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OLD BEN: An Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Edit [ABANDONED] — Page 4


Okay I’m specifically referring to you now. Dude, shut up already.


snooker said:

Miche said:

NFBisms said:

DominicCobb said:
kindly fuck off from this site

You can repeat it one thousand times if you want, I will participate as much as I want to. I ought to censor myself though in order to speak about anything as usual.

‘censor yourself’ come on – a racist who keeps quiet about being racist is still a racist who has no place here. plus the person who made the thread doesn’t want you here so the least you could do is not post here anymore lmao

I’m sorry this has gotten so off-topic, NFBisms.

Why is my description of the character racist? I shall explain it, considering your lack of understanding. Ghetto films like the Northamerican film Moonlight (2016) or maybe Miami Connection (1986) show certain characters from different backgrounds with certain acting styles that are persistent and realistic.
But, when this type of acting style and form is done in Star Wars, it is very out of place.
Characters like Lando Calrissian, or Mace Windo did not show in their work such a thing. Which is one of the reasons I think they are beloved characters, they blend perfectly into the world.

What do you want me to do? Ignore that this acting style exist? I think not.


I think the mods should intervene and make an example of this chode.


Just don’t engage with him. I don’t think you should increase or decrease anything out of spite for him either.


Alright, I’ve decided I’m just going to use something closer to the full Inquisitor scene rather than try to shorten it/hide them until the saloon.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Gotta say your Foley work is VERY impressive. Are you planning on adding music later or going for the more minimalist approach?

This is the way.


Hello. Your edit sounds great. Please can I watch it too?

Give me Star wars or give me death.


Please tell me you fixed the end of Ben not killing Vader. Literally, I was fin with the series until that moment, because it comes across as Ben having watched Episode IV & knowing that Vader needs to stay alive rather than any satisfying, in-story reason.


Darth Raditz wants it to be portrayed better why Ben let him live.

heil Palpatine!


I ve been following maaaaany fanedit projects for Obi-Wan, but this one seems the most interrsting and creative one. Cannot wait to See it 😉


krausfadr said:

Darth Raditz wants it to be portrayed better why Ben let him live.

Oh! Okay, yes, I get it now.

(My comment wasn’t meant to be rude; I was genuinely puzzled.)

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I really enjoy the tone and the refoleying work. I’m not entirely sold on Ben only finding out about Leia via Force vision - I get that with the limited footage you have available you have to segue from your opening to the rest of the show somehow, but it strikes me as the sort of thing that would’ve been eviscerated for being flimsily contrived if it had been in the original show. Obviously there’s only so much you can do though. I’d certainly enjoy seeing more of this project if you continue it.


I was actually feeling the same thing tbh! I think like most of my edit ideas I start from Wouldn’t It Be Cool If and I’ll eventually start reeling it back after I realize it wouldn’t fully work the way I want it to.

If anyone hasn’t noticed, I’m ON HOLD for now. On top of the Leia thing, a lot of my tinkering so far has been just that; tinkering. im in this, perhaps selfishly, more for the creative process than actually getting a final edit

I would still like to do a full edit, but as I’ve gone along recently, after a certain point, I felt like I was just going through the motions of the narrative too close to as originally presented. And since I want to use the opening’s tone as a guide, the story remaining action-adventure oriented hasn’t been inspiring me. (Skipping Leia’s intro only exacerbates it even).

I wanted to take a step back and rethink my approach to the material, and find a more cerebral/emotional throughline than just The Rescue. I also don’t feel in great company with people that want less Reva, or less Leia - no offense to anyone that describes for less toxic reasons - that’s been putting me off it too.

Right now, I’m thinking about overhauling to introduce Vader earlier to ground the narrative in the more interpersonal chess game. Otherwise, it’s just Obi-Wan versus some baddies, until it isn’t. This most likely involves reinstating Reva’s orchestration (sorry to anyone that hates that) but idk, the sparse nature of the tone I’m going for feels shallow without tangible driving forces established in some way.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Yeah, I think that’s what edits are made for, isn’t it? The editors take aspects that didn’t look very well in the work, and try to improve them. In fact, it’s much more interesting when the editor manages to make a not-so-good aspect of the film look cool in the final result rather than simply cutting it, after all the creators thought the original story with this particular element in mind. For me, Reva is a character that needed a little more development to make it work, and I think that’s entirely possible to archieve through editing. BUT, if you think she’s already a good character on the show, that’s great too. I believe people following this thread are excited to see your version of the show because your ideas are really different, creative and seem to work really well with the story, regardless of whether it has more Reva or less Reva.

But that’s it, regardless of what you decide, try to do what makes you most comfortable. I would personally love to see your take on the show.


NFBisms said:

I was actually feeling the same thing tbh! I think like most of my edit ideas I start from Wouldn’t It Be Cool If and I’ll eventually start reeling it back after I realize it wouldn’t fully work the way I want it to.

If anyone hasn’t noticed, I’m ON HOLD for now. On top of the Leia thing, a lot of my tinkering so far has been just that; tinkering. im in this, perhaps selfishly, more for the creative process than actually getting a final edit

I would still like to do a full edit, but as I’ve gone along recently, after a certain point, I felt like I was just going through the motions of the narrative too close to as originally presented. And since I want to use the opening’s tone as a guide, the story remaining action-adventure oriented hasn’t been inspiring me. (Skipping Leia’s intro only exacerbates it even).

I wanted to take a step back and rethink my approach to the material, and find a more cerebral/emotional throughline than just The Rescue. I also don’t feel in great company with people that want less Reva, or less Leia - no offense to anyone that describes for less toxic reasons - that’s been putting me off it too.

Right now, I’m thinking about overhauling to introduce Vader earlier to ground the narrative in the more interpersonal chess game. Otherwise, it’s just Obi-Wan versus some baddies, until it isn’t. This most likely involves reinstating Reva’s orchestration (sorry to anyone that hates that) but idk, the sparse nature of the tone I’m going for feels shallow without tangible driving forces established in some way.

I do fundamentally disagree with the idea that Reva orchestrates everything, but I don’t begrudge you doing what you think is best. At worst, this isn’t the edit for me and that’s fine. I’ll still give it a watch because I am still interested in how you handle things.


FWIW, I’ve been able to avoid doing it so far, but I’m also not too hot on the edit at the moment, possibly because of it. To me, the lack of Reva as a primary antagonist for the first act only aggravates how pointless the action-oriented narrative feels. It’s just… stuff, happening. Obi-Wan is rescuing the princess, but why should we care if we know they’re both fine? Who were those these kidnappers anyway?

I have the character-driven opening and I know my character-driven endpoint, but the whole middle act is just a pointless adventure. Without an antagonist and their own [enigmatic] motivations to give any of it meaning, it’s just a really long stretch of “film” about nothing. That’s the opposite of what I wanted to accomplish here. The tonal exercise is one thing, but it needs to be in service of a narrative that even demands it.

To be more specific about what I actually intend when I talk about reinstating Reva’s orchestration, it’s more as a tool for Vader’s character, who I’d been tinkering with introducing earlier to ground the story more in Obi/Ani.


And then maybe Reva calls, Vader dangles the Grand Inquisitor carrot, and now earlier on, she has a motivation for us to latch onto as she’s ambitiously on her prowl. But it’s now contextualized as an extension of Vader’s will and his personal feelings, which provides at least the illusion that Vader and Obi-Wan are the centered heart of everything we follow.

She eventually has her own true motivations revealed, but as far as taking us through a “pointless” second act - Vader’s presence and all the drama that teases would be more tangibly present than just implied upper management.

You all probably think I’m trying too hard, making up problems for perfectly fine solutions, 😓 but this kind of creative exercise is what’s fun for me. I hope it’s not pretentious or arrogant or anything, but I’m inspired to edit at all when I can do something really different from the source material, really transform it n’ stuff. I love FanFixes, but I don’t think I can offer anything on that front that so many of you can or already have. Spence’s Edit for example is already my ideal realization of this show into a movie IMO. I’m not trying to “compete” or anything, I’m just messing around with my own sensibilities or inspirations.

That said, I’m definitely taking a break right now. Not for lack of ideas or really being in a bind, just general burnt-outedness on the stuff I have to do to implement each idea. I’ll be back soon though

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I would’ve like to have seen more of the inquisitors just being badasses. Reva is an important antagonist but I think the “less is more approach” might be the way to go. Having her be a more silent and mysterious hunter would make her feel more threatening. No need for her to explain her motivations early on. I’m really curious to see how you handle Vader if and when you get around to it.


I feel like trying to share all my thoughts here is going to get confusing haha

As far as that goes, it’s still like that in the edit, but I am experimenting with a lot of alt branches. Many of them you guys don’t see because it would, like I said, be confusing about what’s actually in this. The Reva idea is just one I’m toying with right now to fix the current problems I have. But I would not have brought it up if it wasn’t being discussed in the thread.

Unless I’ve posted an explicit update to the cutlist or have an accompanying clip to a pitch I feel strongly about, the edit hasn’t really changed.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFB, you’re not being pretentious or arrogant at all. There’s plenty of people doing more straightforward Kenobi edits, which are all great. You just want to do something more experimental, which is also really fun too! Just takes some more time to mull over it all. I actually think it is great that you’re going back and spending some time thinking about how to approach the series from your own creative perspective.

Making another BCS/BB comparison, I think another positive to keeping Reva as a crucial part of the narrative is that it gives you a story arc for a character that has an unknown fate. One thing that has kept BCS compelling is seeing what happens to the characters that weren’t in BB.

I also like the idea of introducing Reva through Vader, in a sense, and that he is pushing her on this mission. She still has her own motivations, but I think it feeds into the power play amongst the bad guys in this series.

This random thought goes in total opposition to what I just said, but what if you just cut out all of the pointless adventure? You could save yourself a lot of work and just make it a short film or standalone episode, at least the length of a regular BCS/BB episode, or at most 60-90 minutes.

What if the story was just about Obi-Wan going on a spiritual walkabout, having a few visions (potentially shared visions) of Anakin/Vader where he sort of comes to terms with his trauma. Episode III ends with Yoda apparently having training for Obi-Wan, so you could frame it as Obi-Wan being guided by Yoda through the Force, or simply him remembering Yoda’s teachings.

It reminds me a bit of EddieDean’s approach to the Mortis episodes, where reinterpreting scenes as explicit “visions” allows you to get away with more non-linear and experimental editing, which might fit well with the approach you’ve already been taking with your edit. Vader and Obi-Wan have their confrontations in rather dreamlike, barren landscapes anyway.

Regardless of what you do, I do think you should just have fun with it. People have plenty of Kenobi edits to choose from. If it ain’t spark in’ joy, toss it out.


I did think about doing the shorter spiritual walkabout, and I think it would work, but it would skip over the character elements I liked. His conversations with Leia, truly stepping out from his exile to be a hero, really being confronted with what Anakin’s become…

Obi-Wan having an internal mind-adventure is cool for sure, but his actualization through more external factors has always been more compelling and feels more valuable to me in seeing Obi-Wan as human. Watching him struggle, his heartbreak, but also his determination and commitment to the children - I like what The Plot pulls out of him, and how it develops him - despite not really loving what it is or how it was initiated.

That’s the biggest difference for me between Obi-Wan’s material and Mortis’s. The latter feels far more philosophical and based in abstract ideas. It lends itself to Eddie’s spiritual presentation IMO because it mostly confronts the characters with those concepts. Some looking back at where they’ve been and where they’re going, but mostly through a new perspective on The Force that guid[ed/es] them. The nature of power, light and dark, universally.

Obi-Wan in OWK is dealing with a bit more tangible trauma and pain, rooted in his personal relationship(s) and often exacerbated by the emotionally heavy external incidence. Having it all be a vision quest feels like a cop out to me, personally. We could handwave with That’s [Probably Just] How The Force Works, sure, but it’s not what I saw in the show to start the edit in the first place.

There’s a cool framing device for a 3-in-1 prequel edit there though

Here’s a recent, perhaps controversial/contrived idea…

When trying the walkabout idea, I had Obi-Wan go to Daiyu from Tatooine without being prompted by a rescue request or vision or whatever. I figured this could work even with the Rescue Plot.

It fixes a few problems I was having with earlier iterations of the edit, namely being that:

  • Obi-Wan just happens to get a vision of Leia as soon as he’s off planet?

  • Even if he’s next seen on the Ring World or wherever to imply passage of time, Obi-Wan getting the vision as the next narrative beat is incredibly contrived, especially when he immediately goes straight to rescue her. Not five minutes ago he was leaving Luke because Owen says “Keep your distance” + Inquisitors On The Hunt = Luke Better Off Without Me. Going to save Leia, without convincing, caveats what could have been a simple mindset. Obi-Wan’s implied state of mind as too complex if not contradictory, especially for an edit that can’t verbally exposit any of those specific motivation changes.

  • And as far as being an Inciting Incident/Call To Action, the vision and immediate rush to Daiyu is barely, if even, a moment. The pacing was just weird.

Soo, Obi-Wan in this new context going to Daiyu is just Obi-Wan finding a new place to lay low, away from Luke, more within a crowd. (And can also symbolize a bit of Obi-Wan’s spiritual decay, that he finds himself in such a place of his own accord.) First and foremost, it does wonders for the pacing. We can now stew on Obi-Wan’s decision to leave Tatooine for much longer. The entry and first walk through Daiyu feels like a sequence about what comes of Obi-Wan’s choice to leave Luke behind. It’s bleak and purgatorial but now it’s a tone exercise with thematic purpose.

That works great - until this more shaky element that I’d need feedback on: Then, in some warehouse on Daiyu, he gets the vision of Leia being kidnapped. Instead of Obi-Wan dropping everything to go to Daiyu, the kidnappers are coming to him. (The planet he’s on already, technically.)

Now bare with me. While that might not sound any less contrived, for Obi-Wan’s character, it flows so much better. For the aforementioned pacing reasons, but also now Obi-Wan isn’t sensing across the galaxy and crossing said galaxy just for Leia. The vision in this context is symptomatic of coming to Daiyu rather than The Call To Action Moment itself. As far as the character arc, Obi-Wan stays established in the more reluctant, disillusioned stage of his journey, while still being pushed towards Leia. I also find that Ewan’s cautious performance and the next sequence of events (extorting help from Haja, gritty hand to hand brawl in a spice den, skulking around the seedy underworld, etc.) actually fit better here than after the very Jedi-like decision to go after Leia

Basically, Obi-Wan making such a big step to leave for Leia doesn’t track as well for an Obi-Wan that thought Luke needed to be left alone. This way, it’s not even a full step he takes willingly. It flows better from the Tatooine opening.

Is it a huge coincidence? Probably? But it always would have been without Reva’s orchestration anyway. At least this way, Obi-Wan’s arc stays clear in its initial acts. Besides, Daiyu as a criminal hub can handwave some of the coincidence maybe?

I’ll post a clip later, but that’s where I’m at with it currently. No Reva Orchestration yet.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


INCREDIBLY ROUGH 30 min of what I was describing.

(pls hold off if you’re waiting for a full cut)

Temp music, some rogue frames, unfinished sound effects, particularly towards the end - but that’s the structure! I’m trying to re-center the whole thing on Obi-Wan/Anakin - everything progresses from their personal regrets about the relationship. I think I’ve more or less kept it very tightly focused on that emotional throughline.

I think it feels pretty good for the most part. I can start polishing it, finding the right music, filling in missing sfx, rethinking which shots/dialogue to use, etc. I plan on integrating Reva’s scolding by the GI (w/o the Imperial Senator’s daughter stuff) after this as a way to properly introduce her - but other than that - it should start being a little more straightforward as an edit. There’ll be little more freedom and wiggle room for creativity at least

Thoughts on some superficial presentation things:

Will probably reinstate the fade-in and change the sequencing of logos/titles? The abrupt opening thing (RO-inspired) in this draft was just my go at being if even a tiny bit more “Star Warsy” as per some people’s notes, but I think the fade-in works better for what I’m going for. And I realize some people giving notes are just wish listing their ideal edit regardless of what I’m trying to do, so I should try to parse stuff like that out better.

With the opening logos, I wanna try to do something even more different maybe? I liked Spence’s classic logos thing, but maybe I can take it a step further and even have some preliminary text, things like IN ASSOCIATION WITH DISNEY, A DEBORAH CHOW FILM, etc. or something, just to feel a bit more cinematic. Maybe place ALTAIAGFFA where the title used to be to maintain the short cold open. And of course I’m going make my own OLD BEN title graphic.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing