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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit Ideas thread — Page 42


I had been hoping someone would do some vfx work to fix it, but you’re right. Honestly just some trimming should do the trick.

I went back and watched it, and basically you have these three shots.

  1. EXT shot of falcon turret scraping against the wall.
  2. OTS of Rey, watching the turret get torn off Falcon.
  3. Zoom in on Rey, shouting “Chewie!”

If you just cut out that second shot of the turret getting torn off the Falcon, then it should fix that problem. I don’t think it would mess up the flow of the music too much either.


That’s what I was thinking as well. The shots of the gun getting banged around are not something that would make it inoperable.

Another continuity error are the small islands behind the Falcon’s landing pad, which is a departure from TFA:


Maybe these islands could be painted out? The Falcon is practical in TLJ and CGI in TFA, so you can see a few differences in the body, but that doesn’t bother me as much.

I’m also planning to fix Leia and Poe’s conversations in the transport on the way to Crait by mirroring the scenes horizontally. Leia is sitting at the rear window of the transport and it would be pointed straight at the Supremacy, flying away from the Raddus and Crait, in the opposite direction of the other transports. Since the scenes are short, the mirroring isn’t too distracting and once you realize how the ship should be oriented it’s hard for me to see it any other way.



The unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequel and Disney trilogies is that they will always be around. Forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone.

I also prefer to be referred to as “TNT”, not “Freezing”.


I’ve seen a few attempts to trim down the ‘water pipes’ gag with BB8 during the opening sequence, and tried making one myself, but never saw one that really felt right.

Can anyone recommend anyone’s work on this scene? Perhaps there’s a good one out there I haven’t stumbled into, but you have.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


What doesn’t really feel right to you about it?

To me an edit that just cuts out the shot with the multiple little appendages would almost be enough for me. The first two don’t really bother me as much. Maybe if BB-8 made a different noise when he smashes his head into it besides, “WoooOOOOoooow!!” could help?


Ill just take a fresh look at it at some point and see about it then. It’s not too much all on its own, though gets to be a little cartoony. But at least with BB8, as opposed to R2 in ROTS, the cartoony physics don’t violate a well-established existing character. It’s no R2 popping out of a fighter or catching a walkie-talkie. (Still would love to see a recreation of that moment in which the comlink just bounces off R2’s dome with an ugly clank, leaving a slight dent, and thuds onto the ground. Just like what would really happen if you tossed a handheld phone receiver across the room at a physical R2 model.)

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Hahaha, I never knew I needed that until now!

If you wanted to cut out the head gag, you could just reuse one of the close ups of
BB-8 looking at whatever he is working on, add some flashes from the left side of frame to imply he is working on it, some spark noises and maybe some BB beeps, then cut to the internal shot of the cockpit showing he fixed it. Then you’d need to cut the shot of the electricity covering BB-8 as he comes back up.

To me the head gag didn’t bother me as much because I can believe he just did that to temporarily complete the current so Poe could fire. What I found silly was how that one appendage could have so many smaller appendages attached to it. I think cutting that shot and maybe giving BB-8 a more glitchy sound effect rather than the “Wow!” might help make it work better.


I agree with you about what about the scene raised slight suspicions. But, hopefully IX will be the last SW movie I’ll feel a little nervous for.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


I’m a little nervous too but I’m trying to be more excited and just enjoy the ride. I already know people will be wanting to do edits for IX, but on the bright side will finally have the whole picture in the context of the entire saga, so any edit ideas won’t be up in the air like, “Well, let’s wait and see if the next movie changes things.” I actually think it’d be interesting if after IX came out, a group of editors did a little podcast and discussed ideas for edits in the context of all nine films.

I’m sure people will want to do edits of the post-IX films, but I’m feeling we’ll want to leave those for the next generation of editors!


RogueLeader said:

I actually think it’d be interesting if after IX came out, a group of editors did a little podcast and discussed ideas for edits in the context of all nine films.

I would listen to that.


Like an episode or a series? There used to be a podcast (The Gary Buseytown Massacre) that reviewed fan edits.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


It could be one episode, or multiple, but there would be no obligation for it to be a regular thing. It could focus on the Star Wars films in particular and just be a way to maybe talk about the saga after we have the whole picture and brainstorm ideas for future fan edits with that in mind.


I’m currently working on my edit for TLJ, and here’s the new crawl so far:

The galaxy is in chaos!
Having decimated the REPUBLIC
capital, Supreme Leader Snoke
now deploys his merciless
legions to seize military
control of the galaxy.

Meanwhile, Rey, having
travelled across the stars
has finally located the Jedi
Master Luke Skywalker, certain
that he will return and restore
a spark of hope to the fight.

General Leia Organa’s
band of RESISTANCE fighters
has been exposed. As the First
Order speeds toward the base,
little hope remains…

What do you think? 😄

The unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequel and Disney trilogies is that they will always be around. Forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone.

I also prefer to be referred to as “TNT”, not “Freezing”.


Hal 9000 said:

I’ve seen a few attempts to trim down the ‘water pipes’ gag with BB8 during the opening sequence, and tried making one myself, but never saw one that really felt right.

Can anyone recommend anyone’s work on this scene? Perhaps there’s a good one out there I haven’t stumbled into, but you have.

Just use the deleted original opening. Solves the water gag and the General Hugs prank.


4throck said:

Hal 9000 said:

I’ve seen a few attempts to trim down the ‘water pipes’ gag with BB8 during the opening sequence, and tried making one myself, but never saw one that really felt right.

Can anyone recommend anyone’s work on this scene? Perhaps there’s a good one out there I haven’t stumbled into, but you have.

Just use the deleted original opening. Solves the water gag and the General Hugs prank.

Doesn’t the deleted original opening have a ton of unfinished CGI?

I tried my hand at trimming down the “water pipes” gag as well. Most of my efforts didn’t really pan out or feel right. In the end I ended up just cutting that one shot of BB8’s multiple appendages trying vainly to plug the leaks. The shot where he retracts them is still there, but it happens so fast that it doesn’t really register. That was the best I could do and I’m not even sure if it’s an improvement.


egosheep said:

Has anyone tackled fixing the continuity error of the Falcon’s lower gun, which is destroyed when it hits the cave wall, but then is used to blow through another wall seconds later? It could possibly be trimmed a few moments so that it doesn’t show it getting actually destroyed.

I trimmed that sequence more aggressively than most, and just removed that section entirely. If you want to keep the underground chase scene this obviously isn’t the way to go, but if you just want to fix the issue and keep rolling, you can cut from the Falcon going underground to the Falcon emerging with only one or two shots of TIEs getting smashed along the way and it doesn’t feel weird or too fast or anything, at least in my eye.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I’ve been lurking around Jar Jar Bricks’ edit of the TLJ & TROS novel, & I like their notion of adding Anakin in more as a means to make the ST feel more connected to the idea of I-VI being about The Tragedy of Darth Vader.

Has anyone tried out making it so Luke has R2 show Rey a hologram of Anakin choking Padme on Mustafar? It would be a way of tying the OT & PT together & imply that’s what could happen to Rey if she foolhardily tries to save Kylo’s soul.


The most important change remains unrealized: removing the “big ass door” line.

In the theater, I was like, “Really?”

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


It seems fairly inconsequential to me

I like you, let us burn things together.



-Rose crashing into Finn to save him, and her lines after where she kisses him- i don’t remember where but i saw a decent edit that made it so Rose gets shot down by an ATAT, and Finn stops to save her. i also always wondered “why is no one shooting at the people flying DIRECTLY AT THEM?”
-of course, “The Holdo Maneuver” is world-breaking, but i don’t know how one would edit around that.
-cut down the “humor,” like the “yo momma” joke that kicks off the movie.
-the Space Leia moment doesn’t bother me as much as it does a lot of others, but i do have a weird idea for it. i think it would play better if she didn’t open her eyes during her “space walk.” just a small idea, i’m not sure how hard it would be to implement.
-restore Luke’s deleted scenes, like his reaction to Han’s death and the third lesson.
-the celebratory tone of the ending scenes doesn’t fit to me. sure the people on the MilF survived, but it was NOT a happy moment.