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NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

Yes, ChainsawAsh is correct.

Those 83 rars are 83 pieces of one MASSIVE ISO file that is over 46 gigabytes. And you have to have all the pieces before you can extract anything. But once you have a folder full of parts 1-83, then you can use unarchiver, making sure to set the destination somewhere with about 50 more gigs of free space. Select the first rar of the batch (“Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 BD50.part001” in the case of the Star Wars Film Blu-ray) and start the extraction process. Your computer will recognize that it is part of a set and automatically extract all the rars. It will also reassemble them into the finished ISO file and save that to whatever you set for the extracted file to save to. That process will take about 30 minutes to an hour.

Oh, and remember, only download 10 at a time to get the best chance at completing each download session successfully.

But I think we found the problem! Keep at it man! You can do it!

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

LordZerome1080 said:

On my computer it opens a text edit document that has the urls to each that I copy paste. I don’t use mega.

You have to use mega to get the rars. That’s where they are stored. Did you mean you don’t use a download manager? And/or did you mean that you can’t get a single file to download through your browser?

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

Ah ha. I think I see the problem. Are you trying to download them all in one sitting? If that’s the case, it won’t work. As I said here:

solkap said:

All these links are in free accounts, which have a 5 Gig transfer limit. That means you’ll probably only be able to download a maximum of 10 files before getting a window telling you to wait several hours before continuing to download.

Since the files are 500 MB each and there is a 5 GB transfer limit, the largest number of files you’ll be able to get in one sitting is 10. Then you have to wait for about 6 hours and download another 10. Repeat until you have a complete set of rars for one of the following six sets:

Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 BD50 (83 rars in this set)
Star Wars Documentaries (42 rars in this set)
The Empire Strikes Back Despecialized 2.0 BD50 (83 rars in this set)
The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25 (40 rars in this set)
Return of the Jedi Despecialized BD50 (83 rars in this set)
ROTJ & SW Trilogy Documentaries BD50 (82 rars in this set)

It will probably take a few days just to download one complete set because of the cool off time, but that is the only way it will work. Stick to doing 10 at a time and wait before downloading the next batch. That should work, and when you finally are done, then extract them. As I said, my aim is to make them available, but inconvenient. Patience. Take your time my friend. And good luck!

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

Hmmm. Did you run into any trouble like this when you obtained (assuming you did) any of the other versions of the DE? As long as you have all the files in one folder, and go to extract the first file of the set, it should work. Could you post some more info on exactly what steps you are taking as well as the exact text of the error message you’re getting?

Also, to other members, I know next to nothing about using Mac books. Are there any users here proficient with Mac OS who might know of troubleshooting steps that I might be overlooking? LordZerome1080 could use your help.

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

OK, I’ve corrected the error.

I guess something must have gotten mixed up in the copying and pasting, because the links in the text file were incorrect. But I have fixed it in the posted text file. Re-download and extract it, using the same information from above, for the updated file with the correct links.

Sorry about that.

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

What’s failing to extract? The list or the large rar files?

And have you tried using WinRAR? I find it can complete the extraction task error free when some others glitch in the process.

It’s as good as free too. Even after your 40 day trial is up, the only thing that happens is a pop-up window that looks like this. All you have to do is click “Close” and you can keep using it with full functionality.

Let me know if that does the trick!

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

Mod Edit (22/11/21): It appears some of the files contained in solkap’s superb and helpful step-by-step guide below no longer function - meaning the project is currently unavailable via this guide. Unfortunately solkap is no longer around the site too - so the broken or missing links / files cannot be updated or fixed.

Another kind member on here has been helping out with requests for this project. Read through this project thread - and from around Page 20 onwards you’ll see him going out of his way, above and beyond, in helping fellow members.

Personally, it’d be great to see some of the people posting requests for projects to have already made 15-20 decent quality posts on here (and also having read the site’s Fan Project Rules)… before being able to receive projects. Though that’s just me. (Bah, humbug!)

^ Just simple things like helping out others on here, leaving feedback or reviews, or even joining in with conversations in the discussion topics around the site… whether that is talking about the Original Trilogy, Star Wars in general, Fan Projects, or in ‘Off Topic’ etc… maybe some becoming members of this community even after making those initial 15-20 decent quality posts?



(1/4/19) Update: Recently there have been several of the links I’ve been sharing that have inexplicably died. I have re-uploaded the files to fix the problem. However, this means they have new links, so I have also had to update the link list, and that old copies of the list will have broken links. I hope this does not continue to be an issue. However, I will keep a running log of the last three characters of the old and new links here, so you can check if your info is up to date. If your info is not current, simply re-download a fresh copy of the list using all the same steps below. And if you run into a link that fails with a “Temporary Error” message, and you aren’t over your mega data limit, please post in this thread so I can address the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

That said, if this is your first time downloading the NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set, this update will only concern you if you run into new dead links. Otherwise, you may disregard this update as you follow the steps below.



Great news! I got the OK from NJVC to share his sets on mega again! Harmy has given his approval as well.

More great news! With help from another member, I have also obtained the alternate version of this set that uses ten BD-R 25 discs instead of four BD-R 50s and two BD-R 25s. And I have the green light from both Harmy and NJVC to share these variants as well!

The content of this version of the set is almost exactly the same as the one I have already been sharing here for several months. It merely divides the material of the larger discs between two smaller ones and has a few less audio options. Since I am now sharing all the versions available, and there will be several instances where you will have different choices for how you would prefer your content be divided, I am including the chart below to hopefully help make the options a little clearer.

This image is just here as a preview. Click the link beneath it for the full size graph.

NJVC Chart Preview

NJVC Set Download Options Chart

Also, just so you know, downloading a given disc does not mean you must continue with only discs in that version. These are just choices to mix and match how ever you would like.

If you would like more information on these sets and previews of them, go to the NJVC Custom Bluray Set thread.


But as with anything else Despecialized, these projects should never be bought or sold.

You are also required to own an own official copies of the Blu-rays or the HD Digital Downloads of Episodes IV, V, and VI before you download anything.

These requirements are to allay concerns of piracy, which could threaten the entire Despecilaized Project. So before you download anything here, please obtain official copies of the Original Trilogy in HD. And please … please … DO NOT BUY OR SELL THESE!

I have built in a few barriers I will ask you to deal with before you can get the files to burn the blu-rays. This is not meant to keep anyone who wants copies for personal use from gaining access. Rather, it is meant to ensure that you must be intentional about getting them. I regret that this has to be so convoluted. My aim was to make NJVC’s sets as available as possible, but still make it inconvenient enough to keep my shares from being pirate bait. Follow the steps, be patient, and you will obtain the files you seek, and all without torrents. 😃

I also have a guide to burning these sets posted here below in the most comprehensive way I could think of. Mods, if you spot something anywhere in this guide that I could improve, please let me know.



Steps for obtaining NJVC Sets…


1) If you do not already have a proboards.com account, go to https://login.proboards.com/register/6838057 and set one up.

(^Note^- Make sure to try manually typing or deleting at least one character when entering your chosen password instead of only copying and pasting the whole thing. The web-form sometimes does not recognize that text has been entered if none of it was entered by hand.)

2) Now go to http://swesbrotjbrmls.freeforums.net/. Your proboard credentials should allow you access.
(^Note^- Just so you know, the letters in that link aren’t nonsense. It’s an acronym for “Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Return Of The Jedi Blu-Ray Mega LinkS”.)

3) Open the “General Discussion” Folder

4) Click the “NJVC” Subject. This will contain two links.
One will say “BD-R 50/25 rars”.
The other will say “BD-R 25 only rars”.
Using the chart above, you can decide whether you want the information for one version or the other, or both if you want to obtain a custom combination of discs from both sides.

5) Those links will each direct to a download link for a password protected rar file.
For the “BD-R 50/25 rars” option, the file will be called “NJVC OOT BR MLs”.
For the “BD-R 25 only rars” option, the file will be called “NJVC OOT BR-25 MLs”.

The download page for either will probably say “Whoops! There was a problem with the preview.” This is merely because the files are password protected. You will use the password I will give you in the next step to extract either of the files you have chosen.

6) Download and extract either file with the password “Speci@lEditionsAre2ShortSighted”. The extracted package will contain a single text file called either “NJVC OOT BR MLs” or “NJVC OOT BR-25 MLs”.

(^Note^- Here is a helpful article on how to extract archived files in Windows and Mac OS. If you do not already have a file extracting program, I used winrar to archive the file, but there are also many other programs that can unrar it for free. Here’s a list of several such programs for windows. The Unarchiver should work for Macs.)

7) This text file will contain links to either a single mega folder or two mega folders for each disc. (Those with two folders are only like this because new space limits on mega have necessitated my use of multiple accounts. You will need to save all the files from a particular group in the same folder on your computer.)
The folder links are only provided in case you would like to import them to your own mega.nz account before downloading. It’s not feasible to download the entire folder all at once without a premium account.
For your actual download, you will need to use the lists of links beneath the “File Links” Headings. These are download links to all the necessary rar files. Each of these rar files is a piece of the finished ISO disc image, which has been spliced into smaller pieces for the purpose of making them more transferable. You will need to finish downloading all the rars in a given group before you can extract anything, since any of the rars in a given section are only part of the finished file.
All these links are in free accounts, and unless you have a paid account, mega.nz will impose a 5GB download limit every six hours. You should also be aware that the files in the sections with two folders are in bigger pieces.

That means you’ll probably only be able to download a maximum of:

(10) 500MB rar files from a section with one folder
(5) 953.7MB rar files from a section with two folders

before getting a messages telling you to wait several hours before continuing to download if you are downloading through a browser or getting an error message in a download manager program. Also, if there is ever a “rush” on these files that slows them down because of bandwidth demands, there isn’t anything I can do.

8) For this reason, I recommend using the download manager “FreeRapid Downloader”. It will let you download several files at once, as well as saving your progress if the process is aborted midway through with the wait message. You can get that at this link: FreeRapid Downloader. But you will still likely be limited to 10 or 5 rar files every six hours or so. Remember, patience is key.
For more details on using FreeRapid Downloader, check out Section 4, Steps 1-6 of “The Ultimate Introductory Guide to Harmy’s Star Wars Trilogy Despecialized Editions”, found here.

(^Note^- Though I recommend step 8 in helping to shorten a very lengthy process, it is optional. If you run into a few rars with errors or that are downloading especially slowly in FRD, try loading just those in a browser and see if you can download them manually.)

9) Once you have all the rar files from a set downloaded into a single folder, extract them with your chosen unarchiving software. Do this by opening your chosen program, selecting the the directory in which you want the finished ISO to save, selecting part 1 of the rar set, and then starting the extraction process. Your computer will recognize that it is part of a set and automatically extract all the rars. It will also reassemble them into the finished ISO file and save that to whatever location you choose.

(^Note^- Depending on your extractor and its settings, you will likely need to have free disk space for the rars as well as space in which the ISO files can be reassembled and saved. And these files are massive. The space required for all the rars plus the extracted ISOs for all three films is close to 450 gigabytes. Make sure you have the disk space necessary before you start. Also, although you will be using the same extraction method as used for extracting the link list, it will be much slower because of the size of the files. Make sure to allow about 30 minutes to an hour for the extraction of each set of rars.)

10) Once the extraction process is complete for each of the rar sets, you will have several ISO Files.
Using the all the links from the “NJVC OOT BR MLs” option will result in the following six ISO files:

Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 BD50.iso
Star Wars Documentaries.iso
The Empire Strikes Back Despecialized 2.0 BD50.iso
The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25.iso
Return of the Jedi Despecialized BD50.iso
ROTJ & SW Trilogy Documentaries BD50.iso

Using the all the links from the “NJVC OOT BR-25 MLs” option will result in the following ten ISO files:

Star Wars Documentaries.iso
The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25.iso

(^Note^- ISO files are the digital images of the videos and file structures to be burned to the blu-ray disc, but it is not necessary to burn the ISOs to discs to view them. You can mount the file as a virtual drive to have your computer view the file as if it were a disc in a drive. Here is an article on how to do that in Windows. The process is even simpler in Mac OS. If you still want to burn them to discs, read on.)

11) If you have downloaded the version with six ISOs, you’ll need discs of the following sizes for them:


ISO Label Disc Size required
Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 BD50.iso BD-R DL 50GB
Star Wars Documentaries.iso BD-R 25GB
The Empire Strikes Back Despecialized 2.0 BD50.iso BD-R DL 50GB
The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25.iso BD-R 25GB
Return of the Jedi Despecialized BD50.iso BD-R DL 50GB
ROTJ & SW Trilogy Documentaries BD50.iso BD-R DL 50GB


If you have downloaded the version with ten ISOs, you will simply need ten BD-R 25GB discs.


12) Obtain a blu-ray burner drive.

13) Now that you have the necessary ISOs, blu-ray discs, and blu-ray burning drive you’ll need disc burning software. For this, the best method is to use ImgBurn. It is a versatile free disc burning program, but the official current version ( now comes loaded with extra unwanted software. In hopes to help you avoid headaches that might cause, I’m providing a clean link to ImgBurn here: goo.gl/dSPTGG. ImgBurn doesn’t have a Mac version, so if you use a Mac, this list of ISO burners may be helpful. I have heard good things about Roxio Toast and one that is not on that list: ISO Burn Plus. Neither RT or ISO BP is free though, and since I don’t use Macs myself, and can’t speak from personal experience, I won’t be providing direct links to those programs. If you have a Mac, I’m sorry I cannot be more helpful, but I can say with confidence that ISO burning is possible with one, and that the steps should be similar to the steps for ImgBurn pictured below.

14) Connect your drive and load the blank disc.

15) You’re ready burn the ISOs to your blu-ray! Follow the steps below.



Steps for burning NJVC Sets…


  1. Open ImgBurn and select “Write image file to disc”.


  1. Next, Under “Source” use The “Browse for a file…” button to navigate to the ISO you want to burn and select it.


  1. Under “Destination”, select the blu-ray drive that you will be using to burn the disc.


  1. Make sure the box next to “Test Mode” is unchecked.


5)* This step is optional, but I strongly recommend it. Set the “Write Speed” to the lowest possible setting. This will mean the initial burn will probably take over an hour, but reducing the burn speed means reducing the chances of burning errors.


6)* This step is also optional, but I recommend it as well. Make sure the box next to “Verify” is checked. This will cause the system to scan the disc for errors after the burn is complete. This will add another hour or so onto processing time, but it is a double check so you can be sure the disc has burned properly without any errors.


  1. Click the “Write” button to begin the burning process.


8)* After the initial burn is complete, the disc will eject. If you selected “Verify” in step 6, the computer will attempt to reload the disc to scan it for errors. Motorized trays will allow the computer to do this automatically, but non-motorized drives will not be capable of this. The result will be the following warning message:


This is normal. Reload the disc again manually, then click “OK” as the prompt directs. ImgBurn will scan your disc for errors, probably taking about an hour. When it finds none, it will eject the disc again, announce that the burn has been successful, and you’re done!

Star Wars THX "Faces" DVD Covers (Finished)

I know this is a fairly outdated thread, but just in case someone ends up here looking for “Faces” covers for each individual Blu-ray, AVCHD, or DVD film, here are some really nice versions. The artwork is not mine, but was originally posted by “TheDarkKnight”. I’m merely reposting on this thread for convenience.

Really Low res previews, high res download links below:

They are already perfectly proportioned for the media cases for which they are intended. I saved my own copies here.

Check out the designer’s user profile for the original posts.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

TV’s Frink said:

^So then what stuff are we complaining about then?

What thread am I in?

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to veer the thread off topic or to be unpleasant. It’s just that new comers may have a much harder time finding the multi rar links. People are told to look at the first post in the thread which links to TUIG. But the only two places you can get to actual link lists from TUIG that I can find are those below, and they are pretty buried:


I’m concerned that the TUIG as it is now is like a set of driving directions someone gives you that forgets to mention some important turn on a side road that is very easy to miss.

I apologize if it came off as complaining or wasn’t applicable for this thread.

Blu-Ray and other HD box size STAR WARS covers

skywalkerfan101 said:

I have neither the label sheets, nor the applicator, yet…

No, no, no! Don’t put labels on optical discs! They will deteriorate much faster than the disc itself and when they do, they can cause possibly irreparable damage to your blu-ray player!

Take a look at this article. There are also posts about this floating around this forum.

People posting disc art around are here intending it to be printed directly onto inkjet printable discs using something like this:


Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set (Released)

pittrek said:

I’m pretty sure it’s not possible. I tried all free players, and none of them could do it. All I could was playing the m2ts files, but not the Blu-rays themselves (meaning no menues etc.) As far as I know only commercial software can play Blu-ray discs.

Leawo can indeed really handle blu-rays, with menus, and it really is free! And it really is simple; you don’t have to do anything fancy. I just have a Windows 10 laptop with a 64-bit processor and an external pioneer blu-ray drive, nothing special. All I did was download it from here and installed it like any other program. If you use a mac, you can get it here.

And look! The menus work!


And the blu-ray plays!


There must be some reason it isn’t working for you. What other trouble shooting steps have you tried?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

ml80 said:

Hello probably been answered before but can I delete the rar files after I’ve converted them into the film? Thanks!

Extracting them writes a new folder containing the working files, so deleting the rars won’t affect the unpacked data. However, I have opted to keep a set of the rars backed up to several DVD+R DL discs. That way, should my DE copies ever get corrupted, I won’t have to spend massive amounts of time downloading them again.

Star Wars Despecialized Editions - Custom Bluray Set (Released)

To Valheru_84:

Yeah, the fact that you can’t use the mouse directly and the buggy virtual remote do make Leawo less than ideal. But the fact that it can handle blu-rays and ISOs, plus the free price tag make up for it if you ask me.

By the way, I find that the virtual remote only displays on menus where you would need it and when the option doesn’t display as it should, closing and restarting the program usually does the trick.

When it’s displaying properly, it looks like this and clicking it brings up this control window.

To andyw715:

I think it depends on the parent and on the child. There are some pretty mature elements in even what is the arguably lightest film of the Original Trilogy. Though they are all brief or off screen, Star Wars includes dismemberment, torture, and genocide. I can see how a parent might want to wait a few years, either because of their own values or the sensativity of the individual kiddo.