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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 474


Every time I see the changes laid out like that, I’m literally stunned by the talent and creativity of this community. Thank you, all!

Hal 9000 said:

  • Slight tweak so Rey is shown contemplating before asking 3PO to consider going through with a memory wipe

Do you have a clip of this, Hal? I know I was thinking about this as well, but I didn’t realize something had already been submitted. Is that when they’re debating going to Kijimi at all, or when they’re already in Babu’s workshop?

Also, just some house cleaning things - are we still considering changes on the following:

  • Change “Leia sensed the death of her son." Either to "birth of her son" if we can find audio to support it; or else “sensed her son at the end of her Jedi path,” or even just “Leia told me that she sensed the end of her Jedi path.”
  • Clean up the ending of the Pasaana chase, using bbghost’s trimming and my padded shot (and/or some other variation - maybe we can pad it using some of the new footage from Biomes of Hoth or Tatooine?)
  • Restructure Rey’s death. (Hal, you expressed interest in this idea, but said that the first attempt didn’t quite land. I did an updated version a little while back - does it solve whatever qualms you had about it? Again, removing the kiss was just for my benefit. We can leave the kiss in.)

Or have all of these suggestions been vetoed for one reason or another?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Regardless of if 3PO gets redubbed, I think it’d be worth to consider removing the “horrible things” line (which some find asinine as she’s holding Anakin’s saber with her other hand) as well as removing momma rey’s scream both times she picks it, taking advantage of these moments to introduce and shift the focus to the concept of Rey hearing whispers emanating from the dagger instead.


“Leia told me that she sensed the end of her Jedi path.”

I’d really like this if it can be made to sound seamless. I’d really prefer it not be tied to Ben at all. I think it’s in character for Leia to end her Jedi training because she feel she can do more good in getting the new government off the ground.


Octorox said:

“Leia told me that she sensed the end of her Jedi path.”

I’d really like this if it can be made to sound seamless. I’d really prefer it not be tied to Ben at all. I think it’s in character for Leia to end her Jedi training because she feel she can do more good in getting the new government off the ground.

Yeah, Leia never seemed to want to be a Jedi in the other movies. She was a politician and a commander, and she seemed (based on TFA and TLJ) to have pursued that path while Luke pursued being a Jedi. It felt weird to me in theatres when the film retconned that into Leia being basically a full Jedi, and Luke saying, “Ha! Nah, she totally trained to be a Jedi off camera. She just gave it all up because [external factors pushed her out of a career path she apparently always wanted, #feminism].” At least with this rework, it gives her character more agency - she decides to quit because that’s what she wants, not because she thinks it’ll magically somehow prevent her son from dying. (And, by the way, that plan was a rousing success, Leia. You idiot.)

So on that note…ehhh? https://streamable.com/ehphfh

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

Octorox said:

“Leia told me that she sensed the end of her Jedi path.”

I’d really like this if it can be made to sound seamless. I’d really prefer it not be tied to Ben at all. I think it’s in character for Leia to end her Jedi training because she feel she can do more good in getting the new government off the ground.

Yeah, Leia never seemed to want to be a Jedi in the other movies. She was a politician and a commander, and she seemed (based on TFA and TLJ) to have pursued that path while Luke pursued being a Jedi. It felt weird to me in theatres when the film retconned that into Leia being basically a full Jedi, and Luke saying, “Ha! Nah, she totally trained to be a Jedi off camera. She just gave it all up because [external factors pushed her out of a career path she apparently always wanted, #feminism].” At least with this rework, it gives her character more agency - she decides to quit because that’s what she wants, not because she thinks it’ll magically somehow prevent her son from dying. (And, by the way, that plan was a rousing success, Leia. You idiot.)

So on that note…ehhh? https://streamable.com/ehphfh

I think that works.


Wow! I can’t wait to see all this coming together.

“Depict both sabers as fizzling out or sparking after the climax on Exegol (waiting on MoviesRemastered; may be finished)” is finished but I’m debating whether to change the smoke again. I’m never happy with my final work.

All of the other scenes are on hold as I completely burnt myself out with star wars and had to switch franchises to bring back my sanity. I’ll hopefully get back on the rest soon.

I’m really impressed to see so many mock-ups happening now, Especially from Sherlockpotter. Keep up the great work guys.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I understand, MR. No hurry at all.

I’ll add the ‘end of Leia’s Jedi path’ to the list of things being considered.

I’ll also add removing the dagger evoking her parents.

And sherlock, I don’t plan on using the idea of restructuring Rey’s death, and I won’t track the idea of adding a shot after the Pasaana chase. But, if a good idea or execution surfaces I’ll be glad to use it anyway.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Burbin said:

Regardless of if 3PO gets redubbed, I think it’d be worth to consider removing the “horrible things” line (which some find asinine as she’s holding Anakin’s saber with her other hand) as well as removing momma rey’s scream both times she picks it, taking advantage of these moments to introduce and shift the focus to the concept of Rey hearing whispers emanating from the dagger instead.

I agree with this totally … she literally says that while holding the Youngling Slayer 9000. 😂

Also removing the shouting and focusing on the whispering helps focus the concept of the dagger guiding, not just a memory thingy.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Burbin said:

Regardless of if 3PO gets redubbed, I think it’d be worth to consider removing the “horrible things” line (which some find asinine as she’s holding Anakin’s saber with her other hand) as well as removing momma rey’s scream both times she picks it, taking advantage of these moments to introduce and shift the focus to the concept of Rey hearing whispers emanating from the dagger instead.

I agree with this totally … she literally says that while holding the Youngling Slayer 9000. 😂

Also removing the shouting and focusing on the whispering helps focus the concept of the dagger guiding, not just a memory thingy.

Rey clearly has that one Force ability that lets her see the history of an object when first touching it. If she was going to see what it did during Order 66 that would have happened in TFA.

I for one think it shouldn’t be whispering to her until she is on Endor because otherwise it gives the impression that the dagger could have led her to the wayfinder without 3PO’s help.


The blade still whispers to her before any obvious “I’m going to tap into the dark side” moments, though. If 3PO is not redubbed and continues to tell them where exactly to go, the blade can still take it from there.

My stance on revising fan edits.


EDIT: I guess the darn thing does whisper to her before then. Haven’t seen the movie in a while. Whatever. Not the way the novelization has things so it gets confusing.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

jarbear said:

Burbin said:

Regardless of if 3PO gets redubbed, I think it’d be worth to consider removing the “horrible things” line (which some find asinine as she’s holding Anakin’s saber with her other hand) as well as removing momma rey’s scream both times she picks it, taking advantage of these moments to introduce and shift the focus to the concept of Rey hearing whispers emanating from the dagger instead.

I agree with this totally … she literally says that while holding the Youngling Slayer 9000. 😂

Also removing the shouting and focusing on the whispering helps focus the concept of the dagger guiding, not just a memory thingy.

Rey clearly has that one Force ability that lets her see the history of an object when first touching it. If she was going to see what it did during Order 66 that would have happened in TFA.

I for one think it shouldn’t be whispering to her until she is on Endor because otherwise it gives the impression that the dagger could have led her to the wayfinder without 3PO’s help.

Lol. It was retconned into this movie to help “explain” the first vision scene in TFA. Not only does she see the history of the object she touches now … but also stuff about her or how it connects to her … which is why in the vision in TFA had some of her history. Before the vision in TFA had nothing to do with any ability of her, but the force/lightsaber calling out to her.

Also, here is another issue … then why not see what happened to her parents right away when she touches it? It was the last thing the dagger most likely did AND it directly connects to her. So the TFA vision, now retconned to now being another special Rey thing that allows her to both see the history of a thing AND how she is connected to it right when she touches it … but not the dagger that has DIRECT HISTORY/CONNECTION TO HER?

So why not remove that plot hole anyway AND keep the dagger’s purpose more concise?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


That guy is INSANE still waiting for a Shaw version of the Phantom Four. Fingers crossed!

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


That is mighty impressive right there.

I’ll leave it up to Hal whether we should use that scene instead. I say that mostly because Ashoka never appears in person in the main saga films, and also it’s up to debate whether Mace and Qui-Gon should be able to appear as ghosts. I suppose Leia is also kinda up in the air since her body hasn’t disappeared yet. But I do love it all.


Also, this need to be in this edit.

EDIT: The new ghost effects for the Phantom Four.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I personally think we should keep it to the original four ghosts. They’re the most important ones to the story of the saga, and the others (besides maybe Ahsoka) never learned the force ghost thingy. Plus, at this point in the film Leia’s body is still physically present.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


dgraham414 said:

I personally think we should keep it to the original four ghosts. They’re the most important ones to the story of the saga, and the others (besides maybe Ahsoka) never learned the force ghost thingy. Plus, at this point in the film Leia’s body is still physically present.

That’s what I was thinking. Qui-Gon was just a voice, only able to physically appear in areas with lots of light side power. Mace never learned it.

I do appreciate the visual upgrades to some of the ghosts (namely Anakin with his hand out). I think those are definitely worth putting in.


I appreciate the work and find it impressive, as always with Jonh and his talented work. I just don’t think it doesn’t jive with what the movies have “told us” about this topic. I think Ashoka is awesome, don’t get me wrong, became one of the coolest things from Clone Wars, but doesn’t really “fit” in the saga movies. Plus Leia doesn’t fit since her body doesn’t disappear till after.

Then again … Anakin. But oye, why go down this rabit hole. Lol.

Long story short, keep it the way before that fits with the entire saga and keeping the “key” figures in the Saga that fits the story.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


“Mace, your in with the voices, but we do not grant you the rank of Force Ghost.”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

“Mace, your in with the voices, but we do not grant you the rank of Force Ghost.”

This made me laugh, thank you.