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<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

SWOTFAN25 said:

StarkillerAG said:

I don’t think 5 news outlets confirming it and an implied confirmation from the actress herself counts as “100% false”.

and nothing from Lucasfilm has actually confirmed the Boba Fett and Bo-Katan stuff.

Yeah, that stuff is kind of shakier. But Lucasfilm is notoriously secretive, and Boba Fett and Bo Katan would just make sense given that the show is called “The Mandalorian”. I’m expecting the second season to dive a lot more into Mandalorian history and culture, and feature a backdoor pilot episode for the Rebels sequel.

Those news outlets are clickbait. The actress came out with an interview and didn’t even know how to say Ahsoka’s name correctly.

Then she said:

“Someone did the art and I reposted it. Then star wars started following me. And then everybody started thinking it was a whole thing. And its literally been this internet situation. So internet, if it happens, its because of you.”

Ahsoka won’t be in this next season. That interview was posted in March of 2020 and they already shot season 2 by then.

That was Ashley Eckstein, Ashoka’s voice actress. She isn’t involved with season 2 at all, Ahsoka is being portrayed by Rosario Dawson. In another interview, Dawson said that “I’ll be very excited when it’s confirmed,” implying that she plays Ahsoka in the show, she just can’t announce it yet. Ahsoka is in the show, she just isn’t being played by the person who normally plays her.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

CamSMurph said:

Okay, hopefully my latest idea will garner better reactions from you guys.

Fanedit Forums user Gaith suggested that the film open with a funeral for Princess Leia before the opening crawl. This quote comes from the official thread for the movie:

Lucasfilm logo. “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”
SMASH CUT to a silent (with music) funeral scene. As with Glee and Cory Monteith, we all know why the character’s gone, so there’s really no need to explain it in-universe. (Canon sources elsewhere could officially designate it space cancer or whatever, but my idea lets the funeral be a tribute to Fisher as much as possible, just as the ending to Furious 7 was obviously for Paul Walker, rather than for Brian O’Conner.) Fade out.
STAR WARS title fanfare, crawl, movie.
In short, Fisher’s passing would be so significant that it would be the only time the Episode format of “A long time ago”, STAR WARS title fanfare, crawl, movie would ever be broken. I get that most don’t enthusiastically love Thor: The Dark World as I do, but I think the two-minute dialogue-free Frigga funeral is a freakin’ fantastic scene that would make an excellent model.

A very unique idea that unfortunately wasn’t implemented in the film itself.

Interesting idea, but no way it could be executed in the movie itself. This probably would go better in the rewrite thread.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

SWOTFAN25 said:

The Ahsoka rumor is 100% false,

I don’t think 5 news outlets confirming it and an implied confirmation from the actress herself counts as “100% false”.

and nothing from Lucasfilm has actually confirmed the Boba Fett and Bo-Katan stuff.

Yeah, that stuff is kind of shakier. But Lucasfilm is notoriously secretive, and Boba Fett and Bo Katan would just make sense given that the show is called “The Mandalorian”. I’m expecting the second season to dive a lot more into Mandalorian history and culture, and feature a backdoor pilot episode for the Rebels sequel.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

CamSMurph said:

Believe it or not, the Nostalgia Critic’s review of the film brings up a very interesting idea.

I’m actually shocked he said something worthwhile about anything.

There’s one point near the end of the video where the Mandalorian says, “Oh, I see. Because bloodlines don’t matter. She’s going to say her name is Palpatine, turning that evil name into something strong and hopeful.”

Yay or nay?

Definitely nay. Given how the Senate reacted when they found out Leia was the daughter of Darth Vader, if Rey started calling herself a Palpatine she would be executed on the spot.

What next for Star Wars - Extended Editions?

OT-Fan said:

krausfadr said:

And the idea they would tinker with the OT to digitally replace Alec Guiness seems a bit far fetched.

I believe many would have thought digitally replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen to seem a bit far fetched, until it happened.

That was just one shot though. Disney isn’t hostile, they wouldn’t replace such a legendary actor in such an important role.

The music of the Original Trilogy vs the music of the Prequel Trilogy

Mielr said:

Has there ever been a silent screening of any of the OOT movies with a live orchestra? I always thought that would be a wonderful thing to see.

Yeah, that would be amazing. The SE live orchestra screenings were fun, but kind of counteracted by the distracting SE changes.

I don’t care for the scores for the PT very much. I think a lot of the overkill with the music was to try and distract from what was happening (or not happening) on the screen. ROTJ is my favorite of all the scores.

Agreed. I think Williams realized that the prequels were extremely boring, so he tried to compensate with lots of epic choir music. Padme’s Ruminations in particular sounds more like Gladiator than Star Wars.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

NeverarGreat said:

  • Since Kylo is oddly communing with Vader’s mask after Palps tells him he’s been ‘every voice in his head’, it might work to place this scene right after the opening crawl. The mask could be Vader telling him exactly where to find the wayfinder on Mustafar. Cut to him slaughtering the Cultists.

That’s what I was thinking as well. My concept went something like this:

  • Pan down to Coruscant, cut to Snooker’s establishing shot
  • Kylo talks through Palpatine through the helmet, who says “My boy, come to me on Exegol”
  • Kylo gets his helmet repaired
  • Cut to Mustafar establishing shot, continue as normal

Just trying to add a bit of meat to Kylo’s search for Palpatine.

  • As a benefit to moving Kylo’s mask communing scene, Rey’s training montage could be uninterrupted by Kylo. Just show her vision, preferably cut like Dom’s proof of concept. Also, have Rey merely say ‘I’m starting to think it’s impossible’ and cut the ‘contact the spirits of the Jedi’ since that is implied.

Good idea, though I would remove the flashy visions altogether. They just cause unnecessary confusion.

  • Cut line from Leia saying she always knew Palps was out there, especially in a Rey Nobody edit.

That’s not how I interpreted the line, I just thought of it as “Wow, Palpatine must have been the real villain all along.” I would like to cut it though.

  • Obviously, Chewie’s survival reveal should be delayed or cut. I would argue for it being cut entirely since the music in that scene doesn’t work anyway.

I agree, but I don’t see what’s wrong with the music there.

I stopped taking notes after this point because I became violently bored and started flipping the bird at everything that was happening. I don’t think I’ll be watching this movie again in its entirety, since now even the humorously terrible things are no longer humorous to me.

I can’t imagine having such a violent reaction to what’s basically the cinematic equivalent of a ride at Coney Island, but you do you I guess.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

Shopping Maul said:

I guess I just don’t understand Jedi pacifism. It’s okay to go around fighting with swords or killing clones/stormtroopers - and taking out an entire Death Star full of people gets one a rousing cheer and a soothing Obi Wan voiceover. But if you’re stuck alone in a room with the two most evil guys in the galaxy who are on a killing spree, apparently retaliatory aggression is a path to eternal darkness.

Yeah, I kind of agree. The “kill him and you’ll be just like him” trope doesn’t really hold up to close scrutiny, especially when the hero has slaughtered hundreds of nameless soldiers already. But I would like a more creative version of Palpatine’s demise, rather than just deflecting lightning at his face again.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

DominicCobb said:

StarkillerAG said:

DominicCobb said:

To me, the solution would have been simple.

When Rey goes to Ahch-to, she’s avoiding her fears, but she should have also been having a crisis of faith in the power of the Force (which Luke helps restore by lifting the X-wing).

At the end, to complete her journey, she decides not to avoid her fear, but also not to try to use brute force to overcome it. As Luke should have done in the cave in TESB, she doesn’t use her saber, and puts her trust solely in the force. When Palpatine starts shooting her with lightning, she turns off her saber and lets the lightning strike her - but it doesn’t, her faith is rewarded and it phases through her, Luke on Crait style (but without the need for astral projection). The lightning going through Rey destroys the temple and kills Palpatine.

People would have hated it, but it would’ve been pretty cool and a fitting conclusion.

Eh, feels too much like a deus ex machina for me. I’d prefer for Force powers to have some sense of realism, rather than just being a get-out-of-jail-free card for true believers. Plus, if you can’t get hit by lightning when you trust yourself in the light side, why did Luke get hit by lightning in ROTJ?

Yeah I don’t really care about that, to me it feels like a proper step up from the last film (and would’ve have made her death by exhaustion make a lot more sense). Plus she’s got the thousand generations living inside her or whatever.

Regardless, there are a few ways to accomplish the same idea. Her life-force creates a shield, or the ghosts of the Jedi block the blasts (ROTJ early draft style).

I disagree, I think that the “always make it one step up from what happened before” attitude was what made the movie so unfulfilling in the first place. It doesn’t make narrative or dramatic sense for Rey to just magically not die. The Force ghost idea might be better though, Jonh in the fanedit thread already did something like that.

RogueLeader said:

Interesting. I like where you’re going with the Finn idea. Imagine if when the communication tower switched signals, instead of Finn just getting a “feeling” about where the new signal is being broadcast, Finn gets the idea to use the communication tower instead of blasting it. They land, infiltrate the tower, and he broadcasts a message to all the the Star Destroyers, telling all the stormtroopers to stand up and fight. Perhaps Finn’s earlier conversation with Jannah could foreshadow this idea, maybe when Jannah explains why they laid their weapons down.

Then we cut to the all the troopers in the destroyers, listening, and eventually rebelling.

Exactly. Seems like such an obvious missed opportunity to me.

Also agreed. That might be a better way to have the Sith cultists rebel, and Finn be responsible for Palpatine’s death. I’m still committed to that idea though.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

DominicCobb said:

To me, the solution would have been simple.

When Rey goes to Ahch-to, she’s avoiding her fears, but she should have also been having a crisis of faith in the power of the Force (which Luke helps restore by lifting the X-wing).

At the end, to complete her journey, she decides not to avoid her fear, but also not to try to use brute force to overcome it. As Luke should have done in the cave in TESB, she doesn’t use her saber, and puts her trust solely in the force. When Palpatine starts shooting her with lightning, she turns off her saber and lets the lightning strike her - but it doesn’t, her faith is rewarded and it phases through her, Luke on Crait style (but without the need for astral projection). The lightning going through Rey destroys the temple and kills Palpatine.

People would have hated it, but it would’ve been pretty cool and a fitting conclusion.

Eh, feels too much like a deus ex machina for me. I’d prefer for Force powers to have some sense of realism, rather than just being a get-out-of-jail-free card for true believers. Plus, if you can’t get hit by lightning when you trust yourself in the light side, why did Luke get hit by lightning in ROTJ?

As for Finn, instead of making the ‘I’m staying behind’ sacrifice move to destroy the star destroyers, the star destroyers should’ve all been goners, but he stays behind to hijack their comms and send a message to all the stormtroopers that the war is lost and they should abandon their posts and save their lives rather than go down with their destroyers. Something like that.

I tried to do a more extreme version of that in the rewrite I just posted. Finn doesn’t sacrifice himself, and the fleet doesn’t get blown up. Instead, he persuades the Sith cultists to rebel against their master, using the fleet to destroy Palpatine. I think that’s the most fulfilling possible evolution of Finn’s arc.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

After thinking about it for a while, I came up with an alternate defeat for Palpatine, that fits with both Rey and Finn’s character arcs:

Sometime during the final battle, Finn and Jannah hack into the main Star Destroyer. They deactivate the microchips that are making the Sith cultists obey Palpatine, and when the chips are deactivated they obey Finn instead.

Meanwhile on the Sith temple, Palpatine is trying to convince Rey to strike him down (Ben doesn’t go to Exegol in this version). Just when Rey’s about to kill him, she senses Finn, who tells her that they’re about to fire the Sith fleet’s main cannons at the temple, killing Palpatine. He tells her to get out before it’s too late.

Palpatine is frustrated at Rey’s delay, and orders her to make the sacrifice. Instead, she puts her saber away and says, “I won’t kill you, but I’m not going to save you.” She runs away as fast as possible, leaving a bewildered Palpatine to be annihilated by his own fleet.

It’s kind of rough, but I think it works. It allows Rey to fulfill the Jedi teachings, and it gives Finn something important to do for once.

Idea: Knights of Ren Overhaul - Ideas for Fixing the KoR in TROS

sade1212 said:

Charles Soule probably knew that Ben was getting redeemed in TROS, hence the Rise of Kylo Ren not featuring any child murder and retconning TLJ’s vague implication that he personally slaughtered all his former classmates. The extended canon materials always gave quite a sympathetic view of his childhood, but I doubt anything pre-Rise of Kylo Ren was written with his redemption explicitly in mind. I imagine that with the comic Lucasfilm wanted to explicitly steer away from making him seem like some kind of school shooter parallel. I mean, it’s bad enough with Anakin - I’m not sure if Vader’s redemption would have been popular if ROTJ had come out immediately after ROTS!

But that undoes a lot of Kylo’s arc. He can’t get redeemed if he wasn’t bad in the first place. You may like it, but in my opinion it’s basically the sequel trilogy equivalent of Greedo shooting first.

Idea: Knights of Ren Overhaul - Ideas for Fixing the KoR in TROS

That idea is potentially interesting, but I don’t see why it warrants an entirely new thread. This discussion could just be put in the existing ideas thread.

Plus, anytime someone tries to write dialogue for the Knights (including me), it ends up sounding incredibly cheesy. I think they might actually be better with no lines.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

Sorry, but I don’t really understand that complaint (about Rey killing Palpatine). What was Rey supposed to do, say “I won’t kill you because I’m good” and hope that Palpatine spontaneously combusts? Luke had Vader to help him, Rey had no one there for her. I don’t see how it violates Lucas’s saga if killing Palpatine was literally her only option.

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Peter Pan said:

Delpheas said:


Luke arrives to Vader unarmed, takes Vader’s saber to attack Sheev, Vader defends with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber.

End on Luke burning Vader’s body

Why shouldn’t Luke attack with Obi Wan’s blade?
After all, Obi wan and Yoda ask him to fight Vader and Luke dropping the saber would conclude this conflict well.

On the other hand: what would be the motivation for Vader to fight with the very weapon that made him the machine he is?
Is it him holding on to the though of himself as irredeemable?

It’s because the teaser poster was really cool, and people want to make recreations of that.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

ChainsawAsh said:

Yeah, the idea that any act is irredeemable - or that dying is required for redemption - seems to spit in the face of the core message of the franchise…

I don’t really agree. If Vader survived ROTJ, and Palpatine got redeemed, maybe I’d agree with you. But I think that Ben needs to have some kind of punishment for his actions as Kylo. It’s not like he’s technically dead anyway, so I think his theatrical fate is fine. Especially with Snooker’s ending concept removing the “Rey ends the movie alone” aspect.

Dom's (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP)

krausfadr said:

Boolio is an Ovissian. I added it for reasons specific to my edit that I won’t clog up Dom’s thread with.

EDIT: thanks for the feedback maybe it is better removed.

Oh right, because you moved the conference scene to the beginning of the movie. I agree that it’s better removed though, mostly because almost no one would have any clue what an Ovissian is.

Dom's (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP)

krausfadr said:

Hal I really like your spark of hope imagery from Poe’s words in TLJ. Using this and also being more cognizant of what a crawl is supposed to accomplish, I updated my draft crawl, as long as you’re ok with others using some of your ideas.

All who dared to speak the name Luke Skywalker are now silent, slaughtered by the merciless KNIGHTS OF REN. Yet across the galaxy the spark of hope still lives on.

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has grown more reckless and unstable. The sudden evacuation of First Order troops from Han Solo’s home world of CORELLIA has spiraled the planet into civil war.

Meanwhile, General Leia Organa senses a sinister presence lurking in the UNKNOWN REGIONS. Many Ovissian spies have died trying to uncover this threat…

What the heck is an Ovissian? If you were trying to reference that memetic line from ROTJ, I don’t think it works.

Besides that, decent crawl idea, especially for your edit.