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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 517


Now that I think about it, this thread may be the longest one yet of your threads, Hal.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


DominicCobb said:

CaptainFaraday said:

Maybe I’m just a killjoy, but the Kylo one doesn’t sound any better to my ear than someone doing a barely passable Adam Driver impression. To the point where I actually thought it was whoever had made the video introducing it first, until I realised it sounded “off” in the way that AI voices can’t quite get the inflections of sentences right.

I would say that it does actually sound just like Adam Driver, just happens that the inflection makes it clear it’s AI. That said, there’s a difference between what Adam Driver sounds like and what Kylo Ren sounds like.

But since we never hear Ben Solo say a single line, we can always look past that 😉


Yeah, we should only train a Ben Solo AI on “ow.”

If my life were the way it was six years ago, I’d totally devote a whole week to attempting to get something like this to work, but alas. For our purposes for this specific project, though, we’d only really want to coax a few things out of it.

Now, for FUN, there’d be no end to what could be done. Deepfake ROTJ Jabba onto ANH? Why the hell not? Redub Ben Kenobi with Ewan McGregor? You bet. Swap all possible combinations of Anakin/Vader across the films? Leave no stone unturned!

My stance on revising fan edits.


NeverarGreat said:

Apropos of nothing, but with the improved puppet show this project has taken the prize of ‘best single change of all time’ from Adywan’s ESB Revisited and the AT-AT falling on the AT-ST.

Just wanted to say that, now back to your regularly scheduled discussion.



NeverarGreat said:

Apropos of nothing, but with the improved puppet show this project has taken the prize of ‘best single change of all time’ from Adywan’s ESB Revisited and the AT-AT falling on the AT-ST.

Just wanted to say that, now back to your regularly scheduled discussion.

Such an insignificant moment in the original movie,and the guys delivered something touching moment that adds to the themes of the skywalker name being legendary. I’m honored to even just be the voice in the background. I have my fingers crossed that people outside of the editing scene will see it.

I think ai voice edits are a few years away from perfection, right now they deliver on individual words but full on sentences just don’t seem to work. But as mentioned, for certain syllables and things it could do a few tricks for us


Hey, Hal. I don’t know if you’d be interested in doing this, but in a couple moments in your edit of The Last Jedi, you restored the original sound effect of the ignition of Anakin’s lightsaber.

Have you ever considered doing the same for the Falcon’s gun turret in the Sequel Trilogy?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


NeverarGreat said:

Apropos of nothing, but with the improved puppet show this project has taken the prize of ‘best single change of all time’ from Adywan’s ESB Revisited and the AT-AT falling on the AT-ST.

Just wanted to say that, now back to your regularly scheduled discussion.

Oh wow, that is some high praise! The puppet stuff was probably a lot less work than what Ady did (I also loved his addition of the creature on Dagobah). But I appreciate the compliments!

But yeah, I think visually it is done. I implemented most/all of the advice regarding the visuals (like masking out the storyteller’s hand from the second shot). The audio isn’t actually finalized yet, but what is there now would probably work fine.

Speaking of finalization, Hal, I may need to message you about the proper export settings for the scene so I can get it to you.


Nah. With the saber, there was a distinct sound that it always had. In ROTS there were two times it had a distinctly different sound effect, and once in TLJ. I believe the DVD for ESB bafflingly changed one of them to be wrong, too.

To me that’s noticeable and at least somewhat meaningful, whereas the turrets were just expanded upon. I’m sure it would’ve been pretty limiting to only use 40 year old foley from ANH.

EDIT: And I’d say ProRes would be ideal, if that’s possible.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I was rewatching some scenes from V1 - on the topic of trimming some of Poe’s dialogue with Zorii, I was thinking it might be a really nice, subtle change if the conversation went like this:

POE: I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over… Maybe it is. We sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone’s so afraid. They’ve given up.

ZORII: I don’t believe you believe that. Hey. Listen. [Loop some footage, and bring up the volume level on the background noise, where we can hear some people in the distance calling out “For Skywalker!” with some blaster fire.] They win by making you think you’re alone. Remember? There’s more of us.

I kind of think it would be better to cut “Remember” too, just because it seems like a really awkward callback to some past adventure that we never learn about. (And I’d almost want to scrap the whole “making you think you’re alone” bit too, but we need it to set up Poe’s speech at the briefing later.)

It feels like a gentle way of bringing that “For Skywalker” motif to the forefront for a moment, while also working perfectly with what Poe and Zorii are discussing. We’d just need some dialogue of Keri Russell saying “listen…” and then apply the ol’ “mask filters” to that. Anyone remember a movie or show where she says that?

To be clear, this would go alongside RL’s “Kijimi in rebellion” concept. That audio (that axlanian was looking into) would be what Zorii and Poe would be hearing.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

I was rewatching some scenes from V1 - on the topic of trimming some of Poe’s dialogue with Zorii, I was thinking it might be a really nice, subtle change if the conversation went like this:

POE: I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over… Maybe it is. We sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone’s so afraid. They’ve given up.

ZORII: I don’t believe you believe that. Hey. Listen. [Loop some footage, and bring up the volume level on the background noise, where we can hear some people in the distance calling out “For Skywalker!” with some blaster fire.] They win by making you think you’re alone. Remember? There’s more of us.

I kind of think it would be better to cut “Remember” too, just because it seems like a really awkward callback to some past adventure that we never learn about. (And I’d almost want to scrap the whole “making you think you’re alone” bit too, but we need it to set up Poe’s speech at the briefing later.)

It feels like a gentle way of bringing that “For Skywalker” motif to the forefront for a moment, while also working perfectly with what Poe and Zorii are discussing. We’d just need some dialogue of Keri Russell saying “listen…” and then apply the ol’ “mask filters” to that. Anyone remember a movie or show where she says that?

To be clear, this would go alongside RL’s “Kijimi in rebellion” concept. That audio (that axlanian was looking into) would be what Zorii and Poe would be hearing.

I like the concept, but the conversational logic is a bit wonky if her response to “nobody came to the Battle of Crait” is “you don’t believe that.” Could it be possible to reverse the order of Poe’s lines by cutting to a reverse shot of Zorii to hide the edit? That way, you get “maybe the war is over” followed by “I don’t believe you believe that,” which makes more sense, and I think works nicely if that’s the pause punctuated by the “for Skywalker!” shouts in the distance.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


CaptainFaraday said:

sherlockpotter said:

I was rewatching some scenes from V1 - on the topic of trimming some of Poe’s dialogue with Zorii, I was thinking it might be a really nice, subtle change if the conversation went like this:

POE: I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over… Maybe it is. We sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone’s so afraid. They’ve given up.

ZORII: I don’t believe you believe that. Hey. Listen. [Loop some footage, and bring up the volume level on the background noise, where we can hear some people in the distance calling out “For Skywalker!” with some blaster fire.] They win by making you think you’re alone. Remember? There’s more of us.

I kind of think it would be better to cut “Remember” too, just because it seems like a really awkward callback to some past adventure that we never learn about. (And I’d almost want to scrap the whole “making you think you’re alone” bit too, but we need it to set up Poe’s speech at the briefing later.)

It feels like a gentle way of bringing that “For Skywalker” motif to the forefront for a moment, while also working perfectly with what Poe and Zorii are discussing. We’d just need some dialogue of Keri Russell saying “listen…” and then apply the ol’ “mask filters” to that. Anyone remember a movie or show where she says that?

To be clear, this would go alongside RL’s “Kijimi in rebellion” concept. That audio (that axlanian was looking into) would be what Zorii and Poe would be hearing.

I like the concept, but the conversational logic is a bit wonky if her response to “nobody came to the Battle of Crait” is “you don’t believe that.” Could it be possible to reverse the order of Poe’s lines by cutting to a reverse shot of Zorii to hide the edit? That way, you get “maybe the war is over” followed by “I don’t believe you believe that,” which makes more sense, and I think works nicely if that’s the pause punctuated by the “for Skywalker!” shouts in the distance.

To be fair, I think the whole conversation is really awkward and poorly written. Like the rest of the movie.

How would you structure the dialogue then, though? Zorii says “Come with me,” Poe says, “Nobody came to the Battle of Crait. I can’t give up on this war until it’s over. Maybe it is.” I think that makes less sense as a response, honestly.

The way I see it, it’s not two independent clauses, so Zorii wouldn’t literally be saying “You don’t believe that [no one came to Crait].” I don’t think it’s too awkward to structure it as, “POE: I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over… Maybe it is. [After all,] we sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came.” The Crait bit is an explanation for his belief that “maybe the war is over”; it’s not a separate, tangential belief unto itself.

“I believe the war is over because everyone abandoned us on Crait.” “No, you don’t believe that.” I think it’s…serviceable. I think this whole conversation is “serviceable.”

At the very least, I think it flows better structurally than Merry’s “Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew…?” lol

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Just got a response back from Speaking of AI. I did also respond about new Ben Solo lines, so I’ll have to hear back from him again.

He said the following:

“Hey, thanks for your email.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have a Luke Skywalker (or Mark Hamill) voice trained. It takes several hours of source data to get a good quality voice, which I don’t think is readily available, so I won’t be able to help you out.”

“I wish you all the best with your project, though.”

“Kind regards.”

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


sherlockpotter said:

CaptainFaraday said:

sherlockpotter said:

I was rewatching some scenes from V1 - on the topic of trimming some of Poe’s dialogue with Zorii, I was thinking it might be a really nice, subtle change if the conversation went like this:

POE: I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over… Maybe it is. We sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone’s so afraid. They’ve given up.

ZORII: I don’t believe you believe that. Hey. Listen. [Loop some footage, and bring up the volume level on the background noise, where we can hear some people in the distance calling out “For Skywalker!” with some blaster fire.] They win by making you think you’re alone. Remember? There’s more of us.

I kind of think it would be better to cut “Remember” too, just because it seems like a really awkward callback to some past adventure that we never learn about. (And I’d almost want to scrap the whole “making you think you’re alone” bit too, but we need it to set up Poe’s speech at the briefing later.)

It feels like a gentle way of bringing that “For Skywalker” motif to the forefront for a moment, while also working perfectly with what Poe and Zorii are discussing. We’d just need some dialogue of Keri Russell saying “listen…” and then apply the ol’ “mask filters” to that. Anyone remember a movie or show where she says that?

To be clear, this would go alongside RL’s “Kijimi in rebellion” concept. That audio (that axlanian was looking into) would be what Zorii and Poe would be hearing.

I like the concept, but the conversational logic is a bit wonky if her response to “nobody came to the Battle of Crait” is “you don’t believe that.” Could it be possible to reverse the order of Poe’s lines by cutting to a reverse shot of Zorii to hide the edit? That way, you get “maybe the war is over” followed by “I don’t believe you believe that,” which makes more sense, and I think works nicely if that’s the pause punctuated by the “for Skywalker!” shouts in the distance.

To be fair, I think the whole conversation is really awkward and poorly written. Like the rest of the movie.

How would you structure the dialogue then, though? Zorii says “Come with me,” Poe says, “Nobody came to the Battle of Crait. I can’t give up on this war until it’s over. Maybe it is.” I think that makes less sense as a response, honestly.

The way I see it, it’s not two independent clauses, so Zorii wouldn’t literally be saying “You don’t believe that [no one came to Crait].” I don’t think it’s too awkward to structure it as, “POE: I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over… Maybe it is. [After all,] we sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came.” The Crait bit is an explanation for his belief that “maybe the war is over”; it’s not a separate, tangential belief unto itself.

“I believe the war is over because everyone abandoned us on Crait.” “No, you don’t believe that.” I think it’s…serviceable. I think this whole conversation is “serviceable.”

At the very least, I think it flows better structurally than Merry’s “Dark science, cloning, secrets only the Sith knew…?” lol

Ah, I didn’t remember that was the dialogue preceding that exchange. Yeah, that makes even less sense. I haven’t watched the scene in a long time; the delivery of the dialogue could totally change how it comes across compared to me reading it in text form.

I agree that TROS makes very little sense. But I think this thread and this edit prove that sense is in there waiting to be found, smuggled in surrounded by a quagmire of competing nonsense. One scene at a time!

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


He played a character in Kingdom Hearts that’s of a similar voice to his old Luke voice.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I agree that TROS makes very little sense. But I think this thread and this edit prove that sense is in there waiting to be found, smuggled in surrounded by a quagmire of competing nonsense. One scene at a time!

the real TROS was all the friends we made along the way

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Master Lawdog said:

He played a character in Kingdom Hearts that’s of a similar voice to his old Luke voice.

I’ve actually been going through a lot of that recently but it has a slight cartoony tone to it. Also, a lot of clips have background noise which the AI will have issues with.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Recently, he dubbed a character from the “Invincible” series.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


All we just need to do is replace “death” to “birth,” and maybe give Ben some new lines. I think it would be best to have an impersonator to give Ben lines out of breath when holding Rey, as the AI could be too robotic.

Also, just curious, how is the progress on giving Anakin’s saber a crackly blade?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


If it’s just the odd word can’t they be found within the movies?

The Crackling Saber is on hold as I got a lot of negative feedback with various scenes. The effect changes so much between day/night and with distant and close-up shots so it takes a lot of tweaking. I just don’t have that amount of time to invest in such a consuming thing atm as I’m trying to get through the other 19 shots I’m working on, plus my computer keeps overheating every time I use After effects or Premiere Pro for a long period which isn’t helping at ALL!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh