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- #219906
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- 'The Monster Squad' widescreen preservation? (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/219906/action/topic#219906
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- 21-May-2006
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- 1-Sep-2017
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- #219823
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- Info Wanted: James Bond Edits
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/219823/action/topic#219823
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- #219531
- Topic
- Info Wanted: James Bond Edits
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/219531/action/topic#219531
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The visual changes are important however the original music of Never Say Never Again is now replaced with selected cues from the EON series of films, with at least one cue taken from each of the first twenty 007 movies. It now has a 007 atmosphere that was noticeably lacking in the original.
Anybody interested in trying a case design out for this? I'd love one that would match with the Region 2 releases where all the spines put together showed '007'. I do not regard 'Die Another Day' as a Bond film (I wont go into my reasons) so the spine for that particular cover could be adapted and used as the spine for the new 'Never Say Never Again'
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- #215727
- Topic
- NON-Star Wars Fan Edit and Alternate DVD Covers SHOWCASE
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/215727/action/topic#215727
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They are obviously not finished but the basics are there. I will add the other film when I've had a shot at them.

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- #215537
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- [<( The Star Wars TV Commercials Project )>] (* unfinished project * - a host of info)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/215537/action/topic#215537
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- #215534
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- [<( The Star Wars TV Commercials Project )>] (* unfinished project * - a host of info)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/215534/action/topic#215534
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Apple spoof
and Darth vs The Japanese Security Guards
- Post
- #214446
- Topic
- NON-Star Wars Fan Edit and Alternate DVD Covers SHOWCASE
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/214446/action/topic#214446
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Ok a request if anyone thinks they’ve got the time and are interested in having ago.
I don’t think anyone has attempted any of theses yet (but feel free to correct me of course).
I’d love to have some coves of the Turtles movies and the live action spin-off. I hate numbers on film sequels unless they’re done well or do fit in with the title. E.g. Star Wars Episode (whatever) is good, Back To The Future Part (whatever) is good, however Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, is not.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret Of The Ooze
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Sacred Sands of Time
These two are the feature length episodes of the live action series:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: East Meets West
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Unchain My Heart
I’d like to see the original TV lettering used as the font for the Tom cruise movies and as stated above I’ve dropped the ‘2’ and ‘III’ from the tiles and given them sub-titles. And I’d like the titles written out in full, non of this ‘M: I’ bussiness
Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible – Operation Chimera
Mission: Impossible – Operation Lindsey
Now with the Python films, I have the Criterion DVD edition of Life Of Brian and I’m in two minds whether I’d like the other 3 films to be done in that style or whether to re-do them all new. If someone does give it ago, then it’s up to them.
And Now For Something Completely Different
The Holy Grail
Life Of Brian
The Meaning Of Life
Now Highlander I would love a set that used the best original artwork that was done for the films, I have dropped all numbers from the titles and placed them in chronological order and included the series pilot as well. I also prefer the British title for ‘The Final Dimension’ which is’ The Sorcerer’.
Highlander (I'd like it to say ‘The Immortal Edition’ somewhere on it)
Highlander: The Sorcerer (I’d like it to say 'Director’s Cut' somewhere on it)
Highlander: The Gathering
Highlander: Endgame (I'd like it to say 'Extended Cut' somewhere on it)
Highlander: The Quickening (‘I'd like it to say 'Director’s Cut' somewhere on it)
With Tremors I have dropped all numbers from the titles and placed them in chronological order too.
Tremors: The Legend Begins
Tremors: After Shocks
Tremors: Back To Perfection
The Evil dead series is one of my faves and I’d love to have a set of covers that all match. What’s different here is I’d also like to add the games to the set as well and make them appear as DVD covers. I wish number 2 simply to be called ‘Dead By Dawn’ and all game titles are to be known by their Sub-titles, dropping the ‘Evil Dead’ from the main title.
The Evil Dead (must say ‘Limited Edition’)
Dead By Dawn
Army Of Darkness (must say ‘Director’s Cut’)
Hail To The King
A Fistful Of Boomstick
And last of all the post-apocalyptic cop of the future; Max. I know there is lots of original artwork for the second film and with the title ‘The Road Warrior’. That’s what I’d like to see. And just make all the covers match up.
Mad Max
The Road Warrior
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Anything would be very appreciated

- Post
- #213199
- Topic
- [<( The Star Wars TV Commercials Project )>] (* unfinished project * - a host of info)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/213199/action/topic#213199
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and here:
There is a Carrie Fisher one too: 2004 - 2005?
- Post
- #213179
- Topic
- The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/213179/action/topic#213179
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This thread seemed to be the best place to but this comment, I didn't want to start a new one just in case someone has already thought of it, feel free to tel me if they have!
Ok what I have always wanted to see was all three original films cut into one film, now I here you saying 'heard it, done it' however has it been said in this way.
We all know Star Wars wasn't intended as a series of films and Lucas had one 3hr (or so) film in his head and scripted, it was too long so it was split in three, sort of, I say sort of because Lucas didn't think it would be a hit so the ending (Death Star battle) was brought forward and then of course it did very well. So we get to Jedi and Lucas is left without an ending so what does he do? Re-uses the original. The only Star Wars film that works in my opinion is Empire because that was shot the way it was intended, as the middle part of a story.
What I’d like to see is something close to that original arc. Whether it means you would have to move the original Death Star battle to then end or drop it completely in favour of the Death Star II battle I don’t know. I’d also like to see the Wookies from Sith put in because in the original 3hr script it was them who helped in the last battle not the dammed Ewoks, cos Lucas couldn’t afford to use Wookies, so he shrunk them instead.
I got the reply:
Interesting idea! Actually I remember that the Death Star battle seems quite added-on after the rescue and escape (except maybe the planting of a tracking device...), so it could just be cut off and lead into Empire somehow. That seems nice really, so you don't get this artificial climax in the first act.
As I'm sure you can understand I don't have the time to sit and read all 43pages of this thread but how close am I to what has been disscussed? My vision was for the original trilogy beacuse as far as I'm concerned the new one is just Lucas' attemp at remaking the original films (and failing totaly)
- Post
- #212570
- Topic
- Star Wars: George's Original Vision (The Lost Cut)
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212570/action/topic#212570
- Time
Originally posted by: ronlaw
Interesting idea! Actually I remember that the Death Star battle seems quite added-on after the rescue and escape (except maybe the planting of a tracking device...), so it could just be cut off and lead into Empire somehow. That seems nice really, so you don't get this artificial climax in the first act.
Interesting idea! Actually I remember that the Death Star battle seems quite added-on after the rescue and escape (except maybe the planting of a tracking device...), so it could just be cut off and lead into Empire somehow. That seems nice really, so you don't get this artificial climax in the first act.
Thank you for agreeing that it might be worth doing, is there anyone out there who thinks they could have a go at it? I don't have the equipment the best I've done is hook my DVD player upto my video machine so I can create very ruff versions from DVD but obviously the score dosen't match up and the scences do 'jump' a little.
- Post
- #212567
- Topic
- FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212567/action/topic#212567
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Originally posted by: DarkGryphon2048
BATMAN BEGINS is the start of a whole new series! Don't you even know it's the start of a whole new Batman film series?! It's pointless to even think of the stupidity of trying to link the 1989-1997 Batman series with the new one! I deem that an extremely stupid idea and not condone it in the slightest. You'd be wasting your time. Same goes for anyone else who thinks it's a "good idea" to try and connect the new film series with the old one.
BATMAN BEGINS is the start of a whole new series! Don't you even know it's the start of a whole new Batman film series?! It's pointless to even think of the stupidity of trying to link the 1989-1997 Batman series with the new one! I deem that an extremely stupid idea and not condone it in the slightest. You'd be wasting your time. Same goes for anyone else who thinks it's a "good idea" to try and connect the new film series with the old one.

You need to take a chill pill, you are entitled to your opinion as am I so calm down before you blow a blood vessel

- Post
- #212566
- Topic
- Info Wanted: James Bond Edits
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212566/action/topic#212566
- Time
Originally posted by: C3PX
Okay, now I with you. No it doesn't have the theme or the gunbarrel, that would be kind of a cool edit.
Okay, now I with you. No it doesn't have the theme or the gunbarrel, that would be kind of a cool edit.
Also the story of Casino Royale is told in a somewhat disjointed, episodic form and is best outlined in "chapters". Peter Sellers ultimately walked off the film as well before he completed all his scenes, which is why Sellers' character is so abruptly captured. Mayber there is a way to recut it to make a little more sense or to drop Sellers' character altogether.
- Post
- #212533
- Topic
- Info Wanted: James Bond Edits
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212533/action/topic#212533
- Time
Originally posted by: C3PX
If by editing the Casino Royale spoof, you mean to make it serious as to fit with the other movies, it hardly has an ounce of seriousness about it. I really don't think anything could be done to make it anything other than a spoof.
If by editing the Casino Royale spoof, you mean to make it serious as to fit with the other movies, it hardly has an ounce of seriousness about it. I really don't think anything could be done to make it anything other than a spoof.
No I no it can't be made serious, I mean adding the Bond theme to the soundtrack or edit the entire soundtrack as well, if memory serves it doesn't have a gun barrel opening or an opening gabit dose it? That's what I'd like to see, some how
- Post
- #212286
- Topic
- Idea: Highlander?
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212286/action/topic#212286
- Time
Originally posted by: Rotten Johnny
Has anyone ever considered a re edit, with 4 movies and what 7 seasons of a tv show there's got to be a better way to the story. The last movie EndGame ( I think?) didn't even make sense. I believe both Highlanders were in the pilot of the show plus both being in EndGame there's got to be a way to blend these two together better without forsaking the the first movie. Maybe in the same way In Thy Image was done taking a tv show approach. I don't know just thought I'd throw it out there.
Has anyone ever considered a re edit, with 4 movies and what 7 seasons of a tv show there's got to be a better way to the story. The last movie EndGame ( I think?) didn't even make sense. I believe both Highlanders were in the pilot of the show plus both being in EndGame there's got to be a way to blend these two together better without forsaking the the first movie. Maybe in the same way In Thy Image was done taking a tv show approach. I don't know just thought I'd throw it out there.
I like your idea and with film number five being filmed as we speak it would be nice to revisit the series as a whole. I know a lot of people are divided on the films and spin-offs but I enjoyed them. I had an idea that would be nice to see, an edit of the first film and The Final Dimension-aka-The Sorcerer and end it there or maybe add some of the Quickening on the end being that you get some flash backs that relate to the first movie and of course the return of Connery.
- Post
- #212285
- Topic
- Info Wanted: James Bond Edits
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212285/action/topic#212285
- Time
Has anyone got the fan edited Never Say Never Again I’d love to get hold of that?
Also has ayone ever thought of editing the Casino Royale spoof so it could possibly fit in with the cannon of the official series?
- Post
- #212279
- Topic
- FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212279/action/topic#212279
- Time
Back to the Future Trilogy with all the deleted scenes put in, I don’t mind if the picture quality isn’t great as long as they sync up well. And Back To The Future: The Ride, I know its been mentioned somewhere so does anyone have a copy I could get hold of? Also has anyone thought about a way to do something with the book-ends of Christopher Lloyd from the Back To The Future Animated Series and also Doc in the music video of ‘That’s The Power Of Love’?
And what about an edit of the movies that excludes part II so basically you get the Clock Tower scene in the first movie then just after Marty has got back to 1985 and Doc looks up at the clock you then go straight in to Part III or use the ending of Part II then edit into III.
Another way also I’d like to see is Part I’s scenes in 1955 inter-cut with the 1955 scenes from Part II and you follow that side by side until, as I mentioned above you move into Part III.
There is all manner of edits I’d like to see with Back to the Future, such as a chronological edit or a full on none stop Parts I-III.
What else would I love to see:
Ghostbusters II the way it was shown at cinemas however I don’t know of anywhere where you can get the original scenes anymore. Also if there was someway of incorporating Dan Ackroyds cameo from the Casper remake in the 90’s with Ghostbusters or Ghostbusters II that would be cool.
What about a Batman that takes the core Tim Burton 1989 film and incorporates flashbacks from Batman Begins and maybe a little tweaking so it doesn’t come out with the Joker being the one that killed Bruce’s parents (I know someone is doing the opposite but I like the fact Begins did the plot from the comics).
And I know somebody has done/or is on with a ‘Forever’ and ‘Robin' edit. I’d like to see a Forever edit like my previous comment, where appropriate, the flash backs are some from Begins. Oh and I’d love to see a Batman Begins with the Danny Elfman Score.
I know there is more however I cant think of them yet. . . but I will
- Post
- #212278
- Topic
- Star Wars: George's Original Vision (The Lost Cut)
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/212278/action/topic#212278
- Time
My first post.
This thread seemed to be the best place to but this comment, I didn't want to start a new one just in case someone has already thought of it, feel free to tel me if they have!
Ok what I have always wanted to see was all three original films cut into one film, now I here you saying 'heard it, done it' however has it been said in this way.
We all know Star Wars wasn't intended as a series of films and Lucas had one 3hr (or so) film in his head and scripted, it was too long so it was split in three, sort of, I say sort of because Lucas didn't think it would be a hit so the ending (Death Star battle) was brought forward and then of course it did very well. So we get to Jedi and Lucas is left without an ending so what does he do? Re-uses the original. The only Star Wars film that works in my opinion is Empire because that was shot the way it was intended, as the middle part of a story.
What I’d like to see is something close to that original arc. Whether it means you would have to move the original Death Star battle to then end or drop it completely in favour of the Death Star II battle I don’t know. I’d also like to see the Wookies from Sith put in because in the original 3hr script it was them who helped in the last battle not the dammed Ewoks, cos Lucas couldn’t afford to use Wookies, so he shrunk them instead.