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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 176


I was pretty adamantly against the “Sith voices” idea, but that test clip has won me over. I think it works great for all the reasons everyone’s saying.

With the hologram masking, Sio Bibble’s hologram (and Palpatine’s) flicker and get interrupted in TPM; I don’t remember if there’s an accompanying sound, but if there is, could it be lifted from there?

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


CaptainFaraday said:

With the hologram masking, Sio Bibble’s hologram (and Palpatine’s) flicker and get interrupted in TPM; I don’t remember if there’s an accompanying sound, but if there is, could it be lifted from there?

Great call, I’ll at least use that as a reference.


As someone who’s been pretty against the whole “multiple voices” thing for Palpatine, you’ve certainly made me a believer with this newest clip!

As for the Lando line, you did good audio work on it. However, I think it sounds a little too “real world” if that makes sense. I think if you made it sound more like a hologram using the sound effects Rogue Leader, it would sound more like it belongs in universe.


Axlanian I love the sith voices, it sounds seamless.

The lando message is great but I cant think of somewhere to insert it.


How bad does it look if you just crop out Slave I?


Axlanian, nice job with that Palpatine voice thingy! It’s subtle enough that it’s not too distracting, but you can hear it very clearly if you’re paying attention.

RogueLeader said:

I know originally the suggestion was that the audio would be included with the shot of the Imperial shuttle going through hyperspace, but I think it would also be fitting to show a shot of the Falcon in hyperspace as if it is transmitting the message as it flies around the galaxy, and/or maybe back-to-back establishing shots of random planets, to imply these are some of the places that are receiving the message. It could be a good way to set up planets like Coruscant, Bespin and Naboo revolting at the end of the movie, because they got the message from Lando earlier.

I really like this idea. I’ve been (quietly) opposed to having a shot of Kylo rushing off to Exegol, just because dramatically, I think it works better if he suddenly appears when all hope seems lost; and I wouldn’t want to undermine that by the film telegraphing “Hang on, Rey! Ben is on his way! *heroic trumpet fanfare*” Focusing it on the Falcon makes more sense in my mind. You could even maybe work it into Poe’s little “mission prep” montage as the Resistance is gearing up, a bit after Lando and Chewie enter the Falcon. “This is our last stand, for the galaxy… [We need your help. The rally point coordinates are transmitting…] For Leia…” Blah blah blah.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


That is a good point Sherlock! Even if we didn’t create a new scene, we could perhaps fit it in when we see the Falcon, and the other ships launching from the Resistance base.


Keep in mind there’s a couple shots of Lando in hyperspace from the trailer too.


Good point! I do think it would be fun to mock up a montage of Lando flying around and random planets “receiving” the message.


leftshoe18 said:

How bad does it look if you just crop out Slave I?

I’ve tried the resizing the shot in order to hide the Slave 1, but it adds a lot of pixelation, so the quality doesn’t look so great. What Movies Remastered sent me I believe is only 1080p, what I really need is 4K UHD; does anyone know where I can get it? If I crop it in a higher resolution should look good.

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTk1v3ZT2fg

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


The issue with 4k is the codec to convert to mp4. Many people have tried to teach me but I can’t get my head around it so everything I do is only in 1080p.

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Cinefy said:

leftshoe18 said:

How bad does it look if you just crop out Slave I?

I’ve tried the resizing the shot in order to hide the Slave 1, but it adds a lot of pixelation, so the quality doesn’t look so great. What Movies Remastered sent me I believe is only 1080p, what I really need is 4K UHD; does anyone know where I can get it? If I crop it in a higher resolution should look good.

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTk1v3ZT2fg

I offered my help before, I’ll offfer again. Can someone give me the timestamps? I’ll do it for u, in 4K UHD


Sounds pretty legit. I would say he probably sounds too distorted, but I assume this is necessary to cover things up. If at all possible to tone it down though that’d be my note.


I can try something a bit clearer, but yeah I have to remove a lot of frequencies to mask all the music and noise. I’ll have something shortly.


I hope they put out more Biomes stuff. That’d be the ideal footage to use for the kind of montage we’re talking about.


If somehow we could use the falcon traveling through hyperspace (lando and chewie) as seen in the trailer, and they send out the transmission. While the transmission plays, can show diff shots of diff planets/locations of the galaxy, similar to how ppl have shown palpatine’s broadcast. Just a thought?


Cinefy said:

leftshoe18 said:

How bad does it look if you just crop out Slave I?

I’ve tried the resizing the shot in order to hide the Slave 1, but it adds a lot of pixelation, so the quality doesn’t look so great. What Movies Remastered sent me I believe is only 1080p, what I really need is 4K UHD; does anyone know where I can get it? If I crop it in a higher resolution should look good.

Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTk1v3ZT2fg

Yeah that would look great if cropped from a 4K rip.


jadenkorr41 said:

If somehow we could use the falcon traveling through hyperspace (lando and chewie) as seen in the trailer, and they send out the transmission. While the transmission plays, can show diff shots of diff planets/locations of the galaxy, similar to how ppl have shown palpatine’s broadcast. Just a thought?

This could also create a nice parallel in an edit that adds both Palpatine’s and Lando’s transmissions.


I wonder if there’s some additional Lando dialogue that could beef it up. As is he says like two things. Depending on how one would integrate it that might be fine, or it might feel really short.