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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 458


I think V3 cuts between shots oddly rapidly and it feels noticeable (not your fault; your editing is excellent, it’s just the very tiny amount coverage you’ve got to work with).

Have you tried putting C-3PO’s line after Rey’s?

Jannah: Are you Resistance?
Poe: That depends.
Rey: We have to get to that wreck. There’s something inside we need.
C-3PO: Don’t you know an ally when you see one?
Jannah: I can take you there by water.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I’m so happy I could help getting you guys those lines!

I really, really like “A Highly Trained Resistance Spy v2”, but I don’t think Jannah’s “really?” is necessary and would instead move the bearded guy shot to after C-3PO’s line. That way bearded guy’s facial expression seems to say “Ok, this droid is a weirdo” which works as a sort of punchline or a beat at least. Then Rey follow’s with her request, since C-3PO spilled the beans anyway. Also, would “you needn’t worry, it appears” fit before “I am a highly trained resistance spy” or does it make the pause too short?

The “ally” line would work well that way too, I think.


I think “Ally” line V2 works best for this scene. CaptainFaraday’s order seems like it would flow best.

The “highly trained resistance spy” line just seems like it would fit sooooo much better on the Star Destroyer when he is being interrogated by the Trooper while wearing all of Chewie’s gear.

It could be cut to say “It appears I am a highly trained Resistance spy” which works for that moment as C-3PO still doesn’t know much and he’s assuming he is this master spy because he’s wearing Chewie’s gear.

Spy line during the dagger heist Chewie rescue.

Ally line during the scene where they make an ally


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This is the way.


CaptainFaraday said:

I think V3 cuts between shots oddly rapidly and it feels noticeable (not your fault; your editing is excellent, it’s just the very tiny amount coverage you’ve got to work with).

Have you tried putting C-3PO’s line after Rey’s?

Jannah: Are you Resistance?
Poe: That depends.
Rey: We have to get to that wreck. There’s something inside we need.
C-3PO: Don’t you know an ally when you see one?
Jannah: I can take you there by water.



Why are we cutting the mention of Babu Frick again?

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

Why are we cutting the mention of Babu Frick again?

We’re testing out an idea that the dagger is something more ancient and doesn’t mention Endor on its inscription.

Personally, I prefer the way we have things in v1 but doesn’t hurt to try things out I suppose.


Cap, that’s basically how it was structured in v1 of that line. I could put it back in that order, maybe including the reversed Jannah shot if we think that works?

DZ-330, I think I ran into a problem with the “It appears I am…” with it running too long, given the amount of footage there is to work with. If people want to pursue that, I could play around with it; but it seems like the general feeling is to use the “Ally” line with Jannah, and one of the “Spy” lines with the stormtrooper?

So it seems that we’re kind of split between the three versions. (Take that, J.J.; you’re not the only one who can divide the fan base.) Is there anything I could do to help iron out any of them? Specific shots or orders that work best?

v1: https://streamable.com/sr8x26
v2: https://streamable.com/82rw1u
v3: https://streamable.com/ldxu2u

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Your v1 there is the best Sherlock. Although I’m kinda confused why Rey has to say “please”. I think if that were removed it would be seamless.


I vote for v1. If anyone can find Naomi Ackie saying “alright”/“fine”/etc then it would be even better, but as it is now, I think it’s great.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Coming into this current discussion late, but was the “heads up” at the beginning of these clips always there? Because it sounds clearly added in post, and also… doesn’t make sense with the visual? We hear Poe (I think?) say “heads up,” but then he and the rest of the cast spin around in sudden surprise, like they all just hear the horse hooves at the same time and nobody actually said “heads up” in the scene because nobody was keeping watch.

Probably not worth doing anything about, especially if it’s been there since the theater and I never noticed it, but these clips all starting with that moment just made it stick out to me.


Jar Jar, the “Please” was from the earlier test I did, but it was already nixed for the other two versions. Just so there’s no confusion, I’ve redone v1 without it.

Also, in response to Neerb, “Heads up!” is in the original theatrical/Ascendant V1 track. I’ve done a quick job of removing it; but it’s a little tricky, because most of the horse noises were in the same track as Poe’s line. I’ve basically gone and looped some of the clopping sounds and faded them in.

And per Mildly-yellow, we can definitely trim some of the gaps a little more. I wanted to keep as much tension hanging in the air as possible, but if the scene flows better when the edit is tighter, that’s fine too.

  • v1.2 - Rey speaks, then 3PO speaks. Added reversed Jannah shot. Removed the “Please” from v1.0, and removed Poe’s “Heads up!”
  • v2 - Moved 3PO’s line to immediately after the crane shot; added the additional Jannah shot
  • v3 - 3PO’s line is immediately after the crane shot; moved Horse Guy™ between 3PO’s line and Rey’s line; added the Jannah shot after Rey’s line; split the 3PO shot, putting the second part of it before Jannah agrees to help.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


V1.2 is the best. Although I would personally recommend trimming the shot of Rey where you can see Poe start to lower his blaster, but then in the very next shot he still has it pointed up.


I can see v1.2 being the one to pick, but I prefer v2. v1 doesn’t feel right. Him speaking before Rey feels way more natural.

Although out of his mind C-3PO being as sassy and conscious as regular C-3PO still doesn’t fully work for me either way, so maybe I’m wrong.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


I don’t know very much in fan editing (well nothing, I could even say), but from what I can see on these extracts : I think V2 looks pretty good.


I think V2 is best, but I do like the removal of “heads up” in V1.2


ThisIsCreation said:

I think V2 is best, but I do like the removal of “heads up” in V1.2

This, plus this:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I would personally recommend trimming the shot of Rey where you can see Poe start to lower his blaster, but then in the very next shot he still has it pointed up.


Honestly I’d be very sad to see the “Babu Frik, he’s one of my oldest friends” line go.


I think v3 is good but it doesn’t need the 2 extra cuts of 3po and jannah after Rey talk. I’ve tried to work on a version that also keeps Babu line aswell but you’ve done a great job as removing dialogue from the wave crash sound.

Good work on taking the time to showing variety aswell. 👍🏼

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Octorox said:

Honestly I’d be very sad to see the “Babu Frik, he’s one of my oldest friends” line go.

I do miss that. Funniest line in the whole movie.


Neerb said:

Coming into this current discussion late, but was the “heads up” at the beginning of these clips always there? Because it sounds clearly added in post, and also… doesn’t make sense with the visual? We hear Poe (I think?) say “heads up,” but then he and the rest of the cast spin around in sudden surprise, like they all just hear the horse hooves at the same time and nobody actually said “heads up” in the scene because nobody was keeping watch.

Probably not worth doing anything about, especially if it’s been there since the theater and I never noticed it, but these clips all starting with that moment just made it stick out to me.

The placement of the “heads up” line is a result of trimming the blade protractor thingy, the line was originally on a shot of Rey looking at the thingy whith Poe turning his head as the horses walk in on the background. I think removing it is kinda awkward since it makes the trim more noticeable, now it just feels like two different scenes fading into eachother. Which is what it is, but the line helps blend them together.


V2 looks good to me. This is shaping up to be a very cool edit concept with the dagger.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Octorox said:

Honestly I’d be very sad to see the “Babu Frik, he’s one of my oldest friends” line go.

Yeah I mentioned this earlier. Big sad. 😦