.

So why is it deemed “political” on here? Is there a post or thread on here that explains that in more detail?

I don’t mean to derail the thread, and would like to continue on just the series itself. There was some posts with suggestions where to continue such discussions but they’ve since been deleted, so I guess they weren’t okay? Is there a relevant thread where to discuss this, or is already being discussed?

Or is it a “that’s just the way it is” thing? And don’t talk about the issues of race, sex, gender, homophobia, transphobia etc in here?

As always, if you want to discuss such topics you’re free to discuss them over in the Off Topic section of the forum. This is the Star Wars section of the forum and thus meant for discussing Star Wars. Anything else is a distraction.

The discourse in this thread has up to now been far more pleasant and cordial compared to most other corners of the internet and speaks well of our community. Let’s try to keep it that way and this thread on topic. Any more discussion of anything not related to the topic of this thread will result in an immediate ban.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Rule 4: No politics; only light discussion of current events is permitted, and only in the Off Topic section.

Let’s keep the discussion focused on the series itself. If not the thread can/will be locked and offenders will be issued temp bans.

Jedit: And we’ve had our first temp ban. To the individual in question, your ban will be up after a week. Further disruptions will lead to a longer suspension period and ultimately to a permanent ban if you can’t follow the community rules.

Several BR/DVD players can't access second layer

Since you own the discs already and your stated goal is that you just want to watch the theatrical versions. You’re probably better off at this point looking into acquiring one of the fan restorations/preservations that can be found elsewhere on this forum. They’re far above the quality of the non-anamorphic laserdisc rips that are present on your DVDs.

You can go here to learn more about the topic. If your priority is the best picture possible you’ll probably be interested in Harmy’s Despecialized editions. Or if you prioritize authenticity than Project 4K77-83 is your best bet.

Good luck and may The Force be with you!

<strong>Skeleton Crew</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread

Jon Watts said:

I got to use all the cool stuff on my most recent Star Wars show. We had pre-viz, MOCAP, we shot on the volume, we did everything. But the most fun part was we also used all the old school techniques as well. We got Phil Tippett to do stop-motion. We did matte paintings, like real old-fashioned matte paintings. We got an ILM painter out of retirement to come out and do that. So to me, all that stuff is fun, but it’s just another tool, and it depends on how you use it.


It’s odd because the original painting by itself looks great. Even more so for the one Ady replaced in ESB:R. I really think it has something to do with the lighting and the way they were composited. Regardless, I look forward to seeing what Ady does with the shot.

Last movie seen


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

Having been released just three years after TMP I wasn’t aware that there’s supposed to be an 11 year time gap between the films. Since TMP is supposed to be just two and a half years after the end of their original five year mission, this allowed for the characters to catch up with the ages of their actors. But it threw me off at the start with them rehashing some of the same beats of Kirk struggling with age and being an Admiral. Regardless, great film!


Darth Sadifous said:

The addition of the Ghost is really a nice nod. However, I don’t know if Ady would consider this as I do not think he is including additions outside of OG trilogy now.

He added Chopper to Echo Base in ESB:R. I’m sure we have some neat easter eggs to look forward to for ROTJ:R.

Last movie seen


Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

It’s been decades since I first saw this film and this was my first time watching the Director’s Cut(4K). A fun film to pick up after doing a run of the Original Series. Though slows down a bit too much toward the end. The changes in the DC are a bit of a mixed bag. All of the changes done early in the San Francisco section are very poorly executed. Whereas the changes done in the V’ger section do a lot to add to the film and the atmosphere it’s building.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

My apparently unpopular opinion judging by past reactions:

I think they should have used Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors in Shadows of the Empire instead of creating Dash Rendar and Leebo. Kyle and Jan were already mercenaries working for the Rebellion with big accomplishments under their belts and they were active during that period. Instead we got a Han Solo wannabe that was as interesting as a slice of bread.