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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 540


krausfadr said:

“You remember more than you say” hints that Rey knew deep down that no one was coming back for her. That she was abandoned.

Man you’re getting pretty good at the Testing style 👍


Not trying to, just agreeing the statement by Ren could be viewed as vague/out of place. It’s better suited to a Rey Nobody edit probably.

heil Palpatine!


can’t wait for this Rey Nobody edit!!! only then… we shall have… peace

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


That’s a good point too - that this entire conversation is likely going to be changed in Rey Nobody to avoid talking about her parents. RogueLeader, I know you’re still probably working on that, but what do you think? In what sort of direction are you planning on taking it?

For the Rey Palpatine cut…I’m not so fussed about him saying “You remember more than you say.” If that concept is the problem, “I’ve been in your head” has essentially the same meaning. “Search your memories,” “Remember them”…it all comes down to saying Rey does remember her parents. To fully preserve Rey not having heroic memories of them in the last movie, you’d have to rewrite this entire scene anyway.

For what it’s worth, I don’t think Rey having repressed memories of her parents really undoes the TLJ revelation any more than does retconning her parents in the first place - at that point, the thematic poignancy is already ruined.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Yeah, but I would like to have the retconning of TLJ be surgical, if possible.

If the line is out there, I really like the sound of “You don’t need to say anything. I’ve been in your head.”

My overly-intense look at the line suggests it could be read as “Ah, but all along, including the dramatic moment in TLJ, you were double-repressing your memories.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


If I recall correctly the tone and delivery of “you don’t have to say anything” was way too harsh for the moment. Maybe we could get an A.I. line if it’s not too late, but in any case I don’t think it’s possible to remove the implication that Rey had repressed memories within repressed memories without totally reworking the scene.


Probably right, then. Still, I feel good about getting rid of at least “I never lied to you” because it comes across as “I saw TLJ but only once and I don’t really remember the whole thing.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


Here is the “I see them” line (unmodified):

And here is “You don’t need to say anything” (I removed the huge gap between the words “say” and “anything”):

You’re right, the delivery is a bit rough on the second one. But I think it would still be interesting to hear what it sounds like.


Why do i get vibes of inception with these two movies … a repressing of a repressed memory. Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


TestingOutTheTest said:

@DrVibble Regarding your review. At one point you mention drama about Lucasfilm and Kennedy. You better not be referring to those false “civil war” rumors from Doomcock…

You’ve stated you have no interest in watching this edit so what’s the point of your constant barrage of UTTERLY POINTLESS comments other than Trolling? Seriouly, At least Doomcock is entertaining. You’re just the fly in the ointment. Take the 1000th hint and buzz off.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Burbin said:

in any case I don’t think it’s possible to remove the implication that Rey had repressed memories within repressed memories

Come to think of it, in TLJ it’s implied she always knew the truth about her parents, but was in denial - she wanted to believe things might be different. Here it seems to be actually repressed memories coming back to her, and Kylo trying to help her remember - “search your memories”. Basically she was in denial about her parents abandoning her and not caring about her, but it turns out she had repressed memories that prove they did care about her… so she was right to be in denial. It’s really, really dumb. It really makes me wish Rey’s parents being honorable could be removed.

If not, perhaps the line could be changed from “you remember more than you say” to “you remember more than you know”, very minor change but at least it would make it clear she literally doesn’t remember, instead of implying she doesn’t want to accept the truth that her parents cared about her(?!).


Burbin said:

Burbin said:

in any case I don’t think it’s possible to remove the implication that Rey had repressed memories within repressed memories

Come to think of it, in TLJ it’s implied she always knew the truth about her parents, but was in denial - she wanted to believe things might be different. Here it seems to be actually repressed memories coming back to her, and Kylo trying to help her remember - “search your memories”. Basically she was in denial about her parents abandoning her and not caring about her, but it turns out she had repressed memories that prove they did care about her… so she was right to be in denial. It’s really, really dumb. It really makes me wish Rey’s parents being honorable could be removed.

If not, perhaps the line could be changed from “you remember more than you say” to “you remember more than you know”, very minor change but at least it would make it clear she literally doesn’t remember, instead of implying she doesn’t want to accept the truth that her parents cared about her(?!).

It’s funny when you think of it like that … since … she repressed a … good memory/motivation on her parents’ side? So like … her parents wanted to protect her, so she represses that to make up a memory that they were drunks/bad people to then deny that hoping they would come back up till TLJ. Lol oh man.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Exactly, she forgot her parents loved her and then tried to convince herself they did while secretly believeng they didn’t. It’s so dumb and backwards. More than her parents not being ‘nobodies’ this is what ruins the moment in TLJ, and the development of Rey’s character through the first two films.


Some time back, I kind of remember either a conversation or some clips a person made during the throne room scene with Kylo and Rey that it was just Kylo saying/telling Rey her parents were nobodies, etc. and she stayed quiet. I wonder if revisiting that idea would help this movie where she doesn’t admit she “knows” they are nobodies in the last movie, but it’s more like she listens to Kylo and could believe that? So it’s not so much her either “admitting it” or “agreeing” with anything in TLJ, but the full on “remembering” happens now?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


We’d kicked around modifying TLJ but I really don’t want to.

The retcon of her parents being Palpatine flavored is one thing, but we’re trying to make it fit in better by reducing the double repression.

“You were right, they were no one… I’ll tell you what happened to them and why.” (No direct mention of selling her to protect her, so there’s not the implication she’s repressing something further about that.)

The only line remaining that muddies that slightly modified angle is “You remember more than you say.” It implies she’s keeping something down, and it isn’t clear what it might be.

In TFA and TLJ Rey believes her parents were ‘noble’ and loved her, then “admits” they were deadbeats and feels some consolation in the confession that she shouldn’t keep looking for them and move on. Then when their memory is tapped into in TROS she gets angry and tries to fight away the pain, recalling that yes indeed they loved her very much and all.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

We’d kicked around modifying TLJ but I really don’t want to.

The retcon of her parents being Palpatine flavored is one thing, but we’re trying to make it fit in better by reducing the double repression.

“You were right, they were no one… I’ll tell you what happened to them and why.” (No direct mention of selling her to protect her, so there’s not the implication she’s repressing something further about that.)

The only line remaining that muddies that slightly modified angle is “You remember more than you say.” It implies she’s keeping something down, and it isn’t clear what it might be.

In TFA and TLJ Rey believes her parents were ‘noble’ and loved her, then “admits” they were deadbeats and feels some consolation in the confession that she shouldn’t keep looking for them and move on. Then when their memory is tapped into in TROS she gets angry and tries to fight away the pain, recalling that yes indeed they loved her very much and all.

Fair enough, I mean, no matter what it’s all just such a mess and trying to alleviate it, even a little, is helpful.

LOL at “when their memory is tapped into in TROS she gets angry and tries to fight away the pain, recalling that YES INDEED THEY LOVED HER VERY MUCH AND ALL.”


This movie bro.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


The trouble is, every line that Kylo says here is something to the effect of “you’ve just repressed your memory of them,” which, as Burbin so beautifully articulated, is unbelievably stupid. You’d have to change the whole conversation to undo the implications of that; and at that point, we might as well wait until Rey Nobody.

Which…actually begs a question… RogueLeader said that he had started working on this scene for Rey Nobody a while back. Depending on his vision for this scene - what it actually says for the story - could we just “Rey Nobody” this one scene, and maintain the Palpatine connection for the rest of it?

When you think about it, there are two separate, big (subjective) flaws with how they did Rey Palpatine - the first is that it means she has super blood that makes her special, rather than being special due to her own strength; but the second is that they decided to make Rey’s parents lovely, self-sacrificial folks. The two don’t necessarily have to be related. You could say that Rey’s grandpappy was Palps, without changing the fact that her parents were awful people who abandoned her. (Maybe the audience would assume the Sith like to abandon their children. Because they’re EVIL.)

So maybe we could replace this scene to avoid referencing her parents. Keep the hangar reveal “You…are a Palpatine.” And then cut Rey’s one line in the end that “My parents were strong.” It keeps the Palpatine ancestry, and it doesn’t explicitly negate either TLJ canon or TROS canon as far as her parents are concerned. For Rey Nobody then, you’d just have to also redub the Hangar scene and some of Palpy’s dialogue on Exegol, but we’d already be halfway there.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

The trouble is, every line that Kylo says here is something to the effect of “you’ve just repressed your memory of them,” which, as Burbin so beautifully articulated, is unbelievably stupid. You’d have to change the whole conversation to undo the implications of that; and at that point, we might as well wait until Rey Nobody.

Which…actually begs a question… RogueLeader said that he had started working on this scene for Rey Nobody a while back. Depending on his vision for this scene - what it actually says for the story - could we just “Rey Nobody” this one scene, and maintain the Palpatine connection for the rest of it?

When you think about it, there are two separate, big (subjective) flaws with how they did Rey Palpatine - the first is that it means she has super blood that makes her special, rather than being special due to her own strength; but the second is that they decided to make Rey’s parents lovely, self-sacrificial folks. The two don’t necessarily have to be related. You could say that Rey’s grandpappy was Palps, without changing the fact that her parents were awful people who abandoned her. (Maybe the audience would assume the Sith like to abandon their children. Because they’re EVIL.)

So maybe we could replace this scene to avoid referencing her parents. Keep the hangar reveal “You…are a Palpatine.” And then cut Rey’s one line in the end that “My parents were strong.” It keeps the Palpatine ancestry, and it doesn’t explicitly negate either TLJ canon or TROS canon as far as her parents are concerned. For Rey Nobody then, you’d just have to also redub the Hangar scene and some of Palpy’s dialogue on Exegol, but we’d already be halfway there.

+1 to this. I couldn’t quite congeal the thought into words but you nailed it.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I think so, but I haven’t had the chance to sit down and work on it yet - I’ll probably get the chance after the weekend. As far as I can tell, though, I currently have all of the pieces I need to get it working.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Hal 9000 said:

I think I’d prefer the default version of this project not to venture down the path of making her parents back into shitheads, but I see your point.

I’d argue it makes Rey’s character better in the film and trilogy. Because her new family actually loves and accepts her and wants her around. And the whole, “my parents abandoned me” view from TLJ is maintained and helps with contradictions. I think it should be considered for a Rey Palpatine cut.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I remember having this same conversation a while back. The problem with making her parents bad people is that the Palpy/Rey scene at the end relies on the whole “she will take her revenge!” spiel. He’s trying to get her to hate him. But if Palpatine is responsible for the killing of her parents, and they were bad people, then really Rey should be thanking Palps for neutralizing those scum bags. Not exactly the greatest strategy. And don’t even get me started on the fact that it makes no sense that they wouldn’t reveal her location to Ochi if they were bad.

Don’t get me wrong, it would have been better for them to be bad, but unfortunately the movie we have been given relies on them being good. Doing the opposite would involve removing way too much content and make the Rey/Palpatine scene kinda confusing.