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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 537


TROS telegraphs Ben escaping the DSII wreckage by finding an intact TIE fighter. As was already pointed out, we changed this for TROS:A to satisfy a nerdy nitpick of “Hey in ANH didn’t they say a fighter like that couldn’t get deep into space on its own?” It’s not really necessary, and future SW content beyond ANH seems to have abandoned the idea that only large craft can navigate hyperspace. Nevertheless, it felt like something worth tackling for a fan edit becausewhynot.

I don’t really feel a need to change the word ‘traveled,’ but I can if there’s another wording that I feel isn’t a compromise. We will see.

I did not capitalize anything in TROS because… why would I? Not every crawl needs to have CAPITAL LETTERS, and especially not for terms that already had CAPITAL LETTERS in prior crawls. Of the six ‘Lucas’ saga films, I believe three of them had no CAPITAL LETTERS at all, and there things capitalized in one crawl tend not to be capitalized when they appear again in subsequent crawls. TFA and TLJ each already capitalized the FIRST ORDER and RESISTANCE so I figure we can give it a rest. Otherwise the ST would be the only trilogy with CAPITAL LETTERS in each crawl.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Depends on what tense we want to use, I suppose. Present Simple - “He travels” - or present perfect - “He has traveled.”

I think “he journeys” would sound fine, or “he has arrived” would also work. And there was one other thing in the crawl…”by silencing their enemies” or something like that? I don’t think it needs anything else.

I still go back and forth on “chasing a hidden power that has been rising in the shadows” or whatever, just to make Kylo’s intentions more vague and mysterious. But that’s a really tiny nitpick.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I just realised something, if Rey confesses to Finn and Poe, “You know I want to be out there with you!”, why is it a few scenes later she’s suddenly all like, “no its 2 bloody dangerous Finn”? 🤔

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


When does that happen? And she pushes Finn away because he’s defenseless again Kylo Ren, if that’s what you’re referring to.


CamSMurph said:

I just realised something, if Rey confesses to Finn and Poe, “You know I want to be out there with you!”, why is it a few scenes later she’s suddenly all like, “no its 2 bloody dangerous Finn”? 🤔

She is willing to undergo that risk herself, but she doesn’t want her friends to be in danger. Same thing applies to why she ditches them on Pasaana and Endor.


sherlockpotter said:

Depends on what tense we want to use, I suppose. Present Simple - “He travels” - or present perfect - “He has traveled.”

I think “he journeys” would sound fine, or “he has arrived” would also work. And there was one other thing in the crawl…”by silencing their enemies” or something like that? I don’t think it needs anything else.

Ahh, it didn’t occur to me before, but if you agree that it sounds good, then just changing the tense is perfect, as “travels” is the same in British English. Then you could make it: “Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren travels to Mustafar, chasing whispers…”.

And it “rhymes” (if you will) with ANH crawl’s “Princess Leia races home”.


Just one last thing: I was expecting the Knights of Ren to utter, “May our bond never again be shattered,” or something along those lines. 🤔

I still enjoyed the inclusion of their dialogue, though. 😃

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


CamSMurph said:

Just one last thing: I was expecting the Knights of Ren to utter, “May our bond never again be shattered,” or something along those lines. 🤔

I agree that it might be a good idea somewhere to create the impression that the Knights have been disbanded, and that’s why they didn’t show up for the past two films. This is the canon answer, btw.


I know about vocabulary, it’s just… that it kinda gives me the odd feeling Terrio’s dialogue and the prequels’ dialogue do as well.


TestingOutTheTest said:

I know about vocabulary, it’s just… that it kinda gives me the odd feeling Terrio’s dialogue and the prequels’ dialogue do as well.

Maybe you should learn how to fanedit stuff, since there seems to be one person who really cares about your ideas.

heil Palpatine!



You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Testing has previously said in this thread that he hasn’t actually watched TROS:Ascendant and that he has no plans to watch it. So, since he therefore isn’t affected by any of our suggestions for the edit, I don’t see a reason we should be affected by any of his.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


To be honest I think the biggest transgression against the community by TestingOutTheTest is that they have consistently failed to make any amendments to their behaviour in the face of a huge number of comments asking that they do. I don’t think there’s any one large misdemeanour, so much as an abrasive incompatibility with the way that this community operates demonstrated in a hundred smaller interactions.

Relative to so many online communities this one is particularly peaceful and patient, yet Testing’s actions constantly piss people off and Testing doesn’t seem to care. All it would take would be for Testing to just listen to what people are saying to them and make a little effort to synergise better with the collective for the sake of demonstrating just a little understanding and respect, but they seem disinterested in doing that.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


I’ll admit I’ve been avoiding the thread not just because we are “waiting” for things to get done, but the same ole crap that keeps derailing the thread. Make.Your.Own.Thread.

Anyway, I hope Hal you are doing alright, busy, but at least alright and I look forward to the project getting mostly completed. If I had the skills man, I’d love to be able to tackle any of the current tasks.

(I kept rewriting this since I wanted to take a moment and reassess … but also realized I didn’t want to just keep piling on too much. Eddie and Captain already put it perfectly.)

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Damn, I’ve been away for almost a month and TestingOut is still testing people. WTF aren’t you guys just ignoring that shit by now?

In other news, My computer is dead so I’m unable to do any VFX or editing until I can get back to work and buy a new one but the UK Government just changed the rules again and I’ve no idea when I can return.

Thanks to those who’ve reached out. I promise to continue with all the scenes and collabs I’ve been working on as soon as I can. TBH, I’ve really missed the banter and escapism… not you Testing 😉

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Nope, They said last month things would return back to normal on 19th July without any restrictions so I’ve been promoting that return but today’s update is now anyone coming to my events from September must have proof of both vaccinations or they can’t enter. I’ve not even had 1 yet so I’m either gonna have to cancel the shows or pay extra staff. I’m losing my mind hence the need for escapism but without a computer, I’m double F’d. 😕

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I’m not sure what the vaccination rollout is like in the UK, but if it’s as bad as it is in Australia, I really empathise. I really hope things take a turn for the better soon, man.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


TestingOutTheTest said:

How is giving suggestions harassment?

You have repeatedly offered suggestions that are far afield from the project’s stated goals. I think most of your posts here would be better directed to the general TROS ideas thread. Or even the general thoughts about TROS thread.

My stance on revising fan edits.


And yeah… it’s awful we’re still dealing with the same angst and uncertainty in July 2021. I live in a US area being swarmed with the delta variant and low vaccination rates, right as I’m going to be seeing a ton of people in person for the first time since last year. Not worried about it on a personal level though.

My stance on revising fan edits.


So now we can place bets on when Remastered begins to foam in the mouth from all of this. I say July 29th! 😉

But in all seriousness, sorry to hear that dude. Man.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Australia seems to be 6 months behind the mess we had and I can’t even keep up with the US. Each state seems to have its own set of rules so I can’t even do tours there this year.

I share sympathy with everyone on here. This forum really helped me through some heavy shit last year.

@JARBEAR I’ve been foam since these idiots got back in power. 😉

In order not to derail this thread anymore, have I missed any new finished scenes or ideas? Did the graffiti or puppet show ever get finished?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh