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Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: The Starkiller Cuts (WIP)

Ever since joining this site, I’ve always wanted to do my own edits of the sequel trilogy. There are many great edits of the prequels out there, but unfortunately it seems like the overall mixed reception to the sequel trilogy has stopped people from making similar edits of the sequels. With this project, I’m planning to make my own version of these movies, tailor-fitting them to my own personal preferences.

For now, here’s a taste of what to expect:

  • No Palpatine whatsoever. He’ll be completely removed from TROS, and Snoke will be explained as a Dark Jedi from the unknown regions of the galaxy. Kylo Ren is the main villain of the final movie.
  • Increased time skips between the movies. Artoo’s awakening has been removed from TFA, causing Rey to take one year to find Luke’s island in TLJ. The time skip between TLJ and TROS has been extended to three years, giving the First Order time to build the Sith fleet.

Those are just a couple of the overall changes. I’ll post more shortly.

The Rise Of Skywalker - Abrams' Vision or Executive Meddling?

Hadrian sunrider said:


The toys have nothing to do with any of this. ALL toys have been seeing a decline in interest recently, not just Star Wars sequel-themed toys. The sequel haters who use toy sales to say “Kathleen is ruining Star Wars, get woke go broke” are clearly just grabbing at straws, especially when the movies themselves made so much money.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Brewzter said:

^Did we ever learn what the third lesson was off-screen? I’ve read the novelization and such but I can’t remember

The “third lesson” was that scene in the TLJ novelization (it was in the deleted scenes too) where Luke claims that the Caretaker village is being invaded by pirates. He tells Rey that a true Jedi wouldn’t save them, but Rey runs off anyway. Once she gets there, she finds that it was actually a big party all along. Luke tells her that it was supposed to be a lesson on how Jedi beliefs don’t matter anymore, but Rey gets pissed and storms away.

Some fan edits have added that scene back into the movie, but Hal’s didn’t, so Cinefy’s idea was supposed to be another way of incorporating a third lesson into the trilogy.

Info: Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes

I really don’t get these comparisons to Yoda. He was reluctant to train Luke, sure, but I don’t remember the part in ESB where he said “Screw the Jedi, they don’t believe in helping innocent people anyways.” Instead, he pretty much said the exact opposite. I believe it’s much more compelling for Luke to hate the Jedi because of their past actions (what was implied in the theatrical cut), rather than from fundamentally misunderstanding their ideology (like he does in the deleted scene).

Info: Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes

I feel like you guys don’t understand: I like Luke in the original version. Aside from a few moments, like the saber chuck and the milking scene, I’m completely fine with the direction they took him. It isn’t what I would have done, but I’m fine with it. I just feel like the Caretaker scene takes his grumpiness and jerkiness a bit too far.

And yes, the reason why they cut it actually is because of Luke being too jerky. Time may have been a concern as well, but that was one of the primary motivations for cutting the scene.

Info: Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes

I’m kind of iffy about the Caretaker village scene. On the one hand, it’s good to actually get Luke’s third lesson that he talked about earlier, and it gives the Caretakers that were pointless in the original version an actual reason for existing.

But at the same time, it makes Luke feel like even more of a jerk than he did originally. He tells Rey that the big party going on is actually a pirate raid, claims that a true Jedi doesn’t help people in need (which is obviously wrong if you’ve even seen a Star Wars movie before), and acts like it was just a fun joke when Rey gets rightfully pissed about it. If that scene was in the actual movie, I feel like I would understand the complaints about Luke’s character much more.

How do you feel about Star Wars being re-titled A New Hope in 1981?

Shopping Maul said:

StarkillerAG said:

Shopping Maul said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Expecting or worse demanding the film not to get a subtitle to match the others is completely backwards. I just can’t wrap my head around the concept of people wanting to call it just “Star Wars”. That’s needlessly confusing and makes it stand out like a sore thumb.

As for the title itself I think it’s simple and elegant, and I like it.

It was called ‘Star Wars’ for 20 years and no-one got confused. Just saying’…

It was just called Star Wars for 4 years, actually. As soon as Empire started the whole subtitle thing, they changed the previous movie to make it match. And the “Star Wars” title may have worked in a time when it was the first Star Wars movie chronologically, but with the prequels I don’t think it makes sense. It just causes unnecessary confusion.

Yes, it was technically retitled in '81 but no-one bought into it. Even the video releases up until 1992 or thereabouts simply called it ‘Star Wars’. We bought ‘Star Wars’ action figures and ‘Star Wars’ lunchboxes and no-one said “hey, can’t wait to get ‘A New Hope’ on video” until the prequel era.

I know, but that’s because the prequels didn’t exist yet. When “Star Wars” stopped being the first Star Wars movie chronologically, I think a rebranding was necessary, and the title they needed was already right there.

I’m not necessarily disputing the current logic of the subtitle but to say it’s backwards is actually backwards. Like all of Lucas’ retcons he should’ve crafted his future movies to be in line with what was established rather than roll with his usual ‘original intent’ crap. Star Wars was one of the most groundbreaking movies in cinema history and a) we can’t buy it on blu ray and b) we don’t know what to call the damn thing.

Well, the original version is a different issue, and like everyone here I agree we should have it. But I don’t think it’s always necessary for creators to be constrained by what came before. Lucas intended the father reveal in ESB to set up a prequel trilogy, and he was a big fan of that serial episode number thing, so why not change the title to make room for another trilogy? Remember, he had no intention of making the Special Editions back then, it was just one change that didn’t even affect the content of the movie.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Cinefy said:

This is widely regarded as Finn’s theme and it was originally listed as such, It’s used over his scenes in a slow or fast pitch in The Force Awakens : https://youtu.be/cHJrfB7VquM?t=78

It’s used as his theme in battlefront aswell,

Umm, that’s actually Poe’s theme. It appears throughout the trilogy whenever Poe is doing heroic stuff.

How do you feel about Star Wars being re-titled A New Hope in 1981?

Shopping Maul said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Expecting or worse demanding the film not to get a subtitle to match the others is completely backwards. I just can’t wrap my head around the concept of people wanting to call it just “Star Wars”. That’s needlessly confusing and makes it stand out like a sore thumb.

As for the title itself I think it’s simple and elegant, and I like it.

It was called ‘Star Wars’ for 20 years and no-one got confused. Just saying’…

It was just called Star Wars for 4 years, actually. As soon as Empire started the whole subtitle thing, they changed the previous movie to make it match. And the “Star Wars” title may have worked in a time when it was the first Star Wars movie chronologically, but with the prequels I don’t think it makes sense. It just causes unnecessary confusion.

The Rise Of Skywalker - Abrams' Vision or Executive Meddling?

Dude, stop trying to blame everything on TLJ. That movie wasn’t universally hated like you think, most people actually liked it. The reason Solo bombed was because of Disney’s terrible marketing decisions, and TROS’s performance is actually pretty good for the third installment of a series. The anger of a few hardcore fans had nothing to do with it.

I don't think Revenge Of The Sith is as good as everyone says it is.

Mocata said:

I don’t think that many people actually like it. Beyond superficial action and fan service it makes everyone look dumb just so Palpatine can achieve his goals.

If we’re just talking about the Star Wars fandom here, you don’t have to look hard to find people that like the movie. In pretty much every fan community (except possibly here), Quite a few people consider the movie to be one of their favorites, and even more consider it to be the best of the prequels. I’m not personally a big fan of the movie, but it feels a bit disingenuous to say that no one actually likes it.

The Rise Of Skywalker - Abrams' Vision or Executive Meddling?

Hadrian continues to reach further than I’ve ever seen someone reach before.

I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that everyone hated TFA and TLJ. Sure, a vocal contingent of hardcore fans didn’t like those movies, but they just represent an incredibly tiny fraction of the whole. TFA got 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, and TLJ got 91%. And even in the Star Wars fandom, a lot of people defended those movies and said that they actually considered them good.

Once you spend too much time in an echo chamber, you begin to feel like you’re the majority.

Opinion: Return Of The Jedi is Very Underrated. Do You Agree?

Shopping Maul said:

Quite the contrary, I think ROTJ is a terrible film that only gets a free pass because it’s in the OT (just my opinion - I’m in no way seeking to insult anyone here!).

Well, you think TROS is what ROTJ should have been like, so I don’t think you really have the right to criticize other people’s opinions. (I’m not being entirely serious here)

I personally feel like ROTJ deserves its current status. It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and some parts in the first two acts are very weak, but I think it’s more than made up for by the spectacular third act. It features some of the best acting, effects, and storytelling in the entire saga, and ends the trilogy in an incredibly satisfying way.

The Star Wars Fan Edits Request Thread: Request the links to Star Wars fan edits here

21C Peasant said:

This year I put together a Mandalorian edit using other fan edits for footage (I do have a subscription to Disney+, by the way), but I’d like to incorporate some other scenes not included in those edits. Could anyone help me get my hands on a high-quality rip of the entire season one?

Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Your best option is probably to look into torrenting sites. If you really do have a Disney+ subscription, I don’t think it will be considered piracy.

The Rise Of Skywalker - Abrams' Vision or Executive Meddling?

Broom Kid said:

It’s popularity doesn’t negate or invalidate people’s feelings about the movie though. I’m not saying “Well, it was popular, so your criticisms don’t count” I have problems with TFA as a movie, too. What I’m saying is that trying to reframe its obvious and observable success both financially and critically as a mass exercise in tolerance doesn’t make any sense to me if you’re trying to reflect reality at all, nor does trying to frame TLJ’s reception (which was remarkably good if not AS remarkable as TFA’s) as a result of the general audience’s collective pent-up rage being unleashed.

Preach on, Broom Kid. I’m not the biggest fan of the sequels at all, but it’s kind of dumb that people are trying to Trotsky the universal critical and commercial success of TFA into some sort of mass exercise in tolerance. People liked TFA, it’s just the next two movies being so controversial that soured its reputation.