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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 501


Could someone send me the scene of the Jedi voices speaking to Rey? Even a streamable link is fine. I just want to send it to Ross (the actor who played Sors) so he can match his performance style.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but apparently the version of TROS on Disney+ is now a lot less blue?


CaptainFaraday said:

Could someone send me the scene of the Jedi voices speaking to Rey? Even a streamable link is fine. I just want to send it to Ross (the actor who played Sors) so he can match his performance style.

Still kind of blows my mind you know this guy. You’re full of surpises, Faraday!

Give me a few minutes and I’ll upload that scene for you. Should it basically stop before Palpatine says, “May your death be the final word in the story of rebellion?”

Also, do you want the theatrical version or Ascendant version?

@rpvee Yeah, someone mentioned that earlier I think! I wonder what instigated that change.


hinventon said:

Apparently Disney just updated TROS on D+ with a completely different color correction with less blue. No idea why they did that but it’s kinda funny.

Sure, it might be worthwhile to compare the new Disney+ version to the LUTs by skenera; but Bluray is going to be a higher-quality source than a web rip. So (assuming that Ascendant was based originally on the Bluray) I’m inclined to just stick with what we have here and ignore the new version.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hey, Sherlock, could you send the Ascendant version of that clip to Faraday? If not let me know.


Yes, the Ascendant version, please. And just from when the Jedi start speaking to her until when they finish (Leia saying “Always” in Ascendant, I believe) would be great. Thanks guys!

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


I don’t have a version of Ascendant that I export atm, so if someone else could get that to Faraday it would be much appreciated!


I’m a day or two late but man that puppet show turned out more amazing then I even imagined, great work RL. I’m looking forward to seeing this in the edit


Wow I am blown away by the new puppet shot, that is truly fantastic work!

I had to go back and watch the original scene in the movie to remember what was replaced there and I saw a way to potentially extend that scene and tie it into the ending even more.

I was thinking something like this:

  • Rey stumbles upon the puppet show with Luke facing down the walker
  • She’s approached by Nambi Ghima and asked what her family name is
  • Rey admits she doesn’t have one and then hears the puppeteer say “Skywalker”
  • Cut to puppet Luke facing off with Kylo (as suggested by Sherlock)
  • Rey senses his presence and runs off to ForceTime™ with him

So basically hold off the Skywalker name drop until it would be most impactful. But I don’t know how viable this would be to pull off, you’d need some reaction shots of Rey. Her original reaction to sensing Kylo would work perfectly for hearing “Skywalker” but then going from that to her running off would need some kind of padding.

But anyway, all the props to RogueLeader, Faraday and everyone else that worked on the puppet shot!

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Tobar said:

Wow I am blown away by the new puppet shot, that is truly fantastic work!

I had to go back and watch the original scene in the movie to remember what was replaced there and I saw a way to potentially extend that scene and tie it into the ending even more.

I was thinking something like this:

  • Rey stumbles upon the puppet show with Luke facing down the walker
  • She’s approached by Nambi Ghima and asked what her family name is
  • Rey admits she doesn’t have one and then hears the puppeteer say “Skywalker”
  • Cut to puppet Luke facing off with Kylo (as suggested by Sherlock)
  • Rey senses his presence and runs off to ForceTime™ with him

So basically hold off the Skywalker name drop until it would be most impactful. But I don’t know how viable this would be to pull off, you’d need some reaction shots of Rey. Her original reaction to sensing Kylo would work perfectly for hearing “Skywalker” but then going from that to her running off would need some kind of padding.

But anyway, all the props to RogueLeader, Faraday and everyone else that worked on the puppet shot!

I love it. Great idea. And it would be a brilliant way of extending the puppet show.


hinventon said:

Apparently Disney just updated TROS on D+ with a completely different color correction with less blue. No idea why they did that but it’s kinda funny.

Are you sure? I just did some comparisons between the Blu Ray and the current D+ version and they look identical…

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Tobar said:

Wow I am blown away by the new puppet shot, that is truly fantastic work!

I had to go back and watch the original scene in the movie to remember what was replaced there and I saw a way to potentially extend that scene and tie it into the ending even more.

I was thinking something like this:

  • Rey stumbles upon the puppet show with Luke facing down the walker
  • She’s approached by Nambi Ghima and asked what her family name is
  • Rey admits she doesn’t have one and then hears the puppeteer say “Skywalker”
  • Cut to puppet Luke facing off with Kylo (as suggested by Sherlock)
  • Rey senses his presence and runs off to ForceTime™ with him

So basically hold off the Skywalker name drop until it would be most impactful. But I don’t know how viable this would be to pull off, you’d need some reaction shots of Rey. Her original reaction to sensing Kylo would work perfectly for hearing “Skywalker” but then going from that to her running off would need some kind of padding.

But anyway, all the props to RogueLeader, Faraday and everyone else that worked on the puppet shot!

Thank you! This is actually a really neat idea. I’d be up for making a Kylo puppet design if RL wants to try putting this together.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Cadavra said:

Apologies if this has been discussed already, but has any consideration been given to removing the implication that Lando and Chewie somehow managed to assemble the largest fleet we’ve ever seen, in a couple hours at most, in what the film strongly suggests is a 180-degree reversal of the dominant mood of the galaxy? Personally, I consider that and the dagger compass (which has already been brilliantly fixed in Ascendant) to be the two most logic- and suspension-of-disbelief-breaking moments in the entire Saga.

It seems to me that some dialogue cuts (ending Poe and Zorii’s heart-to-heart before the talk about thinking they’re alone/everyone giving up; then during the mission briefing scene cutting from Lando’s “That’s our chance” straight to the preparation montage & Finn’s “Leia never gave up…”) would be all it would take to let the audience infer that the fleet is the culmination of both the Resistance’s recruitment efforts in the year between TLJ & TROS and Luke’s sacrifice inspiring the galaxy (which of course Ascendant already strengthens in multiple ways), instead of something miraculously assembled at the last minute.

We are trying to fix this through the Luke puppet show, among other things. I’m not sure how removing that dialogue would do anything helpful. If anything, it would make it come out of nowhere more imo.


The puppet show (which is incredible) builds up how Luke’s sacrifice has inspired the galaxy, but the dialogue I’m talking about suggests that the galaxy hasn’t been inspired and remains as hopeless as ever.

Beyond that, there’s the simple logistical problem. Even if the galaxy is receptive now, that’s a LOT of people and ships to find, recruit, prepare, and coordinate in just a couple hours of “send[ing] out a call for help for anybody listening.”



Hal 9000 said:

About the Palpatine voices. I wonder if that’s just a little much to cram into the scene. I like it, but it could be confusing, resolving an ambiguous thing about Sith consciousness at the eleventh hour.

Okay, here’s an interesting idea. What if we laid the groundwork with Sith voices/whispers on Exegol like this:

ThisIsCreation said:

An Idea that was on my mind last night. Anyone who has seen Rebels will remember the World between Worlds.

In The World between Worlds we hear the jedi past & present reverberating throughout the scene.

How about on Exegol we hear the Sith of past reverberating throughout the entire place?

I had the thought that instead of hearing moments from the past, the sith keep calling to Rey & Kylo.

whispering stuff like ‘‘Come to us…’’, ‘‘Be one with the darkside’’ & a bunch of sith whispers. It makes the sith seem parasitic (which they are & were).

And then it can build to Palpatine having multiple voices right at the end? Really just trying to add some weight to the “Sith” aspect of the movie instead of “Here’s a bunch of acolytes somehow”.


Cadavra said:

The puppet show (which is incredible) builds up how Luke’s sacrifice has inspired the galaxy, but the dialogue I’m talking about suggests that the galaxy hasn’t been inspired and remains as hopeless as ever.

Beyond that, there’s the simple logistical problem. Even if the galaxy is receptive now, that’s a LOT of people and ships to find, recruit, prepare, and coordinate in just a couple hours of “send[ing] out a call for help for anybody listening.”

The dialogue you are referencing shows POE has lost hope. It shows that Zorii and perhaps the galaxy have not:

POE: (sighs) I can’t walk out on this war. Not till it’s over. Maybe it is. We sent out a call for help at the Battle of Crait. Nobody came. Everyone’s so afraid. They’ve given up.

ZORII: I don’t believe you believe that. Hey. They win by making you think you’re alone. Remember? There’s more of us.

Further, removing the dialogue doesn’t solve the problem of gathering such a large force so quickly. You would need added scenes to do that.

Some things are meant for Ascendant, others for fanfiction.

heil Palpatine!


Cadavra said:

The puppet show (which is incredible) builds up how Luke’s sacrifice has inspired the galaxy, but the dialogue I’m talking about suggests that the galaxy hasn’t been inspired and remains as hopeless as ever.

Beyond that, there’s the simple logistical problem. Even if the galaxy is receptive now, that’s a LOT of people and ships to find, recruit, prepare, and coordinate in just a couple hours of “send[ing] out a call for help for anybody listening.”

There’s perfectly enough time between Ajan Kloss and Exegol.

EDIT: I’m referring to the scenes, not necessarily the locations themselves.


Further, removing the dialogue doesn’t solve the problem of gathering such a large force so quickly. You would need added scenes to do that.

To clarify, I’m not proposing a better justification for assembling the fleet so quickly. I’m proposing eliminating the very idea that the fleet was assembled so quickly to begin with, but rather that it was already assembled by the time TROS begins. Poe’s lines are a hurdle to this change because, as one of the Resistance’s top leaders (and THE co-General by the time of the final battle), he would presumably have some idea of the fleet’s actual size.



Cadavra said:

Further, removing the dialogue doesn’t solve the problem of gathering such a large force so quickly. You would need added scenes to do that.

To clarify, I’m not proposing a better justification for assembling the fleet so quickly. I’m proposing eliminating the very idea that the fleet was assembled so quickly to begin with, but rather that it was already assembled by the time TROS begins. Poe’s lines are a hurdle to this change because, as one of the Resistance’s top leaders (and THE co-General by the time of the final battle), he would presumably have some idea of the fleet’s actual size.

Yeah, this make sense. I honestly expected Lando or Poe would transmit an inspiring message to the worlds much like Ezra or Mon Mothma did in Rebels, asking them to meet Lando at some kind of rendezvous point. Not saying all the people in the galaxy wouldn’t be instantly swayed by Lando’s charm but it feels a bit of a reach to think the Falcon visited the systems one by one (considering most of them were also besieged by First Order forces) in such a short span.


I really don’t see substantially modifying the culling and arrival of the civilian fleet.

And that could work with Sith voices lingering and whispering, maybe. Like I said, I’m open, but aren’t actively pushing the idea!

My stance on revising fan edits.


CaptainFaraday said:

Could someone send me the scene of the Jedi voices speaking to Rey? Even a streamable link is fine. I just want to send it to Ross (the actor who played Sors) so he can match his performance style.

Hey Cap, let me know if this won’t work for whatever reason: https://streamable.com/08cxe3

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!