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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 347


JakeRyan17 said:

sidshady12 said:

JakeRyan17 said:

sidshady12 said:

JakeRyan17 said:

sherlockpotter said:

I typically use FFmpeg for conversions. It’s a bit more confusing to use than Handbrake, but I find that it’s faster, and the output is generally a higher quality too. Another benefit over Handbrake is that Handbrake will try to re-transcode the entire video; whereas FFmpeg can simply repackage the video and audio tracks into any other format container. In other words, it can convert your file to a compatible file type without losing any video quality.

If you just need to convert it from .avi to, for example, .mp4, you can do that really easily and quickly with this command (remove the square brackets and add the file name):

ffmpeg -i "[source file].avi" -c:v copy -c:a copy "[output file].mp4"

(In layman’s terms, this means “Run FFmpeg. Use [source file].avi as the input file. Copy the video and audio tracks without transcoding them, and output them into [output file].mp4”)

If you need to convert the audio codec - aac audio tends to work well when I’m editing - you could do that with:

ffmpeg -i "[source file].avi" -c:v copy -c:a:1 aac "[output file].mp4"

(Run FFmpeg. Use [source file].avi as the input file. Copy the video track without transcoding it. Convert the 1st audio track to .aac, and output the video and the audio track into [output file].mp4")

Except if it’s a codec issue beyond container, then it’s not solving the issue. If something is an avi, it’s not likely H.264 even though the new container of mp4 would suggest that. If a program, especially a non-linear editor, can’t read a file, it’s far more likely a codec issue than a container issue.

Also, transcoding doesn’t lose quality just because it’s changing formats. For example, to use ProRes codecs as an example, you cannot add quality that wasn’t there. So, some people will transcode H.264 into ProRes 422 or ProRes 422 HQ for editing, and scoff at using ProRes 422 LT: all have higher bandwidth than H.264 and will not have any quality loss. Look at the data rates capable from codecs, if the source codec is at a lower rate than the destination codec, you won’t lose quality (unless you set the transcode to compress the file or something). Using something too much higher in bandwidth will just create an unnecessarily large file.

FFmpeg is a good tool, but if you’re deep enough in knowing how to use codecs and such, I feel like you’d be using better tools anyway. That’s why I generally don’t recommend it to people.

Disagree on the gatekeeping of tools, FFmpeg is the perfect tool for working with re-encoding codecs, it’s not just for changing containers. There’d be no reason to need anything else other than FFmpeg and your video editor in the context of fan editing movies, working with ProRes, h264, etc. From my memory handbrake only encodes in distribution formats which is built on compression which means losing quality, and that’s what he was referring to, so I agree, I do not recommend that program for people who want to edit movies. If you want to avoid editing h264 because it can be buggy and slow, then go with a good visually/near lossless format that’s built for editing, like ProRes or DNxHD and the specific format depends on your needs, but the unnecessarily large file is the whole point so that you can have it an editing format without losing visible data, you can even use a proxy if your computer is too slow.

Not gatekeeping, it’s just a difficult tool to learn for beginners, and if you’re not a beginner you likely have better tools. That’s all I was getting at.

Most NLEs come with encoders (Final Cut has Compressor, Premiere has Media Encoder, DaVinci Resolve has it built into the main app, etc.) that are far more robust and capable, while also easier to use. My original comment was more that Handbrake can read most things, and give you an H.264 of the same quality of the source, and if you’re on a setup where you can’t edit with H.264 you can use one of those other tools instead.

I do this for a living, and I started with fan-editing. I’m just trying to give advice for every skill level, and I think giving command-line instructions for FFmpeg is not really accessible to every skill level.

I guess, just disagree at the core - because I think ffmpeg is quite easy to learn. You tell it what to do and it does exactly that, plenty of resources online. People are just scared of command prompts.

Are you referring to turning ProRes into h264 for editing because that doesn’t make any sense to me so I don’t think you are, but if you need to watch something that’s ProRes and need it in h264 then why not just export it as h264 in the first place, no additional handbrake is needed.

Also you’d be surprised, plenty of professional editors use ffmpeg in their work flow, I just think it’s giving the wrong idea to say “there’s better tools out there” because ffmpeg is one of those better tools for being free to use, the learning curve can be tough for some maybe, and yeah Disney’s not gonna bust out ffmpeg for the next Star wars films but to any editors out there ffmpeg is very solid and will fulfill all your needs for free even past just doing fan edits.

If anyone needs help setting it up feel free to DM me, I mainly use it for repackaging video and audio into different containers very quickly, or adding custom audio tracks like DTS-HD MA onto an Mp4 or Mkv that I can’t get out of premiere.

We really don’t need to get into this again… but I can assure you Lucasfilm does not use FFmpeg. I’m quite sure about that. They use Avid for editing, and DaVinci Resolve for final color on EXRs.

The main process I know of people taking their BDs and ripping them starts with making an MKV, converting that to H.264, and then converting it to ProRes or DNx if their system struggles to edit with H.264. I personally edit in those H.264s, because there’s no real reason not to with the changes I’m making.

To each their own, but if someone is struggling, and not an expert in command line, I still would not recommend a command line tool.

That’s why I said “Disney’s NOT gonna bust out ffmpeg,” yes, I know.

But ripping a blu ray in an mkv container IS already a h264 video stream, no conversion necessary, just need to swap the container which is why I recommended ffmpeg from the start, type one command line, wait half an hour and boom you have an mp4 with no quality loss, no need for handbrake or hours of waiting, no catches. “ffmpeg -i video.mkv -c copy video.mp4”

Anyways, back on topic, when the next version is finished I was just thinking I could encode a DTS HD Master Audio track for anyone that’s interested I’m not sure what kind of audio the final product has. Can’t wait.


sherlockpotter said:

Just had a thought - what if, in the Death Star fight, the clip of Leia dying is shuffled forward slightly, and spliced in as Rey is healing Kylo. Then the implication would be that Leia sacrifices herself, allowing Rey to channel her life force into her son? That also explains how Rey is able to heal a mortal wound without killing herself, like Ben did when he healed her.

Except Ben and Rey had most of their life force drained by Palpatine; Ben used the rest of his that Palpatine didn’t take to resurrect the deceased Rey.


When Kylo was stabbed he was still alive, so Rey didn’t have to die to patch it up.

When Rey beat Palpatine she died, so Kylo had to die to bring her back.

Soul for a soul, equivalent exchange, all that.


Hal 9000 said:

jonh was working on a couple fixes to the haircut scene last we heard, and then I’ll pass it to skenera to hopefully de-blue it if jonh hasn’t already.

And here’s the opening: https://vimeo.com/506231329

If anyone can do element 3d or cinema 4d, I’m working on a tie fighter planet establishing shot before the castle scene. I’ve got the models and the Mustafar clean footage but I just don’t have the time to get the lighting and speed of the ships right atm.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

jonh was working on a couple fixes to the haircut scene last we heard, and then I’ll pass it to skenera to hopefully de-blue it if jonh hasn’t already.

And here’s the opening: https://vimeo.com/506231329

Oh I thought this was going to include the Battlefront 2 troop landing and such, is that version available somewhere?


Brewzter said:

Hal 9000 said:

jonh was working on a couple fixes to the haircut scene last we heard, and then I’ll pass it to skenera to hopefully de-blue it if jonh hasn’t already.

And here’s the opening: https://vimeo.com/506231329

Oh I thought this was going to include the Battlefront 2 troop landing and such, is that version available somewhere?

Or even just the troop landing on its own in 60fps?


JakeRyan17 said:

Brewzter said:

Hal 9000 said:

jonh was working on a couple fixes to the haircut scene last we heard, and then I’ll pass it to skenera to hopefully de-blue it if jonh hasn’t already.

And here’s the opening: https://vimeo.com/506231329

Oh I thought this was going to include the Battlefront 2 troop landing and such, is that version available somewhere?

Or even just the troop landing on its own in 60fps?

We’d have to interpolate it ourselves - the video it’s from is a cinematic trailer, rather than actual gameplay, so it’s only 30fps.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Gotcha, thanks though! Might be able to slow it down through interpolation to 24fps and get rid of some of the… video-gamey feel to it.


I haven’t noticed any issues with the video game footage at all, to be quite honest, but the consensus was clear that using it would throw a lot of people.

I’m a simple man. I see something playing before me in 24fps and I accept it, I guess.

What do you have in mind, MR?

My stance on revising fan edits.


I would also suggest throwing on a subtle 35mm film grain overlay to help mask the fact that it’s a video game. The sequels were shot on film after all, so it’d fit well anyways. That + 24fps + color grading/adjusting exposure are all that I can think of to make a video game look like real footage.


Yeah, I have some gorilla grain somewhere… that’ll help.


Personally, I didn’t mind the video game footage, but I think the pacing works better without - that way, the first big, explosive bit of action is Kylo himself.

I also like the mechanical nature of Rey’s new lightsaber with its moving parts, so idk.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sidshady12 said:

I would also suggest throwing on a subtle 35mm film grain overlay to help mask the fact that it’s a video game. The sequels were shot on film after all, so it’d fit well anyways. That + 24fps + color grading/adjusting exposure are all that I can think of to make a video game look like real footage.


I’ve both worked with that exact footage in a trailer before ‘and’ have experimented with these types of filters to fairly good effect on some of the non-Star Wars upscale projects I’ve done.

Our brains are so deeply trained to expect film grain from certain sources that using a small amount of it appropriately can absolutely trick them into believing an artificial shot like game footage is real.

Having said that, what Hal’s currently got with the castle still looks quite good. The shot of the troopers landing is neat, but hardly necessary to bridge the scene and establish better pacing.

Of course, nothing would beat Disney releasing the actual Eye of Webbish Bog scene. I don’t care how ‘weird’ it was to an audience… strange creatures like this often were what made the Lucas era of Star Wars feel more like a living world, both in the PT and OT.


Release the damn deleted scenes, Disney, and give us somehting more to work with.


I don’t think they ever will, not until the negative reception to the film turns around.


Let’s start now. I love this film and everything that happens in it! Okay, now gimmie, Disney!

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


sidshady12 said:

I would also suggest throwing on a subtle 35mm film grain overlay to help mask the fact that it’s a video game. The sequels were shot on film after all, so it’d fit well anyways. That + 24fps + color grading/adjusting exposure are all that I can think of to make a video game look like real footage.

I wanna add grain to all the scenes I’ve been doing but haven’t looked yet. Is it an Pr or Ae effect? I’d like to know what setting you use if I May?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


nl0428 said:

I’ll admit, I’ve been behind on this thread due to dedicating my time to my personal life and editing projects. What exactly is the percentage status on V2?

I know there’s also a Rey Nobody version in the pipeline eventually, which I’m very excited for, but I know Hal said would take a while. What’s the current percentage status on Rey Nobody?

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


CaptainFaraday said:

nl0428 said:

I’ll admit, I’ve been behind on this thread due to dedicating my time to my personal life and editing projects. What exactly is the percentage status on V2?

I know there’s also a Rey Nobody version in the pipeline eventually, which I’m very excited for, but I know Hal said would take a while. What’s the current percentage status on Rey Nobody?

Due to the work still needed to be done with the base TROS, Hal hasn’t been directly working on Rey Nobody yet.

General work for Rey Nobody (as in, not just for Hal’s edit) has been discussed in its own seperate thread:



Neerb is right; I basically plan to just implement the bits and pieces needed to make a comprehensive Rey Nobody edit once they are generated and complete. That thread is the best place to keep tabs on that.

I’m basically just the guy at the far end of the assembly line, as far as that’s concerned.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

What makes that ROTS footage any better than the one already in TROS?

There’s no planet shot in TROS. Adding the 3 Tight fighters makes it a little more seamless rather than jumping straight into the castle shot, imo.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

jonh was working on a couple fixes to the haircut scene last we heard, and then I’ll pass it to skenera to hopefully de-blue it if jonh hasn’t already.

And here’s the opening: https://vimeo.com/506231329

Sorry if I missed something important, but why exactly isn’t the dimmed window castle shot included in this?


Sorry to be a party pooper, but with or without the dimmed windows, I’m not sure that the castle shot works for me. It just feels like it doesn’t belong in the scene.