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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 177


Wouldn’t they be fighting the Final Order though? Like, the only First Order present on Exegol are on the Steadfast.


Nah I was mostly referring to everybody else’s discussion about this Lando audio. It sounds great, but I’m not sure the end of this movie is the right context for it since they technically aren’t going up against the First Order.


The Final Order is so dumb, and the least it is mentioned in this movie, the better.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Nah I was mostly referring to everybody else’s discussion about this Lando audio. It sounds great, but I’m not sure the end of this movie is the right context for it since they technically aren’t going up against the First Order.

The truth is it literally does not matter.


Honestly it would be less confusing to pretend the Final Order is the very same as the First (though beefed up with the Sith fleet of destroyers) instead of actual separate factions as the visual dictionaries and Wookieepedia consider them to be.


It’s a mess already … I don’t think having that audio clip would add any more confusion since … they are the same dang thing. Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I don’t know why it’s worth arguing semantics here… I can come up with arguments that they’re more the same or they’re more different… but at the end of the day, they’re both the bad guys. It’s easier to keep things simple IMO


Eh, whatever. The only reason I brought it up is because I enjoy having Kylo being independent from Palpy with his own goals and motivations. And since he’s the Supreme Leader of the First Order, I prefer to have them be two distinctly different organizations. One much more concerned with militarism, and the other wanting to instate a Sith Empire.

But that’s neither here nor there.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Wouldn’t they be fighting the Final Order though? Like, the only First Order present on Exegol are on the Steadfast.

I mean, this is why I didn’t share the idea in Ascendant I’m not one to ever complain, but to have an idea / creative thought be broken down into a thousand pieces no matter what it is every time gets abit jarring.

But to be fair, they recorded this audio while Billie Dee Williams was filming his Exegol / cockpit scenes, if the Final Order is this brand new thing; which has come out of nowhere in the last day or so the galaxy is more likely to know what the First Order is which has been around for a few years.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


DominicCobb said:

I wonder if there’s some additional Lando dialogue that could beef it up. As is he says like two things. Depending on how one would integrate it that might be fine, or it might feel really short.

Fortunately for us, there’s a whole plethora of lines we could crib from stuff like the video games (even the pre-Disney ones) and TV shows and the like since BDW has always voiced the character outside of the movies.


Cinefy said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Wouldn’t they be fighting the Final Order though? Like, the only First Order present on Exegol are on the Steadfast.

to have an idea / creative thought be broken down into a thousand pieces no matter what it is every time gets abit jarring.

Making one measly suggestion/observation is considered that? Like I said, the audio is great, but that was my one reservation with it. I figured voicing my concern might have been worth something, but I guess not. Sorry.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Eh, whatever. The only reason I brought it up is because I enjoy having Kylo being independent from Palpy with his own goals and motivations. And since he’s the Supreme Leader of the First Order, I prefer to have them be two distinctly different organizations. One much more concerned with militarism, and the other wanting to instate a Sith Empire.

I agree, if anything they should be separated more, not blurred together.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Eh, whatever. The only reason I brought it up is because I enjoy having Kylo being independent from Palpy with his own goals and motivations. And since he’s the Supreme Leader of the First Order, I prefer to have them be two distinctly different organizations. One much more concerned with militarism, and the other wanting to instate a Sith Empire.

But that’s neither here nor there.

fair enough, like underlying thoughts and there were hints of that in the movie of Kylo having his own agenda etc. which makes it cool. In regards to the topic,it is lando’s transmission to the galaxy. What the galaxy has heard was “the final order begins” as in, in the galaxy’s POV, they dont know the final order is an organization, they think it’s a revolution/time era change. I think it could be either first order or final order and it would’ve had the same effect on any receiving end. Let’s rally up to take down the bad guys.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Cinefy said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Wouldn’t they be fighting the Final Order though? Like, the only First Order present on Exegol are on the Steadfast.

to have an idea / creative thought be broken down into a thousand pieces no matter what it is every time gets abit jarring.

Making one measly suggestion/observation is considered that? Like I said, the audio is great, but that was my one reservation with it. I figured voicing my concern might have been worth something, but I guess not. Sorry.

It’s not something you have to apologize for.


jadenkorr41 said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Eh, whatever. The only reason I brought it up is because I enjoy having Kylo being independent from Palpy with his own goals and motivations. And since he’s the Supreme Leader of the First Order, I prefer to have them be two distinctly different organizations. One much more concerned with militarism, and the other wanting to instate a Sith Empire.

But that’s neither here nor there.

fair enough, like underlying thoughts and there were hints of that in the movie of Kylo having his own agenda etc. which makes it cool. In regards to the topic,it is lando’s transmission to the galaxy. What the galaxy has heard was “the final order begins” as in, in the galaxy’s POV, they dont know the final order is an organization, they think it’s a revolution/time era change. I think it could be either first order or final order and it would’ve had the same effect on any receiving end. Let’s rally up to take down the bad guys.

Sure. I get that. Especially since our edits remove Palpatine’s message to the galaxy from the opening crawl, most people only know about the First Order.

But in the context of the original film it does make me wonder why they wrote Lando’s lines that way. Unsure.


Maybe they felt people at Didneyworl would find “help us fight the First Order” more intuitive than Final Order. It’s more on-brand for the vibe of the park in general I guess.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Put together a rough concept to give an idea of how the scene / pacing could play out in the film the scene can work in a couple other places, It’s mainly just concept images so far, managed to get my hands on a UHD version of the Imperial Shuttle shot from Skenera, just keyframed out the Slave 1 so the shot can utilise as much as frame possible while also hiding the ship.


Thinking perhaps the hologram at the end would be better as a galaxy map simular to the Force Awakens rather than a Resistance/Rebel logo being displayed

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


That’s promising! I agree with using a galaxy map instead of the logo since it’s shown when he’s mentioning the coordinates.


Is it possible to cut every single mention of the “Final Order” in favour of it just being called the fleet/the Sith fleet/Palpatine’s fleet or whatever? The whole First Order + Sith Eternal = Final Order thing just seems unnecessarily complex (especially since the movie never mentions the Sith Eternal by name, nor does it particularly illuminate where all those people dressed in red came from at all)… and more importantly, every time I hear the words ‘Final Order’, my brain begins to vibrate. I normally love that kind of campy cheese, but in a movie already struggling so much to come across as sincere rather than ridiculous, it really doesn’t help.


I think it would be good to beef it out with some more BDW content. Lando has surely said some inspirational stuff in Rebels or any of the Lego stuff.

Ps, not to change topic, but I’ve started watching through the ST for “I am a Jedi” Rey dialogue. Only able to watch a scene a day, but there’s no hard deadline, so I’ll keep plugging away at it.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Jar Jar Bricks said:

But in the context of the original film it does make me wonder why they wrote Lando’s lines that way. Unsure.

If memory serves correctly, I think the Star Tours upgrade came out right before the film came out. So, they were probably wanting to keep the “reveal” (as non-eventful as it is) about the Final Order a secret up until the release. Damn mystery box.

Anyways, in regards to the line, I don’t think it’s too essential to change Lando’s line. Part of it is apathy, part of it is what Jadenkorr said.

Also, Cinefy, I really like that concept! I hope everything works out with it. The more Ben Solo we could squeeze into this film the better in my opinion.