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The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread
Hello everyone!

I've just recently found this forum/thread and I am amazed at what is taking place with these edits! (that also goes for SOTDS too!)
Hopefully some of my own ideas you can use...or at least maybe give you something to think about!

Erikstormtrooper: I love the idea of placing the first scene of ROTJ in ESB (although I wouldn't want to change the ending of ANH)
However, I don't know if placing it at the beginning of ESB would work. Unless someone was able to change the apperence of the death star, the question becomes: Why hasn't the death star been completed from ESB to ROTJ?...maybe seeing the death star the way we saw it in ROTS could work?
I guess I like the idea of seeing the death star in some form in ESB. It goes along with the whole saga feel you guys are going for!

A small idea for ANH: The scene of Tarkin listening to that officer talking about the abandoned rebel base...shouldn't that be a hologram instead? ANH seems to be the only movie that doesn't have any kind of hologram! I think Tarkins eyes move away towards Vader or something...but you could then cut to a close up of the officer...? I know, I know, it's probably a huge pain to do...sure would be cool though!

Keep up the good work!