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Old Ben Kenobi: The Tusken Raid Edit by Movies Remastered (Released)


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Type: FanFix Tv to Film
Released Now - Only on MR Discord, Invite link https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh

As this edit is drawing to a close, I thought I’d share everything that’s been going on as I haven’t really been around the OT for a while.

If you don’t know, I’ve been working on various Kenobi edits since episode one dropped. I wasn’t too impressed straight out the gate but OMG! by the final episode I was given enough material to seriously do some great changes. I’ll post various links below to the progress over the past month but a quick rundown.

I’m working on 3 different edits for this series…

  1. 2 part mini series
  2. 3 hour movie that people have asked for, using the original Reva arc but cutting out all the fluff.
  3. 2h 30m edit where Reva dies.

This is the info for the 2 part mini-series but I’m now thinking of keeping it as a 3 hour movie as I managed to find a way to fix the awkward transition I had midway…

Intro art here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/vlu77z/the_official_title_for_mr_upcoming_kenobi_edit/

Teaser trailer here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/vq29rj/old_ben_kenobi_teaser_trailer_by_movies/

My main goal was…

Give Ben more PTSD and show how much he has sacrificed for the children. He also came across very weak and the fact he gave up using “the force” while at the same time giving up his life to “look after the boy” just didn’t make sense either. So now, He’s just haunted by his trauma and only weakened after his first fight with Vader.

Change Reva completely. Her arc was confusing and her motives felt very strange. I’ve now made her much darker, created far more tension everytime she’s on the screen and her final arc hits a little shy of Vader dropping the “I am your father!” line in ANH. I get goosebumps everytime!

I’ve also removed Reva fighting Owen for this edit and replaced it with a full on Tusken attack.(Hence the title name) It’s only a small scene but I feel it adds another danger level to living on Tatooine plus a farmer fighting an Inquisitor didn’t feel right.

Tusken Raid VFX day to night VFX collab with @Skenera and @Acbagel test image here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w3j473/kenobi_update_if_youre_interested_in_seeing_how/

I’ve also removed most of episode 4, Leia getting kidnapped again was just filler so I’m replacing Tala’s ship with Vader’s shuttle and repurposed some scenes from that episode to make Vader more threatening.

Quick VFX test imgage of Vaders Shuttle, collab with @Maddog here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w01rod/vfx_test_images_for_old_ben_kenobi_cut_this_shot/

Final design images: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w4frtw/a_big_shout_out_to_the_hard_working_mr_team_this/

Just a fun poll asking for feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w5kkxm/tuskens_raiding_the_homestead_new_vfx_teaser_poll/

5 second Tusken tester as a result of that poll: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w6rxhh/owen_shot_first_kenobi_spoiler/

Quick colourgrade test on final night scenes here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w60gsf/colourgrade_test_tatoonine_has_3_moons_theres_no/

Qui-Gon audio test to help motivate Kenobi: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/w7n0mi/quigons_motivation_kenobi_spoiler/

A great little collab with an editor called @PixelJoker95. Image preview here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/wf3rmz/as_im_still_waiting_on_one_more_vfx_shot_i/

Full change list is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fanedits/comments/vsrvkw/old_ben_kenobi_tusken_raid_edition_2_part/ (While waiting on new VFX collab work I’ve obviuosly been doing more tinkering. I’ll update after the release 😃

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


“This is where the fun begins!” I am looking forward to it!


A fine cut preview will be stream via MR Discord this Sunday from 6:30pm UK time. If you’re not a member, Invite link is blow. This project is a complete as I can make it for V1 but there will be a V2 once the team can finish the outstanding VFX shots and PixelJoker95 releases his version…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I had the same idea to (at some point) try to reuse the Reva on homestead- scenes as a Tusken attack! And try to get Obi-Wan have some role as well. It will get rid of the stupid Reva conclusion and give us more footage of protecting Luke from everyday threats on Tatooine. Interested to see the final product!


Hi could I get a link for this edit please


OT member Phase3 had a wonderful suggestion for altering the final duel in the Kenobi series so that we don’t end on Obi-Wan’s baffling choice to let Vader live. The basic idea is to move the burying obi-wan in rocks to the very end of the duel so that after Kenobi walks away from Vader with a sliced helmet, he screams out “Obi-Wan” then cracks the ground with the force, proceeding to bury Obi-Wan, walk away from the fight the victor. Then Obi-Wan climbs out and the fight is over.

If we can make this work, I think it would make the duel even more amazing than it already is (I quite enjoyed the fight outside of the nonsensical ending where Obi-Wan lets Vader live).

I created a mock-up of this idea. The changes so far:

-Reversing the flow of Kenobi retreating so it links smoothly to the later part of the duel.
-Flip shot of ground breaking for visual continuity.
-Removed Vader’s line “And that is why you will always lose” as he breaks the ground, rough sfx replaced (can be polished later)
-Cropped out vader of wide shot of ground breaking for visual continuity.
-Removed vader’s line “Did you really think you could defeat me?” after he buries him.
-Rearranged shots of Vader walking away for better flow

The one key change remaining to tie this whole idea together is somehow changing the final shots of the rock burying so that Vader’s helmet is still sliced in half. I don’t know who would have the special effects skills to do this but perhaps a community effort would achieve this.

Mock-up of the rearranged duel: https://streamable.com/myzuo3

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


Dazman said:

I had the same idea to (at some point) try to reuse the Reva on homestead- scenes as a Tusken attack! And try to get Obi-Wan have some role as well. It will get rid of the stupid Reva conclusion and give us more footage of protecting Luke from everyday threats on Tatooine. Interested to see the final product!

That’s great! let me know how yours pans out. I’d like to see someone elses take on this.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


darthrush said:

OT member Phase3 had a wonderful suggestion for altering the final duel in the Kenobi series so that we don’t end on Obi-Wan’s baffling choice to let Vader live. The basic idea is to move the burying obi-wan in rocks to the very end of the duel so that after Kenobi walks away from Vader with a sliced helmet, he screams out “Obi-Wan” then cracks the ground with the force, proceeding to bury Obi-Wan, walk away from the fight the victor. Then Obi-Wan climbs out and the fight is over.

If we can make this work, I think it would make the duel even more amazing than it already is (I quite enjoyed the fight outside of the nonsensical ending where Obi-Wan lets Vader live).

I created a mock-up of this idea. The changes so far:

-Reversing the flow of Kenobi retreating so it links smoothly to the later part of the duel.
-Flip shot of ground breaking for visual continuity.
-Removed Vader’s line “And that is why you will always lose” as he breaks the ground, rough sfx replaced (can be polished later)
-Cropped out vader of wide shot of ground breaking for visual continuity.
-Removed vader’s line “Did you really think you could defeat me?” after he buries him.
-Rearranged shots of Vader walking away for better flow

The one key change remaining to tie this whole idea together is somehow changing the final shots of the rock burying so that Vader’s helmet is still sliced in half. I don’t know who would have the special effects skills to do this but perhaps a community effort would achieve this.

Mock-up of the rearranged duel: https://streamable.com/myzuo3

That’s a great idea! good job on the mock-up too. I’ve handled it a little differently for this edit which doesn’t need such wizardry. I really don’t have much time to do complex VFX work these days but it would be great to see if someone else could refine these ideas.

Thanks for your input.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh