I would be curious to watch your edit when it is all said and done, especially since Hal’s edition is really great.
I was walking this morning thinking about the ending for ROTS, well, specifically Hal’s LOE since its much better. One thought of an edit, based on yours or Hals would be the last time you see Anakin is after Obi Wan leaves him on fire. Then the rest can be the other scenes, with Yoda talking about splitting up the kids, Padme and baby lei at alderman and obi wan at tatooin. Thats how it ends.
My rational is it helps makes it SOMEWHAT possible to watch from the episode 1 in a straight line through the series. (Granted, if someone has NEVER seen the movies or knows anything about it, of course just watch the originals for the “Vader Revelation. Plus the OT is that much better …”)
Anyway, that way it leaves of Episode III like Obi Wan killed Anakin. But we are not too sure. They split up the children to hide from the empire/emporer. Lastly, when Luke does ask Obi Wan about his father, the lie still works on multiple levels. (You know, as the audience, he is lying by his reaction before answering.) The audience can either think that A.) he is not telling the truth about his father’s death by pointing at someone more evil who did it, Vader and the Empire to help recruit Luke. B.) The audience sees Vader, may expect it since from the last episode there was no Darth Vader, so again, Obi Wan is lying about something … suspecious. Could it be the father?
Again this is not a perfect solution, there is no way of editing the prequels to make the reveal believable in the orginal, it can happen since the middle of star wars came out first. But it kind of flows a bit better story wise.
The watcher can also reason that at the Death Star, Obi Wan could have figured out before hand that Anakin was Darth Vader at some point since many years passed from Episode 3 to 4. Or it wasn’t until the confrontation that confirmed Darth Vader is Anakin.
That was my thought. Of course there are some other edits that would need to be done. No mention of Anakin being Vader in Revenge of the Sith. Not at all.
Not a huge thing, but something I thought about this morning.