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Worst Edit Ideas — Page 106


Obi-Wan’s force ghost at the end of ROTJ is replaced with Ewan McGregor, from Trainspotting, when he’s fully nude.


Someone should do an edit based on this thread’s ideas.

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


The Star Wars Purist said:

Someone should do an edit based on this thread’s ideas.

TV’s Frink’s Episode I: The Ridiculous Menace and Episode II: Attack of the Ridiculousness are pretty close to this thread’s ideas. I’d give them a watch if you can find them!

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Eyepainter said:

The Star Wars Purist said:

Someone should do an edit based on this thread’s ideas.

TV’s Frink’s Episode I: The Ridiculous Menace and Episode II: Attack of the Ridiculousness are pretty close to this thread’s ideas. I’d give them a watch if you can find them!


I’ve always thought a group edit of ANH where everyone picked a scene and edited it with their best worst ideas would be fantastic, but far too impractical to organise.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Shittily deepfake Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen onto Sir Alec Guiness and Sebastian Shaw and use a shitty text to speech to replicate their voices, for brand continuity. Because simply recasting isn’t enough, the flesh must be consistent.


boffy said:

Obi-Wan’s force ghost at the end of ROTJ is replaced with Ewan McGregor, from Trainspotting, when he’s fully nude.

How 'bout use the “worst toilet in Scotland” scene for when he lands in the water on Utapau.

NotTheDri0ds said:

Shittily deepfake Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen onto Sir Alec Guiness and Sebastian Shaw and use a shitty text to speech to replicate their voices, for brand continuity. Because simply recasting isn’t enough, the flesh must be consistent.

Nah, deepfake Ewan McGregor over Sebastian Shaw and Hayden Christensen over Alex Guiness. No one will know the difference, right?


Use the Portugese dub for Jar Jar to make him less goofy, but include accurate English subtitles so he still says the same things.


To the celebration scene at the end of RotJ, add freeze frames of each of the main characters, with a text description of what happened to them after the events of the movie, like in Animal House.

You could do 3 versions. A canon version, a Legends version, and a jokey version.


Servii said:

To the celebration scene at the end of RotJ, add freeze frames of each of the main characters, with a text description of what happened to them after the events of the movie, like in Animal House.

You could do 3 versions. A canon version, a Legends version, and a jokey version.


I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Create a gangsta version of the saga.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Best way to fix the PT:

Throw it away and just watch the Holiday Special three times.

Same for the ST actually.

Actually, let’s get rid of the OT too while we’re at it.

And every future Star Wars project to ever be released. Because everyone’ll hate it all anyways.


Replace all the scenes with Anakin in the prequels with footage from Cube (1997), and also replace all the scenes without Anakin with footage from Cube (1997)

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


In TPM, use deepfakes to swap out Natalie Portman’s and Keira Knightley’s faces. Maybe even swap the faces back and forth between scenes, just to cause more confusion.


Re-add all the wires for every force-powered stunt in the saga.

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


Insert a stormtrooper impaled Cannibal Holocaust-style into the background of every Ewok village shot.


BedeHistory731 said:

Insert a stormtrooper impaled Cannibal Holocaust-style into the background of every Ewok village shot.

Actually, I think making the Ewoks a bunch of bloodthirsty critters would make their victory over the stormtroopers a lot more interesting and believable. Sure, it will never happen due to the PG rating, but making the Endor battle R-rated would honestly be an improvement.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Add in Palpatine explaining, in complete and thorough detail, the cloning process causing him to return in Rise of Skywalker.

Don’t want the plothole of having to fill it in with your imagination, after all.


NotTheDri0ds said:

Add in Palpatine explaining, in complete and thorough detail, the cloning process causing him to return in Rise of Skywalker.

Don’t want the plothole of having to fill it in with your imagination, after all.

Actually, I think making an explanation for Palpatine’s return and the Sith Eternal would make their battle against the Resistance a lot more interesting and believable. Sure, it will never happen due to the Mystery Box rating, but making the stakes of the battle understandable would honestly be an improvement.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Eyepainter said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Insert a stormtrooper impaled Cannibal Holocaust-style into the background of every Ewok village shot.

Actually, I think making the Ewoks a bunch of bloodthirsty critters would make their victory over the stormtroopers a lot more interesting and believable. Sure, it will never happen due to the PG rating, but making the Endor battle R-rated would honestly be an improvement.

I’m just imagining the Ewoks building entire structures out of stormtrooper skulls, along with stormtrooper armor trophies and captured/tortured imperial officers begging the rebels for escape.

The idea of the Endor conflict being a brutal stalemate between the Empire and the Ewoks would certainly add to the Vietnam War parallel.


The answer is to combine both ideas into Palpatine’s Ewok death cult like RLM suggested.


To keep continuity between the PT and OT, Luke should have a padawan rattail from the second half of ANH until ROTJ.


NotTheDri0ds said:

To keep continuity between the PT and OT, Luke should have a padawan rattail from the second half of ANH until ROTJ.

Then Yoda cuts it off with his Lightsaber before he dies.