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<em>REY NOBODY</em> - A Collaborative Thread

SpenceEdit said:

I’ve been playing around with the ending for my personal edit, which is a Rey Nobody edit, and I think I’m onto something that could be useful to others:


Basically, I used footage from HAL’s version and the theatrical to eliminate the old lady and the “I’m Rey” business, so we can end on a more emotional note.

I’m someone who actually quite likes “Rey Skywalker,” but man, this works really well.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

sherlockpotter said:

For Rey Skywalker, I think I less hate the actual declaration (especially with the different shot used in Ascendant), and more so just how clunky and awkward the setup is with “Rey WhooooOOOOOooo???” (I wonder if there’s a way to introduce “Rey Skywalker” more organically?

My own concept for this is:

Old Woman: There’s been nobody for so long. Who are you?
(Music swells, Rey stares at Force Ghosts)
Rey: Rey Skywalker.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)

Eyepainter said:

CaptainFaraday said:

Eyepainter said:

CaptainFaraday said:

I agree, I’m digging this one.

My only suggestion, and it’s an odd one, is maybe to do a separate grade for the scenes that show the surface of Crait. The dark, rich, deep reds that spray up in contrast to the pale white are such a great visual, and literally the only downside to this grade is that it mutes them a bit. Other than that, I think this one looks good across the board.

Since I’m aiming for a cinematic looking grade, the desaturation is intentional. I have faith that the reds on Crait will look rich enough since the viewer will have already been adjusted to the grade by that point.

Check out the movie Three Colours: Red by Krzysztof Kieslowski - you might be able to do some colour analysis on it and really amp up both the reds and the filmic look on Crait and in Snoke’s throne room (though I like your grade on Snoke’s throne room). It’s shot on 35mm and (as you might imagine) it extensively uses all different types of the colour red throughout.

The Three Colors trilogy. Now that’s a franchise I’ve not seen in a long time. A long time.

Jokes aside, I decided to try increasing the saturation on my node tree to see what it does, and well…

Episode VIII Saturation Boost_1 81 1 T

Saturation adjustment:
Episode VIII Saturation Boost_1 81 2 T

Episode VIII Saturation Boost_1 108 1 T

Saturation adjustment:
Episode VIII Saturation Boost_1 108 2 T

Episode VIII Saturation Boost_1 108 3 T

Saturation adjustment:
Episode VIII Saturation Boost_1 108 4 T

…I don’t know. For me, it looks too colorful for a Star Wars movie, and the increase in saturation takes away some of the detail. Look at Snoke’s knights in the background. They’re blending in to the red wall a little too much, making them harder to see. I’m open to the possibility of being wrong, but it looks off on my desktop.

No, I agree, the first image looks better - the second loses some of the colour depth and looks flatter.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)

Eyepainter said:

CaptainFaraday said:

I agree, I’m digging this one.

My only suggestion, and it’s an odd one, is maybe to do a separate grade for the scenes that show the surface of Crait. The dark, rich, deep reds that spray up in contrast to the pale white are such a great visual, and literally the only downside to this grade is that it mutes them a bit. Other than that, I think this one looks good across the board.

Since I’m aiming for a cinematic looking grade, the desaturation is intentional. I have faith that the reds on Crait will look rich enough since the viewer will have already been adjusted to the grade by that point.

Check out the movie Three Colours: Red by Krzysztof Kieslowski - you might be able to do some colour analysis on it and really amp up both the reds and the filmic look on Crait and in Snoke’s throne room (though I like your grade on Snoke’s throne room). It’s shot on 35mm and (as you might imagine) it extensively uses all different types of the colour red throughout.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

I’m excited about this one! I’m so keen to see some of these ideas take shape.

Remove the borderline tasteless reference to the “Holdo Maneuver” (Merry’s delivery feels too chipper when he says, “Remember when our commanding officer sacrificed both herself and our most valuable ship in a desperate, last-ditch attempt to save the Resistance? We should launch more suicide bombings!” [Ackbar Jr. nods excitedly at the thought of killing himself.])

I agree with this so strongly and I’m cracking up at how you phrased it.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

T-202 said:

EddieDean said:

Right, I’ve finished the JAR JAR VOICE TOOL.

You can find it here. Thanks again to evansj1983 for identifying all the Clone Wars clips.

The spreadsheet now contains a list of 300 Jar Jar voice lines, timecoded and marked as clean or dirty. It also contains a link to the accompanying video file (4GB, ~35 min) featuring all 300 lines in order, indexed back to the spreadsheet and also timestamped in case you want to re-source them for your own edit.

Basically, anyone should be able to now search the spreadsheet for the line, word, or sound they want, then use the video in any editing software that splits audio by track in order to play around with Jar Jar’s audio.

There’s lots of good stuff in there - many references to him supporting a Queen, discussing the Force and the Jedi, being a Senate representative, and having proper motivation and character beyond passivity.

If you notice any errors, let me know, because it’s set up in such a way that I can fix it easily.

Go play!

If you need anymore lines there is always the Disney Infinty 3.0 lines for Jar Jar. Here’s a YouTube link to all of his lines if it helps: https://youtu.be/uoGGwG4-JUU

Eddie being given a whole new source of Jar Jar quotes:

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)

I agree, I’m digging this one.

My only suggestion, and it’s an odd one, is maybe to do a separate grade for the scenes that show the surface of Crait. The dark, rich, deep reds that spray up in contrast to the pale white are such a great visual, and literally the only downside to this grade is that it mutes them a bit. Other than that, I think this one looks good across the board.

Community Focus Threads - Index and Overview

I think it was really worthwhile! I agree that it seems too fast to move onto another movie. I think the big positive was giving everyone something to consciously rally around; whether that’s done here or in the Radical threads may not matter too much. But ultimately, we started working on some new ideas for the most fanedited movie ever, which is pretty amazing.

Worst Edit Ideas

Hal 9000 said:

Battle of Exegol, the Starcruiser is there, and the camera zooms in to see families of what appear to be Earthlings vacationing in there using footage from eventual home video cameras from attendees (wearing t-shirts and jeans and with unflattering raw audio from the camcorder), probably playing the game that depicts a battle. Then that ship gets shot down while charging one of the destroyers.

“I thought they had no Navy!”
“It’s not Star Wars characters, sir, it’s just… people.”

Mando EP3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) [RELEASED]

Boba and Bane have a relationship that is built up over TCW, which paves the way for the resolution here. The only problem is, you have to have seen that show for it to have any meaning, which isn’t great if it’s the crux of your new show’s finale.

The sudden inclusion of Mando was enough to clue me into “ah, they’re going to draw on other SW content for their main structure and content, and assume we already know about it,” so at least they signalled it. It makes me wonder - how do you even measure good narrative structure and setup any more in the digital information age? But that’s a whole other conversation.

It’s a shame TCW is animated, because otherwise you could use it as flashbacks in the bacta tank. Perhaps just some audio of the two speaking could be put over footage of Boba sleeping in the tank, to imply a memory/nightmare?

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Eyepainter Fanedit (Released)

Tttthhh, it’s tricky. I like some of the blue for some of the scenes, and some of the red for some of the scenes. Others I don’t think either is the right fit. Maybe take the red one, ease off the red a bit, and let some of the blues back in? One thing the red grade does consistently well is successfully lighten the image without making it contrasty.

Also, I think fewer screenshots is good for calibrating major differences like these, but when it gets down to more precise changes (like in your TFA grade) it’s useful to have the full range of screenshots (if you can be bothered taking that many, lol).

Worst Edit Ideas

Hal 9000 said:

Comp in the new starcruiser hotel in nearly all major space scenes throughout the saga.

Done very selectively, I think this would actually be awesome. Ditto the Star Tours vehicles. Put them in as background easter eggs, like the Millennium Falcon in ROTS.

Edit: But since this is the Worst Edit Ideas thread, they clearly replace the Tantive IV in ANH and blow up the DSII in ROTJ.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

evansj1983 said:

He says “thee” quite often in place of “you” so you may just need a nice, clean “n” that flows with it

That’s true. I’ve personally found (from sentence mixing YouTube Poops) that the “n” and “m” sounds are the hardest to naturally add, so we’d have to play around with it if we can’t find a “nee” sound on its own.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

Peter Pan said:

CaptainFaraday said:

I keep thinking about Watto and the chance cube, and how to keep it in a “Qui-Gon frees Shmi” edit. As I figure it, there’s only two moments of dialogue that need to be altered.

When Watto says “red, the boy - blue, his mother,” change it to “red, them both - blue, neither.”

This follows on from “no pod is worth two slaves” and his lecherous “we’ll let fate decide,” and strengthens the following “your friend had better be careful or I’ll end up owning him too,” since (from Watto’s perspective) Qui-Gon now gambled on a whim with very disadvantageous odds.

I wonder if there’s anything in AOTC that might be usable?

Maybe like something like this could work:
W:„No pod is worth two slaves. Not by a long shot.“
Q: „It‘s the fastest ever built“
(Watto thinks)
W: „We‘ll let fate decide. Red, No, blue, yes.“

He says Yes when Qui-Gon shows him the ship („Yes, Yes, Nubien…). I don’t know from the top of my head whether Watto ever says No, but maybe it could be taken from „Not by a long shot“.

The only issue I forsee is that Watto reacts angrily to the results of the dice roll, so he has to think that he’s going to pull one over on Qui-Gon. If it’s just “yes” or “no,” Watto has nothing to gain by using the dice. (If it’s “both” or “neither,” he obviously stands to gain a lot if the result is “neither.”)