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Worst Edit Ideas — Page 88


“Blow that piece of junk out of the sky!”
“But my lord, is that legal?”

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


In AOTC, instead of the Imperial March, the anthem of the Galactic Republic plays.

Really, though, I get that was technically the true beginning of the Empire, but I thought it felt like the Imperial March was getting overused and out of place in the PT.

That’s a good change tho. In fact it’s on my to do list.


In RotJ, change Luke’s saber color back to blue, and change the Tatooine sky to green.


I forgot what thread I was in for a second and almost had a stroke

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Edit all lightsabers to be Braveheart-sized colored longswords with over obnoxious clank sounds whenever they touch anything.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


For no goddamn reason at all, replace Han’s line, “What’d you do?” in TFA with the same line delivered the same way from about 1:57:40 into Blade Runner 2049.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Make “I can’t breath” a running gag and add it to every episode just like “I have a bad feeling about this”.
In TPM Obi-Wan could say it whilst him and Qui-Gon are following Jar Jar underwater. AOTC has it already and in every following entry people are getting force choked. As this is a new force-power, adding this legendary line would go a long way to explain it.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


As the death star prepares to fire on Alderaan, edit in real world footage of violent atrocities being committed on the planet’s surface in order to make it more understandable that the empire would want to destroy them.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

As the death star prepares to fire on Alderaan, edit in real world footage of violent atrocities being committed on the planet’s surface in order to make it more understandable that the empire would want to destroy them.

I have to imagine that this is something that would have actually been produced in-universe by the Empire.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


i actually thought giving R2 dialogue in The Phantom Menace might be funny, and have him talking with the other R2 units and droids in scenes where they are together and imply the only reason Aniken can fly the fighter or launch it is because R2 needed to wait for a pilot to be in the seat before he could take off, and basically R2 turns out to be the real pilot for most of the flying and the reason the fighter autopilots into the battle zone is because that is R2 literally leading him into battle and using him as a meat shield to join his fellow astromech brethren in the glory of combat against the taller droids. Eventually Anakin grows on R2, but it starts out a very rough and abusive relationship where R2 is just trying to fit in with his fellow astromechs. He even volunteers for the suicide mission of flying into the droid ship and blowing it up from the inside out, that is why anakin spins out of control and ends up in their, hes fighting for control of the fighter from R2 and basically losing the entire way.

The beauty of this edit is it explains alot of how events happen and why Anakin becomes such a famous pilot, because of his droid using him for his own glory among his droid brethren


Servii said:

Change Obi-Wan’s Krayt Dragon call in ANH to a Godzilla roar.

Change it to the Wilhelm Scream.
The circle is now complete.


Aleksis Pakarinen said:

i actually thought giving R2 dialogue in The Phantom Menace might be funny, and have him talking with the other R2 units and droids in scenes where they are together and imply the only reason Aniken can fly the fighter or launch it is because R2 needed to wait for a pilot to be in the seat before he could take off, and basically R2 turns out to be the real pilot for most of the flying and the reason the fighter autopilots into the battle zone is because that is R2 literally leading him into battle and using him as a meat shield to join his fellow astromech brethren in the glory of combat against the taller droids. Eventually Anakin grows on R2, but it starts out a very rough and abusive relationship where R2 is just trying to fit in with his fellow astromechs. He even volunteers for the suicide mission of flying into the droid ship and blowing it up from the inside out, that is why anakin spins out of control and ends up in their, hes fighting for control of the fighter from R2 and basically losing the entire way.

The beauty of this edit is it explains alot of how events happen and why Anakin becomes such a famous pilot, because of his droid using him for his own glory among his droid brethren

I would’ve been just fine with R2-D2 having the voice of Samuel L. Jackson. That way, when C-3P0 tells R2 “you watch your language” in ANH, it makes perfect sense because we can now hear every f-bomb R2 has uttered.

I have altered Lucas’ visions. Pray I don’t alter them any further.


Hal 9000 said:

As the death star prepares to fire on Alderaan, edit in real world footage of violent atrocities being committed on the planet’s surface in order to make it more understandable that the empire would want to destroy them.

If this was actually in the movies you’d have teenagers talking about how deep and complex it makes Star Wars

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


The opening crawl of RotS says there are “heroes on both sides,” despite that never being reflected in the movie. To compensate, we should edit medals of valor and sacrifice onto the chests of General Grievous, the leaders of the Separatists on Utapau and Mustafar, and various battle droids in each scene. Grievous in particular should have several Purple Hearts.


In RotJ, Anakin throws Palpatine into Joh Yowza’s mouth.


Neerb said:

The opening crawl of RotS says there are “heroes on both sides,” despite that never being reflected in the movie. To compensate, we should edit medals of valor and sacrifice onto the chests of General Grievous, the leaders of the Separatists on Utapau and Mustafar, and various battle droids in each scene. Grievous in particular should have several Purple Hearts.

Sign of someone holding “In Grevious we Trust”

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”