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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 459


Yes, but at some point you have to consider whether it’s worth removing parts of the film in order to accommodate for something that only some people take issue with.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Yes, but at some point you have to consider whether it’s worth removing parts of the film in order to accommodate for something that only some people take issue with.

On the other hand, Jar Jar, flip that around. A lot of people think the dagger plotline is stupid. Is it worth including all of that nonsense, just for the sake of one joke that only some people care about? If we have to cut a single joke in order for the story to actually make sense, I personally think that it’s worth it.

So it seems like the consensus is to use V2, but keep the “Heads up” line, and trim the gap before Rey starts talking?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


It’s not just about the joke. It’s mostly about making sure the scene at the shore is a decent length which doesn’t feel chopped up (since we already removed the dagger lining up with the wreckage).

But if everyone thinks it’s fine, then okay.


sherlockpotter said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Yes, but at some point you have to consider whether it’s worth removing parts of the film in order to accommodate for something that only some people take issue with.

On the other hand, Jar Jar, flip that around. A lot of people think the dagger plotline is stupid. Is it worth including all of that nonsense, just for the sake of one joke that only some people care about? If we have to cut a single joke in order for the story to actually make sense, I personally think that it’s worth it.

So it seems like the consensus is to use V2, but keep the “Heads up” line, and trim the gap before Rey starts talking?

I personally think the gap before Rey speaks should stay as it is, not trimmed. It lets the tension hang in the air a little more, and prevents the scene feeling rushed. The timing of the dialogue just feels more natural to me with it there.

If there’s a consensus in favour of cutting it, though, it’s not a hill I’d die on.

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


CaptainFaraday said:

sherlockpotter said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Yes, but at some point you have to consider whether it’s worth removing parts of the film in order to accommodate for something that only some people take issue with.

On the other hand, Jar Jar, flip that around. A lot of people think the dagger plotline is stupid. Is it worth including all of that nonsense, just for the sake of one joke that only some people care about? If we have to cut a single joke in order for the story to actually make sense, I personally think that it’s worth it.

So it seems like the consensus is to use V2, but keep the “Heads up” line, and trim the gap before Rey starts talking?

I personally think the gap before Rey speaks should stay as it is, not trimmed. It lets the tension hang in the air a little more, and prevents the scene feeling rushed. The timing of the dialogue just feels more natural to me with it there.

If there’s a consensus in favour of cutting it, though, it’s not a hill I’d die on.

I agree.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


sherlockpotter said:

Hal 9000 said:

And that clip works well, Sherlock! Because it’s so tight, a hilarious 3PO line might actually drown out the rest of the scene. “Is everyday like this for you people” might work best.

If we end up with a clean(ed) line about being a “highly trained resistance spy,” maybe it could replace the lines when he’s chatting with a stormtrooper on the star destroyer.

Oh man, if he said that on the star destroyer, and the Stormtrooper was just like, “Wait…what?” before immediately being shot, that would be hilarious! (Although…would his knowledge of the Resistance have been erased in the memory wipe? Hmm…)

Does anyone have this clip with the dialogue removed? I’d like to do some Stormtrooper voice audio tests.


I think we have reached a point where removing dialogue is something we don’t want to do, but now that the dagger story has been mulled over, removing the babu frik line is the way to go, but keeping the line doesn’t fit the story that is being crafted.


ThisIsCreation said:

I think we have reached a point where removing dialogue is something we don’t want to do, but now that the dagger story has been mulled over, removing the babu frik line is the way to go, but keeping the line doesn’t fit the story that is being crafted.

Yup. I was kinda neutral about the whole dagger change until it came to removing even more from the film.

But especially now that I’ve realized that it’s canonical Ochi put his own inscription onto the dagger (which was of ancient origin), I’m unsure if I’d want this idea implemented even if it didn’t involve removing more stuff.

It seems to me like a pretty easy explanation to come up with on your own, so imo it doesn’t matter much that it isn’t mentioned in the film.


Did Ochi also carve into it to match the wreckage and added the protractor? That just makes it more ridiculous, not less, and just sounds like more expanded damage control “explanations” of things that weren’t thought out in the film.

Thankfully that bit has already been removed, and with the added sith whispers there’s already an air of mysticism to the dagger that makes it seem like more of an artifact. I guess having the coordinates for the Wayfinder carved on it is no less ridiculous than a large chunk of the DSII surviving, Hux being the spy, the Sith fleet needing a signal just to take off from Exegol, or Palpatine returning for that matter. I’m also not a fan of chopping up the shore scene even more, and I’d miss the Babu Frik joke too…

However the 3PO redub is still just something being played around with, not set in stone, we’ll have to wait and see how it pans out and if it’s worthwhile. At least the new 3PO lines could probably be useful for a new hangar scene sormtrooper exchange, I’d really like to see what axlanian comes up with.


Hi, my name is Orchi.

I acquired this ancient dagger, or was it given to me? Meh, I don’t remember … but anyway Senior Decaying-Tine sent me on a mission to find his dead beat son-of-a-clone and his grandclonedaughter to either kill em, or bring her to him? I don’t remember, I was on some Spice at that time when he was giving me those instructions.

Regardless, one day I needed a break and decided ‘Hey, I should go to the DSII wreckage site’ for reasons. I was just basking in the site of it all and eventually figured out the exact location of the Master’s Wayfinder. Neat. So, I took my Compact-Smelting-FurnaceTM to adjust the blade’s design to line up with the wreckage of “that’s no moon” base since i thought it was cool. Or it was the Spice, I dunno, I just went for it. Oh and I made a pull out pointer to scratch those all-to-hard to reach areas, but also doubled as a pointer to the Wayfinder. Hopefully the wreckage landscape won’t get adjusted or moved by those fierce waves for the next several years since it would make my hard work meaningless.

I thought it would be cool to carry around a shaped dagger that pointed to the device that leads to my homeward … your know … where I am from. So I decided to inscribe a message on it, you know, for reasons. I mean, sometimes the Spice messes with my mind so I need a backup way to get home. Oh, and to stab people with it.

Anyway, I gotta go get some more Spice from my dealer JJ who said it helps him make sense of things, especially stories. He said his partner Snakey Snake Snake will give it to me as long as I don’t have a problem with tunnels. Oh well, gotta jet.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


You say “compact-smelting-furnace” as if that’s any sort of a stretch in this universe.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I’ll admit, the protractor bit is still shaky. That’s why I’m fine with that part being removed. But him modifying a Sith relic with the coordinates to a wayfinder that only he knows about? Sounds like something a narcissist would do for bragging rights for sure. What those kind of people do doesn’t have to make sense if it makes them feel special.

EDIT: Also when I say “ancient” I definitely don’t mean 30 years. Not sure where you got that impression, MR.


I’m all for anything that allows the audience’s intuition to function without being chloroformed by retcon-heavy canon stuff being hurled in reaction like so much orangutan diarrhea.

I don’t care so much about the immediate canon surrounding TROS, since it’s just antibodies rejecting a transplanted organ. I just don’t want to take radical swipes that would make this edit not at all function with the eventual 12-novel Luke Skywalker series I’ll hopefully get to read.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I’m all for anything that allows the audience’s intuition to function without being chloroformed by retcon-heavy canon stuff being hurled in reaction like so much orangutan diarrhea.

I don’t care so much about the immediate canon surrounding TROS, since it’s just antibodies rejecting a transplanted organ. I just don’t want to take radical swipes that would make this edit not at all function with the eventual 12-novel Luke Skywalker series I’ll hopefully get to read.

The good news on that front, is that Luke has never seen the Dagger before - let alone a Wayfinder - and doesn’t seem to know that the MacGuffin he’s after is a Dagger at all. Meaning we can do whatever we want with the knife, and unless that Luke Skywalker series decides to ret-con the original TROS itself, we’re in the clear.

Now, if you’re holding out for Ochi: A Star Wars Story, the Sequel-Prequel dramedy directed by Paul Feig and starring Tom Hardy as Ochi, well…you might be a little disappointed.

Also, does anyone know where I could find some “C-3PO” moving sound effects? You know, that whirring noise that his limbs make? It was in the center channel underneath the dialogue that I removed, and I’d like to add it back.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

Also, does anyone know where I could find some “C-3PO” moving sound effects? You know, that whirring noise that his limbs make? It was in the center channel underneath the dialogue that I removed, and I’d like to add it back.

I’ve added all sounds effects assigned to C-3PO from the VR game here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HwyxORkfLpp7x0VGb30dksV4NKbbhuqX/view?usp=sharing - some of them are the whirring noise, but for some reason they don’t sound exactly right to me - you may need to EQ and cut them, or find a better source.

Amazing work on all those clips, sherlockpotter. It’s Hal’s choice, but I do hope one of them is in V2.

I won’t miss the “oldest friend” joke at all, and on top of everything already mentioned, even if Babu knew they were going to Endor, I just can’t see his character sending a message to the horse people about Rey, the last hope, coming to their planet. It’s as if Watto sent a message to the Gungans to expect Padme.


dzabdehat said:

I won’t miss the “oldest friend” joke at all, and on top of everything already mentioned, even if Babu knew they were going to Endor, I just can’t see his character sending a message to the horse people about Rey, the last hope, coming to their planet. It’s as if Watto sent a message to the Gungans to expect Padme.

It wasn’t sent directly to them, it was sent to that general location on Endor for anyone to pick up. Jannah clearly has no idea who Babu Frik is based on her tone of voice. Granted, that could possibly makes things worse and not better since there could definitely be some fanatics in the area. Babu was definitely taking a gamble there.

EDIT: Just had an amusing thought. Since we made it the forest moon in this edit, perhaps he thought a bunch of Ewoks would come to their rescue lol. Then again, they can’t pick up transmissions, so rip. At least they would likely recognize 3PO.


dzabdehat said:

sherlockpotter said:

Also, does anyone know where I could find some “C-3PO” moving sound effects? You know, that whirring noise that his limbs make? It was in the center channel underneath the dialogue that I removed, and I’d like to add it back.

I’ve added all sounds effects assigned to C-3PO from the VR game here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HwyxORkfLpp7x0VGb30dksV4NKbbhuqX/view?usp=sharing - some of them are the whirring noise, but for some reason they don’t sound exactly right to me - you may need to EQ and cut them, or find a better source.

Amazing work on all those clips, sherlockpotter. It’s Hal’s choice, but I do hope one of them is in V2.

I won’t miss the “oldest friend” joke at all, and on top of everything already mentioned, even if Babu knew they were going to Endor, I just can’t see his character sending a message to the horse people about Rey, the last hope, coming to their planet. It’s as if Watto sent a message to the Gungans to expect Padme.

My man! Wow, I was not expecting 167 different sound options lol. I’ll go through them later today. Thanks so much for finding all of this audio for us!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Jar Jar Bricks said:

EDIT: Also when I say “ancient” I definitely don’t mean 30 years. Not sure where you got that impression, MR.

The dagger was made to pinpoint the location of the Wayfinder on the DSII which would’ve only been there around 30 years. The movie treats the dagger like it’s ancient but it’s not possible if that was its original purpose?

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Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

EDIT: Also when I say “ancient” I definitely don’t mean 30 years. Not sure where you got that impression, MR.

The dagger was made to pinpoint the location of the Wayfinder on the DSII which would’ve only been there around 30 years. The movie treats the dagger like it’s ancient but it’s not possible if that was its original purpose?

Who ever said that was its original purpose? Its original purpose was simply a weapon, because, you know, that’s what daggers are used for. Ochi simply modified it with Sith runes because he thought it would be cool for it to point to something only he knew about.


Lol this dagger is such a mess. "I know, I’ll take this old dagger, reforge it to be the shape of the DSII wreckage, inscribe a message on it AND ADD A POINTER to it which pinpoints a device that leads to my homeworld WHERE I AM FROM. I did this because Darth Jabrams requested a McGuffin that points to a McGuffin … which then becomes a moot point as it is destroyed seconds after it is discovered.



“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

EDIT: Also when I say “ancient” I definitely don’t mean 30 years. Not sure where you got that impression, MR.

The dagger was made to pinpoint the location of the Wayfinder on the DSII which would’ve only been there around 30 years. The movie treats the dagger like it’s ancient but it’s not possible if that was its original purpose?

Ochi simply modified it with Sith runes because he thought it would be cool for it to point to something only he knew about.

Um…what? Also, “how?” and “why?” and “huh?”

If only he knew about the Wayfinder and its location, why would he need to write directions to it? And how would he have found it in the first place? And how did Luke know about the Wayfinders?

“You there, Ochi! You look like a man who’s been to Exegol. How do Lando and I get there?”
“I’ll never tell you about the Wayfinders!”
“Oho, so there’s something called a Wayfinder involved, is there?”

Anyway, I think this is losing sight of Ascendant. Since Hal has already expressed an interest in RogueLoader’s proposed changes, I suggest moving further Dagger-lore discussions to one of the other threads.

(To be fair though, I’m getting a hilarious mental image of Ochi having a little picnic on the Endor cliff, complete with picnic basket and blanket, humming away as he slowly whittles the knife down, constantly checking to make sure it’s still aligned with the outline of the wreckage.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!