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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 514


Knight of Kalee said:

axlanian said:

The graffiti messages should be in Aurebesh, right?

Yeah. Maybe the hypothetical “Skywalker Lives” text could come accompanied of the jacked Luke from the original SW poster to drive the point home.

The Rebel crest could also be thrown in (to allude to the Resistance already having allies across the galaxy), and we could draw inspiration from the official Star Wars propaganda artbook.

These are great ideas. You’re right, it should probably one be one Aurebesh line, like Skywalker Lives, and mostly pictures. The Rebel crest done up like a tag is a great idea.


axlanian said:

The graffiti messages should be in Aurebesh, right?

Maybe a little Aurebesh for the aesthetic, but I think most of the text should be in English. We can’t really focus on the artwork at all (…can we?), so I think we need to go with whatever’s most apparent and accessible to a casual viewer. If people see a bunch of hieroglyphs, it won’t convey anything; if people see messages they can actually read, the intent will be clear.

Obviously, the pictures and symbolism will help, but are people going to notice that and understand the significance of it with a quick glance in the background? I don’t think they would. “SKYWALKER LIVES!” That would catch their eye, and make everything that much more apparent.

Besides, Star Wars had a bunch of English before the Special Editions came along, so we’re not breaking lore or anything…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvbrVFP_f0w&t=3m28s

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Im against english personally

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


I am against English text also but I could have a mess around with an Aurebesh inspired font. There was one used on the recent Luke and Leia saber set at Galaxy’s Edge.

I’m definitely taking all your ideas in board. I do think a large amount of graffiti would do best - similar to what we see in the first episode of Mando season 2.

I’ll also be looking at Sabine’s tags as well - she obviously used the rebel Phoenix logo a lot so I’ll throw that in a well.

There’s a lot of wall space in the Kijimi scenes so I best make a start!


Not sure how I feel (not that my opinion matters) about the graffiti in a place like kijimi, since it’s under heavy lockdown and under extreme surveillance, I don’t think the a totalitarian first order would entertain any sort of graffiti. It’s like I don’t think any sort of pro democracy graffiti would last long enough for ppl to see in a city of North Korea. Though I do think the graffiti is an ingenious way to show “hope and reason for galaxy to believe in skywalker etc”


I believe technically the English alphabet is canon. That said, I think images would be much better than text for a variety of reasons - much easier to take in and understand in limited screen time. So at that point you might as well just use aurebesh to go along with the images which will be the real meat of the effect.


Just wanted to chip in by saying that plain English text is a bad idea (mostly because it’s not seen anywhere else throughout the saga). Would be pretty immersion breaking, and scream, “This is a fan edit!”.

Theoretically, you should be able to glean everything you need to know from the graffiti art. So maybe Luke with the blue lightsaber or a man in front of a walker like what was suggested elsewhere.


Latin alphabet is technically canon, known as High Galactic, (the in-universe reason why the ships are called X-Wing, Y-Wing etc.) but yeah it would break the suspension of disbelief. There’s a reason after all why Lucas removed the Latin writing in the OT.

I think Aurebesh script should be there but only a simple phrase like “Skywalker Lives”, but symbols and pictures should be the meat of the graffiti art. The Aurebesh would be there as a treat for the lore nerds to decipher later, which happens frequently in SW media.


I’m interested in seeing how it would look without English; I’m just saying - I think we need to consider what’s best for a first-time viewer, rather than what we might “personally,” aesthetically, prefer. The most important thing is that the message comes through to the audience, and I can’t imagine many folks out there know how to read Aurebesh.

And Jar Jar, English was in the very first Star Wars movie, as I pointed out in my clip above. So it’s definitely a canon language. (And again, I think clarity is the most important aspect here; there’s no point of adding all of this if it’s unintelligible to the audience. That would look like a fan edit.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


The image of Luke Sywalker holding a lightsaber plus the Rebel symbol should be enough to convey to the message. Perhaps the graffiti could be placed on top of First Order propaganda? Plus whatever axlanian can do audio wise.

I think the idea is that the First Order is being spread thin by the growing uprising (which would make Palpatine’s fleet so alluring to Kylo Ren). I believe that’s what the new crawl aims to convey, plus the idea that Leia has been trying to unite these segregated acts of rebelion, which does a lot to make the giant civil fleet at the end more believable. The puppet show on Passana and the graffiti work to make Luke the ‘symbol’ of this uprising, which culminates in the “For Skywalker!” chanting on Exegol. This ties things directly to the ending of TLJ, and it adds a new layer to the title of the film.


I did another graffiti piece and based it on Sherlockpotter’s idea of something more anti-First Order propaganda like severed stormtrooper heads and it should say Skywalker Lives in Aurebesh.


Images will convey the message much quicker than text plus it’s dark and moving. Tags would help to sell it but “a picture tells a thousand words”.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I think an image its far more powerful than a phrase, first because only us, crazy zealot nerds, would pause The Rise of Skywalker to read to walls of Kijimi (and/or translate it, if in Aurabesh, as God and GL intended), second because is far easier to spot and understand the message in a good image, i love the idea of a bansky style grafitti, really cool stuff there.

And please, no latin alphabet in Star Wars, just no, deep down we all know it’s wrong.

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


sherlockpotter said:

I’m interested in seeing how it would look without English; I’m just saying - I think we need to consider what’s best for a first-time viewer, rather than what we might “personally,” aesthetically, prefer. The most important thing is that the message comes through to the audience, and I can’t imagine many folks out there know how to read Aurebesh.

And Jar Jar, English was in the very first Star Wars movie, as I pointed out in my clip above. So it’s definitely a canon language. (And again, I think clarity is the most important aspect here; there’s no point of adding all of this if it’s unintelligible to the audience. That would look like a fan edit.)

It’s not a canon language (at least based on what is seen purely in the intended films). It was replaced because GL realized that it shouldn’t be there. One of the few things the special editions did right.

Besides, I’m not saying that we should just put aurebesh there. Yeah, that would be unintelligible and stupid. It should be that plus an image. The image is the real meat of it. I agree with everyone else that the right picture can tell a thousand words.


Using Luke’s design from the poster of the original Star Wars, holding his saber up, would be awesome and a great call back


Some great ideas! I’d be cautious of aping movie posters, as I can imagine gently rolling my eyes if I’d seen it in the theatrical.

Makes me think of something. One thing that did cause me to gently roll my eyes but not quite make a quip to my brother in the theater was the trooper in the distance on Kijimi saying something like “the door is locked, move onto the next one.”

I mean… mumble, grumble.

Hmm… Axlanian, any thoughts about augmenting that trooper line too? How about a sly allusion to the ‘77 mono mix with,”It’s secure, move onto the next one.” Or “It’s secure, next residence.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


We previously discussed using Crait Luke in the original movie poster pose; while everyone’s tolerances for these things are different, I felt like that was a neat way to throw in an instantly comprehensible and inspiring image that’s never actually been in any of the movies in any form.

I agree that adding a reference the line from ANH would be a fun little easter egg.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I disagree that changing the Death Star labels was a valuable special edition change. To me, these characters are already “humans,” speaking “English.” (I don’t care what either is called in lore; that doesn’t matter.) If seeing specific written letters is what shatters your immersion after that…well, that’s how you see it, I guess. And like Knight of Kalee pointed out, Latin characters are canon anyway, so who cares?

But anyway, I genuinely think these art pieces look fantastic - well done, all of you! I just worry that they’ll go by too quickly, or be too obscured in the background, to be able to easily see what they represent. We know what their significance is - will a theoretical first time viewer?

I guess we’ll just have to see how it plays when it’s all put together!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hal 9000 said:

Some great ideas! I’d be cautious of aping movie posters, as I can imagine gently rolling my eyes if I’d seen it in the theatrical.

Makes me think of something. One thing that did cause me to gently roll my eyes but not quite make a quip to my brother in the theater was the trooper in the distance on Kijimi saying something like “the door is locked, move onto the next one.”

I mean… mumble, grumble.

Hmm… Axlanian, any thoughts about augmenting that trooper line too? How about a sly allusion to the ‘77 mono mix with,”It’s secure, move onto the next one.” Or “It’s secure, next residence.”

Now that’s gotta be an allusion to the original film, right?

But you’re right, Hal. Probably best to cut and/or replace a lot of that background chatter, just to get the right tone across. Here’s what it is in the theatrical (and most of it is off-screen anyway):

  • Open up. You’re wanted for questioning. (This line doesn’t really fit the new context.)
  • Check this side of the street. (That seems fine.)
  • Alright, we’ll check it out. (Fine.)
  • Door is locked. Move on to the next one. (Stupid)
  • Give me regular reports, please. (Should be replaced)
  • You, up against the wall. Show me your identification. Where’s your identification? (Ehhhhhh…)

Maybe we could make or find recordings to the effect of:

  • They’re gathering in the north quarter. Send reinforcements!
  • Open up! Come out with your hands up!
  • They’ve found a weapons cache, stay alert.
  • Send your squadron to Sector 248.

But then again, I don’t think this would all have to be Stormtrooper dialogue anymore. Probably more like a mix of stormtrooper orders, rebel rallying cries, and battle sounds.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


My intense (but might not work out) idea for this scene was too add a whole new soundscape. I really want to have a scene that shows civil unrest under FO rule, so it’s not quite as out-of-nowhere when the wind Galaxy rises up at the end of the movie.

I wad thinking of making it sound like a riot is going on farther back in the city, with these troopers split between trying to keep everyone else detained in their homes, and marching towards an area they’re being deployed to. Any graffiti would be great to show that Kijimi is a protest hotspot, but could anyone here add flashes of laser fire to the establishing shot as the Trio’s ship flies in?

There are already a good amount of noises in the scene, I’d mainly add voices and distant blaster fire. It should sound like they landed far away from the action.

Honestly I really don’t know if this will work, but I’d like to give it a shot first, and then if it’s a non-starter we can try simply replacing trooper dialogue instead. Does this sound like a good idea to anyone?


axlanian said:

My intense (but might not work out) idea for this scene was too add a whole new soundscape. I really want to have a scene that shows civil unrest under FO rule, so it’s not quite as out-of-nowhere when the wind Galaxy rises up at the end of the movie.

I wad thinking of making it sound like a riot is going on farther back in the city, with these troopers split between trying to keep everyone else detained in their homes, and marching towards an area they’re being deployed to. Any graffiti would be great to show that Kijimi is a protest hotspot, but could anyone here add flashes of laser fire to the establishing shot as the Trio’s ship flies in?

There are already a good amount of noises in the scene, I’d mainly add voices and distant blaster fire. It should sound like they landed far away from the action.

Honestly I really don’t know if this will work, but I’d like to give it a shot first, and then if it’s a non-starter we can try simply replacing trooper dialogue instead. Does this sound like a good idea to anyone?

This was pretty much exactly how I pictured the scene in my mind too! I was actually using my “Force Hunting” mockup as a way of testing building up a battle soundscape. If you’d like, I could send over some of the sound effects I gathered for it - it’s a lot of audio from the different Battlefront games, mainly.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!