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EU books: Thats it..
Johnboy3434 said:

Cable-X1 said:

Don't listen to this guy...trust us...these books are hit or miss. Most of them suck ass so bad, you'll spend the rest of your life wanting the time you wasted on them back. Read the Thrawn trilogy...that's what I read and it was worth it. I read some others and they were total shit. And I mean they were SHIT...like the kind of shit you would have after eating a whole pizza and drinking a gallon of milk kind of shit!!! Don't bother. Save your money....and go buy something else that you'll enjoy....like Firefly or something.

Now you're just sounding like a child. What kind of person simply goes by the word of mouth and never keeps an open mind? A brainless sheep, that's who. If you think there's no way he could possibly enjoy something that you can't, then all that shows is your ignorance.

I have read quite a few EU books and some comics...I personally, have gotten exactly nothing out of them at all. I think it's just a money making thing...they churn out a lot of these a year and most are pretty low quality IMHO.

If someone gets off on them, okay...but I think there's better things to read. But hey...if someone is interested, check out a few...but don't buy them full price and don't go into it expecting something great.

To me, SW is a cinematic experience....it doesn't translate to a book or comic book. Star Trek translates to books well, not SW.
Oh yeah!!! Lucas...clueless as ever.
Johnboy3434 said:

Cable-X1 said:

I agree that judging art is purely subjective, but as said above...that's getting to be an old argument for defending the PT. Have you ever taken an English literature class before? If you have, you've read the classics and if you had a teacher worth a damn, he or she would have imparted you with the wonderful ability to read between the lines and analyze such things as theme, metaphor and so on. The original SW is a archetype-laden story with some pretty deep thematic stuff at work. Where is that in the PT? Is it presented well? Is the storytelling style detrimental to the work as a whole? See when you look at it that way, the PT falls apart completely. Wanna debate further?

I wasn't necessarily defending the PT. I just used TPM as an example because I'm pretty sure most people here would be familiar with it. I was actually defending all forms of art that have been ignored by the so-called "intelligentsia". You know, the people who think they measure the worth of a piece of art by what can be read into it (in other words, how may blind guesses they have to make before they can justify its existence)? I've had plenty of Literature classes, and they all sucked (that's my subjective judgment). Since when have metaphors and themes made a quality work of art? I'll tell you what makes quality art: the enjoyment we, the audience, get out of it. If it doesn't entertain us, it's not worth shit. I don't care if your entire theory of existence, of all the world's problems, of life, the universe, and everything, is distilled into dramatic form. If we can't laugh, if we can't cry, if we can't cheer, then it was all a colossal waste of time. That's why one Ed Wood is worth a dozen Ernest Hemingway's. Ed made us laugh (however unintentionally), with his contrived plots, his unbelievable dialog, and his cheesy special effects. How many films have you seen that make you say, "I could do better than that!"? He made us feel good about ourselves. What did Hemingway do? He made us want to reenact his final moments.

I'm sorry if that was a little more aggressive than you expected, but you struck a nerve, there.

You're comparing Ed Wood to Ernest Hemingway?!?!? Oh man...that's fucked.
Indiana Jones IV
Saw the movie last night with a group of friends.

First of all, I do want to see it again. I feel like it's growing on me a little. It was over the top in some points. Too much CGI and some of it was stupid. The sci-fi elements were a little weird, but the more I think about it, the more it's growing on me. The plot actually seems more suited to one of those Indiana Jones comic books or a spin-off novel, not a movie.

I think the best analogy would be that the movie is like an old bike that's been hanging in the garage. You take it down and try riding it. It still feels the same, but it's a little stiff and rusty. That's this movie to me. The magic is there, but it was rusty.

It's clear that Spielberg and Lucas' best days are behind them though.

Some quick points:

1. Cate Blanchet was good, but she wasn't a good bad guy...nothing special.
2. Mutt WAS NOT annoying...and I thought he would be. Such a plus!!!
3. Too much fan wanks in the beginning. Ark, warehouse, etc. Not needed.

The Red Scare stuff was cool...but how come the Depression wasn't mentioned in the others. No complaint here or anything, just an interesting point to bring up.

Overall...it's good, not great...but it is growing on me and I want to see it again. That says a lot. There's no outrage like I had at the PT. It was a decent, but different Indiana Jones adventure.

BTW...anyone expect Mulder and Scully from the X-Files to pop up and tell Indy the truth is out there??? HA HA!!!
Crystall Skull has GL's fingerprints all over it
Johnboy3434 said:

bkev said:

My issue with CG is that it allows for filmmakers to be lazy. Before, a certain amount of creativity was involved in making something look real; now, you can hire a fucking video game designer to do all your work and buy a blue background for their job.

As opposed to hiring a fucking miniature crew and a fucking matte painter? There's absolutely no difference in the director's participation. They still just farm out the jobs to lackeys. And since when is difficulty directly proportional to quality? I can construct a Rube Goldberg device to fetch my newspaper for me, at the cost of thousands in materials and design, or I can just walk out the door and pick it up. Finding an easier way to do something isn't laziness, it's progress. It's how every industry on earth has streamlined its methods over the past 200 years. CGI is much more versatile than models, and it can look just as fake or just as real.

I would put the work of a minature crew and a fucking matte painter against any CGI artist any day.....I've seen the classic SW documentaries. Those guys put themselves into their work. They actually breathed life into their creations. Life can't be breathed into 1s and 0s on a computer. CGI looks so lifeless. Yeah, it looks good and can look real...but it's soul-less.
EU books: Thats it..
Johnboy3434 said:

bkev said:

I happen to like Truce at Bakura and Splinter of the Mind's Eye. The two I've read so far aren't so bad... I was looking into the Thrawn trilogy. Guess I'll stay away from the rest.

Don't listen to them. Read the books and make your own judgment. If you're worried about wasting money, look up a torrent. That's how I'm doing it.

Don't listen to this guy...trust us...these books are hit or miss. Most of them suck ass so bad, you'll spend the rest of your life wanting the time you wasted on them back. Read the Thrawn trilogy...that's what I read and it was worth it. I read some others and they were total shit. And I mean they were SHIT...like the kind of shit you would have after eating a whole pizza and drinking a gallon of milk kind of shit!!! Don't bother. Save your money....and go buy something else that you'll enjoy....like Firefly or something.
EU books: Thats it..
Johnboy3434 said:

You're not the supreme designator of a work's quality, you know.

And you are??? You defend the PT and you claim to know quality?!?!?!?

Some people feel as much connection to EU characters as they do to movie characters.

While making George rich...and frustrating themselves. Whatever.

And as awesome as Tolkien was, you don't think money was at the top of his priority list when he submitted his work to be published?

Tolkien was a professor (at Oxford, I think). Professors in those days didn't live like paupers. I highly doubt that money was his sole motivation. He had a story to tell and he told it.

Crystall Skull has GL's fingerprints all over it
Based on the commercial that aired last night during American Idol......this looks like a CGI wankfest. And that pretty much means we've been lied to by BOTH Lucas and Spielberg. I distinctly remember reading that this movie was going to be done like the old ones...where everything was real. I believe that same article had them saying that the matte paintings would be the extent of the CGI usage.

The commercial last night had CGI all over the fucking place. My fiance asked if that was the commercial for the VIDEO GAME!!! I said no, that was the movie.
And she is not into this shit at all. Bad signs, people...bad fucking signs.
Oh yeah!!! Lucas...clueless as ever.
Johnboy3434 said:

The amount of venom in that first post is completely unnecessary.

You can't "objectively" make that assessment...or can you?

In the interest of fairness, however, you can't "objectively" call a movie dog shit. Unless, of course, dog shit was mixed with the celluloid prior to the making of the film.

You're kidding me, right?

Judgments concerning the merit of a piece of art are inherently subjective. Someone who says TPM is the best movie of all time may stand in a very small crowd, but there's nothing you could do to prove him "wrong".

I agree that judging art is purely subjective, but as said above...that's getting to be an old argument for defending the PT. Have you ever taken an English literature class before? If you have, you've read the classics and if you had a teacher worth a damn, he or she would have imparted you with the wonderful ability to read between the lines and analyze such things as theme, metaphor and so on. The original SW is a archetype-laden story with some pretty deep thematic stuff at work. Where is that in the PT? Is it presented well? Is the storytelling style detrimental to the work as a whole? See when you look at it that way, the PT falls apart completely. Wanna debate further?

Fang Zei said:

It's just funny here how so much could be solved by so little. If George is going to keep doing all this stuff with Star Wars without giving us the oh so simple thing we're asking for, then indeed it would be better for Star Wars to die as quick a death as possible.

So, because he won't give a comparatively small amount of consumers exactly what they want, it's better that he deny any further products to the rest of us? Self-centered, much?

It's more the notion that he DENIES that it ever existed. He's said as much, dude. I'm sure most directors and writers are somewhat unhappy with their final product...but Lucas has gone WAY too far by changing it and denying the original to those who wish it. It's revisionist bullshit. The fact that he fucked up so royally with the PT only adds insult to injury, hence some of the hostility.

I would rather see it dead and buried than dead and dragged through the streets with vultures picking it bare. Why? Cuz I remember a time when SW was a benchmark in fiction and filmmaking. If it can't be the best it can be, then I'd rather see it gone. And yeah, it's absolutely self centered....cuz I have standards for my entertainment. When I pay 10 fucking dollars for a movie, I don't want to be jerked around by some hack who can't write or direct. That's why most of what comes out of Hollywood sucks ass today...cuz people accept the garbage that comes out. Not me...and certainly not most of the people who post on this site.
Oh yeah!!! Lucas...clueless as ever.
Found this on foxnews.com...Lucas is in Cannes and had some stuff to say about Indy and Star Wars. Prepare yourselves. Here's the highlights...and some commentary by yours truly.

George Lucas tells me it’s more than a strong possibility there will be a fifth "Indiana Jones." He says that he and director Steven Spielberg have left the door open for a sequel to "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

"I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this," he said. "But I have an idea to make Shia [LeBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out.

Gee, that's a great idea, George!!! Take the one guy out of it who's name is in the TITLE and is part of popular culture. George...you are such an idiot. STOP MAKING MOVIES.....JUST SIT ON YOUR PILE OF MONEY AND DON'T DO ANYTHING. YOU'RE TOO DESTRUCTIVE WHEN YOU DO!!!

Lucas says he’s not concerned about early mixed buzz on "Crystal Skull."

Why should he? He's made more money for Hollywood than anyone. That must mean he's a master filmmaker unlike any before who can do no wrong. He thinks everything he makes is great. Why listen to people who can objectively call your movies dog shit? Go figure.

"This movie is the exact same experience as the other three were. The difference is, the novelty of discovery is gone. I get worried when I hear fans say they’re expecting something different that will change their lives. This is 'Indiana Jones' just as you remember him."

Yeah it would be pretty hard to mess up Indiana Jones, right? But if there's a way that George can fuck up a perfectly good thing, he'll find it and excel at it. Don't believe me? See the prequels. Such a missed opportunity for greatness.

But that’s exactly the gamble Spielberg and Lucas took with reviving their icon. Expectation grows into a frenzy and then no one in that frame of mind can be satisfied.

Okay...wait here....WHAT EXPECTATIONS?!?!?! In a Star Wars movie, we expect force, Jedi, ships, fighting, cool people doing cool things....not midiclorians, Jar Jar, Grevious and Vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" like a bitch. I think the the FILMMAKER is trapped by expectations...not the audience. In an Indy movie, I expect a cool treasure hunt, some stunts that are pretty wild, a whip, a fedora, a leather jacket and the Raiders March. Can YOU deliver that George without screwing something up or making look so 5 year old that I want to throw up? Hopefully, Steven and Harrison slapped you in the head when you spewed your stupid childish horseshit!!!

Lucas has been here before, when he revived and extended the "Star Wars" series. The build-up to the release of the fourth installment (aka now Chapter 1), "Phantom Menace," was huge until it reached a fever pitch. Then, almost before it could be absorbed, "Phantom Menace" became the target of scorn from fanatics. Computer-generated character Jar Jar Binks was public enemy No. 1.

What was there to absorb? Shit is shit and you throw shit in the toilet...that's what you do with shit and that's what happened...as it should have. That was a lame movie made by a once great filmmaker who is now lame. And Jar Jar deserved to be public enemy #1. He was a retard...and insulted the audience's intelligence and brought the movie down to kindergarden levels. Why wouldn't that get some scorn???

But "Star Wars" continues to thrive.

Oh how I wish it would die a quick painful death!!! Just to put us out of this misery!!!

In August, Lucas says, he’s releasing an animated 90-minute "Star Wars" movie to theaters via Warner Bros. called "Clone Wars." It will be followed in September by an animated series on the Cartoon Network and TNT.

George, you've gone from THX-1138...to making bad children's cartoons. Congratulations....you're an idiot.

"No one wanted it," he told me. "Every studio rejected it, including Fox, and I’m very loyal to them. They have right of first refusal. Eventually I brought it to Warners. It’s the first time that three components of the studio have acted together. It’s very exciting.

It's very exciting to have the latest milking of the greatest cashcow ever rejected by EVERY FUCKING STUDIO!?!?!?!?!? Gee...I wonder why they rejected it....cuz it sucked or cuz you wanted them to shake your hand and let you put their studio name on your garbage!!! Your problem, George...is you give people shit and you expect thanks. They all said NO THANKS.

"But the story is that everyone said, 'No one gets this. It’s just … 'Star Wars.'' I said, 'That’s right, It’s just 'Star Wars.' Just like this is … 'Indiana Jones.''"

No George....YOU don't get it....cuz YOU don't understand Star Wars or Indiana Jones. Hang it up, George....let go, it's over. You lost the magic. Forget it. Turn it over to someone who has a clue. You certainly don't.
Wow, maybe we're not as alone as we think?

...I absolutely see where you're coming about the CGI feeling fake. We did lose that wonder at the special effects when CGI took over, but it can have its uses...especially in what you called "fooling the senses."

If overused, CGI, I believe, takes away from the movie....makes it look two-dimensional and ultimately, phony. I think people in general don't like phony. But if you use CGI in a very casual and nonchalant way, it can be amazing.

Here's an example....a few months back I say Atonement in the theaters with the future wife. It's a chick flick and was depressing as hell...but there was a scene that stood out. It takes place during World War 2 and one of the main characters is at the Battle of Dunkirk. The scene was absolutely amazing. I knew I was looking at CGI here (have a trained eye for that thanks to the prequels)...but it was so flawless and so perfect that it would have fooled anyone who didn't know any better. Looked like we were actually there!!! My fiance was fooled and I thought it was great and added an awesome element of realism to the movie.

So CGI isn't all bad...when it's used like Lucas did or like many fantasy type films today do...it falls short....big time. But used as a background tool...it can be an amazing thing.
What order would you show the Star Wars movies to your kids?
Yeah...CO, I agree. The waiting was what made it that much better.

I was only a year old when SW came out, so I missed it in the theater, but I remember seeing Empire when it came out. Through the good grace of my Dad who got a Betamax in about 1981 and then bought bootlegs of SW and Empire, I was able to watch those movies for two whole years before Jedi hit the theaters. So although I was a bit on the young side, I still experienced it firsthand.

Our kids will see the PT at some point. It's inevitable. I'm just going to make damn sure they see the OOT first and foremost. Then whatever comes their way is fine with me.

Look at it this way.....would ANYONE here show their kids The Holiday Special before they see anything else? Who knows? You might be jinxing them into hating SW cuz the HS makes the whole thing look STUUUUUUUUPID.

See....I do want my kids to like SW...not hate it or worst, be indifferent towards it.
What order would you show the Star Wars movies to your kids?
Johnboy3434 said:

Cable-X1 said:

I would show my younglings the original versions of Star Wars, Empire and Jedi in that order.

There's nothing else to show...

If they discover anything else after that, that's their business. I will not be the one to show them any of the shit that came afterwards.

Bitter, much? So you would stick to your own OT fundamentalism instead of introducing your kid to three movies (just movies, mind you) that they might potentially enjoy? If they don't like the PT either, just shut it off, but to not show it to them just because of your own aesthetic tastes is disturbingly extreme.

Whatever bitterness you are reading here is entirely in your own imagination....I never said I wouldn't let them see the prequels. I said I would show them the OOT and that's it. If they want to see more, then they can see them...and I'd probably watch them with them too. But I'm not going out of my way to put them on.

CO....you are right...the best will win out in the end....but I'm keeping the faith nonetheless and making sure the kiddies experience SW exactly the way I did...by seeing the best first.
Indiana Jones And Way Too Long Title
Haven't seen much discussion on this...unless I missed it somewhere.

Anyone looking forward to this one? Anyone dreading it?

Personally...behind Star Wars, Indy is the next best thing out there for me. Saw Raiders in the theater twice and it definitely blew me away, as did each other film.

The trailers make it look somewhat okay. Looks a little too polished for me, but that's just current filmaking. I'm thinking with Spielberg and Ford onboard to balance Lucas' insanity, it might turn out good. Who knows?

I think the greatest enemy for a film like this is its own past. The trailers make the movie out to be an Indy movie that knows it's an Indy movie and is trying to live up to something instead of just being its own movie like TOD and TLC did.

But in the end, we'll see what happens. I'm skeptical, but eagerly waiting and will be there for the midnight showing. I can't not see an Indy film. I'm just not getting excited cuz I think Ford is just doing it to revive a dead career and Spielberg doesn't make these kinds of movies anymore as far as I know. Lucas is plain fucked in the head...so who knows what ass-backward contributions he made to royally screw this movie. I'm close to saying that Ed Wood was saner than Lucas.

a rumor from thedigitalbits.com...
From The Digital Bits...

We've been hearing from multiple sources now that the folks up at Lucasburg were surprised enough at the lackluster sales of last year's Star Wars Trilogy DVD re-run ("Now with Han shoots first!") that they're afraid they might have gone to the Sarlacc Pit one too many times, so to speak.

Oh gee!!! REALLY?!?!?!

As usual, there's no fucking common sense coming out of LFL.....they want to delay the box set cuz they think people have had too many SW releases and that's why the last one tanked? IS THERE ANYONE IN THAT COMPANY THAT HAS ANY FUCKING BRAINS WHATSOEVER??!?!?!? ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS WITH YOUR HEADS SO FAR UP YOUR ASSES THAT YOU CAN TASTE YOUR BREAKFAST???



The preceding was aimed at Lucas and the employees at his companies who make the decisions and issue the public statements. The author of this post makes no apologies for said content because he cannot tolerate such stupidity. The author expects a company that makes millions of dollars a year to have their shit together a little more. That is all.

Windows Vista
Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
i meant for those saying you have to do a lot of tinkering with a pc.

what tinkering are you talking about?

By tinkering, I mean you have to install the updates. I do it manually, otherwise I'll get stuff I don't want...like IE7 (piece of shit). Sometimes those Windows updates take like 2 or 3 reboots and that annoys the shit out of me. I still get messages telling me that my USB devices will be faster if I get a better USB expansion card. I have an old one and don't really want to get a new one. I know I can turn that shit off, but I just don't want to take the time to do it right now.

I get another stupid message about program updates or something. It pops up every now and then and I can't seem to stop it from doing so. There's a few other things that bug me, but I can't think of them right now. It just feels like I spend more time adjusting my computer than actually doing stuff on my computer. Macs don't seem to be that way, hence my interest.

Perhaps I'm just being a twit about it.....but I've come to hate dealing with the little things on a Windows machine, that's all. It's like I have to constantly keep an eye on things in order to keep MS from doing something to it from behind the scenes.....if that makes any sense.
"Archiving seminar reveals 'Star Wars' tidbit?" Another SE?!
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
Do you think that maybe he is mistakenly referring to the 2004 set? He said he worked on the films in the late '90s and then was contacted about work on shots beyond the special edition. Maybe this was work for the '04 box set, and he's just not aware a new cut was released past '97? John Singh said there's no plan for any new releases. I know that's probably bullshit, but it just seems speculative to me. Not that I doubt that he will probably make more changes from here until he dies, but... I don't know.

But as long as I have the forum, this reminds me of something that just happened to me a few minutes ago. I was just at a film shoot for my film directing class. Our teacher was lighting a shot, telling us how the light from the window registered as a giant white blob unless you used a lens filter to fix it. A fellow classmate said, "You could probably just fix that in editing, though, right?" Our teacher said, "Well, um, you could, but we like to try to fix things during shooting if we can." "Unless you're George Lucas," I chimed in. Everyone had a good laugh. My teacher agreed, and one of the actors said, "Well, that's why he didn't win an Academy Award (for the prequels)!" Ah, good times.

Thanks for the film school story there!!! I had a good laugh. It's nice to know that Lucas is a bit of a joke in film schools. I think he's hurt his profession more than helped it with his bullshit. I like your teacher's attitude though.....FIX THING DURING SHOOTING!!!!