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Star Wars DVD Covers
Originally posted by: bkev
Set to 'very high,' and using the back of a normal DVD cover.
THe first one I printed was the ANH DE set. The colors on that one are VERY dark, being mostly black.
And, again, what EXACT measurements should I use? I screwed up on the measurements last time as well.

Try this:

Idea & Info: star trek the motion picture - preservation
Originally posted by: Mojo_LA
Please keep in mind, we weren't "redoing" effects just because we can, like Lucas did.

The FX for ST: TMP *were never finished.* That film in on record that it went all the way to the release date in a huge rush just to get it out the door, and MUCH of it was never completed to the director's liking (and some of it was just never finished at all, like many effects shots and sound effects).

I think it was great to finally go back and FINISH the movie the way it was storyboarded in 1978. We did not add anything new just to make it look cooler.

How do I get this version you speak of?

Info & Info Wanted: Star Trek Theatrical versions - question
Originally posted by: skyjedi2005
hey troy if your interested in the theatrical cut of star trek the motion picture you should check out this thread for the HD2DVD of the theatrical cut available in both NTSC and Pal from Radix.

noy sure and don't quote me on this but i think jaiman out Dr.gonzo369 in charge of the official US pif system, someone else is the pal countries.

if you live in the states shoot off dr. m a private message and if you ask nicely he might just hook you up, lol

Ok so who can help me out?
is there any Star Trek Enterprise fans here?
Before you read on I might add I did like ST:E, maybe I wouldn't call my self a fan, however I could enjoy it for the most part. Here is extract from an excellent Chronological Time of Trek that tries to tie together everything Trek, from books, games, fan novels... everything. However the man in question, the author James Dixon dislikes ST:E to the point where he will not include it except as an alternate timeline of events. I agree and my friends and I always thought ST:E would have been better had it been a mirror universe series. I might add also that this timeline of events as yet has not been updated to include Season 4 of ST:E.

" True, old fashion Earth dates are in standard use, making a
chronological breakdown of Enterprise as easy as child's play, but this
aside, Enterprise is an abomination for Treknical fans and historians!
Clearly Brannon Braga and Rick Berman's intention is to carry on
Voyager's glorious lack of continuity with a good dose of the total
ignorance and rejection of Fandom! A few key points:

1. NX-01: The (N)ever-e(X)isting Starship Enterprise
The very design of the ship's exterior is a total rip-off of the 24th
Century's "Akira" class, fused with the 23rd Century's diminutive
"Akyazi" class perimeter action ship of tech fandom. Hull details,
although undoubtedly possessing different functions, are incredibly close
to those of late 23rd Century and 24th Century starships. So incredibly
close that NX-01 even has warp engines producing the modern-day streaking
stars visual effects, by Gene! What year Is this, really? The ship has
old-style warp nacelles Which Are Networked ala ST-TMP's engines and
later (coming complete with 24th Century technobabble, like being driven
by a warp core having a dilithium matrix, EPS conduits, and plasma-
plasma-plasma! (I must stop for a moment to take a breath and direct you
to read my little historical article on warp drive/reactor/dilithium
development in a later section titled 'Popular Misconceptions'),
glowing impulse engine exhausts (first introduced in ST-TMP,
this design should Not predate the old series), phasers (granted, they're
called phase cannons, but they, like the hand weapons, emit beams which
sound and act just like those in TNG/DS9/V! History tells us that Lasers
should be in use! Lasers, particle-beam weapons, plasma weapons, heck
even simple projectile weapons! Would it have been all that difficult
to just change the beam colour to blue or red? Would it have been all
that difficult to use old-style laser or phaser sound effects?), one
transporter (but only Two shuttle pods! With modern impulse engines),
and even a voice-controlled food slot (which didn't make its debute until
the animated series). Not surprisingly, when NX-01's retrofitted with
photon(ic) torpedoes in "The Expanse," these new weapons look and sound
JUST LIKE the photon torpedoes used by U.F.P. ships throughout the 24th
Century series TNG, DSN, and V! Treknically this ship shouldn't have
subspace radio due to power-consumption and the size of the hardware
(thus bases have the device, allowing the Romulan Peace Treaty to be
negotiated, but vessels like the U.S.S. "Horizon" do not until the very
late 22nd Century). NX-01 not only has subspace radio installed but
somehow gets around the timelag our classic "Enterprise" frequently
grappled with: starbases were often weeks if not months out of comm
range resulting in message delays. This issue appeared in "Balance of
Terror," to name one episode, the same one in which Spock stated that
there were no ship-to-ship visual communications during the Romulan War
of a century earlier! The one piece of hardware which NX-01 lacks and
should have is a a tractor beam (for warp drive and artificial gravity
both have their basis in controlling and projecting gravitons) so it's a
wonder why the crew are amazed to see one on a Vulcan ship. The real
reason, of course, is to showoff the computer-generated grappling hook,
again at the cost of continuity. The Enterprise has warp 5 capacity and
Vulcan ships are said to be able to reach warp 7 or better. The Klingons
in "Judgment" have a D-5 battlecruiser with warp 6 capacity! One wonders
how fast they were going in "Broken Bow," being able to reach Rigel and
Kronos in days! Taking all of the above into account, are there Any
advances in technology in the next century? We expected a pre-"Daedalus"
design (see Spaceflight Chronology's ship configurations for pointers--
Indeed, how difficult is it to work forwards from, say, a DY-series hull
with a circular bridge and one or two warp nacelles attached?!). There's
this thing called design lineage, and NX-01's Way off track. Some fans
have even scrutinized the bas-relief image of NCC-1701-C on NCC-1701-D's
old conference room wall and have found radical departures from the final
"Ambassador" class model. I don't think they watch television anymore.
How NX-01 fits into the scheme of things is mind-boggling. The bridge
set alone, despite tactile control interfaces, appears to be more up to
the standards of the ST-TMP "Enterprise" bridge rather than a pre-"Cage"
starship. Starship: that's right, the U.S.S. "Enterprise" (NCC-1701)
was always the First starship named "Enterprise" aside from the 21st
Century's first ship to Centauri and/or the "Declaration" class
(illustrated in the rec deck's information alcove in ST-TMP). This
"Enterprise," currently NX-01, has no place in our Trek timeline--in
name, shape, or form! And in the early classic series episodes at least,
a Star Ship was a very special type of ship. Enterprise has taken that,
and much more, away. Oh, there are a couple tips of the hat to original
Trek like a science station viewer and the old communicator sound
effects, but these are few, far between, and DON'T make up for the rest
of the bloody mess.

2. To Boldly Go...Where Vulcans Have Gone Before
Dig out the Vulcan maps, they've charted most of space in Earth's sector.
Star Trek was partly about exploring, but it's been Done here already.
The Humans have been babysitted by the Vulcans since Cochrane's "Phoenix"
launch in 2063. Vulcans have been doing all the interstellar venturing
while Humans have been sitting home on their butts. Only now do they
undertake their "first deep space venture," to quote Dr. Phlox in
"Dear Doctor." (Which alone contradicts Travis Mayweather's "boomers"
who have been in space for a long while. Couldn't they have traded with
aliens for sophisticated warp drive systems and state-of-the-art
technology?) Don't be fooled by that very misleading title sequence
(more suitable for, say, a Trek series set in the 21st Century), the
premise of Enterprise is set chronologically way too late. Trek history
as I have understood it (and as presented in this Chronology) has had
Humans venturing out into space since the 21st Century, exploring and
colonizing worlds, gaining a foothold in deep space like any other
interstellar neighbour. The aliens encountered from time to time by
Humans (Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, Alpha Centaurians) All Worked
Together. Eventually a man named Zefram Cochrane (either
a native of the Alpha Centauri system or a colonist thereof) invents
warp drive, further unifying the nearest star systems, making star
travel practical (no longer relying on light speed impulse engines and
time dilation), and he is revered throughout the galaxy for this great
accomplishment. This is not so anymore with Enterprise (and a big thanks
to "First Contact"). By Michael Okuda's reckoning, the United
Federation of Planets is founded just 10 years later--in 10 years Earth
becomes the centre of known space and Humans turn the tables on the
Vulcans as the dominant space-faring big-wigs. All this after the
Vulcans have isolated and set back Earth's technology for nearly a
century, which presumably justifies Captain Archer's bickering with
T'Pol. This exchange of rude comments often borders on being very
childish and is a far cry from the Spock-McCoy banter of classic Trek.
In other words, virtually All aliens have had warp drive long before
Earth's lucky pioneer Cochrane developed the drive. Earth is a late
bloomer to interstellar affairs and is in fact technologically backwards
in many ways. We don't even see How backwards until the flashback
episode "First Flight." The warp 2 barrier hadn't been breached until
just some 10 years before "Broken Bow!"

3. These Aren't Roddenberry's Vulcans (or Klingons or Andorians, or..)
Star Trek's Vulcans are logic-driven beings who revere Surak's philosophy
of peace, non-violence, IDIC, and reverence for life. Enterprise's
Vulcans are willing to let the Klingon Klaang DIE in the first scene of
the pilot episode, and in fact in later episodes. T'Pol's great-great
grandmother in "Carbon Creek" is willing to allow a dozen miners to die
in a mine cave-in, rather than risk exposing themselves. Captain Archer
honestly states in "Fusion" that Vulcans aren't interested in exploration
and in the same episode we learn that T'Pol doesn't know what a Vulcan
mind meld is! But she's very chatty about the deeply personal mating
ritual called Pon Farr which even Spock said was never spoken of to
outsiders...and two of our officers begin rambling on about it on Risa
in "Two Days And Two Nights." Wonderful researchers at work here.
In "The Andorian Incident" we learn that these Vulcans are liars and
hypocrits. This attitude only gets worse as the series progresses, with
episodes such as "Stigma" and "Cease Fire" showing how pig-headed they
can be. So it should come as no surprise that a passing comment from
T'Pol in "Strange New World" reveals that Vulcan has Blue skies. That's
right, BLUE! We've seen Vulcan with red, orange, and even yellow
("Yesteryear") skies but NEVER BLUE! Speaking of blue, our introduction
to the new Andorians in "The Andorian Incident" doesn't rest well with
Andorian continuity in that they no longer have bleached white hair but
Blonde hair--and strange antennae, which writhe like worms! Presumably we
just have to take them as being yet another race of Andorians we haven't
seen before (i.e. ridged Romulans in TNG, Ensign Ro being unique as a
Bajoran, Dax vs. the original Trill appearance, etc.). Oh, but makeup
has changed so much since the 60s, so why not give them an extra eye or
two, or tails? Vulcans haven't Physically changed. Like we need it.
Not too surprising, those favourite aliens which Haven't changed and
SHOULD have changed are the Klingons. The TNG era Klingons are here,
complete with their TNG Okran Klingonese, Klingonese print, touch-sensor
control panels, and other stock Klingon ship set pieces left over from
Voyager and the like. No classic Star Trek Klingon uniforms or even
their cool-headedness. On the contrary we're led to believe that Nothing
has changed in centuries, and that the Klingons presented in the original
series are, how should I say it, "unofficial." They even have Birds of
Prey, first mentioned in "Broken Bow" and finally seen on screen in
"Sleeping Dogs." The problem here is that the Romulans were the first to
feature the Bird of Prey design which (in the history as I've learned it)
was later adapted and developed by the Klingons during their brief
Romulan-Klingon alliance ("The Enterprise Incident"). The final low blow
to Klingon dis/continuity came before our eyes in "Unexpected."
The appearance of a "K'T'Inga" class Klingon warship well over a century
before the class hit the drawing boards! No mistake, this gem features
the glowing red impulse exhausts, deflector plating, and even has fore
and aft firing torpedo tubes! Sigh. The Klingons have transporters in
"Marauders" (we can live with that, in light of "The Final Reflection")
and tractor beams as well ("Bounty") and, as previously mentioned, Warp
6 battle cruisers of the D-5 design, and Kronos is only 4 days from Earth
at "Enterprise's" best speed. Earth should start kissing up to the
Klingons NOW. At the end of the 2nd season in "Bounty" yet another
blow came to classic Trek aliens. Skalaar the Mello Tellarite was
featured, another recycling of the typical "forehead alien" stock
makeup, yielding a very un-porcine alien, quite forgettable and quite

4. Enterprise keeps mucking up pre-TOS continuity and our classic
characters (and their successors) will ultimately look like idiots
who don't do their historical research very well. Or even like the
great ground-breaking starship "Enterprise" explorers history has
written them as. Time travel, deep space voyages, etc...all been done
before by Archer's ship. Captain Pike made it to Rigel--but Archer was
there first. In "Balance of Terror" we get our first exposure to
cloaking technology, but in "Shockwave" Captain Archer saw it first.
Even worse, the 2nd season episode "Minefield" shows us a small fleet
of Romulan Bird of Prey ships equipped with cloaking devices! Then
comes "The Communicator" episode where a Suliban cell ship is used,
cloak and all, to rescue Archer and Reed. Now let us just go
back and rewatch "Balance of Terror." Everyone's amazed by the
invisible Romulan ship ("The blasted thing's Invisible!" "Invisibility
is Theoretically possible..."). At least we got treated to a new Bird
of Prey ship design for the Romulans, small benefit in turn.
In Pike's time, lasers were in use and now these phase pistols
are in use. Enough said here. The creators do not watch the past.
Nasicaans, Ferengi...NX-01's had contact with them, despite
being 24th Century inventions, like the planet Risa. On the other hand,
every new planet Archer's been to has NEVER been seen or mentioned in any
later Trek series. Does this make any sense, especially coming from
Earth and all the nearby "core" worlds the ship should be exploring?
So much in this series is derived from the modern Voyager era NOT from
working backwards from "The Cage." The tricorders are far more compact
and folding, looking quite unlike Spock's but more like Dr. Crusher's
(and also lack the old shoulder straps as well). They have flip-open
communicators, yes, but these are more compact and even integrated
universal translators. Even the uniforms utilize the 24th Century rank
pip system. The crew carry electronic pads rather than the paper
printouts and clipboards in "The Cage." In at least one episode the
term "away team" is used instead of "landing party." The second season
episode "Regeneration" takes on Picard's feeble-mindedness, or perhaps
I should just say the 1701-D officers in general. Not only was a Huge
piece of the time sphere left behind on Earth following the "First
Contact" feature film, Picard and friends have never heard of the Borg
in the earliest Borg episodes such as "Q Who." More of this later...

As a matter of fact, the series is just called 'Enterprise,' not 'Star
Trek: Enterprise.' No bloody 'Star Trek' anywhere--until recently
during the start of its third season. Desperation! Berman's means of
getting around the payment of royalties to the Roddenberry estate,
perhaps? Rick Berman, et al, have always wanted to remake Trek in their
own image. Now their plot is the reinvention of the franchise:
politically correct and aimed at the masses, bringing aboard the same old
stagnant writers which had driven Voyager to beyond shame. Sad but true.
Going by their holy Okuda chronology, 2051 is just a decade before their
U.F.P. founding year. I'd place money on their envisioning this series
to last 7 seasons, ending with the introduction of the Romulans and the
onset of the Romulan War (again, as put forth solely by Michael Okuda's
conjectural timeline), at which point a shoot 'em up feature film would
be fitting to launch the Next series. Picking up the pieces at this
stage would be the launch of this new series that would conveniently
utilize the E's sets, models, and costumes. Let's call it 'Federation,'
being about the formation of the United Federation of Planets. Yeah,
it's all pure guesswork on my part, but I've gotten rather good at it
over the years! A killing move for sure. The prequel series Now has
sealed the fate of building upon past Treks. Aside from the brief, one-
line cameos in feature films, we will never again see any of the
characters established in TOS, TNG, DS9, or V.

"A line must be drawn" - Captain Picard. Enterprise cannot be ignored,
nor can it be accepted (with or Without the title of Star Trek). It can
almost be considered the Galactica: 1980 of Star Trek. Perhaps
the solution is contained within the pilot episode. The so-called
Temporal Cold War at least offers an out. Clearly any Future
interference implies timeline distortion. I intend to log the data of E
as taking place within an alternate timeline. I surely will be cursed
and snubbed by many fans who feel that the series is "true" and "pure"
Trek, but so be it. The Canonheads eat up anything and everything
new coming their way packaged as Star Trek.

Solving many (not all) of the contradictions is E's second season episode
"Regeneration." As previously discussed, Enterprise must be a muddied
timeline and this is Confirmed in this episode by the very careless
tampering of the 1701-E crew in ST VIII. Consider, in the 'original'
timeline (where there is No time-travel interaction from the future,
NO Borg timeship sent back and NO "Enterprise" to follow),
NONE of this happens:

The Borg bombard the region of Montana where Zefram Cochrane resides,
killing several people. People who otherwise Would have lived and
perhaps gone on to contribute significantly to Earth's space program.

Zefram Cochrane views NCC-1701-E through his telescope on Earth,
probably learning about warp dynamics through the hull design
(disc-shaped primary hull, 2 raised cylindrical warp nacelles).
This is Crucial and could most likely explain the "Akira" class
design of NX-01! Spaceflight Chronology, among other Treknical
references, certainly chart a much different evolution of modern
starship designs, starting off blocky and far from the established
23rd Century disc-shaped hull designs...

Geordi La Forge and Reginald Barclay gab away to Cochrane about
being from the 24th Century and fighting the Borg, and how
immensely important he will become for developing warp drive.
Even the name of the starship, the "Enterprise," becomes known
to Cochrane. No big deal, surely, but it Is a nice name and
it is curious how it gets pinned on a ship which otherwise Did
Not Exist in the original timeline of events. Perhaps taking
the place of names such as "Bonaventure" and even "Cochrane."
Geordi and Barclay also help to repair the "Phoenix," possibly
TOO well, incorporating 24th Century tech. Note the warp flash
and streaking stars as the vessel goes into warp. These warp
field characteristics are the product of much later warp engines
(late-23rd and early-24th Centuries)...but they will ALWAYS be
present on Enterprise. Cochrane's warp 5 engine is Way Too fast
and advanced for the mid-22nd Century, utilizing warp plasma,
dilithium and other components taken for granted in the 24th Century.

Lily Sloane gets a nice tour of the "Sovereign" class "Enterprise"
and even handles a phaser ("My first ray gun"). There is no reason
why Cochrane's assistant would Not remain silent to Cochrane about her
observations. Perhaps even her mentioning of Phasers being the
standard sidearm may have inadvertently resulted in the abandonment of
Laser research and the opening of research into the field of Phased
Energy. Thus Phase Pistols are developed within the next century,
a quantum leap beyond Laser Pistols (Originally used by Pike and his
men in "The Cage")...

And there is, of course, remnants of a 600-meter diameter Borg sphere
in the Arctic. The departing drones probably didn't retrieve
Everything during their departure. Alloys and such left behind to
study and duplicate? If a pair of intact Borg survived, what else
could possibly be buried out there? If Captain Picard could miss
out on leaving behind This Much from the future, what else may have
been missed? The ship's escape pods were launched down to Earth,
could they perhaps have left high-tech components behind? NX-01's
encounter with the Borg alone simply CANNOT be idly dismissed:
These Borg modified a simple Arctic Transport into an impressively
swift interstellar vessel with warp 4 capacity (for its time), enhanced
shields (capable of holding its own against Earth's finest starship,
with its groundbreaking Phase Cannons), and transformed beings into
zombie-slaves. Even their nanoprobes are a Threat and represent a
fantastically Advanced technology to the Earth of this time period.
Finally, transmitting a message Back to their place of origin in the
Delta Quadrant, though said to take 200 years, is nothing to discard.
Pro-E fans who would rather not see the series as an alternate timeline
simply like to believe that Star Fleet or the Federation squirreled
this data away and it was forgotten or of no real use! I somehow
doubt that historians are this inept, much less those of Vulcan (T'Pol
is, after all, Vulcan's resident overseer onboard), or Denobulans
(Phlox curiously enough showed some resistance to the nanoprobes and
came up with a cure no less!). Would it have been too difficult to
tag the whole file under the label 'A Warning To 24th Century Space
Explorers' or some such, making it even easier for the "Enterprise's"
resident walking-computer, Data, to immediately lock onto?
"Regeneration" opens many doors, as well as a warning to prepare for
future cybernetic invaders...

Taking all of the above into account, and perhaps reading too much
into it, Earth may have received quite a technological boost.
Perhaps the Vulcans, fearing such rapid progress, decided to play
it safe and attempted to limit Earth's space exploration. This
would in turn delay the founding of the U.F.P. to perhaps as late
as 2161... Perhaps the classic 5-year mission is in turn delayed
several years until the late 2260s or early 2270s (Okuda and Roden
takes on the timeline)...

Now if episodes from the Original series had been re-aired, they would
be Different, just as episodes following the series would be--all the
product of a mangled timeline. NX-01 would appear on the "Enterprise's"
rec deck info alcove wall in ST-TMP (whereas before it was non-existent,
though maybe NX-01 will be acknowledged as the "Dauntless" aboard ships
carrying that name!). It also should be noted that the Reeves-Stevens
believe that the "Mirror" universe timeline broke away from the main
timeline around the time of First Contact. Could E's timeline be the
start of the "Mirror" universe? The Vulcan attitude is certainly
fitting. "

Using some of what was said as a guide I always thought ST:E could do with some major fan editing, unfortunalty editing the whole seires would be a huge undertaking and I doubt anyone would be interested. But I'd most definatly pay someone to do it for me if anyone was willing to take it on.
Burning Dual-layer DVDs
I know this isnt the right place but I didnt want to start a new thread just for this question. I downloaded Magix Pro 11 and something funny started happening on my computer. Now everytime I put a DVD or CD in to my drive it opens the "explore" window not the "which programe would you like to use" window. CDs I can still use by opening media player however I cant seem to watch any DVDs! I uninstalld the software but I'm still having the same problem. HELP.