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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 478


sherlockpotter said:

Well, I have no idea how to actually add the lightning into the shot; but I was able to add the sound effects of Rey’s lightning from earlier into the scene. If anyone who knows how to do the lightning effect wants to take over from here, that would be amazing!


Seeing this scene again makes me realize the potential here. I love it.

I wonder if the sound effects from Snoke in TLJ would be more fitting though, since that’s the attack we’re trying to replicate.


Is there anywhere remaining that we need a line of regular-voiced dialogue recorded (ie, not a C-3PO impression etc)?

If there is, I reckon I could get a pretty fun vocal cameo from someone Star Wars related whom I won’t presently name.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


sherlockpotter said:

Well, I have no idea how to actually add the lightning into the shot; but I was able to add the sound effects of Rey’s lightning from earlier into the scene. If anyone who knows how to do the lightning effect wants to take over from here, that would be amazing!


reminds me of this vid i saw some time back.



Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

Well, I have no idea how to actually add the lightning into the shot; but I was able to add the sound effects of Rey’s lightning from earlier into the scene. If anyone who knows how to do the lightning effect wants to take over from here, that would be amazing!


Seeing this scene again makes me realize the potential here. I love it.

I wonder if the sound effects from Snoke in TLJ would be more fitting though, since that’s the attack we’re trying to replicate.

First, I like this idea if it can be done. Second, per Jar Jar, that sound in particular may work better.

Can you imagine if someone can do that effect seamlessly (Not a long prolonged lighting, but a quick one if that helps …) As well as adding a slight smoke coming off of Finn would really sell it … I mean heck … he groans from pain.

Basically a quick lighting burst and a slight smoke/steam coming off of Finn could be neat…

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jadenkorr41 said:

sherlockpotter said:

Well, I have no idea how to actually add the lightning into the shot; but I was able to add the sound effects of Rey’s lightning from earlier into the scene. If anyone who knows how to do the lightning effect wants to take over from here, that would be amazing!


reminds me of this vid i saw some time back.


Dude, those effects look fantastic! I wonder if JXEditor would be able to add them to this new shot as well? Personally, I feel like she should just use the lightning one more time, with Finn. Blocking the lightsaber with lightning…it feels too intentional to me, too deliberate. I like the implication that she’s only able to cast it when she’s losing control, rather than her actively embracing the Dark Side here.

And Jar Jar, I feel like Rey’s lightning should have its own distinct sound from Snoke’s lightning. Base it on the person casting it, rather than the type of attack. The latter feels kind of “video-gamey.” The Rey sound effect also has a bit more “oomph” to it, I think.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I was brainstorming with JX about this when he was working on it. I like the idea but I feel Rey should only use the lightning in anger (unless it’s yellow). He did this by hand but I’m sure it’s easier using a VideoCopilot plugin. JX computer crashed last week so he’s without any way of doing VFX atm. 😦

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JX’s computer, my computer…didn’t your computer crash at some point too, MR? This project is going to kill us all haha.

The reason I was thinking about this addition was actually because of how how angry Rey looks when she pushes Finn back, so I think it works. Well, hopefully we’ll be able to figure out some way of doing the shot!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Yeah I’m pretty sure the way it’s acted out reflects that Rey is angry that Finn has followed her - effectively putting him in danger. The icing on the cake would be that when she tries to push him back to get him out of harm’s way, she literally hurts him.


Movies Remastered said:

Indeed. Didn’t Hal have issues too? I need a new computer asap. I can’t work under these conditions LOL

I agree, She’s angry through so much of this movie, Even the training scene was pretty aggressive.

That’s why I can’t wait for Rey Nobody. They actually have a semi-well set up story about Rey falling due to her own anger and darkness; but then they completely undermine it by saying the reason she might fall to Dark Side is because Palpy is her grandpa, and “the Dark Side is in her blood” or something arbitrary like that.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hello everybody. Apologies for the following, since I’m sure versions of this have happened (and keep happening) over the course of this edit’s life. I’ve been away from the site for quite a bit, and saw a YouTube video essay the other day by Royal Ocean Film Society, specifically about the phenomena of Fan Edits (I recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a very measured and interesting “outsider’s” take on the stuff that’s gone on here and at fanedits.org for over a decade now) and I don’t remember if he specifically name-dropped this project, or just implied very, very strongly that he was talking about this project, but I thought I’d come back to see if it had actually released, and lo and behold, it has… and it hasn’t! The revisions are still ongoing, and it looks like I exited stage left somewhere around page 270 or so, and have returned to page 4(k)77!

I went through a LARGE amount of these pages, and saw some very cool and interesting revisions to the revisions of the revisions in that time, but I couldn’t necessarily find any concrete answers, so I figure I’d ask them here (hence the apology at the beginning) and see if I just flat out missed them in my crawl, or if the answers weren’t there:

  1. Is Rey Nobody a forthcoming revision of this project, or is it a separate edit that will be using this as its base?

  2. All respect to everyone who worked on the mountain of additions that went into rehabbing the Mustafar Minute, but is there a version of this edit that just cuts to the chase (literally and figuratively) and opens with the tilt down to the nebula with Kylo’s Interceptor jumping into frame?



Hal wants to release a Rey Nobody version of Ascendant, but all the work on the specifics of Rey Nobody is being done in a different thread for the benefit of all editors: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/REY-NOBODY-The-Official-Fan-Editing-Thread/id/76772

Any discussion or scene edits of Rey Nobody should go there. This thread is still about Ascendant 2.0 and will be until it is released, which could be a while.

I’m sure someone out there has an edit of the opening that goes from the title crawl to Kylo in his ship, but there’s not a Hal-made Ascendant version. That idea was discussed and rejected long ago.


Thanks so much for the prompt and direct response! Very much appreciated.


sherlockpotter said:

Movies Remastered said:

I agree, She’s angry through so much of this movie, Even the training scene was pretty aggressive.

That’s why I can’t wait for Rey Nobody. They actually have a semi-well set up story about Rey falling due to her own anger and darkness; but then they completely undermine it by saying the reason she might fall to Dark Side is because Palpy is her grandpa, and “the Dark Side is in her blood” or something arbitrary like that.

This, so much this.

I have a friend that was abandoned by her parents and she sympathized with Rey when Kylo told her that “they sold her for drinking money” and Rey feeling worthless and not loved.

Due to that abandonment, my friend has several traumas including anger issues.

Rey falling to the dark side by insecurities, anger issues and traumas, is more mature than:

“I’m going to the dark side cuz vengeance and genes!!!”


Ed Slushie said:

Here’s an idea for an edit to the Battle of Exegol that uses some Vehicle Flythroughs footage:


That’s an interesting concept, It’s a shame how short the Exegol sequence is given it was the final installment, it falls really short when you compare it to Rogue One which is almost what you’d think a small spin-off amongst a massive franchise, Scarif some how got a well paced 45 minute final sequnce vs the franchise conclusion feeling rushed and only getting 20, any small extensions to Exegol by my opinion would really improve things.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Version 3 of Jon’s force ghost edit is great, I think It’ll please a lot of people who wanted some of those other characters included for their personnel edits etc. I do think the V2 force Ghost sequence that we already have with Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda and Luke should remain the same prefer the simplicity.


Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Just read the adding lightning to the scene on the death star. 100% YES! I would love see it done.


So I was going over the v1 changelog again. I don’t know exactly what the discussion was around this back when the change was made, but here is something that bugged me: regarding Rey’s necklace being analyzed and then the trooper identifying our gang on Pasaana.

This was changed to: random trooper yells freeze at our gang for no reason (he doesn’t identify them as resistance fugitives. I guess they don’t look like natives, but still struck me as very odd, not having established that the FO knows their whereabouts), followed by the Lando scene being broken in two by the “we’ve identified the necklace” scene. I don’t really see how this benefits pacing honestly, and it kinda makes less sense because of what I said earlier, and (a minor thing) we have two shots of our gang running that previously had the “we’ve identified the necklace” scene between them, but now are kinda awkwardly stitched together.

What are y’all’s thoughts on this?



The way we have things rn is actually how it is ordered in the novelization. This works better because:

  1. It makes no sense that they could identify the necklace practically the second Kylo grabs it. At least with the gap it’s slightly more believable.
  2. Poe says that there are always random First Order patrols in crowds like on Pasaana. There are mostly Aki-Aki there, so when this patrolling trooper sees a strange group of people running, it makes sense that he would ask them to stop and show some identification.

There’s perfectly enough time for the First Order to analyse the necklace in the film. The pacing makes it look that way, but it alone doesn’t determine the actual in-universe time of the movie.


Hal 9000 said:

Holy shit, jonh! That’s super fun. I do agree with the consensus, though, that the ‘phantom four’ is a better fit for inclusion within the film itself. (Honestly, part of me braced myself while watching the clip for having to defend my reasons for sticking with the ‘four’ version!)

The ‘phantom four’ is what should’ve been in the film, and this is what the fun online clip should’ve been.

I do agree that a version that makes use of the tweaked improvements to the original four ghosts without the added ghosts would be wonderful. (With purple saber.)
Also, while you’re around, jonh, do you still plan to address the handful of tiny glitches in the Jedi haircut sequence? Once that’s done Nev and I can finish up the Ach-To sequence with its nighttime look. (In case you weren’t aware, it’s going to have a sunRISE now.)

Yes! I will try to finish it soon, luke’s hair !!! I will also export the new close-up of obi wan, and that of anakin force with eyes closed !!! .)


Dex analyzed a dart in 3 seconds when the plot needed it analyzed for Obi Wan 😃

Interesting factoid I learned recently from the Art of Rise of Skywalker Book - at the time of the book’s original publishing deadlines - the lightspeed skipping scene was cut. That book apparently went to press (before getting delayed and delayed and delayed) under the assumption the theatrical version of Rise of Skywalker would NOT have that scene in it.

It’s an interesting point because: The Lightspeed Skipping being cut from this cut didn’t have a whole lot of theory being applied to it in a vaccuum to explain why or why it wouldn’t work from a storytelling perspective. It just didn’t feel like it worked, and so it had to be removed, and then the rest of the movie had to conform to that change as best as it could, and either it worked for the pacing, timing, and FEELING of the film, or it didn’t.

It ended up being a VERY good cut to make, so good that in fact it turns out at one point it was THE OFFICIAL CUT - at least, it was before the mad scramble of post-production and Abrams’ inability to stick to a single throughline and follow it, instead of basically trying to do all the cool things because they were cool and fitting them in whether they work or not.

I think there are a lot of changes being made on this edit that ironically, are being done in the exact same Abramsian spirit. They’re attempting to fix his big mistakes by using the exact same ethos: Looking at the film more in the abstract, as a theoretical exercise, and making decisions from THAT POV, rather than thinking of the film AS IT IS, making effective changes, and watching to see if they actually fix the film’s problems AS a film.

Basically - there are a lot of fixes being done whose concern starts and stops at the scene in question, and if it makes that one scene “seem” better, it’s considered a good idea and worthy of all the work being done towards its inclusion, despite the fact it’s not really helping the overall film, and now the overall film is just as busy and distracted as it originally was, only now in newly post-produced ways.


Will you get the new Force ghost sequence ready as well, jonh?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


KumoNin said:

So I was going over the v1 changelog again. I don’t know exactly what the discussion was around this back when the change was made, but here is something that bugged me: regarding Rey’s necklace being analyzed and then the trooper identifying our gang on Pasaana.

This was changed to: random trooper yells freeze at our gang for no reason (he doesn’t identify them as resistance fugitives. I guess they don’t look like natives, but still struck me as very odd, not having established that the FO knows their whereabouts), followed by the Lando scene being broken in two by the “we’ve identified the necklace” scene. I don’t really see how this benefits pacing honestly, and it kinda makes less sense because of what I said earlier, and (a minor thing) we have two shots of our gang running that previously had the “we’ve identified the necklace” scene between them, but now are kinda awkwardly stitched together.

What are y’all’s thoughts on this?

I agree with you - it also doesn’t make sense for the random stormtroopers to be be patrolling the Pasaana party A) because it’s a random desert planet that has the festival ever 42 years (priority target, guys), and B) because it doesn’t make sense for the natives to be putting on a puppet show mocking the First Order, when the First Order is right there. I even put together a mockup of them immediately running into Lando and skipping the stormtrooper entirely; but it was rejected for Ascendant. I’m also working on a potential workaround for the necklace tracking thing, so we’ll see how that goes! (Just waiting on some sound effects…)

EDIT: Alternatively, if you remove Necklace Tracking™ and the “The First Order has patrols here” line, you could play the scene as if Kylo set a trap for them on Pasaana. That’s probably the direction I’ll go with in my edit, honestly.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Is it possible to modify Palpatine’s line to, “You were just the beginning…”, during his scene with Kylo Ren? Or, “Snoke was just the beginning…”?