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STAR WARS Episode III: A HOLLOW STRENGTH (Radical re-edit) (Deleted)


This is a really radical restructure of the whole movie with more cuts than I can remember.
The goal was to create a different Episode III with a slower more complex, character driven version of Anakins turn. Apart from that I also intended to keep the big twist in ESB intact by removing any mention of the name ‘Vader’ before Anakin wears the suite and by keeping Grievous around for a newly created scene in which he tells us that Anakin fell.

I used ADigimans Edit as a basis and drew inspiration from many popular fan edit and most notably the clips over in the thread to NFBisms’ New Conon Cut, they are great, I love them 👍

In terms of restructuring, here is a quick overview (SPOILER):
-new red Crawl and title Crawl
-Anakin is put on the council and asked to spy on the chancellor, first glimpse on Anakins fears
-Opera scene, Anakin contemplates on his fears and the story of Plagueis and searches Yoda for help
-Yoda departs from Coruscant, Padme asks Anakin to talk to the chancellor to resume diplomacy
-Anakin arranges a meeting between Padme and Palpatine, who reveals himself as the sith
-Anakin Anakin is afraid to act on this as he believes Palpatine to be his only hope of saving his wife
-Dooku arrives on coruscant to meet his master and the battle over coruscant engulfs
-Anakin saves the chancellor and Palpatine’s growing influence on Anakin becomes evident
-After the battle Anakin wants to hunt for Grievous to escape his position between the Jedi and Palpatine is growing more and more tense
-Obi-Wan is sent after Grievous and in face of the recent attack on coruscant Palpatine declares the Empire
-The Jedi and Senators feel urged to react, but as Windu attempts to kill the chancellor Anakin breaks
-Order 66 happens and Grievous escapes Obi-Wan, because the Clones turned on him
-Anakin sends of to kill the Separatist and Yoda, Obi-Wan and Bail return to Coruscant
-Palpatine declares war on the Jedi and Anakin kills Nute Gunray and the other Separatist
-In Bail’s apartment the Rebellion is founded (dialog from The Force Unleashed) and Obi-Wan disables the emergency signal in the Temple
-Padme is poisoned and Obi-Wan’s message from Rebels is inserted here
-Obi-Wan looks for Padme’s help to find Anakin and her departure from Coruscant is rescored with the end of Across the Stars
-Because Padme’s condition suffered during the flight Obi-Wan brought her to Mustafar where Organa awaits them as the facility is now an early rebel base and the twins are born (the Separatist were sent elsewhere)
-Yoda duels Palpatine and Anakin arrives on Mustafar, but after the Tantive IV leaves he encounters Obi-Wan
-After the Duels were fought the movie closes as usual minus Anakin’s trnasformation into Vader, but with the Dagobah scene included and a new sequence, which frames Vader as Palpatine’s new frankensteinish creation
-the end credit song is changed to Elton Johns’ “The King Must Die”, because I felt it fits the altered story exceptionally well

On a second note, I have included some footage from Episode I and II (the poisonous slugs for example), which I intend to cut from my respective edits of these movies as soon as I make them 😛

In case your wondering, I used iMovie on my old macBook and thus there is only a 720p version and there is some background noise in some places which I couldn’t completely disable, so please excuse that, its partly due to technical and/or ability limitations, sorry.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


That’s exactly my problem at the moment I still don’t know how to share it. That’s why I am asking for advice.
The file itself is about 4,5 GB

But as soon as I got it figured out I’ll give out links

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


But as soon as I got it figured out I’ll give you a link

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


I will wait, what about Google drive ?



I am very interested to see this as well. As soon as you can share it, I would like to see it.


Would also love a link please

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


Can I get a link when you are ready to share please.


can you also share a link with me on google drive based on something far more exquisite.


Hi there, I love the ideas in this edit could I get a link please?


I should properly close this thread, the edit is dead and I do not have the files anymore, sorry.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Damn, sorry to hear. This definitely sounds like it would have been interesting, hope it can be remade some day!


I don’t intend to revisit the project for the moment, but I remember burning a DVD when I first finished the edit. So that could work as a preprint for restarting the project.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”