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I just got the AOTC one and wow. This has already become my new favourite Star Wars movie visually. It was already my favourite Star Wars movie but this has exceeded my expectations tenfold.
I just got the AOTC one and wow. This has already become my new favourite Star Wars movie visually. It was already my favourite Star Wars movie but this has exceeded my expectations tenfold.
Hello. Could someone, Schorman or otherwise, please send me links to the Resilio and Google Drive folders via private message? I’d really appreciate it.
Update: I’ve been trying with great difficulty and frustration to redownload this file from MySpleen with no success. If someone would please provide me with the Google Drive folders link or similar, I’m sure a direct download would be faster and more efficient at this point.
Can I get a link?
@Schorman Can you PM me for a link?
Project creator and film enthusiast.
I’d really appreciate a link to ROTS.
“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas
TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars
I just found this topic and I am verry interested by this AOTC version. Could someone send me a link to a resilio key ? Thank you !
Can I get a link to The Phantom Menace?
Just stumbled across this thread and these edits sound awesome. Like the comments above, a link containing all these edits would be much appreciated.
Would someone be able to start seeding these again on Myspleen?
At this point, it would be better to make fresh torrents. The schorman releases have received several minor updates over the past several months. The versions on myspleen are almost certainly obsolete.
Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…
At this point, it would be better to make fresh torrents. The schorman releases have received several minor updates over the past several months. The versions on myspleen are almost certainly obsolete.
What are the updates?
They are the DVD cuts, but if you checkout the script for ROTS, you’ll see that you could output the theatrical cut by changing the final output from “DVDFull” to “TheaterFull”. That will substitute the missing diagonal wipe from the BD version.
How can I check out the script for Episode III?
Hello there, can I get a link please?
Can I get a link please?
I’m not sure if this is an issue on my end or something wrong with the source, but I noticed in the AOTC preservation there seems to be this pixellated distortion effect in the bottom right corner of the frame for a few seconds around the time the characters react to Jango’s beheading.
Does anyone else have this going on with their file? I’d be interested to know…
If I see it pop up again anywhere else in the film I’ll post here.
can I have a link to ANH?
Thanks in advanced.
Are you talking about the DVD Commentary Subs? Those are forced subtitles that are meant to be used with the DVD Audio Commentary track. They just show who is talking at each point in the commentary. They are present on the DVDs.
I also included full English and Spanish subtitles for the actual commentary as well. The English Commentary subs were on the British versions of the DVDs, but not on the R1 American releases.
Hello !
I’d like to say that from all I read this is a MARVELOUS work, and can’t imagine the amount of time needed !!!
I have a request : would it be possible to send me JUST these 2004/2006 DVD English Commentary subs please (as I already have the audio track) ?
I can try to send you the french version, as I have the french DVD if you want (I just have to remember how to do it…) ?
No idea where I could find the 1993 LD english commentary subs please ?*
I should be able to have the 2004/2006 DVD English & French commentary subs in a few days from the BD.
There’s also an “archive 2004 commentary” on the BD that I’ll try to get also (audio + eng/fr subs), so if someone is interested…
kind regards
Can I get a link to AotC please?
can I have a link to ANH?
Thanks in advanced.
why are you asking, you have a acount on forums.thestarwarstrilogy.com
Does anyone happen to have a link for AoTC and or TPM?
“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi
How would these compare to the 2011 blu rays? I remember someone once saying these were 1080i rather than 1080p but I can’t really confirm that source.
How would these compare to the 2011 blu rays? I remember someone once saying these were 1080i rather than 1080p but I can’t really confirm that source.
That depends on what aspect you’re referring to. I believe the main sources that schorman uses were originally 1080i50 tv recordings from europe. That is, the footage was sped up to 25 frames per second and a 2:2 pulldown is applied. To remove the interlacing, all that is necessary in this case is to merge every two fields. The footage is then slowed down to 24000/1001 and sync’d up with the dvd audio.
TPM and AOTC use completely different video masters here than in the 2011 Blu-ray. ROTS has a different color palate in the 2011 but doesn’t look that much different otherwise. The original trilogy takes the 2004 master and some fixes, but also some more unnecessary changes.
At any rate, the 2011 Blu-rays have a higher bitrate than schorman’s, and the 2020 UHD Blu-rays have an even higher bitrate. (the prequel trilogy masters are very similar to the 2011 Blu-rays, while the original trilogy uses brand new masters)
I think it depends on what you’re looking for.
For the original trilogy, if you’re ignoring options like team negative one’s work, D+, Harmy’s etc and want to choose only between schorman’s, 2011, and 2019/2020… there are areas where the 2004/2011 master looks better and areas where the 2019 master looks better. Schorman’s is less altered than 2011 and 2019, but if the 2011 changes don’t bother you than it really doesn’t matter which of the three you pick. That said, if Maclunky bothers you, then you can ignore 2019 ANH, but that’s the only “major” change the 2019 master has in all three films from the 2011, so…
Concerning the prequels: If the 2011 changes for ROTS don’t bother you (some added moss in Kashyyyk, some added sound effects for the clones), then it doesn’t really matter which of the two versions you pick.
The Phantom Menace, aside from visual changes like CGI Yoda and audio changes like the removal of the “Vote now!” chanting, one of the biggest changes is that the video masters are very different. I believe the 2001 master might have more edge enhancement. The 2011 master might have been better if it wasn’t smudged to oblivion. The 2019 master adds one minor change to the podracing sequence, but it’s not something you’d notice unless you were looking for it (a visual change when Anakin was reaching out for a cable)
Attack of the Clones, the biggest thing the 2011 and 2019 masters have going for them compared to the 2002 master is a bigger bitrate and and even bigger bitrate. The quality otherwise is a definite downgrade, and some scenes are rearranged for no apparent reason that interferes with the music (anakin and obi-wan flying through a power coupling, yoda stopping the pillar from crushing anakin and obi-wan and count dooku escaping). I’d stick with the 2002 master, but the 2011 and 2019 don’t have any significant changes between each other (the 2019 might have a better color palate than the 2011? I’m not sure)
The last thing of note is that for all six films, the 2019 masters are very slightly cropped on the top and bottom to match the sequel trilogy’s aspect ratio.
Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…
The Phantom Menace, aside from visual changes like CGI Yoda and audio changes like the removal of the “Vote now!” chanting, one of the biggest changes is that the video masters are very different. I believe the 2001 master might have more edge enhancement. The 2011 master might have been better if it wasn’t smudged to oblivion. The 2019 master adds one minor change to the podracing sequence, but it’s not something you’d notice unless you were looking for it (a visual change when Anakin was reaching out for a cable)
the podrace change was from the 3D version IIRC
Did anyone ever get a torrent of this uploaded or some sort of upload link? I don’t have access to MySpleen at all because access became so limited years ago. If anyone has a way that I can download these I’d really appreciate a PM!
Boring conversation anyway…
This set of the films is the DVD version in HD. For any of the changes made in 2011, this set has the best copy of the earlier shots. R2 before the rocks were added, puppet Yoda in TMP, etc. For ROTS, ANH, TESB, and ROTJ, there is little to no difference in the root source. For TPM, this is the original transfer from the master tapes. The made a new transfer for the 2011 BR. For AOTC, the colors an grain are noticeably different from this to the BR. That is the one film where this set has a better version than the BR.