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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 576


I just talked to Chase last night so I’m sure he can share it later. I think it is still early morning for him right now.

EDIT: Also, were any of those extra shots from the BTS considered for giving the film more time to breathe a little?


CaptainFaraday said:

Also, thanks, Burbin!

Thank you for all the stuff you’ve done!

And good luck with the crackling saber RogueLeader, thank you for attempting to tackle one of the most elusive changes. That was the one thing that made V1 feel incomplete to me back when it was released, and it’s unfortunate to see how tough it’s been to put together.


RogueLeader is a unit. In any event we all appreciate the effort in trying to work with it in AE.

And MR, I understand if you’d like to keep that VFX for yours. As I’ve said, it’s not something I find essential to have, nice as it is.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Thanks for your understanding. I was hoping to have launched TLH by now and obviously have all the scenes available after but as I have not idea of completion now, I gotta rein it in a bit.

If you wanna do a V3 I’m happy to share everything after.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


So that’s it, then? MR is dropping out of the project? 🤨

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


CamSMurph said:

So that’s it, then? MR is dropping out of the project? 🤨

What? No, he’s just saying he wished he’d been able to finish his own project by now but due to hardware failure it’s impossible. He’s gonna see if RogueLeader can open his project files and limp through some of the crackly saber FX that remain.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

CamSMurph said:

So that’s it, then? MR is dropping out of the project? 🤨

What? No, he’s just saying he wished he’d been able to finish his own project by now but due to hardware failure it’s impossible. He’s gonna see if RogueLeader can open his project files and limp through some of the crackly saber FX that remain.

Ah, right. Sorry for the misconception. 😅

I hope he’ll be able to complete TLH in the new year, then. 🤞

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Okay, lot of catching up to do… 😄

RogueLeader, I just got your PM, I’m really glad that people are eager to pick up the torch on the saber shots. If Hal is too busy with all this other stuff I can still get you those shots. Shouldn’t be too much trouble.

In regards to finishing Luke’s haircut, I don’t know if many people realise this, but Jonh provided that footage at full resolution… I’ve already taken a look at what needs to be done to fix it, and it’s extremely minimal, only small amounts of masking for literally only a handful of frames is needed. Keep in mind that we plan on adding a day to dawn regrade on top of this, which would cover up pretty much all of these rough edges.

For the statue, I honestly didn’t expect people to still be interested in this, and I had sorta hoped you’d all forgotten. Lol
I guess because of this I’ve gotta get it finished at some point now. I’m in the middle of working on something for another member of the site as well (outside of this fanedit/thread) which is the top priority at the moment. Worth also mentioning that next week I finally get to go back to work again after over half a year!

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


Finally got to implement the “I am a Jedi” scene, using stuff from sade1212 and sherlockpotter.

For the audio, I ended up using Sade’s, as it balanced better with the 5.1. If CaptainFaraday can send me what he’s got I can compare it and see what can be done with it. But if not, what’s in there at the moment is pretty good to my ear and sensibilities.

Also, once Nev finishes his work on Mustafar’s establishing shot with the castle, I’ll be in a position to ‘sync lock’ the edit and output master audio. This will let myself and others get to work with subtitles (which I have been keeping up to date as I go, but need verifying), German and Italian language audio tracks, chapter stops, etc.

My stance on revising fan edits.


This will be a really special holiday season if V2 comes out in the next few weeks or month.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Hal, can I just say that I am looking forward to using your amazing new VFX shots for me and rorsharch’s edit, Battle of the Heroes! We’ll be sure to credit you and your fellow collaborators in the final product! 😉

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


I had been keeping up with MR’s updates on Youtube and it’s really unfortunate we might not get his shot of the sabers fizzling out on Exegol, it looked really good and I thought it was an ingenious idea. It really helped highlight the “end of the journey” aspect of the film, and gave the burial ending scene a much better context.

I thought it was a perfect fit for this edit since having both sabers “die” at the end feels like a natural conclusion to both the Skywalker saber being crackly and damaged, and to Rey picking Leia’s saber and finishing it’s journey.


Burbin said:

I had been keeping up with MR’s updates on Youtube and it’s really unfortunate we might not get his shot of the sabers fizzling out on Exegol, it looked really good and I thought it was an ingenious idea. It really helped highlight the “end of the journey” aspect of the film, and gave the burial ending scene a much better context.

I thought it was a perfect fit for this edit since having both sabers “die” at the end feels like a natural conclusion to both the Skywalker saber being crackly and damaged, and to Rey picking Leia’s saber and finishing it’s journey.

I sincerely hope that’s not the case. It would be a shame to have all that hard work go unused.

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


I just wrote a long response but my computer took a dump and didn’t sent.

Basically, my real life sucks but the creativity and friendliness from this site really helped me through some rough times.

Things have esculated over the post few months and I may now be losing my house and the company I built over 22 years! I’m royally screwed and I can’t do a damn thing about it as I’m basically working for free.

I can’t seem to find the escapism that once helped. This site took a turn for me (thankfully, now resolved) and now FE.org is doing the same. I hate bullies, rudeness and negativity so it’s great to see so much positivity back on this thread.

I genuinely appreciate all the friends I’ve made here, all positive comments, chats, PMs etc but even if my computer situation changed today I doubt I’ll have the time to do anything VFX work as I’m just too stressed to focus.

I’m exhausted!

Please don’t let me derail the conversation. I just wanted to explain why I can’t help as much as I have been but I’ll still dip in when I can. ✌

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Holy shit. Your life sucks balls right now! Even I don’t have it as rough as you, and 2021 hasn’t exactly been smooth sailings for me — although I can say it’s a step up from the shitshow that is 2020, that’s for fucking sure! 😅

I hope this doesn’t mean you’ll be forced into early retirement, because judging by the wording in your post, you sound like you’re finally ready to throw in the towel. That might be because you’ve been through a lot this year, preventing you from releasing The Last Hope on schedule, but should you decide to make it your last project in light of your day-to-day struggles, then I anticipate it being the noblest end in fan editing history. 😌

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


Jeez, I can’t pretend to know how you’re feeling about all that. I’m really glad, though, that this has been a positive experience or distraction and hope it can continue to be.

My stance on revising fan edits.


A quick update on the I Am A Jedi audio:

I was all geared up to export it all today in my lunch break, and then… there was a huge storm overnight and work was cancelled because the power was out to the building. Of all the days.

But, I’ll definitely get it done sometime this week. I’ll just stay up one night and do it. There’s one final change I want to try making, so I’ll do that too and present it here if I think it works at all. Otherwise, Hal and Sherlock, expect a Google Drive link sometime within the week.

MR, that really sucks and you don’t deserve any of it. I’ll send you a PM when I get the chance tomorrow.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


MR, man, I feel for you. Just … wow. This has been a rough year+. So sorry.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Sorry about all that bullshit that’s going on over there, MR. You being in the service industry, it’s such a hard hit with the pandemic. I hope things turn around for better soon.

heil Palpatine!


Will the Mustafar’s establishing shot be the one from the Biomes clip?


^Sounds good, Cap, thanks.

And Mustafar will most likely include Biomes footage to replace the repurposed Rogue One footage. Nev is spearheading, and fast tracking some work for this project.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Looks perfect! I imagine using this to replace the first two shots but slotting in poppsketti’s forest shot at the end where it has been.

Why don’t I do this, once Nev can send me the footage: export a version that puts it in full context and then see if anyone can add TIEs that more or less match the audio.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Looking really good Nev! I noticed some specks on the screen at points - is that just soot that’s present in the original footage, or is stemming from the recolor?

I’d definitely love to get the TIEs into this shot too if possible; but I thought we decided to also keep the V1 forest flyover shot before cutting to Kylo, correct?

Are we doing the two-shot or the three-shot version with the Biomes footage?

EDIT: Nevermind, Hal answered before I hit submit lol.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!